GIMP :: Pasting Image Larger Than Canvas?

Jan 9, 2013

In GIMP 2.8, when I copy a large image and paste it into a small canvas, the edges of the image exceeding the canvas are lost.

In Paint.Net 3.5, when you paste a large image into a small canvas, a dialog box displays

The image being pasted is larger than the canvas size. What do you want to do?

1) Expand Canvas to fit the image being pasted.

2) Keep canvas size.

3) Cancel Paste

This would be a great default feature for GIMP.

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Photoshop :: Pasting Stuff Larger Than Document

Jan 29, 2013

I've never found a solution. I spent a half hour googling the issue - and got nowhere.
If I open a ps file that's big, copy the content, and paste it into a smaller document, I have to do a Command-0, to be able to view the whole image with handles on the pasted content, then manually pull a corner with shift held down until it's close to the size to fit, then manually size the whole thing back up to 100%.  Craziness.
Why can't I paste content into another doc, have the transform handles be there, with the clipboard content sized within the window?
This is NOT a problem with Placing stuff from Illustrator This has nothing to do with resolutions
This is simply a request to find a way to paste something big, into something smaller, without having to zoom out until I can see the transform handles.

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GIMP :: Copy / Pasting One Image Into Another

Feb 18, 2011

Every time I try to copy an image (with a transparent BG) and paste it into my overall project I'm working on, both opened in GIMP, I always get just the selected dotted lines as an outline of the image.

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GIMP :: Animation - Saving And Pasting Image?

Sep 4, 2011

im making an animation with gimp and then i saved it. but now i want to add more layers and paste these images on buuutt when i paste the colors are all faded and weird, does this have something to do with like indexed images or something?

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GIMP :: Pasting Color Image Onto BW Background

Jul 10, 2011

I am pasting a color image onto a BW background. When I do this the image converts to BW. How do I prevent this from happening? I want to keep the background BW and the pasted images color.

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GIMP :: Cutting Image (car) And Pasting To Background?

Nov 29, 2011

I was refererred by a member who speaks highly of the support here in this forum. One of the things i need to learn is how to go about cutting an image, like a car and laying it on a background. I figured out how to outline the image but creating a background and actually inserting the cutout escapes me. I work for a classic car dealership and i take the photos for the ads. I need to be able to create a nice background that i can insert every auto into, in exactly the same place.

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GIMP :: How To Make Image Larger (Increased Dimensions)

Apr 21, 2013

I do not mean "how do i use the scale tool?!" I have an xcf file that is 925X250 and it needs to be 925X450. If cropping removes specified parts of an image, how to I make it bigger, like in paint where you can just drag the edges out or go to image properties.

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GIMP :: Image Pasting As Layer Turning Into Gradient

Mar 9, 2013

I was trying to teach myself to use gradients the other day... And now when I start a new project and try to paste in a photo as a new layer, it pastes as the gradient instead.

I have opened up both the gradients dialog and the gradients editor but cannot turn it off. In fact, when I open a brand new (empty) file, I can see the gradient attached to my pointer (mouse).

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GIMP :: Resizing Larger Image To Smaller Causes Distortion (2013)

Jan 22, 2009

I created this using Gimp 2.6 on Mac 10.5: [URL].......

When I resize this to a smaller image, the text gets all distorted: [URL]......

I have been looking around on Google, but couldn't find much.Tried scaling with all the different ways (Linear, Cubical... etc). Also tried scaling from XCF and PNG files. Nothing seem to maintain the quality of the text on the image.

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GIMP :: Why Image With Most Of Pixels Removed Is Creating A Larger File Size

Mar 5, 2011

I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...

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Photoshop :: Larger Canvas And Fade Out

Feb 10, 2006

I have a large image that I scanned in with a nikon cool scan. I'd like to make some interesting proportions by doubleing the canvas width.

In all the image is fades to the right to a light grey. I'd like to expand the canvas, and then fade that grey out over the new width of the canvas.

how to fade out to white?

