I have changed Canvas size a thousand times in my life and this has never happened before. Â I have an image that is 1600 px wide and I want to trim the sides to 1260. When I start to even type in the smaller size, the file size indicated is larger (that was my first suspicion that something was not right). And sure enough, it is making the image larger?
I've recently started using Paint.NET and I've been very impressed with its features. I've run into some problems working with large images though. URL...
It's a 10000 x 11299 pixel PNG image. I want to be able to zoom in quite far in order to look at some of the fine details, and make some notes on the image while I go. Unfortunately, as I read elsewhere on this forum, it seems that Paint.NET currently doesn't support a virtual canvas size greater than 32768 x 32768. On this image, that means I get a maximum zoom of 290% before I can't zoom in anymore, which isn't very much. Right now I'm having to use the "Windows Photo Viewer" to actually view and zoom into the image, while making the notes zoomed further out in Paint.NET, which is a bit cumbersome.
I know this is probably non-trivial to fix, but it would be fantastic if you can remove this barrier on the maximum virtual canvas size.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
In PS CS4 I have a Photoshop file that is 46 MB. I saved this same file as a PDF, but the PDF is 86 MB. Isn't the point of a PDF to be more compact? I have set the settings as Press Quality with the default settings when converting to the PDF. I did not flatten any layers, but I don't want them flattened because there is text on the page.
I can change the default cusor in XP Pro but it doesn't carry over to PS. The preferences/display&cursors tab is limited.
What I need is a heavier cursor or full cross hairs. I'm running 1920 x 1200 on a 22 inch Sony LCD screen. With aging eyes it's too difficult to pick up the tiny cross cursor on various photo backgrounds.
I placed an image on an 8.5x11 piece of paper and saved it as a PDF. Once it was printed directly from Acrobat the image was printed slightly larger than when I print directly from Photoshop. Why is this and is there any way I can fix it?
By the way I've already checked to see if "scale to fit page" was checked and it was not. Â I was wondering this b/c I'm sending a pdf to someone and I'm worried it's going to print larger than the actual size I want it at.
my internal driver is full on my laptop. I have to either buy a new external HD (500GB/7200rpm) or change to a larger internal one (500GB/7200 or 5400rpm). I am aware the external one will be lower compared to internal one. is it acceptable? I think that PS will use HD only when opening and saving the photos. It uses memory and scratch disk (configured on internal one) most of the time. I can not add the second internal HD. Only Photshop CS4 and MS office installed on this laption which is only used for PS. OS is window 7 64-bit with 4GB memory.
Recently I moved to CS3 from CS2. Now I notice that files I made in CS2 with particular settings weighted around 27 megabytes, 30 megabytes tops. These exact files weight 40 megabytes when saved in CS3. I think this is an ARGH!,
But picture this: maybe many of you have heard that if you hide the layers before saving the PSD, then the file size will be significantly smaller upon save. I tried this tip and it worked indeed. My CS3 files do weight as much now as they should, though without the layers shown. No chance this way to look at them, manage them with an image viewer etc.
is this a known and existent issue in CS3, does CS3 save and reveal some senselessly large "blind data" that CS2 could manage easily?
I am working on a header for a site. The left side image faded in nicely by layering it over black, lowering the opacity and blurring the right edge. I also sat the black layer a bit further in and blurred it to get a smooth edge. However, I cannot get the same look on the right side image. After about 2 hours trying, I am at wit's end. But I am still a newbie to PS and I have no doubt there is a better way to do this.
i've been hearing (reading) an awful lot about this edit>fade thing, and i've even done it a few times using tuts, but I still don't understand its function.
I created a logo which was 1.8cm sq & used the chrome filter on it. Â I now need to make a much larger version of the logo & after creating all theother parts of my logo ok, the Chrome filter gives completly the wrong effect?
I'm runing into some problems trying to open a TIF that is 600MB. I get the following error message:
Could not complete the Open command because there is not enough memory (RAM). Â We are using Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.4 x64 on Mac OS X version 10.7.4. I've attached a screenshot of Activity Monitor displaying plenty of unused system RAM [1]. I've increased Photoshop's memory allowance (Photoshop > Preferences > Performance > Let Photoshop Use: 7277 MB (100%)), and I have an active Scratch Disk with more than 500 GB free. Â Bridge reports the following re the TIF 14409 x 16209, 600 ppi, scanned on a KIP 3000. There's probably RLE compression involved, but I haven't confirmed that.
I noticed this was a question when CS4 came out; I've just upgraded from CS3 to CS6 so am experiencing the problem decribed in an earlier thread here:
[URL].... Â I have an Nvidia Geforce 7900GS card with an old 2006 driver,Â Â I tried updating to driver 306.81 from earlier this month and whilst this solved the brush issue, it caused the PC's cooling fans to operate much more frequently (and noisily) than before so I concluded it was not so suitable for my card. Â In view of this, should I be trying an older driver, say from 2009 as the earlier post suggests "because that bug was fixed by Nvidia back in the Spring of 2009" Â If so, which one? Â I'm running XP, SP3Â PC has dual core Pentium CPU 3.4GHz, 4GB RAM (3.25 useable with XP) CS6 updated with all available updates.
I've never found a solution. I spent a half hour googling the issue - and got nowhere.  If I open a ps file that's big, copy the content, and paste it into a smaller document, I have to do a Command-0, to be able to view the whole image with handles on the pasted content, then manually pull a corner with shift held down until it's close to the size to fit, then manually size the whole thing back up to 100%. Craziness.  Why can't I paste content into another doc, have the transform handles be there, with the clipboard content sized within the window?  This is NOT a problem with Placing stuff from Illustrator This has nothing to do with resolutions  This is simply a request to find a way to paste something big, into something smaller, without having to zoom out until I can see the transform handles.
I was trying to print a 1/8" bleed 5x7 PDF file that was save as PDF from Photoshop CS6, but when I upload the PDF to Staple print shop, it states that the actual file size is in a letter sheet 8.5x11 size, why. Is this happening?
what settings or option do I need to take, if I want to save my .PSB as a JPEG and want to avoid reducing the size down to 30.000px. Actually I do not care if some editors won't be able to handle JPEGs larger than 30.000px. I just want to produce one with 39.000px, and can't imagine PS won't allow me to do that.
I drew in a concept and I accidentally increased a layer of 30000 pixel that is impossible in PSD. I did not realize it, there was not any problem no pop-up window,or nothing to indicate an error. I gave the save. No problem, everything is OK. I turn off photoshop. Well if Im wanted to start PSD again reported bug and incompatibility. The question is: is there any way to get working again in PS with layers? the possibility of somehow delete or cropping the wrong layer?i can save image in other programs but merged.