Revit :: 2013 Crashing When Editing Floors
May 21, 2012
My REVIT 2013 is crashing my PC when I click on 'Finish' after editing a floor. Whilst the file is only 38MB I have the horrible feeling that these fatal error happenings may be due to a system shortfall on my machine rather than a software malfunction. I have a Pentium 4 MicroATX M/B 3.0Ghz CPU with 4GB RAM, running on Windows 7 Professional (64bit).
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Apr 23, 2012
Having problem of Revit 2013 crashing when they go to close a large revision cloud? it doesnt seem to do iit with a smaller cloud, but when you click the green checkmark to close a large one such as clouding a large plan it shuts down with no option to save.
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Jan 11, 2013
We just upgraded a project from 2012 to 2013. After upgrading, there are two floors which do not show up as cut in any sections (they displayed correctly in 2012). The two floors in question appear in the section, but not as cut elements (no cut pattern) and it is showing edges of the floor that should be well behind where the section is cut. One floor is 8" concrete and has been made to slope using the modify sub elements command. The other floor is a variable thickness floor modified in the same way to be the earth below the concrete floor since the topo is not nimble enough to follow the shape of the concrete floor.
I tried remodelling the floors. No luck.
I can model it in a separate file, cut sections in that file and have it display correctly. If I insert or paste that into the main model, it goes back to displaying incorrectly.
Our structural engineer had copied the lake floor into their model which is linked into ours, so I deleted the lake floors in the structural model, reloaded it and then remodeled the floors again. And it worked... in only one of the dozens of sections that show the lake floors! So that's one more than before...
In one of the attached images you can see the sloping lake floor and the earth floor below it as it should appear and in the other image you see them both in elevation rather than section. The 3d image shows the lake floor and the surrounding "earth floors". The center of the lake floor is 7'-0" below the outermost perimeter of the floor.
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Jan 14, 2013
I'm new to Revit, and some how have set two floors to display as translucent - I've checked online, but have not found how to correct this.
Can somone tell me what I have done wrong - and how to fix it?
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May 9, 2011
I am doing some tests to export my model out to IFC. The slabs and walls do not line up. Revit 2012?
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May 2, 2012
I'm just a novice when it comes to this program, a student in High school so I'm not very familiar with it.
Why is it that when I change one floor's surface (tile,carpet, ect.) and then make a seperate floor on the same floor but with a different surface, it changes BOTH floors like they are instances of each other?
How can I add a surface to individual floors on the same level? Ex. Carpet in living room, Tile in Bathroom.
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Apr 19, 2012
My floor structure has a finish layer of carpet that's a 1/2" thick. When I build this however, my doors and full height windows won't go down to the carpet, they'll go down to the sheathing and the carpet will cut in around it all. So how do I get my carpet to cut itself out of the way of my doors/ windows like it does with my walls? Take a look at the pic (sans walls) to see the carpet intersecting with my frames.
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Mar 2, 2011
I assigned to each mass floor an usage, and my schedule functions well . That tool is wonderful, isn't it?
But I would want to display each usage in a different color, to show my client how I am organizing the building. Is this possible? Mass floors seems not to have a color or material property.
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Aug 23, 2011
I have an issue with a label family made to represent the room dimensions. When inserted in a room with the floor without slope, the family works fine, but when inserted on a space with the floor modified for slope porpouse the family is not visible. Does the floor slope modify the visibility of the family? See the attached image, where the shower has the floor modified and the family is not visible.
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Aug 14, 2013
I have a model with multiple floors. When I am in Level 2, with Level 1 as an Underlay I can still edit walls and other objects from Level 1. I know there is a way to lock the Underlay, I just can't make it work. Pinning the entire Level 1 is not an options, because this is not View dependent.
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Mar 22, 2013
I have a situation of one sloped floor connecting two horizontal floors. They build together a continuous surface.
I need to join them and have the layers be continuous along the structure. If they were roofs, no problem, I could use the "roof by extrusion" command.
Should I do that? If I try to use floors.....
When I model them as three separate floors, and then Join them, it doesn't work. meaning that the layers within the floor don't match (well, they can't, in fact! I have to move the floor behind!)
If I model one single floor and then add split lines, and move them... it does work. BUT..... I have a stairs on top of it! the stairs have a different slope than the floor, and i need to build a variable layer that fills the void between the floor and the stairs.
So my hypothesis was: I put a sloped floor through the slope arrow... and then adjust one variable layer to do the inflill...
