GIMP :: Way To Know Layer Position

Jun 22, 2011

I didn't find a way to know the position (x, y) of a layer. I found the dimensions of a layer but not the position. Gimp knows that bacause when I open a file the layers are positioned but I can't find a way to know the layer's position, also with a script.

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GIMP :: Layer Properties - What Is The Rotation And X / Y Position

Jun 30, 2013

Is there a way to find out the position of a layer after you move it from the starting point of 0,0 and 0 rotation?

I'm trying to line-up two images and the bottom layer is the reference image so I move the top layer in the x,y direction and rotate the layer until it looks good. But instead of saving I want the new x,y location along with the rotation number to enter into an Imagemagik bash script.

I'm using GIMP 2.6.11, but will update to 2.8 if necessary.

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GIMP :: Layer Properties - What Is The Rotation And Xy Position

Jun 30, 2013

Is there a way to find out the position of a layer after you move it from the starting point of 0,0 and 0 rotation?

I'm trying to line-up two images and the bottom layer is the reference image so I move the top layer in the x,y direction and rotate the layer until it looks good. But instead of saving I want the new x,y location along with the rotation number to enter into an Imagemagik bash script.

I'm using GIMP 2.6.11, but will update to 2.8 if necessary.

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Photoshop :: Dragging Layer To Same Position In Another Document

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to move the layer to another ducument, to the same position. (photoshop)
But whever I drag it, the layer goes to the center of the new document even while pressing the shift key. (both of the document sized are same) I think it worked before, don't know when but now, it doenst work as I expect.
What should I do?

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Photoshop :: How To Drag A Layer Into New Doc Preserving Same Position

Oct 1, 2012

Shift-dragging centers it, but I have multiple documents (pngs with transparency) of the same dimensions and layers in a variety of positions that need to be preserved (I'm composting some 3d renders). Is this possible?

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Photoshop :: Move / Position Layer In Liquify

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to line up two images one on top of the other with opacity set so I can see Liquefy (CS4). One is background, the other is Layer 1. How do I move either one roughly in place over the other so I can start adjusting edges so the two profiles match? Hand doesn't move anything.

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Illustrator :: How To Randomize Layer Position In A Grid

Jan 27, 2014

I have a 5x5 grid (think: Bingo card) and 25 layers that I want to randomize within it.
I've found "randomize layer order" scripts, but how would you randomize the layer positions within the grid to easily create unique cards?

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Photoshop :: Layer Position Resets When Creating Animations

Dec 11, 2012

I'm creating an animated gif from a video clip (cinemagraph). In order to acheive the effect I need, I need to move each layer with the move tool to get an object to stay in the same position. I have gone through layer by layer and used the move tool to move the contents of each layer. When I play the animation I see the layers in the position I put them in. I stop playing the animation the contents of each layer snap back to their original positions. I have tried using the lock tools (both lock position and lock all) but they don't make a difference. why layer positions would reset when creating animations and how to get it to stop?

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Photoshop :: Animating Position Of Layer Group Using Timeline

Oct 15, 2013

is it possible to change position of a layer group in new timeline? I only see opacity keyframes. Seems like I can convert to smart object to do it, but rather not do that.

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Photoshop :: Transferring Layer To New Image Keeping It In The Same Position

Mar 31, 2008

how to keep the layer in the same position as in the original image when moving it to a new image..

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Photoshop :: Layer Position Moves When Switching Frames In Timeline

May 22, 2013

When creating a new layer and positioning it in the active frame, the position is sometimes wrong when returning to that frame.
1. create multiple frames in the timeline
2. create a layer and position it somewhere in the image
3. view another frame
4. return to the original frame and the position has changed
Positioning the layer again seems to work, it doesn't move by itself when moving between frames, but remains in position.

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GIMP :: Pen Tablet Position Incorrect?

May 14, 2011

TB-5300 Slimline Design Tablet
Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit, problem occurs on both)

The problem I am having is that the X-coordinate for my pen tablet is incorrect. The paint brush appears to the left of the screen and doesn't move as far left/right as my pen does. By moving the position of the drawing area I have found that pressure works correctly. Strangely, the position of the mouse when being controlled by the pen tablet is correct, it's just the paint brush which is wrong.

