Revit :: Disable Editing Of Parameters Through Associated Tag
Jun 3, 2013
A user can change a text parameter by clicking on an associated tag, at which point parameters values in the tag turn blue and allow the user to change the text value. Is there a way to disable this? I want the 'properties worksheet' to be the only place to edit the tag values.
I have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.
I have linked my inventor drawing to excel to adjust some parameters. Is it also possible to have a enable/disable function in excel so a part in an assembly can be disabled at will?
I have a configurator assembly, which is controlled with an iLogic rule.
one of the parts is being changed in a lot of ways according to the different configurations. But in one of the Configurations the part must be suppressed, which works fine, however next time i run the rule i get an error message from all the other instances where it would change a parameter if the part was active.
I have tried adding if [the configuration that makes the part suppressed] = False then, in the beginning of the the code that fails, to simply prevent it from running, but it still makes an error.
and as you can see i have a lot of lines where the part normally would be configurated.
Error on Line 628 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Error on Line 629 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Error on Line 633 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Error on Line 634 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. [code]........
I don't understand how to enclose the argument in parentheses.
i have an object z rotation affecting another objects x position, but the problem is its affecting the x position but going the opposite way, is there a way to edit that so i can have it go the opposite way?
In my workflow, I am constantly editing symbols. However, when I enter a symbol, the stage is "darkened". The result is that I cannot effectively gauge colors as I edit symbol elements. How can I disable this "darkening" and see the normal colors?
I am using one assembly for this project and of course the existing surface does not always work well with one assembly so I have been using the corridor section editor to adjust each station individually. Attached is a picture of my first station, I started with a 3:1 fore slope (left side) and have changed it to a 2:1 slope. However, my ditch line elevation did not adjust and my parameter editor will not let me adjust the beginning elevation for the ditch line. I am curious as to what the simple solution is for this so my ditchline and back slope or slope to surface will be portrayed correctly.
I may be missing something obvious in Revit. I'm wanting to Export my model to use in Navis and QTO, when I send it out I can see the out of the box Revit parameters, but none of my customised ones. Is there a way to make the dwf/dwfx take all object properties out?
Is it possible to concatenate 2 parameters into one in Revit. So I want the door parameters (i.e. Width, height) to be automatically generated by the family. I want those two parameters to be joined in one field width x height. This is what the department wants.
If I can't then I can't. I know earlier versions of Revit could not concatenate. This is one example but there re several instances where I want (2) separate fields/ parameters to report into one field that can then be used fro a schedule.
When I go to Edit Shared Parameters and then the create button I get an error message "The Shared Parameter file was not saved successfully". I am stuck at this point and cannot go any further. What is causing the problem and how can I work around this. I am using Revit Architecture 2011.
I have a pile family where i have created a Shared Text parameter under Identity data called Vert Load. I have nested this into a pile cap family in several locations and have the same Shared Text parameter. If i select the pile in the pile cap family i have the option to put a value in the properties dialogue box under Vert Load. The pile cap family is now loaded into my project and the parameters shared in the project. When i select the Pile cap in my project then i have the option to add a value for the Vert Load but in this pile cap i have 3 piles and i want to give different values for each. When i select an individual pile within the Pile cap family then the Vert Load value is greyed out.
I want these vert Loads to appear in a schedule... I've attached a couple of images.
I have been having this issue in both Revit Architecture 2012 and 2013. I have loaded in my parameters for my title blocks ("Addition", "City, State, Zip", "Address", and "Lot#/Block#) in the same way I have done it in any other project. but for some reason in this project after I have loaded in my parameters and set them to my sheets and I am still not able to select them and edit them on my sheets.
I am making a Schedules for metal flashings that i have added to my project. I have not had any problems using shared parameters to get the length of my line based families and everything is working fine.
But now comes the tricky part. I need to somehow add a parameter that would roundup my real lengths to my production lengths. f.eks i have couple flashings that are 2569mm And what i would like the schedule to show is that I have couple of 3000mm flashings.
I am currently using Civil 3D 2011 and 2012 but soon making the jump to 2013.In my project I want to able to present a 3D-object from Civil 3D 2011 to Navisworks, eg the body of a road. I am doing this currently with the add-on program from Autodesk Labs named Corridor Solids. The several different 3D-objects that represent the different layers of the road body needs to have a certain set of parameters. For instance, Name, Dimensions, Material and so forth.
Currently, the only thing that I can present in Navisworks is the layer name that I associate to that object when I export it from Civil 3D with Corridor Solids.Is there a way, in vanilla Civil 3D or perhaps an add-on program that I can use to associate more parameters to a solid?
I created one panel family. On plan view, I added two parameter for just width and lenght (Picture 1), but at the same time, I cannot added parameter for adjust the angle in the elevation plan(Picture 2) .
I am a student working on a research project exploring the integration of LEED criteria with BIM software, and I am exploring the use of both Revit and Excel to accomplish this task. One major problem that I am running into though, is with Shared Parameters.
I have created a set of LEED-specific shared parameters in Revit. These parameters are things like "Plumbing Fixture Family," "Plumbing Fixture Type," "Ventilation Zone," "Refrigerant Use," etc... basically different parameters that will inform an Excel spreadsheet containing formulas to calculate, ultimately, the total points awarded for each LEED credit.
My problem, is that in Excel, the names of the values for these shared parameters need to be very specific in order for it to work with the formulas I have created. What I need from Revit is the ability to create a shared parameter with a drop-down menu containing a set number of options that can be applied to any component in a project, so this can be done early-on in Revit, rather than after-the-fact in Excel. Such as choosing the type of refrigerant used in HVAC&R equipment (and yes, you could just type the refrigerant type into a text parameter field, but if it's not typed exactly as it is in the pre-determined formula it is associated with in Excel, it will return an error in Excel, which is less than desirable - a drop down would reduce/eliminate the margin of error).
