GIMP :: Pasting Selections Into Other Programs?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm having some trouble pasting selections from GIMP into other programs. If my selection is not rectangular, a black background appears when I paste it that forces it to be a rectangle instead of the shape I actually selected. The program I specifically want to paste into is AutoREALM, but just to test I've tried pasting into MS Paint and MS Word, and the same problem occurs in all of them. Is there anything I can do in GIMP to prevent it from doing this?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Cutting And Pasting Between Programs?

Jun 2, 2012

I have with transferring graphics between programs - that is graphics that have been "cut out" from their backgrounds. ie with transparent backgrounds. 

Whenever I cut and paste out of Draw (or PP) into another program, say Serif PhotoPlus or Xara Designer, the background returns (white), and the same happens when I paste an image into Draw that has been cut out elsewhere. To all extent and purposes they become jpegs.

Yet an image "cut out" in Serif PhotoPlus can be pasted into Xara Designer with the transparency intact. It doesn't work in reverse though.

Is there a setting somewhere that would enable me to successfully transfer images out of and into Draw with transparency? Without having to export every time to png or pdf.

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GIMP :: Tool / Plugin For Gimp To Transform Selections

Sep 18, 2011

I have checked the road map for GIMP and I have seen that the Unified transform tool can be expected in version 3.8. (ugh)

Now what I would like to ask is there any tool or plugin for GIMP that can transform my selections? Or is there any open source image editor that can do it.

I'm not an artist and just for this I have to use Photoshop. For me PS is an overkill for just cutting up an image.

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GIMP :: Moving Selections From A Drawing To Another Page

Nov 8, 2013

I have an existing drawing (A3 size) which loads with a mottled grey background for some reason (looks fine when printed).

I want to select a couple of small rectangles and put them on another page. Perhaps another possibility could be if I could save my selections as separate files (if this were possible) then I could use the "Open as Layers" method which is well described in this forum.

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GIMP :: How To Make Different (rectangular) Selections On Different Layers

Jan 9, 2012

Can one make different (rectangular or otherwise) selections on different layers?

[e.g. I need to "fade" parts of an image in one layer, and need to "blur" different parts of the same image in a different layer... and want to save the different selections (each for "fade" and "blur" layers) for easier, future edit.]

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GIMP :: Intelligent Scissors - Can Multiple Selections Be Made?

Dec 26, 2013

I use the intelligent scissors quite a bit. In some instances, my picture is not a clear cut selection to where I can go around an place anchor points. For instance where the legs of animals cross over each other and pieces of the background show through the legs. Can multiple selections be made with the intelligent scissors? Or am I using the incorrect tool.

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GIMP :: Saving Selections As Separate Files Rapidly?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm scanning old photos from a photo album. There are a lot of these pages, so taking the pictures out and scanning them would be a huge hassle. The photos are too close on most pages for the scanning software to recognize them as separate images and save them as such.

I'd like to save them as individual pictures, both because that's neater and because some require color corrections.

I'd be able to open up the scanned image, select or outline the picture, and have some script save that selection as an individual file. Super ideally the name would be automatically generated, typing in "1" "2" "3" etc gets old, and I obviously don't want to overwrite. And if I could get automatic color correction before saving or in a batch, that would also be great.

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GIMP :: How To Move Selections Not Whole Images Without Leaving Transparent Pixels

Oct 13, 2012

Whenever I have a selection in an image, I can move it around all I want and wherever I want until I anchor it, but when I open that same image again after saving it and then select a part of the image, I can't get my selection to move. Rather the entire image moves and leaves transparent pixels. How do I move selections and not whole images without leaving transparent pixels?

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GIMP :: Pasting One PNG Onto Every JPG In Directory?

Jun 10, 2012

I have tried many so called batch plug ins and am now convinced that Gimp plugins are the new "Rick Roll" because not one has ever done anything or even been recognized by the main Gimp program.

I know there has to be a way to just select one transparent png file and paste it onto every jpg in a directory automatically. This of course assumes that all files involved are the same size and shape.

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GIMP :: Color Loss When Pasting?

Jun 15, 2011

When i'm attempting to paste an image from one window to another, i'm losing an incredible amount of colors in the transfer.