I can correct this problem by uninstalling the pen tablets drivers, but then the pressure sensitivity stops working.

This problem fixed itself for about a few days, but then came back without anything apparently having changed in that time.

It's occuring in both a 32 and 64 bit version of windows.


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Photoshop :: How To Change Position Of Black Point Slider In Curves Layer

Jan 12, 2013

My curves layer sliders seem to have been reversed. I would like the curves layer to show the black point slider on the left and the white point slider on the right.

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GIMP :: How To Set 64 Colors To Same Position In Colormap For Each Image

May 17, 2013

Situation Basically I have a series of 8-bit bitmap images which all use different palettes but have around 64 colors in common.

This will allow them to be combined with another graphic which uses only those 64 colors in a 3D engine, thereby allowing that graphic to be used with the images with no color misassignments.

I need to be able to set those 64 colors to the same position in the colormap for each image. I could just limit the images to 192 colors, but the loss of information is unacceptable to me.

The task I'd like to manually drag those specific colors to the bottom of the colormap in a set order, but the "Rearrange Colormap" dialogue does not show me what their RGB values are, so there is too much room for error. (Tried in Gimp-2.6 and 2.8)

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GIMP :: Move Image To Specific X / Y Position

Dec 13, 2013

I'm creating a sprite sheet and I need to move my sprites to a specific location.

For example my sprite is 120x120, so I need to place the 5th animated frame at EXACTLY 120x5=600 pixels from zero or at 600, 0. I can't seem to find a way of doing this in GIMP, it shows me a mouse delta position from where I first clicked?

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GIMP :: Crop To Specific Position In Images

Jun 21, 2012

I have a question with batch crop. I have about 300 images of same dimension and would like crop to specific position in all of them. In photoshop, I would import all the images as a layer and crop a layer, then export the layer as an individual file.

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GIMP :: Threshold Function Parameters That Vary By Position?

Apr 1, 2012

I would like to obtain a black and white image of a photograph of a book page.

My attempt to do this is by running the threshold function over theentire image. This appears to give the desired result, but onlylocally. It appears that the optimum parameters of the thresholdfunction vary by position (i.e., according to some scalar field), withone extreme in the center of the glare and then radiating outward. Sojust running the threshold function over the entire image withconstant parameters always gives sub-optimum contrast for 75% of theimage. Will I have to find a way to run the threshold function withnon-constant parameters, or is there some other tool to do the job?

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GIMP :: Bad Position Of Picture In Single Window Mode?

Mar 8, 2013

os windows 7, upgraded to Gimp 2.8.4 I open an .xcf file and go to single window mode. everthing looks ok the zero offsets on the rulers are where they should be and I can see the bottom of the gimp window where the % size change is. I then ask for a new tool bar which is provided and locked to the widow. if i go to full screen and then back the picture is pushed down as are the ruler zero's and i now can't get to the bottom of the screen. this annoying behavior does not seem to happen in multi window mode. attached is a screen capture.

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GIMP :: Script To Output Position Of Images Within Image?

May 31, 2012

I created a jigsaw puzzle from an image. All the pieces exist in different layer.

Is there a way to get the position of the pieces (a script or a menu command)? I realize I could use the ruler, however, I would like something that would be more exact and less tedious.

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GIMP :: Toolbox Window Position Not Being Properly Restored On Launch

Apr 10, 2012

On Windows 7 Home Premium x64, GIMP does not properly restore the position of the Toolbox window with "Save window positions on exit" checked in Preferences > Window Management. The Toolbox window does retain its size, but is placed in a seemingly random place in the top-left area of the screen every time GIMP is launched. Other windows retain their size and shape perfectly. I've searched for a solution to this problem but couldn't find one.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Rectangle Select Tool / New Square Position At Cursor

May 17, 2012

Recently upgraded to Gimp 2.8 for the single window mode (which worksbrilliantly in Ubuntu, especially with the HUD).

