GIMP :: Typed Text Doesn't Go Onto Canvas
Apr 19, 2011
I open text, select font, etc, click on canvas, text editor comes up, type in text but it doesn't go onto the canvas. I have played around with it for a while, started again from scratch, looked up tutorials.
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Aug 31, 2013
In Photoshop 8 (CS2) a typed character doesn't display until another character is typed or until I leave the text layer.
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Apr 17, 2012
I am currently running Inventor 2009 64-bit SP2 and periodically (and only recently), I have had the problem of my keyboard keys not displaying what I am typing. This is only affecting Inventor and no other program to my knowledge. To make matters worse, it happens absolutely randomly. In fact, it happened just 4 minutes ago, which prompted this post! I was typing some words out and in the middle of the word, it changed what the inputted keys were. To give an example, the letter P comes in as L. The letter S, comes in as the letter G. The letter M comes in as semicolon. Catch my drift? At first I thought it changed to a Dvorak key setting, but even if that were the case (which it is not), why would it do it randomly?
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Oct 6, 2012
When attempting to add text to a photo, the typed text is not visible on the layer in the "Layers Box" until exiting the Text Tool. Text nexer is visible on the photo Background image. If the edited image is saved, the added typed text is not saved; only the original Background image. How do I reset the Text Tool so it will be functional?
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Mar 19, 2011
Just wanted to align some text with the canvas. Thinking I'd simply overlooked the feature, How do you align a layer to the canvas? Specifically, a text layer.
The answers I found:
Use mouse to drag layer to the center of canvas. (This does not result in the accuracy for which I was hoping, unless I do some math to determine and pinpoint the proper location and try to keep my hand steady.)
Cut, copy, paste. (This renders the text uneditable.)
There isn't an align feature?
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Nov 11, 2013
I've just tried entering some text on a blank canvas in GIMP 2.8.4 and the text tool doesn't seem to be working right. I click on the text tool, click on the canvas and try to type, but it doesn't actually type; it just operates all the shortcuts assigned to the keys that I've pressed.
Running OS X Mavericks on a late 2012 MacBook Pro.
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May 19, 2013
I tried GIMP on Linux Mint and was delighted.A bit annoying, though, was that the on-canvas-text-editing parameters box can't be turned off, because it's in the way when I want a full view of my graphic while I'm typing and editing.
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Aug 6, 2011
When I am using my PSPx3 to enter text on an photo, after I get Colors, Pixels etc. selected, when I click on the subject to start typing - Up comes the last line of text I had used on a previous project. If I delete that text and start fresh, when i click to select the spot to start typing, up comes the "fresh text". This happens as many and every time I click to type.
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Apr 18, 2012
I have scanned one document. Then I added some text in that. I want to give the same effect like scanned document to typed text. How I will do?
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Feb 26, 2013
Is there a setting controlling typed text visibility in the command line when using a leader? In 2004, text would show in the command line as it was typed. Now, to see what I am typing, I have to enter the leader dialogue box.
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm working on a simple project consisting of several colored horizontal bars with text in them. At least, that's the plan. I typed text in the first bar, then created a new layer, changed the font size, and started typing text in the second bar. The text appeared in the text dialogue box, but nothing appeared in the bar. I can bring up a new project and successfully enter text.
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Nov 5, 2013
When I tried to edit some aspect of the image, whether a text layer or typing in the dimensions I want to set an image to, the text doesn't type. Typing instead chooses the keyboard shortcuts. For example, if I'm resizing an image to 245px, when I type in the "2", it instead activates the "2" of the zoom function.
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Jul 28, 2013
So I have to zoom in or use fullscreen mode to enable scrolling. It's really bothering me.
Is there any way that I can scroll freely on any occasion?
I'm using CS 6.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have Lightroom 4 and the plug-in LR2/Mogrify; which I purchased. I am trying to send my images at 300 dpi to a photo lab to produce 4x6 prints with a border at the bottom that is 10% of the short side, and the other 3 borders are 2% of the short side. I then add text for a size 25 pixel font. I am happy with this look when I export to the file folder on the desktop. When I upload to the photo lab, their software wants to resize my prints; where I loose my border or part of the image or the larger border with the words cut-off. I know I have to do something with the canvas, but I don’t understand what to do to get a fixed image size for a 4x6 print with borders and text. I need to know what the numbers are to imput in the Mogrify "background canvas" and how many KB to "compress to file size".
I have the "image sizing" at 6" longest edge, 300 dpi for resolution
I have the canvas at 1280 x 1920
The compression size at 300kb
With this I am losing the top border and the other borders now look wierd.
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Jul 11, 2013
I need to produce a text logo with the first half of the canvas background black with white text, and the second half white with black text. Do I split the background or join two individual canvases together ............ or something else?
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Nov 21, 2011
With all the interface options, I'm having trouble finding one I think was available in previous versions: rotating the canvas.
Is it in the menu somewhere? Is there a shortcut?
I'm already very impressed (and somewhat overwhelmed) by all the features I've seen so far in Gimp.
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Sep 6, 2012
HAving just installed 2.8 after using 2.6, I find all scanned images and existing jpeg files I created in 2.6 are displayed at ridiculously large dimensions. In 2.6, all scanned images were loaded on screen at their actual A4 size, regardless of scan resolution. In 2.8 they are loading up on screen at around 5 times the actual size - it seems I have to scale the image back down to A4 before I can start editing it? I tested this on A4 jpeg files I created on 2.6, and they also load on screen at massively enlarged sizes. how to get these images to display at their actual sizes?
