I have just opened up an image from a file in order to resize it for placing into an InDesign document.
The image is 16cm (1986p) x 15cm (1812) at 300dpi.
I resized it to 3cm wide at 300 dpi with the following boxes checked: scale styles/constrainproportions/resample image/bicubic.
But the image is very pixellated when reduced and taken into ID, even tho reduced in size from the original. I've done this dozens of times in Ps 7 abd never had this happen.
All my images are 3008x2000, and I want to resize them down to a smaller scale for a web site. I know there must be a simple math equation to use to figure out what size would be safe where the images keep their proportion correct. In other words, at 3008x2000, if I reduce to 600x400, it looks out of proportion.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inch image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inches image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
I have an image that is very large. It is 4064 x 2704 px. I want to resize it so that I can use it for the header on my blog. I need it to be about 200 x 600 px. I have tried to resize it and when I do it becomes kind of blurry and distorted looking. I am assuming this is because of how large the image is initially.
is there a way to resize it this much and it still be sharp and not stretched looking.
I want to take a screenshot and print it under 300 resolution, but everytime I paste it into Photoshop (after I take the screenshot via CONTROL+PRINTSCREEN button), it comes out as 3x2 inches, which is too small. I would like it to be 6x7 inches, but the only way I can think to do that, is if I resize the 3x2 inches image, to 6x7 inches. This makes the image a little blurry, so I sharpen it up a little bit.
i want to resize an image, i want to only change the witdth and not the lengh. I am using photoshop 7. When i go to "image size" and i type in the size of the width i want the image to be, photoshop automatically resizes the width and the length for me. Is there a way to resize an image that can allow you to change the witdth and not the length?
If I open a .psd file with an alpha channel and resize it via Image Size to a smaller version and then save it again, the alpha channel is no longer detected in the new .psd file. I've tried deleting the alpha channel and re-creating it but it just doesn't seem to get recognized as having alpha transparency when I open it in other software (e.g., Preview on OS X). (note: I'm using CS5). It's specifically only happening through a resize using Image Size and not via Canvas Size.
resize a canvas with 3D text.But want I want to know right now is how would you resize the whole image (make it smaller or bigger) with 3D text?Because when you make the image smaller, the 3D text stays the same size.
if this is a duplicate posting. I'm new to using this resource. Just want to be sure my question is getting to the right place for qualified responses.
Here is my dilemma. I'm very anal about this and was able to solve the problem in CS3. But I've lost the instructions. What I want to do:
When I resize (or resample) an image to 30 inches wide for printing I want the image on my screen in CS6 to be exactly 30 inches wide. Thusly I am able to see a true representation of my final sharpening.
As it is now... if I resize it to 30 inches it actually shows up at approx. 24-1/2 inches wide on screen. Any magical trick to adjust this in CS6 as I was able to do in CS3?
Why, when you downsample a picture (say from 300 to 72 dpi) does it look look pixellated, even though it is scaled down in Indesign and the effective DPI is well over 300.
I am using little icons that are clipped out photos they will be printed at about a quarter inch. These icons are on a bunch of calendars so they are placed in Indesign hundreds of times. Their actual size was originally about 5 inches at 300 dpi -- wayyyy larger than necessary for the final printed size.
I need to downsize them, without have to adjust each one in the ID document as they are already placed. I can do this by downsampling them in PS, from 300 to 72 dpi and not change the dimensions.But when I do this, even though they are so small in the ID document, they still look pixelated.
I need to make some new images for a jcarousel we've just coded into one of our sites. I have a number of existing images and logos that I need to drop into a 150 x 94 px size - I have a lot of these to convert.
What is the best (easiest) way to do this - they are all different sizes and formats. We'd like to end up with either gifs or pngs - if we make sprites we would need to keep the canvas size the same but knock the image size down to 150 x 47.
I've found that photoshop is distorting the image when resizing. If you have an image and you duplicate the layer, then with the bottom layer set its size (by free transform) to 99% (width and height), then set the top layers opacity to 50%, the image should be evenly blurred but it's not. It is in focus in the middle and blurred around the edges.
Is there a way to make an Action for batch processing to take a folder of various file sizes of photos and make them all retain there proportions but end up the same final size?
I am wanting to put on web quite a few photos but do not want to down size each one at a time. If I want them all to be about 200kb, how can I do that where a 5mb pic or a 500kb pic could all be processed with the same action to end up the same size?