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GIMP :: How To Fit Canvas To Image

Feb 6, 2013

basically what I did was I wanted a certain part of an image and I used the eraser tool along with adding the alpha channel so I can get rid of everything in the image but a cropped version of it (basically erasing around what I want to keep). How do I fit the canvas to this oddly shaped image now?

You can say I want to create an icon but when I save it as a .png or .jpg, I get this white background replacing the alpha channel when I just want the cropped image itself. I tried going about using the free select tool, going around the image and then using the "Fit Canvas to Selection" option but that just takes way too long.

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Paint.NET :: Larger Maximum Virtual Canvas Size

Mar 1, 2012

I've recently started using Paint.NET and I've been very impressed with its features. I've run into some problems working with large images though. URL...

It's a 10000 x 11299 pixel PNG image. I want to be able to zoom in quite far in order to look at some of the fine details, and make some notes on the image while I go. Unfortunately, as I read elsewhere on this forum, it seems that Paint.NET currently doesn't support a virtual canvas size greater than 32768 x 32768. On this image, that means I get a maximum zoom of 290% before I can't zoom in anymore, which isn't very much. Right now I'm having to use the "Windows Photo Viewer" to actually view and zoom into the image, while making the notes zoomed further out in Paint.NET, which is a bit cumbersome.

I know this is probably non-trivial to fix, but it would be fantastic if you can remove this barrier on the maximum virtual canvas size.

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GIMP :: Set Image Canvas Size?

Jul 22, 2012

I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Fedora 17 i686. I have noticed that when I cancel out of set image canvas size and return to set image canvas size I have no preview image. I was wondering if this is a problem with Gimp

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Photoshop :: Changing Canvas Size To Be Smaller Is Actually Making It Larger

Nov 9, 2013

I have changed Canvas size a thousand times in my life and this has never happened before.
I have an image that is 1600 px wide and I want to trim the sides to 1260. When I start to even type in the smaller size, the file size indicated is larger (that was my first suspicion that something was not right). And sure enough, it is making the image larger?

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GIMP :: Change Canvas Colour For Image In 2.8

Jun 28, 2012

I am desperately trying to change the Canvas Colour for an image in Gimp 2.8.

At the moment in displays in black and grey squares and when I save the image as a jpg it's black.

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GIMP :: Image With Layers - How To Cut Out Middle Of Canvas

Mar 16, 2013

I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.

Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.

I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?

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GIMP :: Resizing Image Resizes Canvas?

Oct 2, 2011

I have a canvas and it's 2048x2048 the image is 2041x2041 but there's this ugly gap on the sides and if I use the zealous crop tool it changes the canvas to 2041x2041. This aint what I want.

I want the image to be 2048 with the canvas so, I do image resize, thinkin oh this will work.

but nah, if I image resize it changes the whole canvas, I just want the image to change, and besides that if the canvas is 2048 the image resize tool will say the Image is 2048 even though the image it's self is 2041. So I guess what I'm sayin is there's a bug or something which makes the image resize tool resize the canvas instead.

So how would I go about resizing my image to fit the 2048 canvas?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Size Will Constrain Image Rather Than Cropping Canvas

Feb 23, 2012

I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.

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GIMP :: Pasting One PNG Onto Every JPG In Directory?

Jun 10, 2012

I have tried many so called batch plug ins and am now convinced that Gimp plugins are the new "Rick Roll" because not one has ever done anything or even been recognized by the main Gimp program.

I know there has to be a way to just select one transparent png file and paste it onto every jpg in a directory automatically. This of course assumes that all files involved are the same size and shape.

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GIMP :: Create Smaller BMP From Larger JPG

Oct 22, 2013

I have a jpg file from which I need to crop a 128x128 section and create a bmp file from it.

I've cropped the image and copied it into a new file. But when I go to save it (as .xcf), I see my smaller image but it is centered within a gray border that is the size of my original image. I want just the 128x128 part and nothing extra.

I've attached a screen shot to show what I am dealing with.

 Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 10.31.13 PM.png (32.41K)
Number of downloads: 6

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GIMP :: Larger Brush Sizes?

Jun 3, 2011

How I can set GIMP to show larger brush sizes?... or create larger brush sizes.

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GIMP :: How To Make A Brush Larger

May 14, 2012

After upgrading to Gimp 2.8, I am loving the single window mode. But the brushes are working a bit differently to 2.6.

I work, mostly, on A4 pages at 300DPI. So when I want to enlarge a brush, I like to use a custom shortcut to quickly upscale the brush so that I can to a large size quickly.

This happened nicely in 2.6. However, in 2.8, I can't find a way to quickly upscale the brush in the same way. I've created the same custom shortcut, but the upscaling takes a lot longer to reach the desired scale. It's a case of holding down the keyboard shortcut and then waiting while the brush gets bigger.

Is there a way to speed up that upscale motion?

EDIT: In other words, is there a way to make the "increase brush size more" function increase its increments?

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GIMP :: Color Loss When Pasting?

Jun 15, 2011

When i'm attempting to paste an image from one window to another, i'm losing an incredible amount of colors in the transfer.

The target image is a gif (of the animated variety) while the copied image is a png (although i've also tried w/ bmp's). You can check out the attachment to see what i mean.

I guess my question is primarily "whats causing this?" w/ a secondary "is there a work around?"

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GIMP :: Layer Toolbox And Pasting

May 24, 2013

I've tried the standard solution of File>Windows>Dialog boxes>layers

But that does absolutely nothing. Pressing CTRL+L does not produce the box either. Since its a fresh install and i have not closed it by accident i cannot reopen it using the recently closed windows option.

Is the layers box docked to another window by default maybe?

Also when i make a selection and paste it into as a new image with a transparent background the selection becomes transparent and i don't know how to make it fully opaque.

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GIMP :: Copying And Pasting Images?

Mar 16, 2013

I have just started working with GIMP, after years of using Photoshop, which I can't afford anymore. Most of the tools don't look that different from what I was used to in PS, but I ran into a problem right away: I don't seem to be able to cut an image and then paste the cut image as a new layer on top of another image. I creates a new layer alright, but I don't see the image I want to copy.

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GIMP :: Pasting Selections Into Other Programs?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm having some trouble pasting selections from GIMP into other programs. If my selection is not rectangular, a black background appears when I paste it that forces it to be a rectangle instead of the shape I actually selected. The program I specifically want to paste into is AutoREALM, but just to test I've tried pasting into MS Paint and MS Word, and the same problem occurs in all of them. Is there anything I can do in GIMP to prevent it from doing this?

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GIMP :: Can't Change Size To Anything Smaller Or Larger

Oct 16, 2012

so i downloaded the copasetic font and am trying to use it in a picture, and i can get a text box to appear and i can write the words i want, but i cant change the size to anything smaller or larger than what it starts out at. ive tried changing the size before i start typing, and its the same thing.

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GIMP :: Two Of Same Images One Larger With No Background And Transparent

Jul 9, 2011

I am working on an anime picture. I want to have two of the same images, one larger, with no background, and transparent. The other will be just the image. I have that done, but how do I get rid of the checkerboard pattern, it's difficult to work with it in the way. Also, both images move together, how do I stop that from happening?

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GIMP :: Pasting Fonts And Combining Images

Jul 8, 2012

I want to know how to insert a customized/colorful font like the one seen in the attached picture (Darknet). How do I do this with a generic stock image using GIMP? I want to create titles for my books using fonts that are relevant to the book title.

Lets say I want to use a woman's face/body from one stock photo image and transplant it into another stock image (just the face/body even though there are other elements in the background.

Is this possible with Gimp? What I want to do is combine the two. For instance, a picture of a galaxy of stars and then paste the image of the woman onto it.

Attached File(s) cover - Darknet.jpg (88.12K)

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GIMP :: After Copying And Pasting Cannot Deselect Area?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to get rid of it, so i'm copying various parts of the background, and pasting them over the signpost. unfortunately, after pasting a section, i can't seem to deselect the newly pasted section. I've had a google and many forums are telling me to go Select -> None, but this is greyed out. I can save the picture, close it, and reopen in GIMP, but i dont want to do this everytime I paste.

I'm using 2.6.8 by the looks of it.

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