Lightroom :: Mogrify Canvas So 4x6 Image Doesn't Get Cropped At Photo Lab
Dec 6, 2012
I have Lightroom 4 and the plug-in LR2/Mogrify; which I purchased. I am trying to send my images at 300 dpi to a photo lab to produce 4x6 prints with a border at the bottom that is 10% of the short side, and the other 3 borders are 2% of the short side. I then add text for a size 25 pixel font. I am happy with this look when I export to the file folder on the desktop. When I upload to the photo lab, their software wants to resize my prints; where I loose my border or part of the image or the larger border with the words cut-off. I know I have to do something with the canvas, but I don’t understand what to do to get a fixed image size for a 4x6 print with borders and text. I need to know what the numbers are to imput in the Mogrify "background canvas" and how many KB to "compress to file size".
I have the "image sizing" at 6" longest edge, 300 dpi for resolution
I have the canvas at 1280 x 1920
The compression size at 300kb
With this I am losing the top border and the other borders now look wierd.
I bring in an image as a smart object, crop it (with 'delete cropped pixels' checked) and then attempt to add canvas on all sides. The image reverts to its pre-cropped size with the added canvas on 3 sides.
If I flatten the smart object before adding canvas, it works fine.
Is there any way to get this to work with a smart object?
After finishing with developing an image including cropping, i export it to a Desktop file for emailing. however, the image that gets exported is not the cropped image but the original size.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
This is an embarrassing question as i'm sure it's a basic photoshop tool, but I can't figure out how to take crops out of images, and merge them together to form one photo.
I have 4 photos of individual people, and I want to take equal 'slices' of them to merge into one- but still keeping the image the same size as a photo.
I know that my photo sizes are 3543px by 2362 px, and I know how to crop the images to the right size (885.75px by 2362px) but how to combine them.
I cropped the attached photo and printed it at 8x10 and the first time there was no problem but, when I tried again the print had horizontal lines spaced at about 1" apart on it. I switched printers but have the same problem with this and another cropped photo. Never had an issue before?
I am using lightroom 4 and 5 on a Mac. Although preview of photos to be imported is shown I only get the message that the import could not be carried out (1) and the option to save the data as a :txt file. This was with Lightroom 4. It started first with being unabel to import directly from the camera, then I swithched to inserting the SD card directly into the laptop. This worked only after first downloading to the desktop. Later this didn't work either. I thought the program had become defect. Preview still worked and export is fine. I therefore updated to Lightroom 5 in the hope that this would solve the problem. However everything remains the same. Import still doesn't work with photos of any format. e.g. jpg or RAW.
I have lightroom 4 and cs6. when i open a photo into photoshop, edit it, and save it, it does not update the origional photo in lightroom, how can i get it to update the origional photo?
I have LR 3.6 and have created a catalog of pictures from a ski trip I took last year. All of these pictures and the LR catalog are in one folder on my hard drive. After sorting, deleting and retouching quite a few pictures I now notice that one picture is missing from the library. If I open the folder in Explorer (Win 7) I can see the picture, and Windows Picture & Fax Viewer will open/display this picture so it appears the file itself is fine.
However, I cannot get this picture into the library for some reason. When I choose File>Import Photos this one picture doesn't show up in the list of photos. It's as if Lightroom can't see this picture for some reason.
Oh, and I don't know if it matters, but there is a movie clip with the same filename but a different extension (obviously) that does show up in the library and the import dialogue. The picture filename is DSC_0001.jpg, the movie filename is
lightroom 4.1 Mac OSX 10.7.4 Raw images from Canon 7D
I've used lightroom for a few weeks. I was playing around with the Navigation bar settings. Now my zoom won't work.
1. When I move the cursor near a corner or edge of the photo, the cursor appears as a magnifying glass, and the zoom works just fine.
2. When the cursor is anywhere else on the photo, then the cursor appears as an arrow symbol. And when I click once or twice on the photo in order to zoom, the photo being displayed just switches to another other photo a few behind or forward in the sequence.
I used to be able to click or double click anywhere on the photo being displayed, and I could zoom in on that spot. I wish lightroom were working as it was.
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Elements 7 used to place my photos in a new document and there was very little resizing to do. now with elements 10 and 11, my photos are placed way larger than the document and i have alot of annoying resizing to do on every one. There must be a way to change this.
In Library mode, the Navigator does what I'm used to from previous versions of Lightroom -- it shows a preview of the currently selected photo. However, when I go into "Develop" mode, the Navigator chooses another photo from the collection I'm working on (always the same one, it seems) and shows that one. This is frustrating, because I like to use the Navigator in Develop mode to see previews of an edit I'm working on. It's also just nonsensical that it shows a different photo.
I open text, select font, etc, click on canvas, text editor comes up, type in text but it doesn't go onto the canvas. I have played around with it for a while, started again from scratch, looked up tutorials.
This problem just developed. When I use the crop tool either by double clicking or using the tool bar the image immediately shrinks to one pixel. P.S.CS3 running on OSX10.5.8
I open a jpg file in gimp and use the crop tool. I see the cropped part highlighted and the part to be discarded as a surrounding shaded area. I am happy with the cropped part and open a file-save-as dialog through the file menu. I type in the file name and think I am done. But when I open the saved file, it looks the same as the uncropped file that I started with in the first place. What am I failing to do to make the gimp save my change? I guess the answer is that I didn't really make a change but only thought I did. So how do I actually change to the cropped image?
I used to use Lightroom 2, a Canon 450D and Photoshop CS4. i had no problem using Lightroom, Photo/Edit in Photoshop to open and work with my images in photoshop. i then upgraded to Lightroom 3.6 and now use a Canon 60D camera and still use Photoshop CS4. When i click Photo/Edit in Photoshop now, Phoshop CS4 opens but the image doesn't appear. What can i do to rectify this?
I have the filmstrip set to auto hide/show. As I browse through my library, I'll pick an image to work on in Develop. I may then want to work on an adjacent image. Instead of going back to the library to select it, I want to hover over the film strip and select the image that is 1 or 2 away from the current one.
When I first hover over the filmstrip, it shows my current location but then quickly slides to a different part of the strip. Usually no where near where I'm working. I haven't been able to determine a pattern. Sometimes it will go to the beginning, sometimes the end. Sometimes to an image I was working on the last time I closed Lightroom (if I am still in that folder).
I need the filmstrip to follow me as I move through a set of images.I don't remember having this problem in 3.x
I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...
I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...
I have been using for a couple of years to resize photos for work purposes with no problems. All of a sudden two days ago the photos I resized or cropped started saving as oil paintings. I didn't click on the oil painting effect and I haven't changed anything that I am aware of. I've been going through everything I can think of and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program trying to get rid of this weird default change. I can't figure out how to change it back to normal.
I'm in PSE 10 and when I crop a small portion of an image and accept the crop, it remains a small image instead of snapping to a larger image like it did in PSE 6. I know there must be some way to have the small image automatically made larger rather than having to click on the magnifier and "+" and then on the image until it is a size I can work on. I've checked the FAQs and Photoshop Elements 10 but can't find the answer.