But the Rectangle Select Tool has a new - but odd - behaviour. When I drawa selection, and then add to that selection, a new "square" is position atmy cursor. (See attached screenshot.) This didn't happen in 2.6 and is abit irritating because it disorientates me slightly, especially if I'mworking quickly.

Is there a way to turn that off (or revert it to the 2.6 way)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Force Attribute Position To Remain Fixed In Drawing When Moving Block Position

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?

I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........

What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other.  I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.

Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process.  It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.

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GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically

May 1, 2011

I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?

Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?

I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).

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GIMP :: Make Edges Of Top Layer Blend In With Bottom Layer To Tell That There Is A Line

Feb 4, 2013

How do I make the edges of the top layer blend in with the bottom layer so you cannot tell that there is a line??? I want to make it look like a heart but I don't know how to smoothen the edges to make it look like it is part of the bottom layer so when I merge the layers there is no goofy lines looking like someone cropped another fire picture out...

fire3.xcf (Size: 489.68 KB / Downloads: 38)

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GIMP :: Copy Result Of Subtract Layer Mode To New Layer

Apr 16, 2013

I have two similar images where the subject has moved between the images. I have them in the same file as two separate layers and am using the subtract layer mode to identify where they differ, (roughly!).

I want to be able to use the subtract layer as a completely new layer so that I can make edits to it. The only way I have found to do this at the moment is to 'copy visible', but this still brings other elements that I don't want from where the layers overlap.

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GIMP :: Layer Modes Don't Work In Layer Groups?

Jan 20, 2014

For the projects I'm working on, I use the same template beneath the different layer groups of each different project. When I move a "color" layer into the group, however, it doesn't show up like it's supposed to. It behaves as if the 'color' layer is a blank layer, and has no effect. Is there any way to get this to work or?...

ALSO: I can't open images by URL.

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GIMP :: Align Single Layer In A Layer Group?

Jun 7, 2013

Why can't I align a single layer that is inside a layer group? The align tool would always select the top most layer group as the 'boundary' for alignment, thus automatically selecting the whole layers inside of it and align them as a group.

Is this a bug or just GIMP's weakness? It definitely reduces the layer group's usefulness.

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GIMP :: Transform A Layer Without Moving Its Layer Mask?

Dec 14, 2012

Long time gimp user, but for basic tasks only. Now I would like to get my hands dirty a little more. I'm trying to setup a workflow that involves CAD, Inkscape and GIMP. Basically I did some architectural drawing in CAD, used Inkscape to clean up and convert DXG into SVG, so that I can use paths into GIMP. I did a script that for every path creates a new transparent layer with a layer mask using the path, so I can add fills and textures quickly. Now to the problem: say I want to add a texture from another image, i paste the image into the appropriate layer, then I want to transform the texture a bit (scale, rotate and perspective). the result is that the layer mask is transformed, too. I tried to disable the mask during transform, but didn't work.

Is there a way to workaround this? maybe some layer mode instead of layer mask?

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GIMP :: Layer Groups And Layer Modes / Opacity?

May 14, 2012

I just downloaded GIMP 2.8 (on Windows 7) and was using the layer groups to organize a project I'm doing. I noticed that whenever I put the layers into the layer group, nothing I do to them actually affects the image (for example if I change the opacity of the layer, it doesn't actually change). If I drag them out of the layer group they function perfectly; sometimes if I edit them and then drag them into the group they also work fine.

As I was writing this post I tested dragging a layer set to "dodge" into the group and it didn't work. It kept the dodge setting, but it looked as if it was on normal; however, I drug another layer set on dodge into the group and it worked fine.

Is this feature just broken on Windows, or does it not work like I thought (where you can drag them in and edit them individually, or edit them all by editing the layer group itself)?

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GIMP :: Selection Pasted Onto 12-layer GIF Is Invisible On All But One Layer

Nov 17, 2012

I have the latest gimp.

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GIMP :: Make Layer Mask Its Own Layer?

Nov 24, 2013

How would you take a layer mask, and make it its own layer? If you try copying and pasting a layer mask, you can only dock it to another layer.

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