I have placed a few images onto a background, I cannot seem to resize each individual image to my pre-determined sizes (for a business portfolio sheet) without also resizing the 'page' on which I'm trying to place them. I've tried image size, canvas size, transform, etc. but when I am in the specific layer trying to resize it, it still seems to resize the whole document (even though I didn't select canvas size).
Basically what I want to do is make a part of my image in the middle smaller without altering the rest of the image. I have tried to do this by selecting the part of the image I want to resize, and then changing the size of it.
The problem is that when I do this, I am left with all this white space in the area where the now smaller image no longer covers (I hope this makes sense). What I want is for the image surrounding my selection to "follow it" so to speak, and cover in where there is now white space.
I have designed an album cover using some jpeg elements as well as vector based text and background color. I set the project resolution as 300 ppi. The size is 2.0 inch x 2.0 inch. So when i save that as a jpeg i get a file size of around 250 kb. I was hoping to get this file size down to around 100 kb or so for web use, without loosing the sharpness of detail.
I have tried the following : Image size: I change ppi resolution to 72. The picture than gets way too small to be able to post on a website. Is it possible to lower the file resolution for webuse without changing the file size?
how do I resize a batch of images within photoshop without opening each and every file. I have been told you can do this with actions and batch processeing ??
We are an e-commerce company and wish to do a show case of our web sites in a presentation.I have been asked to make some posters and have done some screen shots. The current dpi is 72dpi, and the printers need the highest resolution possible. How can I resize to get the highest resolution possible. I tried resizing using "Image size..." to 300 dpi, then resizing back to the original 72(to see what it would look like), but when going back to 72 dpi it blurs the screen shots. what must I do?
i mean, when re-sizing(transform) an image, it automatically blured the edges or the image itself(so the image looks fine), but when i installed the photoshop CS and un-installed it coz its expired already(demo) and installed the photoshop 7 again, the nightmare begins. when i resize an image i saw it pixelated(not good). is there any settings on this?? and when the 1st time i opened the photoshop 7, it tells me to install it on another volume(but i dont have another disk/ partition).
I'm working with a template and I need to resize an image to a specific size.
width 4.75" height 4.72"
I can take an image and resize it, BUT when I resize it to 4.75"W, I then try to resize the height to 4.72" but when I resize the height, the width changes size automatically, I simply cannnot resize it to the exact measurment I need. Is there a way to do this with Elements 5.0? I also have Infraview that I can resize an image with, but it's the same problem. Any ideas.
how to convert photo to 650 X 650 pixels AND no more than 250 KB. Am submitting photos of paintings for an exhibition and need the quality to be there.
Have been using an old version of Photoshop but am now using Photoshop Elements 8 and I need to 'resize' images so I can save them for website but can't seem to do so. The old system was so easy - you just clicked 'resize image' and altered the pixel width or height and it just did it!
I am trying to resize a logo so that it looks crisp and sharp on Facebook and on mobile devices, but I'm having trouble. My file is a .png file and is 72 dpi (resized for web and devices in photoshop). It is 400x400 pixels.
I use [URL]... (similar to tweetdeck or hootsuite) to send posts to Facebook and Twitter. The image looks good on screen when I look at facebook, but not when you look at it on a mobile phone.
I must have accidentally changed a setting as now, after I crop an image, I appears much smaller and when I try to resize it back it's very distorted. How can I fix this?
I am looking to print a file from photoshop cs5 and want to scale my media without resizing my image. I've made sure the scale to fit media is not checked but everytime I've attempted to change the media size the image changes with it. Also how do I unlink the scale, height, width options?
I need to cut a car image out of a picture and insert it with a wildlife background but i must be able to place the car pic in a certern position in the background.
1.I was able to cut the image out using the pen tool then seleting new layer and then pasting in there. Now I want to make the pic a bit smaller (like click on the image and move the mouse in to make it smaller) But just not winning.
2.How can I open a new background image in the same project. when ever i click new it opens a new project and when i select new layer and copy and paste the image i want to use as a background it views as a thumbnail.
3. is it possible to blend the car image with the background like t is a origanal.
4. Oh and sorry is there a easy way of cutting a image then the pen tool my hand is not steady and i always seem to cut into the image or way out .