Is there any way to accomplish this task? From what I have found online, this is only slightly possible in Family Parameters - I haven't found anything about Shared Parameters.
Having now worked out a method of adding custom labels to sheets via a shared parameter file I want to know if there is an easier way of making these parameters fully functional in any project without having to set project parameters in the file.
The method is (assuming starting with New > Family > Titleblock or some sort of Sheet family ):
Create shared param .txt file (Manage>Shared Params>Create) - then browse for that new file to load (within Edit family sheets)Group>New then Params>new (make sure param names are unique and distinct from system parms for text labels) - set Type to TextThen addtext label (add param at bottom LHS > Select > Edit > Browse to open shared param file) then add your custom param to Label Params table.When the sheet is loaded into a project the custom labels will not be editable.
This is the annoying bit having to set up proect params in each project:Manage > Proj Params > Add > Shared Param > Select > Edit > Browse to shared param file > select each custom param in term > OK >Group Param = Title Text and set Category to Sheets. The custom parameter will now be editable (each shows as ? and not been able to find a way of showing a default label text.
Is it really necessary to do this (step 5) with every project file or is there a way of loading a custom sheet and setting project parameters automatically?
Also is there any way of adding (or editing) params to the System Family for drawing sheets. An example is scale where the sys param updates to the first loaded view scale, then if a different scale vies is loaded, changes to "As indicated". I prefer to quote the main scale. Additionally the System file date param is the current date. My preference is set the date to first issue and then list revision dates separately (which is a common company standard in the UK).
Is it possible to add parameters to the project information list? For example I am using the project address parameter in my sheet borders for the full street address of a project. However on the cover sheet the project address is listed as ciry and state only. I know how to create a label parameter for the address on the cover sheet, but I would like to add that label to the project information family to keep all of that information in one place.
How do I apply a Project Parameter (not Shared Parameter) that I created in Manage> Settings > Project Parameters to an existing element.
Following the instructions under Creating a Project Parameter in WikiHelp for Revit 2013, I created a Project Parameter called "Equipment ID" (common, text, text) in Manage> Settings > Project Parameters. In the process I clicked the Modify button and assigned it to all Categories by checking all boxes. However, when I opened the family editor for a piece of electrical equipment, selected an element (an extrusion), and then went into the Family Types dialog and clicked Add Parameter, it did not give me the option of adding Project Parameters, only Shared Parameters.
WikiHelp, under "Project Parameters", states "Project parameters are parameters you define and then add to multiple categories of elements in a project", but does not say how to "add" them to the element and doesn't direct me to another section that dose.
We have centralized our content for our Revit users. We then customize the ini file to insure the paths look to the network locations.
One of my users has said that the proper and only recommended way to update the shared parameters file is while you are in Revit (I.E. have the path to the shared parameters file look to the network location instead of locally) so it updates on the fly. I didnt want to do that as I do not want to alter the "master" copy of the content we have on the network. I'd prefer that the user updates it locally, then we can just copy the file and overwrite the older file on the network.
I find nothing that says it is, but I prefer to explore all options and avenues first.
Are there any neat tricks to scaling a DWG inside a block with parameters? I would assign a scale factor parameter to Instance Scale but as I can't I'm looking for a workaround.
I have a some 2D elevation trees that I want in my 3D tree block and alI just want to control the height. The problem is that if I explode the DWG in a family everything just disappears .
I am trying to add LEED parameters to a floor type in the Type Properties. That can be seen when I create a schedule? I am unsure if this is possible but it is something we would like to incorporate in our models.
Is there a way to display the HW Group within the door tag? I'm working on a new door tag for our office, and they have requested that HW Group #s be displayed, so the door installer knows which hardware group to install.
I find type parameters (width, Mark, Manufacturer, Etc) but no Instance parameters (HW Group, door materials, etc)
Would I need to make a shared parameter for this?
I can schedule HW Groups, so shouldn't I be able to tag them as well?
Looking at a standard door type, the Internal Concept Single Door, I've noticed that it has some parameters set as a Shared Parameter?
Where is the shared parameters file for this?
I'm setting up an office template for use of these, and losing the default functionality is not wanted, if necessary I'll integrate the defaults into my own shared parameters file.
I want to add parameters to my projects for consultants (type, name, company name, address, etc.) in a way that isn't deleted by updating a titleblock.
Currently my consultants are just text objects in the titleblock family that are not saved back to a default titleblock. If I reload the titleblock they get replaced by whatever default text was part of the default titleblock. I also have different titleblocks for different sheet types within the project, for example cover sheet, sheet, sketch, etc.
What I want is for this information to be part of the Project Information so I can make changes there without editing the titleblock family. I want them to function like the parameters for Client Name, Project Address, etc. and catagorize them in some generic way like Consultant A, Consultant B, etc. because not every project will have civil engineer or sprinkler designer.
I got as far as trying to create a lable in my titleblock family but when I tried to add a Category Parameter for the first lable, let's call it Consultant A Type, I get a mostly grayed out Parameter Properties dialog where the only clickable option is to select a Parameter Type, all of which are grouped under IFC Propertires and non of which seem to apply. There's no Project Information group. How do I create these lables and parameters?
Is there any way to delete or rename door parameters that show up once a door is loaded into a project but do not exist in the actual door family? I have made two shared parameters called "Frame Material" and "Door Material", and my schedules and tags are working properly with them... but when I select a door's properties there are two "Frame Material"s (one I did not create and cannot delete) and an extra "Finish" that I do not need now that I have my shared parameter.