Photoshop Elements :: Editing Guided Mode Not Working
Nov 28, 2012
Using the editing "Guided" mode of Photoshop Elements 11 the working progress line hangs at 75% and Guided mode not works ! The "Quick" and "Expert" mode, instead, working well. I specify that I use Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and I don't have Antivirus or Firewall activated..I have already tried to delete all Preferences, all Elements 11 cache folders, etc., tried to uninstall and re-install the Software..
I get black blobs whenever I drag my cursor to mark the area specified to be in focus. Am I missing a setting to make that blackened area invisible? When I click "done" the part of the photograph to be in focus is still covered with black.
I have Elements 11 (version 11.0), running on Mac OS 10.7.5. The QUICK and EXPERT modes work well but the GUIDED mode never stops initializing. I see that the initializing window opens when I switch to QUICK but when I switch back to GUIDED the Initializing bar is always somewhere in the middle and never moves to the end.
I have used PSE 5 happily and greatly liked the auto sharpen feature. I have been forced to upgrade to PSE 11 due to Windows 8 incompatibility with 5.
I am appalled to find that the sharpen feature, including auto, does not work in Quick or Guided modes. The small previews in Quick mode show the correct sharpening effect but clicking on them or using the slider does not transfer to the main image. I either have to go into full unsharp mask, which I hate for quick fixes, or use the 'adjust sharpness' option under 'filter' in Quick or Guided Mode, which increases sharpness by an unspecified amount on each click.
I bought and downloaded PSE11. However, I don't think I disabled my virusware. It took an especially long time to download and I don't know if it downloaded correctly. My blur tool does not work and my "guided" options are not there. What is the easiest fix- uninstall and remove the serial number then reinstall using same serial number? My question with this is- how many times can I do this, and or is there an easier fix? I have PSE11 and LR4 and I am going back and forth between which one to use. I really need all the options to work from PSE11.
I only had Adobe Photoshop for about 2 months now. I have been using the Low Key tool in guided alot. Here recently I went to edit a photo and my reduce effect button tool will not work. I tried everything from restarting my computer and the program. I love using this tool but I can not get the reduce effect to work.
I bought elements 11 and while in editor, i cannot get the "guided" tab to initialize. The other tabs work jut fine, but the guided tab will not open. This is the one that will probably be used the most. What do I need to do? I am using the MAC version.
Using Photoshop Elements 10. I am unable to edit an Adjustment Layer. When I double click the layer thumbnail or click layer content options, nothing happens. This is the case with new files as well as files that had adjustment layers created with Photoshop Elements 6. Fill layers work ok, but adjustment layers such as Levels and Hue/Saturation won't work....
I have installed actions / effects which i have paid for and have finally got them working in EXPERT mode but now when I go into GUIDED mode into PSE 11, I have no editing options to chose from (for example the cropping option, straightening, vignetting, EVERYTHING is gone)
What have i done and how do I get these options back?
I have checked the brush is in black and in normal mode. It just will not edit when I add a layer or layer mask. It has always worked fine up until yesterday
I have tried to upload the software many times with no luck. I also have Elements 11 on the same computer and it works very well. I do not understand why 12 will not work. Since I first installed 12 I have been using it in the Expert mode which seems to work.
Several months go I installed Photoshop Element 11/ Premier Elements. Both worked fine. Now in Elements I cannot access the Quick or Guided Editing space whereas before I could. Can only access the Expert Space now. Did not fool with any of the settings.
I have a Mac running OS 10.7. I have Photoshop Elements 10.
When I select the Guided Edit tab, there are no options available. The only tools are zoom, hand, and set foreground color. Everything else is gone. The open file is centered in the blank page, and most of the menu items are unavailable, with the exception of filters.
I have uninstalled and re-installed the program and rebooted. I have also deleted the two database files, as suggested in another post, and they were rebuilt.
I have read enough of the help file to know that there are supposed to be guided edit options available, such as actions, enhance colors, etc. The menu bar has very few options available from the guided edit window. In fact, the only way to get back to the full edit window is to shut down and restart the program.
Just getting used to elements 11 - the tilt shift in the guided edit does not change when I click on the icon, then click and drag. I am sure I am following instructions correctly, but nothing changes when I try to rezone the area I wish to have showing without blur. I could do in operation in the expert mode, but it should work in guided edit.
Have been working within a new layout. Inserted border & titleblocks. Then I created several viewports and established those views. Some how now all items created on the border layer [borders/titleblocks] do not display. They do how ever plot and preview. Did i enter into some editting mode to just viewport? How do I restore?
I want to butt two films together (which were made separately and titled separately) and currently still exist as project files within the suite and turn them into ONE film with some small further editing.
I'm using Illustrator CS6, Windows 7, Intel(R)Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 64 bit operating system. I use the pattern editing feature a lot, and recently it's starting crashing, usually when I try to save after editing in the pattern mode (it's only just started doing this). I don't know why it's started doing this, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the complexity of the pattern.
I am running PS CS5 12.1 on Mac OS 10.7.4 and all of a sudden I cannot open any file in Application Bar mode (I can see the preview of the file I want to open as a Layer thumbnail, but it won't open on the screen). However, all is OK in Application Frame.
Ever requested multi-image editing capabilities which would allow you to see more than one graphic (full size) on the screen at once? I'm constantly editing multiple graphics at once (often copy/paste into one or the other), or comparing two graphics side by side, and I REALLY miss this interface from the old version of Paint Shop Pro. (Not the new, devil version of PSP by that spyware bloatware peddling "Corel" company, I mean real PSP (version 5 or so), by JASC. Corel ruined that program! )
If this is possible to do in Paint.NET easily, another thing would be to provide a way to auto-layout multiple open image windows (attempt to arrange all open windows so that each image is fully visible with no window overlaps).
Lightroom is getting hung up when "Preparing file for editing" while trying to edit in external programs. Lightroom 4 did it when I tried to edit in Silver Efex Pro. Now I have a new computer and Lightroom 5. Lightroom 5 just started doing it when trying to edit in Silver Efex Pro AND Photoshop CS5.
i have 3 layers in photoshop. Backgroundlayer1layer2Now on layer 2 i did a selection and entered into quick mask mode and then applied gussian blur.
When this is done does the selection borders try to blend with the back ground or will they try to blend with the layer 1 as it is the layer just behind the layer 2. In case if there is no background, I mean if all three are layers then what happens?
I'm now suddenly unable to use Full Screen Mode.I have a PC, and always would use the 'F' key to toggle between screen modes. But when I do this now, the screen just wobbles then stays in the standard screen mode. Even if I go to View --> Screenmode --> Full Screen Mode, the same thing happens.
I may sound like an idiot, but I'm confussed about this full screen mode. I'm taking a digital imaging class and we use Macs and PScs there. At home I have a PC with PS7. In school, I can work in full screen mode and pan the image out from under the palettes. I can't do this on my home PC. Is there a way to make this work or is it a Mac or PScs feature?