I've recently started using Paint.NET and I've been very impressed with its features. I've run into some problems working with large images though. URL...
It's a 10000 x 11299 pixel PNG image. I want to be able to zoom in quite far in order to look at some of the fine details, and make some notes on the image while I go. Unfortunately, as I read elsewhere on this forum, it seems that Paint.NET currently doesn't support a virtual canvas size greater than 32768 x 32768. On this image, that means I get a maximum zoom of 290% before I can't zoom in anymore, which isn't very much. Right now I'm having to use the "Windows Photo Viewer" to actually view and zoom into the image, while making the notes zoomed further out in Paint.NET, which is a bit cumbersome.
I know this is probably non-trivial to fix, but it would be fantastic if you can remove this barrier on the maximum virtual canvas size.
I am trying to create a document size 6040mm x 350mm (for a sticker to run along the front of an eatery counter) but Illustrator keeps saying that it exceeds the canvas size. is there a way to increase the maximum canvas size or will I just need to design the document in two halves?
I have changed Canvas size a thousand times in my life and this has never happened before.
I have an image that is 1600 px wide and I want to trim the sides to 1260. When I start to even type in the smaller size, the file size indicated is larger (that was my first suspicion that something was not right). And sure enough, it is making the image larger?
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
I've been using PSP for a long time now (fisrtly PSP7 and now PSP9) and I wanted to buy the new version PSPX4. I downloaded the free-trial version and I saw that it is impossible to generate files bigger than 10'000x10'000 pixels. In the canvas size menu, it's impossible to give a higher number. The problem is that a made bigger files with PSP9 and I'd like to keep on working on it without resizing them.
So my question is : Is it only a limitation of the trial version or is it simply impossible to work with bigger images than 10k x 10k ? I hope there is a simple solution because PSP9 encounters some problems with Win7...
I like Paint.net quite a bit more than Gimp. I do, however, like the Single Window Mode in Gimp, allowing me to tab my windows together, then lock the cluster to the side. It doesn't cover the image, either.
I was just wondering if there is a plug in that would emulate something similar for Paint.net? I can't stand constantly moving my windows around based on the size of my image. It drives me up a wall. Even something to restrict the size of the canvas, so it can't go under the windows would work.
It use to be that when I would import a picture that was larger than the current canvas size I was dealing with it, it would ask me if I wanted to enlarge the canvas size or not. Now it just automatically is changing the canvas size and it's driving me nuts because I don't want it to do that!
I discovered via a tutorial video making a transparent title in PowerDirector 9 Ultra video editor. The demonstrator used Paint.Net to create a 16:9 ratio canvas... but since installing your program I cannot figure out how to create a canvas to match these 2 video sized canvases.
I'm trying out X4, and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but it seems like the canvas size on X4 at any resolution is much smaller than in X3, e.g., at 200 pixels/inch, X4 allows 50"x50", while X3 allows 164x164". Similarly at 150 pixels/inch, X3 allows 218", while X4 allows approximately 67". Given the fact that X4 is supposed to provide access to more memory, and uses a scratch pad, this does not make sense to me-
I wanted to combine two images one needs to be fit to the scale of the background image. So basically I followed the instructions.
Open up your background layer which was 800x600 landscape photo.
Then I imported my other image which was 600x800 portrait photo too. Layers -Import from file. I resized it then copied into a new layer. That was fine.
The problem is as soon as the new image is imported, the background image changes so that it only takes up half of the canvas. So now I've got a white area for half of the canvas. I can't seem to change this.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
We currently use CS3 in our Art Dept at the sign company I work for. Sometimes designing/layout for some projects can be a pain when they go beyond the max artboard size constraint in CS3. This is especially true in my dept which does all the large format digital printing. I find myself having to switch back and forth between some of my sign software, which has almost limitless area for design and layout. Not that we can't work in scales but life would be so much easier if we could do things in full scale. Now to the point, does CS4 have larger artboard size than CS3?
I'm doing a HD production (1920x1080) and can't get any animation previews to run at 100% when trying to create from the Animation Sequence? Surely there can't be a limit to the maximum size you can preview at?
I use gimp 2.8.4 on a tablet with pen.The brush size that I usually use is ranging from 1-25.I prefer to change the brush size by dragging the slider, but using thetablet pen to click the brush size slider bar is really not easy to controlit to 1-25. (see attachment slider.png)Can I setup the the maximum value of brush size slider to 25?
I have trouble to find the maximum work space for A4 paper size when I want 1:1 measurements on A4 paper. The stuff I draw must keep the 1:1 measurements
what's the maximum number of photos that can be organized in Elements 10? what's the maximum size of a photo with a thumbnail what's the meaning of the 'broken card' icon?
I would like to know what the max image file size is in Organizer? I Have an Epson V600 scanner. I am trying to scan Photos, slides and Neg.s & import the scans into Organizer.