The target image is a gif (of the animated variety) while the copied image is a png (although i've also tried w/ bmp's). You can check out the attachment to see what i mean.

I guess my question is primarily "whats causing this?" w/ a secondary "is there a work around?"

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GIMP :: Layer Toolbox And Pasting

May 24, 2013

I've tried the standard solution of File>Windows>Dialog boxes>layers

But that does absolutely nothing. Pressing CTRL+L does not produce the box either. Since its a fresh install and i have not closed it by accident i cannot reopen it using the recently closed windows option.

Is the layers box docked to another window by default maybe?

Also when i make a selection and paste it into as a new image with a transparent background the selection becomes transparent and i don't know how to make it fully opaque.

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GIMP :: Copy / Pasting One Image Into Another

Feb 18, 2011

Every time I try to copy an image (with a transparent BG) and paste it into my overall project I'm working on, both opened in GIMP, I always get just the selected dotted lines as an outline of the image.

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GIMP :: Copying And Pasting Images?

Mar 16, 2013

I have just started working with GIMP, after years of using Photoshop, which I can't afford anymore. Most of the tools don't look that different from what I was used to in PS, but I ran into a problem right away: I don't seem to be able to cut an image and then paste the cut image as a new layer on top of another image. I creates a new layer alright, but I don't see the image I want to copy.

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GIMP :: Pasting Image Larger Than Canvas?

Jan 9, 2013

In GIMP 2.8, when I copy a large image and paste it into a small canvas, the edges of the image exceeding the canvas are lost.

In Paint.Net 3.5, when you paste a large image into a small canvas, a dialog box displays

The image being pasted is larger than the canvas size. What do you want to do?

1) Expand Canvas to fit the image being pasted.

2) Keep canvas size.

3) Cancel Paste

This would be a great default feature for GIMP.

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GIMP :: Pasting Fonts And Combining Images

Jul 8, 2012

I want to know how to insert a customized/colorful font like the one seen in the attached picture (Darknet). How do I do this with a generic stock image using GIMP? I want to create titles for my books using fonts that are relevant to the book title.

Lets say I want to use a woman's face/body from one stock photo image and transplant it into another stock image (just the face/body even though there are other elements in the background.

Is this possible with Gimp? What I want to do is combine the two. For instance, a picture of a galaxy of stars and then paste the image of the woman onto it.

Attached File(s) cover - Darknet.jpg (88.12K)

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GIMP :: Animation - Saving And Pasting Image?

Sep 4, 2011

im making an animation with gimp and then i saved it. but now i want to add more layers and paste these images on buuutt when i paste the colors are all faded and weird, does this have something to do with like indexed images or something?

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GIMP :: Pasting Color Image Onto BW Background

Jul 10, 2011

I am pasting a color image onto a BW background. When I do this the image converts to BW. How do I prevent this from happening? I want to keep the background BW and the pasted images color.

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GIMP :: After Copying And Pasting Cannot Deselect Area?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to get rid of it, so i'm copying various parts of the background, and pasting them over the signpost. unfortunately, after pasting a section, i can't seem to deselect the newly pasted section. I've had a google and many forums are telling me to go Select -> None, but this is greyed out. I can save the picture, close it, and reopen in GIMP, but i dont want to do this everytime I paste.

I'm using 2.6.8 by the looks of it.

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GIMP :: Pasting Two Images The Exact Same Dimensions

Dec 2, 2012

I have me riding a giant bird with a transparent background, with the pixel dimensions of 3000x3373 and I have a sky picture with the EXACT same dimensions (3000x3373) that I want to use as a background by rearranging the layers, but when I paste the sky background it pasts onto the bird picture at only <10% of the size of the bird picture EVEN THOUGH both images are the EXACT same dimensions.

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GIMP :: Cutting Image (car) And Pasting To Background?

Nov 29, 2011

I was refererred by a member who speaks highly of the support here in this forum. One of the things i need to learn is how to go about cutting an image, like a car and laying it on a background. I figured out how to outline the image but creating a background and actually inserting the cutout escapes me. I work for a classic car dealership and i take the photos for the ads. I need to be able to create a nice background that i can insert every auto into, in exactly the same place.

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Photoshop :: Filling Selections With Selections

Oct 26, 2007

I am trying to fill a selection in one picture with a selection from another picture. I am having problems scaling the selection to fit exactly. i still have an outline from the other (previous) selection.

I opened both images up side by side, Adjusted the view on both to 33%, made my first selection, hit control + c, made my selection on the other picture (Exact same shape), hit control + v + shift, then edit>transform>scale, then shift+drag.

Can't get it to line up. I also tried layering the two images then reducing the opacity of just the selection, but photoshop reduces the opacity of the entire layer instead of just the selection,

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GIMP :: Image Pasting As Layer Turning Into Gradient

Mar 9, 2013

I was trying to teach myself to use gradients the other day... And now when I start a new project and try to paste in a photo as a new layer, it pastes as the gradient instead.

I have opened up both the gradients dialog and the gradients editor but cannot turn it off. In fact, when I open a brand new (empty) file, I can see the gradient attached to my pointer (mouse).

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GIMP :: Tile Based Images - Pasting Transparent Pixels

Mar 5, 2013

I have been using Gimp for a lot of "tile based" images, which feature layers composed of several "tiles" pasted into those layers. However, I just recently started creating transparent tiles, and pasting them.

One of the strangest things I have run into here is that I don't seem to be able to move my selection ( Floating Layer? ) if the opacity on the source pixels is 0.25 or less. Specifically, I do not get the usual "drag box" when I hover over the transparent pixels. Instead, I get the "anchor box" ( which seems to crop the pasted area before anchoring ). I tried this on a composite image with some more transparent pixels ( 0.25 ) and some more opaque pixels ( 0.26 ), and the "drag box" appears only over the more opaque pixels.

Why this might be happening? It could be that this is just context-sensitive cursor behavior which varies on transparency, and if so, is there another way to move the pasted selection?

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Photoshop :: Programs Are Supported By Mac OS X V10.4?

Nov 1, 2012

download elements 11, but it's not supported. I don't want lightroom...I'm not really sure what my options are- I'm looking for something as recent to elements 11 as i can...

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Photoshop :: CS5 Shows A Different - Less Red Hue Than Other Programs

Nov 27, 2013

My CS5 shows a less red hue than when I uploaded the jpeg to deviant art.  When I set the image to my window's wall paper it also appears more red than is shown in photoshop window.  Here's a screen cap of the photoshop window and deviant art upload: URL....

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Photoshop :: How To Download Both Programs To Mac

Aug 29, 2013

I have PS 6 and LR 4 installed on my desktop. Both have been upgraded several times from prior versions.I have a new Mac laptop. How can I download both programs to my Mac? i have both serial numbers.

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Photoshop :: Animation Programs?

Apr 12, 2006

Assuming Image Ready would be number one on your list of preferences for animation what else would you all suggest as other programs? Being a beginner I'm interested in animation mainly for making avatars and signature banners to use on my computer forums. Taking in consideration my newbie status and the use I mentioned,

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Photoshop :: Modelling Programs

Jul 4, 2005

what are the best programs for 3d modelling, such as making game characters, 3d cars etc?

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Revit :: Saving To Different Programs

Jan 14, 2014

My school has Revit Architecture 2013 and can't upgrade it until this summer. Will I be able to save my file in Revit Architecture 2013 at school and transfer it home to Revit 2013 or 2014? The real question is, will I be able to save back to Revit Architecture 2013 from Revit 2014 or Revit 2013? Are the programs compatible?

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Revit :: Cannot Get On Any Of Autodesk Programs

Sep 10, 2012

My computer crashed and now I cannot get on any of my autodesk programs.  I am in need of the programs to finish all my homework due next week.  Revit comes into a view mode and says:

4)autodesk revit architecture 2012 build 20110309_2315(x64)   License unavailable.  A license is required to run autodesk architecture 2012 on this computer. Autodesk Revit architecture is in viewer mode.

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AutoCad :: 3D Programs For The Symbols

May 19, 2011

I am currently working with a company who is attempting to design AutoCAD symbols for an outside food service company.

How common is it to produce 2D symbols as well as 3D symbols? And, if 3D symbols are common, what programs are easiest/best to use?

Additionally, what are the standard set of views for the symbols? Just overhead? Or overhead and profile?

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