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Mar 16, 2013
I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.
Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.
I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?
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Feb 6, 2013
basically what I did was I wanted a certain part of an image and I used the eraser tool along with adding the alpha channel so I can get rid of everything in the image but a cropped version of it (basically erasing around what I want to keep). How do I fit the canvas to this oddly shaped image now?
You can say I want to create an icon but when I save it as a .png or .jpg, I get this white background replacing the alpha channel when I just want the cropped image itself. I tried going about using the free select tool, going around the image and then using the "Fit Canvas to Selection" option but that just takes way too long.
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Nov 22, 2012
I have an image with 85 layers, let's say they are all 100x100 pixels.
The layers are all aligned on the top and left borders of the canvas.
The canvas is 100 pixels wide and 8500 pixels tall.
I want to put the first layer on the top of the canvas, then the secondlayer with its top border aligned with the bottom border of the firstlayer. Then the third layer just below the second one, etc. So that all 85layers are spread on the full height of the canvas.
Actually, some layers are less than 100 pixels tall. I still want thelayers to be one next to the other. So if my first layer is 60 pixels tall,the second layer must be moved at 0,60 in the canvas. And if the second oneis 90 pixels tall, the third one must me moved at 0,150.
How can I do that? Is there a plugin? It doesn't seem very hard to code in Scheme.
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Dec 27, 2011
I don't seem to be able to click on the canvas in GIMP. I installed a tablet(Wacom Bamboo) and assumed that the pen wasn't working correctly until I realised that I couldn't click with my mouse either. The mouse and tablet work fine in other programs. It didn't have the problem until I installed the driver for the tablet(I think). I can use any feature that doesn't involve clicking on the canvas(adjusting curves, scaling, changing the saturation, etc.), I just can't do things like make a selection, or use the paintbrush.
I'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Ubuntu 11.04.
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Jul 22, 2012
I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Fedora 17 i686. I have noticed that when I cancel out of set image canvas size and return to set image canvas size I have no preview image. I was wondering if this is a problem with Gimp
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Feb 17, 2013
After updating to GIMP2.8.4 I am seeing a constant problem with the canvas not updating after any change unless I move the cursor out of the image area. It starts updating immediately but if I move the cursor back it stops even if it hasn't finished redrawing. This is not just for image changes; the selection outline does not update either unless I move the cursor out of the image area! There's another problem with the selection outline - sometimes it just stops displaying, period, and I ave to use quick mask or save and close GIMP.
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Jun 15, 2013
I have my background image, with some text which I created. I wanted to add some external images into the canvas.
When I open the image as a layer, it imports fine. But when I attempt to move it (holding ALT), it stays in the same place.
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Sep 7, 2012
I'm having problems with gimp 2.8 I've just installed on my new laptop. I'm an artist and use scanned images to colour in GIMP, and in version 2.6 these were displayed with the actual canvas size (A4) and scan resolution. I work with these images and often need to increase the canvas size. In 2.8 the scanned images are displaying with a canvas size around 5 times larger than A4 - I think this is because GIMP is saying the resolution is 72ppi, whereas I scan at 300-400 ppi. My finished jpeg files all display on 2.8 at larger canvas sizes aswell. how to get GIMP to recognize this automatically so that the actual canvas size is shown?
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Aug 12, 2012
I can size the canvas perfectly, but when I add an image as a layer and try to resize the image, it will not resize to fit the canvas.
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May 11, 2012
I am converting from Photoshop and there is one common task i used all of the time which i cannot seem to figure out in Gimp. I have two canvases open, each with a few layers. I select the move tool and then start dragging the layer on one canvas to try to drop it into the other canvas. In Photoshop when you do this it creates a new layer on the dropped canvas consisting of the dropped layer, and the layer resets to its original position on the first canvas.
In Gimp however when I try this its as if i dropped the layer way outside of the viewable area of the first canvas, and nothing gets added to the second canvas i want to drop it into.
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Jan 15, 2013
How to select exactly on the edges of the canvas ?
Lets say I create layer 1 , 640 x 480 and fill with white . Now I create a new layer, layer two, and I only want to select the whole top section (ie right from top, so the selection will be 640 wide, and lets say 50 down ? Just not sure how I can select right on the edges (i.e. on the edges of the canvas).
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Jun 9, 2013
why are we not able to edit layers outside the canvas?
I often create images were the canvas size is fixed (e.g. display resolution). I then add layers to it that are often larger than the canvas. I would now want to select the superfluous parts of the just added images (e.g. to make them transparent), but I can't select parts of the layers that are not on canvas!
I also can not see any layer content that is off-canvas. A workflow I'd prefer would be copy everything somewhere (not necessarily inside the canvas) and then align it layer by layer, which is hard when one can not see the content of the off-canvas layers.
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Jun 28, 2012
I am desperately trying to change the Canvas Colour for an image in Gimp 2.8.
At the moment in displays in black and grey squares and when I save the image as a jpg it's black.
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Jan 9, 2013
In GIMP 2.8, when I copy a large image and paste it into a small canvas, the edges of the image exceeding the canvas are lost.
In Paint.Net 3.5, when you paste a large image into a small canvas, a dialog box displays
The image being pasted is larger than the canvas size. What do you want to do?
1) Expand Canvas to fit the image being pasted.
2) Keep canvas size.
3) Cancel Paste
This would be a great default feature for GIMP.
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