My dream would be to join then floor and stairs.... The material is the same
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Jun 19, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet of floor plans that does not show the next floor down on each floor plan but I can't seem to find out how to do it. My lecturer said it made the floor plans 'confusing and difficult to read' but other than photoshopping them out or something I'm stuck See attachments for exactly what I mean. I have just installed revit achitecture 2014.
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Jul 6, 2011
What Revit 2012 setting makes walls and floors disappear when rendering is selected?
I have a Revit 8.1 project that renderes the model just fine. When I import it into Revit 2010 it also remders the model but I have to reassign the custom finishes. But when I upgrade it to 2012 and render - the walls and floors are suddenly missing!
See attachment.
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May 11, 2012
I downloaded the latest Gimp 2.8 for Mac. Every time I try to edit text it crashes on me. The error log can be found at the thread I opened at Apple [URL]
Here is part of it:
Process: X11.bin [5646]
Path: /Applications/Utilities/
Identifier: org.x.X11
Version: 2.3.6 (2.3.6)
Build Info: X11server-850300~2
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Xquartz [5643]
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Dec 17, 2012
I'm using Illustrator CS6, Windows 7, Intel(R)Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 64 bit operating system. I use the pattern editing feature a lot, and recently it's starting crashing, usually when I try to save after editing in the pattern mode (it's only just started doing this). I don't know why it's started doing this, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the complexity of the pattern.
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Aug 2, 2011
When I create my merge document, regardless of how many pages, I will need to make edits to some of the text. Corel will randomly crash when I try to edit the text. Every time. I have lots of work to do and have not the time to deal with this.
Using Corel Draw X4 v14.0.0.701
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Jul 20, 2011
I have a project that was started in revit 2009. It was upgraded to 2011. It kept crashing on me so I decided to just start from scratch with a new 2011 file. I transferred the walls from the file that kept crashing. Just as I finished up with the exterior shell, it crashes again. "Revit has encountered a serious error. You can save a backup file or cancel and keep working" I try to save the backup file, but revit just closes. I open the file and work for a few minutes and it crashes again...this happens over and over. I have audited and purged. Why am I still having the crash problem when I started from scratch? Is it because I have transfered project standards (walls only) from an earlier version? Is it bringing with some kind of glitch from 2009?
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Oct 11, 2012
I using a 27inch iMAC and running boot camp (WIN 7 Pro 64bit). 16GB RAM. Using NAS network storage.Graphic card. but still slow and crash it is the win 7 aero theme will affect the autocad?
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Jun 6, 2012
I have just started using 2013, and everything works just fine, with the exception of trying to plot. I am able to plot to PDF, but if I try to send a job to any of my network printers/plotters, AutoCAD crashes.
I am on a Dell Optiplex 990, Windows 7 Pro, 32bit, Intel Core i7 proc, 8GB RAM
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Feb 18, 2013
When plotting from AutoCAD Map 3D 2013, after 7-8 plots, the programme crashes (with a warning to report the crash to Autodesk). This happens whether we plot to pdf or to the printer (HP 5500dn). This is happening to every user in my office. We print across a University wide network for the printer (which I think is using the HP Universal Print Driver), but the pdf creator is on each individual machine (no network needed). It's irritating when you are trying to plot 15-20 figures and have to keep re-starting AutoCAD.
The machines are Viglen, 64bit, Windows 7, 8GB RAM, 3.3GHz.
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Jun 5, 2013
We have two computers running AutoCAD 2013 with Windows 7 64 bit and both crash regularly on save and close with about 2/3 of the drawing files. Typically it won't crash if I have only one drawing file open and then save and close. With more than one file open the system crashes regularly on both computers. Our service pack updates are current.
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Sep 11, 2012
I've got a recurring problem with using hatch patterns on 2013. Importing a new hatch pattern more than often than not results in Inventor winding up the memory usage on the PC to bursting point as it runs through "Calculating containment of profile areas" that seems to be called when previewing a hatch pattern.
The problem seems to be with more complex patterns (I'm using a stone wall type hatch - mountainledge.PAT is a prime example) and I think the issue is related to the scaling factor used. IF you remember to wind the scale up BEFORE trying to preview the pattern you can get away with a few minutes of down time, but if you leave the scale at 1 its goodnight!
It would be nice if Inventor could warn you (a bit like it does if you foolishly opt for a huge part array) becasue not only do you lose your inventor files but also any other unsaved app data as in my case my Dell M6500 PC just dies as all available memeory just gets swallowed up.
Perhaps I should try multiplying the co-ords in the PAT file by 25.4 as it could be that we use the poorer cousin of the good old inch system. metric???
