I need to resize images for the web. They need to be 100 pix x 80 pix when I use the scale image tool I can only change one value otherwise it distorts the image I have tried cropping it as well but with no luck in getting it right, how do I get my pics the right size?
"best" ( or favourite) ways of resizing an image? I'm only talking about changing the file size in JPG to a smaller or larger one for saving, We tried something yesterday, which sort of worked, but I decided the best solution was just to re-scan the original image again, which came out a lot smaller (ks), even though both methods were set to achieve 200 dpi. I think that was under "scale image". (I have been used to using a method called "resample" in another program, where you can change the dpi or inches/mm and off it goes.)
resizing a bigger image to a 5x7 image in gimp? I need the image to be 5x7 but the paper size will be a 8.5x11. How would I resize this image so that I can print it out on a 8.5x11 piece of paper?
I have a canvas and it's 2048x2048 the image is 2041x2041 but there's this ugly gap on the sides and if I use the zealous crop tool it changes the canvas to 2041x2041. This aint what I want.
I want the image to be 2048 with the canvas so, I do image resize, thinkin oh this will work.
but nah, if I image resize it changes the whole canvas, I just want the image to change, and besides that if the canvas is 2048 the image resize tool will say the Image is 2048 even though the image it's self is 2041. So I guess what I'm sayin is there's a bug or something which makes the image resize tool resize the canvas instead.
So how would I go about resizing my image to fit the 2048 canvas?
I created this using Gimp 2.6 on Mac 10.5: [URL].......
When I resize this to a smaller image, the text gets all distorted: [URL]......
I have been looking around on Google, but couldn't find much.Tried scaling with all the different ways (Linear, Cubical... etc). Also tried scaling from XCF and PNG files. Nothing seem to maintain the quality of the text on the image.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
I have two images that I didn't create, but need to be re-sized. A wide gradient bar with rounded-corners and a box with rounded corners (attached). I suspect I may need to recreate these in GIMP (unless there's another way).
I have a jpg file 1500x1024 pixels. If I resize it down to 400x300 and save it, the image quality is fine in the Gimp window. When I view it outside of Gimp, like in Image Viewer or FSpot its very blurry.
I resized the same image on a Mac using Photoshop and this did not happen, the resized image was perfect. Is it some sort of limitation in Gimp?
In the Scale Image dialog box the interpolation is set to Cubic. In the Save As jpeg dialog box I have checked Optimize Smoothing is set to 1.00 Subsamplingis set to Best Quality
I put a picture in gimp and when I go to print it it isn't a size anything like the picture in gimp. It's sometimes way bigger or smaller . How do I resize the picture to the size I want to print it.
I have a 70x70 image that i need to shrink down to 40x40 in the preview when i shrink it down the image looks bloody perfect, however when i select OK it just blurs everything up. why cant gimp just keep the quality it has in the preview? its like it deliberately wants to ruin my day. I reduced the image in Cubic and in Sinc but neither was good enough.
Regarding Gimp version 2.8.2, I'm posting text to a picture, the trouble is when I highlight and try to resize the text it disappears. The text layer is still on top and the eye is still visable, so the text should be visable.. I have tried different fonts and colors and sizes with no success, things I can check to make this work again?
I did just reinstall this version today ( a couple of times ) and that is when the trouble started.
I suggest having the ability to group layers, such that operations performed on the group would act on all the layers in that group simultaneously. This would allow making a whole bunch of items (each on their own layer), then moving/re-sizing/whatever the whole group of layers.
Ok, so in photoshop there is this thing that when i resize or move around an image it will "stick" to the edges of the canvas allowing for an easier alignment, but this doesn't seem to be the case with gimp, so my question is: is there a way to activate those "sticky edges" in gimp while resizing a picture?
I'll come straight out and admit: yes, my real problem here is my laziness but, ignoring that, the 'problem' I have is getting so tired of and annoyed with the whole trial & error schtick that comes with saving animated gifs (scale image, save, check file size, repeat to first step until file size is finally desirable).
Two possible solutions come to mind, one I admit is probably quite unrealistic but I would think the other has a good chance of existing.
First, the unrealistic solution possibility. Is there a plugin or anything else where I can input a file size and it could calculate the exact (or close to exact) scale I would need to resize to if I want the gif to be around that file size? (i.e. "For this gif to be 879kb your best bet would (probably) be 515 x 283")
Now then, the more realistic (or at least I think it is) solution possibility. What about being able to preview a file size of an animated gif before saving? (i.e. "If you save this 400 x 226 gif it will most likely be '(insert byte size here)'kb")
I have a picture that is approximate 5 inches, by 10 inches. I want to blow the picture up to approx. 19x7 inches. But my question is, after I blow it up, and place it on a new image template, how will I know the "final" product will be proportioned correctly (with exact correct proportions as original pic) when I print it out.
Does GIMP "automatically" proportion the image correctly, or is there some mathematical equation/something to figure out the correct equation.
All my images are 3008x2000, and I want to resize them down to a smaller scale for a web site. I know there must be a simple math equation to use to figure out what size would be safe where the images keep their proportion correct. In other words, at 3008x2000, if I reduce to 600x400, it looks out of proportion.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inch image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
I have just opened up an image from a file in order to resize it for placing into an InDesign document.
The image is 16cm (1986p) x 15cm (1812) at 300dpi.
I resized it to 3cm wide at 300 dpi with the following boxes checked: scale styles/constrainproportions/resample image/bicubic.
But the image is very pixellated when reduced and taken into ID, even tho reduced in size from the original. I've done this dozens of times in Ps 7 abd never had this happen.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inches image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
I have an image that is very large. It is 4064 x 2704 px. I want to resize it so that I can use it for the header on my blog. I need it to be about 200 x 600 px. I have tried to resize it and when I do it becomes kind of blurry and distorted looking. I am assuming this is because of how large the image is initially.
is there a way to resize it this much and it still be sharp and not stretched looking.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inches image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
i want to resize an image, i want to only change the witdth and not the lengh. I am using photoshop 7. When i go to "image size" and i type in the size of the width i want the image to be, photoshop automatically resizes the width and the length for me. Is there a way to resize an image that can allow you to change the witdth and not the length?
If I open a .psd file with an alpha channel and resize it via Image Size to a smaller version and then save it again, the alpha channel is no longer detected in the new .psd file. I've tried deleting the alpha channel and re-creating it but it just doesn't seem to get recognized as having alpha transparency when I open it in other software (e.g., Preview on OS X). (note: I'm using CS5). It's specifically only happening through a resize using Image Size and not via Canvas Size.
resize a canvas with 3D text.But want I want to know right now is how would you resize the whole image (make it smaller or bigger) with 3D text?Because when you make the image smaller, the 3D text stays the same size.
if this is a duplicate posting. I'm new to using this resource. Just want to be sure my question is getting to the right place for qualified responses.
Here is my dilemma. I'm very anal about this and was able to solve the problem in CS3. But I've lost the instructions. What I want to do:
When I resize (or resample) an image to 30 inches wide for printing I want the image on my screen in CS6 to be exactly 30 inches wide. Thusly I am able to see a true representation of my final sharpening.
As it is now... if I resize it to 30 inches it actually shows up at approx. 24-1/2 inches wide on screen. Any magical trick to adjust this in CS6 as I was able to do in CS3?