Illustrator :: How To Align Groups On The Page (not Individual Objects)
May 21, 2012
I have a complex vector group of objects (logo) that uses text, paths, etc... I am duplicating this grouped object, and trying to design a press wall with the logo repeated multiple times. I duplicate the logo multiple times and place them on the page, but when I try to use the "distribute objects" tool, it breaks up my logo(s) into their consituent objects and distibutes the pieces on the page, which is very annoying... how do I keep my logo together AND be able to distribute it evenly across my banner?
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Jul 24, 2013
I have a page of clipart symbols. Illustrator recognizes that they're all separate... but how can I convert them in a batch process to individual symbols?
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May 30, 2013
I have done a completely clean install of Creative Cloud CS6 on my mac on Mountain Lion. First time opening Illustrator, and I cannot center two vector objects on each other. Rather, when I click to center them (vertically or horizontally) it actually pushes them further apart! It also appears to be arbitrarily selecting another object on my art board when I select these two (there is no grouping overlap, it makes no sense). I've looked around before, and have 'align to selection' checked, and 'snap to grid/snap to point' unchecked in the 'view' dropdown. Going to try to trash my preferences, but this is literally the first time I've opened it, so I can't see how that would be an issue!
I use this tool CONSTANTLY in what I do, so this is really troubling.
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May 12, 2012
I am using Illustrator CS5.5 on a Mac.
Sometimes, after moving stuff around (groups, layers or artboards), I notice that hidden objects didn't move with everything else.
How this can be if no objects are locked ?I cannot make this happen on purpose with a simple example and it is really annoying not to be sure that everything was moved properly.
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Feb 27, 2014
How do I align objects 1/8" apart. Illustrator wants to round .125" up to .13" I have a die cut to make and it's throwing off my alignment
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Nov 26, 2012
I don't know if this is possible at all in Illustrator, but I want to align objects to text paths. Look at the following example.
I start with something like a circular hierarchy, that I get as an output from another program. These are only lines and text. Now I want to add a flag behind the text. This flag should have the same orientation as the text path.
As this hierarchy is actually pretty big (this is only a snippet), I don't want to rotate all the flags manually. I tried to do it manually with the below example, but it still doesn't looks right...
Is this a proper method to rotate the flags according to the orientation of the text paths in Illustrator?
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Oct 23, 2012
Say I have a group that consists solely of five triangles. Is it possible to use simultaneously align or distribute functions on while selecting just those five triangles? It seems like I can align up to four triangles at a time within the group, but when I select all five Illustrator interprets that I'm trying to align the entire group with another object outside of that group. Key objects don't seem to be supported in this situation.
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Dec 5, 2012
how can I align a group of objects to the center of the artboard or elsewhere. Rt now it aligns each object in the group to the center, but I need the group as a whole to be centered.
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Nov 15, 2013
Simple solution to aligning selected items to the artboard. I was going to create an action but then realized it would be more convenient for me to include it in my script file....I have a script to align objects with each other but they dont align to the artboard.
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Jul 27, 2013
Is it possible to assign keywords to folders instead of just to individual/groups of images? And if not, is there a work around?
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Dec 4, 2013
When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]
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Jan 28, 2014
Align Objects feature is not working in trial version of Illustrator CC. Brand new MacBook Pro, have tried rebooting etc. Is this a software bug or a limitation of trial version?
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Jul 18, 2013
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
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Jan 4, 2014
In AI, smart guides indicated "intersection" when I am drawing a path or moving an object to align to the intersection of two guides, when I release the mouse, the object I am moving/drawings jumps slightly off the intended alignment intersection. If I continue to try to move it to align, it jumps to the other side or back to where it was but will mot match the intersection.
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Mar 12, 2014
I make a compound object, then when I resize it, it moves anchors around. Note the corners on the 3rd "8" -- they're pinched together. This is happening on a lot of different object
Edit: There are no "snaps" enabled.
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May 10, 2012
Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.
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Sep 27, 2011
Is there some way (script / plugin?) to auto nest objects on page?
In other words, to place all objects as tight as possible to eachother.
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Nov 2, 2013
Is there an easy way to create bleeds and trim marks for multiple objects on the same page?
For instance, I have a playing card that I've tiled across the page 6 times ( so that I can create 6 cards out of 1 page ). Each card needs it's own bleed/trim marks.
I'd also like to have printer registration marks for the page, as I have to print the card backings on another page and then glue the two pages together.
The only way I've found that I can do this is to manually create the trim marks for each object's bleed and just have them all within 1 artboard.
