I don't know if this is possible at all in Illustrator, but I want to align objects to text paths. Look at the following example.
I start with something like a circular hierarchy, that I get as an output from another program. These are only lines and text. Now I want to add a flag behind the text. This flag should have the same orientation as the text path.
As this hierarchy is actually pretty big (this is only a snippet), I don't want to rotate all the flags manually. I tried to do it manually with the below example, but it still doesn't looks right...
Is this a proper method to rotate the flags according to the orientation of the text paths in Illustrator?
When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]
In AI, smart guides indicated "intersection" when I am drawing a path or moving an object to align to the intersection of two guides, when I release the mouse, the object I am moving/drawings jumps slightly off the intended alignment intersection. If I continue to try to move it to align, it jumps to the other side or back to where it was but will mot match the intersection.
I have done a completely clean install of Creative Cloud CS6 on my mac on Mountain Lion. First time opening Illustrator, and I cannot center two vector objects on each other. Rather, when I click to center them (vertically or horizontally) it actually pushes them further apart! It also appears to be arbitrarily selecting another object on my art board when I select these two (there is no grouping overlap, it makes no sense). I've looked around before, and have 'align to selection' checked, and 'snap to grid/snap to point' unchecked in the 'view' dropdown. Going to try to trash my preferences, but this is literally the first time I've opened it, so I can't see how that would be an issue!
I use this tool CONSTANTLY in what I do, so this is really troubling.
Say I have a group that consists solely of five triangles. Is it possible to use simultaneously align or distribute functions on while selecting just those five triangles? It seems like I can align up to four triangles at a time within the group, but when I select all five Illustrator interprets that I'm trying to align the entire group with another object outside of that group. Key objects don't seem to be supported in this situation.
how can I align a group of objects to the center of the artboard or elsewhere. Rt now it aligns each object in the group to the center, but I need the group as a whole to be centered.
Simple solution to aligning selected items to the artboard. I was going to create an action but then realized it would be more convenient for me to include it in my script file....I have a script to align objects with each other but they dont align to the artboard.
I have a complex vector group of objects (logo) that uses text, paths, etc... I am duplicating this grouped object, and trying to design a press wall with the logo repeated multiple times. I duplicate the logo multiple times and place them on the page, but when I try to use the "distribute objects" tool, it breaks up my logo(s) into their consituent objects and distibutes the pieces on the page, which is very annoying... how do I keep my logo together AND be able to distribute it evenly across my banner?
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
Align Objects feature is not working in trial version of Illustrator CC. Brand new MacBook Pro, have tried rebooting etc. Is this a software bug or a limitation of trial version?
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
Being new to AI, I find that as I draw paths, sometimes I would like to view them without all the anchors and handles, etc. So far, I've been doing this by clicking the 'deselect' option. Is there a faster way to do this, some sort of shortcut perhaps?
After doing a live trace and expand on an object I now need to separate one object into two. I tried using both the scissors and the knife tool and neither tool work. When I select two anchor points on opposite side of each other to split the object it just adds a line in the middle with the object as a whole still in tact.
I make a compound object, then when I resize it, it moves anchors around. Note the corners on the 3rd "8" -- they're pinched together. This is happening on a lot of different object
Just installed the new CS6. I'm experimenting with Illustrator. I feel a little dumb asking this, but ALL of my newly drawn paths, brush strokes, objects etc. keep automatically shifting to the bottom of the layer instead of like usual, appearing at the top. Is there a way to turn this off? Revert back to normal?
The Inset Spacing settings within the Area Type Options drop-down are just too cumbersome. Is there an easier way to center text within a text box like we can do in InDesign? Why they left this out of Illustrator CS6.
I want to create an illustration with black outlines. Within these outlines I want to have some spots without outlines that stay clean within the lines. I have tried 3 options so far and have found a solution but it's far from ideal.
1. Create clipping masks for each element that has a spot on it and assign a stroke to the clipping path again after. However by creating the clipping path, the path styles dissapear. In this case I want to keep the pointed ends to the open path outlines (see top image).
2. Draw in the lines where the spots are and create a live paint object of the entire illustration. Then paint in the spots and other areas. However when I create this live paint object the lines again lose their applied styles and even 'end' at each intersection, creating nasty edges where the lines should go 'underneath' smoothly (see bottom image).
3. The option Im using now. Duplicate the path outlines and create clipping masks for the spots without strokes. Then put the stroked outline with the desired styles on top. The problem with this is that I have almost twice as much elements in my illustration now than I actually 'need'. And the styled outlines are not connected with the color underneath, so its very easy to accidentally move something around...
Any easier way to create this effect without all the hassle?
I have been putting together some inserts for a sales presentation folder in Illustrator CS6. I am having trouble trying to figure out possibly how to make my text align as presentable as possible. If you view the image you can see that my text on the right is not aligned with each other line consistently.
I'm new to Ai, and I'm working off of a 2 column end movie credit scroll with a space between them.
The formatting/alignment is fine and I simply need to replace the names in each column. However, the text is not behaving how I'd like it to. When I type text in the left column, I'd like the text to move to the left, but when I type it goes to the right (into the middle space), pushes the text in the other column to the right and messes up the formatting.
Is there a setting or way to make the text go to the left?
I have a layer with some paths and lines of text. I copied some of the paths and text and tried to paste in another layer or document; the paths are not pasted and all the text becomes a single line. When I copied only the paths, it is pasted correctly. If I copied only the text and tried to paste in another layer or document, all the text becomes a single line.
If I drag the selection from one layer to another using the panel, it works. If I drag the selection from the artboard to another document, it works. But these operations sometimes are not convenient. What I would like is to copy the items, target a layer in another document and paste there. With a large document with dozens of layers and a lot of text the drag and drop solution is not feasible.
I am having a file which has lot of texts. Actually the texts are in outline format as fills,strokes,etc. Is it possible to convert them to an editable text using any option.
Left: 'vertical align bottomed text with the box of black stroke Right: manually moved text with smart guide to align with its base line.(what I want to achieve)
As you can see in the left one, text has its base line under itself, and its bounding box doesn't match its base line. when I use align, it doesn't align using its base line but its bounding box.How can I make text align using their base line easily?
I'm using AI CS6, opened it up today and all the text boxes are behaving like paths. I can only resize them using the direct select tool. I don't know what happened, I've checked type preferences, nothing there seems to be odd.
I would attach a screenshot, but the "Insert Image" button brings up a white box that tells me the "Operation timed out." Not my day for software.
Basically, once I create a text box, I lose the ability to resize it unless I manipulate one corner at a time with the direct selection tool.
Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.
I'm having issues with threaded text. I've created my desired paths for threaded text, essentially a rainbow, that aligns with my package design. When I create threaded text it behaves wierdly. The following occurs:
1) creating threaded text with my rainbow paths, it creates the paths upside down. I've figured out how to rememdy this with the path options, but wish it didn't default to upside down.
2) My path layers for each row are in decending order, i.e. - would like text to cascade top to bottom; however, when I start typing, it uses the bottom line first causing my paragraph to read from bottom to top. This is incredibly frustrating!
How do I give Lucida handwriting a 2pt outline stroke, give it an outline path, then unite it with another shape path without the text losing it's outline stroke?? I can't bold Lucida handwriting as it only has an italic option, so need to give it an outline stroke to achieve a bold letter. As soon as I give it an outline path and unite it to other shape paths the 'bold'ness disappears and it reverts to it's original size.
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration: