I have a canvas and it's 2048x2048 the image is 2041x2041 but there's this ugly gap on the sides and if I use the zealous crop tool it changes the canvas to 2041x2041. This aint what I want.
I want the image to be 2048 with the canvas so, I do image resize, thinkin oh this will work.
but nah, if I image resize it changes the whole canvas, I just want the image to change, and besides that if the canvas is 2048 the image resize tool will say the Image is 2048 even though the image it's self is 2041. So I guess what I'm sayin is there's a bug or something which makes the image resize tool resize the canvas instead.
So how would I go about resizing my image to fit the 2048 canvas?
I've scanned and saved a paw print from my dog with the purpose of shrinking it to be able to make a stamp. But every-time I resize the image to 1.5 cm and the canvas size to 4 cms more (5.5 cm) when I come to print it (luckily haven't printed on expensive special paper yet) the settings change and it comes out bigger?
basically what I did was I wanted a certain part of an image and I used the eraser tool along with adding the alpha channel so I can get rid of everything in the image but a cropped version of it (basically erasing around what I want to keep). How do I fit the canvas to this oddly shaped image now?
You can say I want to create an icon but when I save it as a .png or .jpg, I get this white background replacing the alpha channel when I just want the cropped image itself. I tried going about using the free select tool, going around the image and then using the "Fit Canvas to Selection" option but that just takes way too long.
I need to resize images for the web. They need to be 100 pix x 80 pix when I use the scale image tool I can only change one value otherwise it distorts the image I have tried cropping it as well but with no luck in getting it right, how do I get my pics the right size?
I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Fedora 17 i686. I have noticed that when I cancel out of set image canvas size and return to set image canvas size I have no preview image. I was wondering if this is a problem with Gimp
"best" ( or favourite) ways of resizing an image? I'm only talking about changing the file size in JPG to a smaller or larger one for saving, We tried something yesterday, which sort of worked, but I decided the best solution was just to re-scan the original image again, which came out a lot smaller (ks), even though both methods were set to achieve 200 dpi. I think that was under "scale image". (I have been used to using a method called "resample" in another program, where you can change the dpi or inches/mm and off it goes.)
resizing a bigger image to a 5x7 image in gimp? I need the image to be 5x7 but the paper size will be a 8.5x11. How would I resize this image so that I can print it out on a 8.5x11 piece of paper?
I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.
Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.
I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?
I'm designing an image with photoshop sized 4.625 x 3.625. No problem -- until I 'save as' a PDF. Then it automatically resizes the image to 4.263 x 3.623. It doesn't sound like much difference, but the client requires the exact size in PDF.
I've tried everything I can think of to hold the size but nothing works. I've created it in jpg, tiff, and even switched to In-Design. One site said to create the project in a different dpi (200 instead of my usual 300dpi) but as soon as I 'save as' a PDF the size changes again.
I created this using Gimp 2.6 on Mac 10.5: [URL].......
When I resize this to a smaller image, the text gets all distorted: [URL]......
I have been looking around on Google, but couldn't find much.Tried scaling with all the different ways (Linear, Cubical... etc). Also tried scaling from XCF and PNG files. Nothing seem to maintain the quality of the text on the image.
I already have an image ready droplet that resizes photos. I used to have Photoshop but cannot find it and I have a new PC? I want to buy a new license of Photoshop but cannot afford the fully package so I was wondering which Photoshop element package must I buy in order to be able to use my image ready droplet?
I'm working on a 960 grid layout, with all the vertical guides showing the grid.
I want to increase my canvas width from 960 to 1200, keeping the artwork centred, so in the canvas size dialog box I select the center anchor. Unfortunately this keeps the artwork centred but the guides always move left, as if they're anchored to the left of the canvas. This means the guides are no longer in position.
Is there any way to add more canvas to both sides while keeping the guides where they are relative to the artwork?
I'm trying to make a picture compostion out of several pictures. I want the canvas to be fixed from the beginning and stay fixed. The problem is that whenever I add a picture using "Layer -> Import from file" and the imported picture is larger than the canvas the canvas get resized to the size of the imported pictue. Is there a way to prevent that?
I upgraded from PSE 10 to PSE 12 this week and am confused about a change in behavior.
I create a large blank document (3600x3600 pixels, scrapbook size) and then drag other items onto it to create new layers.
In PSE10, the items I dragged in kept their original size. In PSE 12, they get resized to match the size of the document I'm dragging them on to.Is there a setting I need to change? Can't find it.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
i have installed photoshop cs6 on my computer and have this problem... usually when im resizing and transforming things, either the canvas goes blank (black) or outside the canvas in the photoshop window get pixelated (the pixel grid shows up) and it is glitchy.[URL]...
When resizing the canvas for a photo in some but not all saved images the canvas extension color is greyed out. The particular photo is saved as a Tiff. Why is this and how can I solve the problem.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
HAving just installed 2.8 after using 2.6, I find all scanned images and existing jpeg files I created in 2.6 are displayed at ridiculously large dimensions. In 2.6, all scanned images were loaded on screen at their actual A4 size, regardless of scan resolution. In 2.8 they are loading up on screen at around 5 times the actual size - it seems I have to scale the image back down to A4 before I can start editing it? I tested this on A4 jpeg files I created on 2.6, and they also load on screen at massively enlarged sizes. how to get these images to display at their actual sizes?
I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.
Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.
I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?
I have an image with 85 layers, let's say they are all 100x100 pixels.
The layers are all aligned on the top and left borders of the canvas.
The canvas is 100 pixels wide and 8500 pixels tall.
I want to put the first layer on the top of the canvas, then the secondlayer with its top border aligned with the bottom border of the firstlayer. Then the third layer just below the second one, etc. So that all 85layers are spread on the full height of the canvas.
Actually, some layers are less than 100 pixels tall. I still want thelayers to be one next to the other. So if my first layer is 60 pixels tall,the second layer must be moved at 0,60 in the canvas. And if the second oneis 90 pixels tall, the third one must me moved at 0,150.
How can I do that? Is there a plugin? It doesn't seem very hard to code in Scheme.
I have two images that I didn't create, but need to be re-sized. A wide gradient bar with rounded-corners and a box with rounded corners (attached). I suspect I may need to recreate these in GIMP (unless there's another way).