I tried doing it with multiple artboards within one larger artboard, but couldn't get that to work.
Is this something that just needs to be manually done?
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Apr 28, 2013
how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.
I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.
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Jan 12, 2014
"Add people" feature has never worked in Elements 11. How do I fix this? It recognizes faces in individual photos, but not in groups of photos.
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Apr 30, 2013
Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.
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Feb 5, 2013
I have a scene with hundreds of copies of an object. Is there a way to see a count of these objects that all have the same name.?
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Mar 19, 2012
In my workflow I constantly position objects to the top left edge of page. Is there any shorter way or macro to make it faster?
Right now i have two options:
1. pressing Ctrl+A (I reaassigned this shortcut to Align window) and then selecting options with mouse and then close
2. press P and then manually lift the object to the top edge of page.
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Mar 27, 2011
How to export, at one time, all objects of a layer, in *. png, individual?
I use XDP Pro 6
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Oct 24, 2011
Is there a way (script possibly) to break multiple splines to individual spline objects? More specifically i want to find a quick way, when i have many splines (attached together) to make each spline (spline element) a separate spline (such as selecting it and detaching it). Unfortunately the "explode" command breaks each segment and not spline to an individual object, while selecting and detaching each one is not an option since i have to deal with hundreds or thousands of splines (produces by hair & fur).
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Oct 3, 2013
If I don't want to VP Freeze everything on that layer, is there a way to individually VP Freeze certain objects on one layer? (without having to make new layers?)
The sitch: Making a ceiling plan, some dims are needed in all the other plans, but some are not needed in the ceiling plan. How can I simply turn "off" in the VP the few separate Dims I don't need? And that they can still turn up like normal in all the other VPs?
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Jun 11, 2011
In the old versions of TDX4 and TDX5 (?) it was possible to have the dimensions within the object group in which the measured object was part. In TDX5 SP1 it seems impossible to move dimensions into any group. They remain a list apart within the layer in which the measured objects are part.
Is this correct and is this an intentional "correction"? If so, I strongly propose to make it possible again to keep the dimensions together with the measured object in whatever group that measured object is in. When you have hundreds of objects within a layer, it really is a unmanageable nuisance that the dimensions are all at the top level of a layer.
I found another (related?) problem when applying dimensions on groups of objects. As soon as you have attached a dimension to one or more objects in a group (the dimension itself being outside the group at the top level of a layer), you can only select the group as a whole at the top level. You cannot select objects within the group. Also this problem was not in X4. I don't know whether this problem is typically X5 SP1, as I did not test it in the original X5. Also this is a real nuisance wasting a lot of time, because you have to delete all dimensions when you want to change something in a group.
This all I have also reported directly to Corel. I found a work around to both problems:
1. Ungroup the group and any subgroups.
2. Apply the dimension lines
3. Regroup again also including the dimension lines
Now you can access the dimension lines and all separate objects in the group.
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Oct 4, 2013
C3D 2012 Win 7 Pro
I have Note label Style objects and Marker Style Objects that have layers assigned to them. When I bring a Note label or Marker Style into the drawing, it comes in on the zero layer. I know that the object layers of the drawing settings are controlling this. Is it possible to have the Note labels and/or Markers come in on the assigned layers of their Styles?
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm new at Xara Xtreme and I just bought a vector image from iStock. It says that the image can easily be edited. Here is the image [URL]....
I want to split things up and move each individual globe and put arrange them to my specifications. I can't figure out how to move or edit the individual objects, it's all one layer. Can this be done? For example can the globe with the numbers around it be moved to the left of the screen and the other four globes be removed? I know this can be done with technical skills, but can this be done by a beginer?
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Oct 3, 2012
For selecting objects, I must have hit a buttom trying to figure something else out and now I can't select objects without touching them and clicking on them, I used to be able to pick whole sections.
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Sep 14, 2012
This is probably just me not being up to speed yet, but once I combine a set of polygons, is there an easy way to still change the attributes of the original individual objects?
Prior to combining them, each object appears in the Outliner individually and I can select it there and change its attributes...color, etc. But I need to lock them together to keep their relative positions, and combining them does that perfectly. But afterward, the individual list in the Outliner doesn't seem to work anymore...the 'polysurface1' that was created has all the attributes crammed together, and having to scroll through all the tabs is a pain in the neck. Isn't there some way to combine objects and still readily change the colors or other attributes of the separate parts? Or, as I originally wondered about, is there an easier way to hold them in position without combining them?
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