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Oct 24, 2013
We have our AutoCAD2013 freezing for at least 4 times a day, on all 5 Computers.
I want to do that Customer Error Reporting thing, but no Window appears after the Crash, and I haven`t found it in the options yet.
The Computers are 3 x Fujitsu Esprimo P900 with an additional Graphic Card.
Intel Core i3, 3.3 GHz and 6 to 8 GB Ram.
2x is Windows 7 64bit and one is 32bit with 4GB RAM.
And the other two are Fujitsu Celsius M470 with 3.46GHz and 8GB RAM. NVIDIA Quadro 6000.
All Patches and Updates of AutoCAD2013 are installed. Why it crashes, why the CER doesn't appear?!
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Jun 26, 2012
Last week we upgraded to ACA 2013 from ACA 2012.
I am now having issues any time I try to insert a Block into any drawing - I get a Fatal Error.
I have uninstalled & reinstalled this afternoon but I am still having the same issue.
It happens when I am trying to insert blocks from both the Design Centre & also from Tool palettes.
Other users in my office do not have this problem, the only difference between my set-up & theirs is that I have installed the 'AEC Section Display & Tag Scale Hotfix' but I have tried uninstalling this but had the same results.
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May 18, 2012
Having IV2013 periodically crashing while trying to sort out the new appearances.
its never the same actions it could be updating, saving etc. and IV crashes out.
The new appearances have done nothing but cause issues with us since IV2013 was installed. we are all wishing we stayed on IV2012.
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May 27, 2013
I'm trying to migrate our styles library from Inventor 2011 to 2013 using the style library manager. I have the current (2013) library loaded in the first slot, and my old 2011 library loaded in the second slot. Under the 2011 library, the Migrate button is active.
I click Migrate, and after telling me it can take up to 2 minutes to migrate the library, it proceeds. After about two minutes, I get a progress box generated by Inventor (not the style library manager) that indicates it is copying some 1300 files from one location, to another. I can't tell if it is the same location or not, as the filepaths are truncated in the progress box.
As it finishes, usually with one file remaining, I get the "Autodesk Inventor 2013 Has stopped working" error. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly etc. etc.
I do not relish having to go back and manually define all my styles.
Context: Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, Win 7 Pro, 12 GB ram. I've tried both with and without my antivirus realtime scan on.
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Oct 27, 2012
I have an issue with the student version of Maya 2013. This issue is reproducible in my environment when I try to align an edge to a snap point pressing the V key and move the edge with the move tool. May 2013 hang then and I have to close it ending the task in the task manager.Many times I deleted the Maya folder in my documents folder in order to start from the scratch, but it hangs again if I try the procedure i described above. Some times it take more time until Maya hang, some times after a few moves.I have installed Maya 2013 many times from the scratch, deleting before all the directories in the different locations (as described in an Autodesk paper).I have to run Maya 2013 while I need to export my files with an exporter which just work in the 32bit version of Maya.
In the Event log viewer from Windows 7 x64 there are two records during this hang:
Fault bucket 50, type 5
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0
Problem signature:
P1: maya.exe
P3: 4f44e75c
P4: 6ca2
P5: 2048
Attached files:
These files may be available here:
Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 382b88ab-2041-11e2-82ba-3860770f5418
Report Status: 0
The second one:
The program maya.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
Process ID: 18a8
Start Time: 01cdb44cd78b5da1
Termination Time: 65
Application Path: D:PROGRAMSMaya2013inmaya.exe
Report Id:
Installed Maya on three different hard disks (one is a SSD)but no difference.Below my hardware:
HP HPE H8 Desktop Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 64bit Windows 7, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti with 4MB RAM.
I know that my graphic card is not in the hardware compatibility list and I will replace them with an ATI V5900 which is on the list.
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Jan 10, 2013
So I have been getting a fatal error "INTERNAL ERROR: !dbobji.cpp@8743: eNotOpenForWrite" when I try to export to 2010 CAD.
I have worked out that it happens when pipes are displayed in the profile view.
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Jun 3, 2013
A user can change a text parameter by clicking on an associated tag, at which point parameters values in the tag turn blue and allow the user to change the text value. Is there a way to disable this? I want the 'properties worksheet' to be the only place to edit the tag values.
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Mar 8, 2012
I've been away from Revit for awhile. Isn't there an easier way to edit lines in elevations without creating dozens of masking regions to hide model lines from walls, roofs etc.?I thought in older versions, (I'm currently on 2012), that you could just select lines to make them invisible.
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Feb 23, 2014
How do I edit the points in the toposurface programatically? Like the elevations all increase 2 times the original one.
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