I've been using the Gimp for a year or so. I have a project where I'm trying out a logo design on a football helmet. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to use the perspective tool to 'wrap' the logo realistically. The helmet photo is shot at an angle.
I've seen 'morph' plugins that essentially let you set points around an object that correspond to the same points after the pic is 'morphed'. What I'm looking for is a plugin that would allow me to map the straight-on view of the new logo with the points corresponding to the existing 'wrapped' logo to produce a realistic logo.
I wanted to try out was to make a logo fit a sphere, in particular a picture of a lens. Was hoping to get that magnified effect to the logo, I'm trying to make a film society where I live and figured this would make a good poster .
__ Can I warp artwork to match the curve of a dieline?
I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I just don't know how (plus I'm horrible at math & geometry, I'll admit). I have the attached dieline, and I need to 'warp' my art to match it somehow.
I am trying to make a swoosh at the bottom and top of the two mirrored side profiles. As you can see I have attempted to draw one at the bottom by adding paths and smoothing it but I'm finding it very tricky, I want it to be like the curve of a circle.I am new to pen tool, I'm sure there must be an easier way. I tried removing anchor points but I just gives it a straight edge.
The bit at the end of the swoosh is too thin, I tried adding anchor points but it looks even more wonky. The bottom image is an internet source of what I am trying to acheive.
How to make it look like an animals head has been wrapped in spider web. This is what I have so in my image, but where to start with something like this! Ideally I'll have the spider sort of hoisting a head up to his web. [URL] ........
I am trying to make the warp effect of the texts from postcards. A perfect tutorial for this is here. However i it is for photoshop and i am having difficulty trying to mimic this using gimp. i come very close. but each step is slightly off.
I have a perspective image of a tube station. I want to replace an image of a poster with a different one. So I need to apply perspective (I can do this) and make the resultant image curved, to fit the curved wall.
If I wanted to have a picture of a book laying open::
And I wanted to put a picture on the right hand side of the book, to look as though it was part of the book, how would I make the curve of the layer(or picture) to mimic that of the book?
I am attempting to create a curve with the path tool and it seems like if I have a deep curve the curve becomes smooth but if I have a shallow curve (which is what I want), the curve is jagged and not very smooth - see attached thumbnail.
I've tried to convert the path to a selection then sharpen the selection and also add a feather to the selection to try and smooth it out but I have not been successful. How can I get this shallow curve I want but also get the curve nice and smooth?
Attached File(s) curve.jpg (10.35K) Number of downloads: 17
I had actually just used it to render something, and went to create a new path to continue my picture. However, the path tool decided it doesn't like to curve anymore so when I click on the line it simply moves the object. I didn't change any settings between finishing my first path and starting the second. It is still in design mode.
I've also wanted to ask if it is possible to link two anchors together when one of the anchors in question is in a complete path. Like, say I have three lines and anchors forming a triangle, shouldn't I be able to link a new anchor to one of the existing ones? Because I sure as heck can't.
I want to create a logo to put on my web page. I want to type in 5 or 6 words then make everything but the words transparent, and save as a png (or maybe giff). Have tried in Gimp but no luck so far.
I received delivery of a company logo in multiple file formats. I'm trying to get the logo added on various sites across the web. How to get the logo to stand on it's own without a background.
We have the following formats: pdf rar ai png jpg tiff bmp and eps
The background is white and I just want that removed so the logo and company name stand on their own. I have attached an example.
I am trying to recreate the text of this logo: [URL], specifically the "Arkham City" text. As you can see, there are several darker and several lighter pixels inside the text, forming a great looking texture that isn't a single color. My question is, how can I recreate this texture, having some darker and some lighter pixels?
Also, what would be the best way to recreate the wind effect? I tried using wind, but that winds out the entire text rather than just the bottom of each letter.
I have a simple JPG file that is a black and white logo, which I want to change the colour properties of in Gimp. But the colour range isn't true black and white, so using all sort of different methods such as magic wand selection, colour to alpha etc results in either really messy looking images or a lot of faffing around to correct the final image.
I have a small company doing designs onto mugs, steins, pints, etc. I recently added the ability to do custom photo designs, so now I'm trying to perfect the image curvature for my pint glasses and coming up against a problem.
So - with a pint glass, in order to put a design on it you actually have to curve the image. I'm following this tutorial here - [URL] where he shows how to use GIMP to curve a photo to insert into a tumbler.
I am doing the same process except my dimensions/numbers are different. I need to be able to create the appropriate .points file for my pint glasses but if I use the one he created, my image will be off since the pints don't have the same dimensions as the tumbler he did the tutorial for.
SO - all this to say - how the heck do I calculate what values to put in the points file? For example, on this particular project I need to make an image to be curved up 5/8" on the bottom and 3/4" on the top. He used .25" and .3125" so if I use his file, my designs won't be right.
What I'm trying to do is curve a white to black gradient along a windscreen wiper smear for a rail engine cab window I need to texture. I'm building the cab for an engine in RailWorks and to get the wiper to clear raindrops from the screen in time with the wiper motion the texture needs a gradient applied to it from the wiper rest position to full up position.
In the picture the actual wiper smear is all black. What I need to do is have it all white from the vertical part of the smear or the wiper rest position, to all black at the maximum part of its stroke. This means the gradient will be a lot shallower on the outer edge of the arc and a lot steeper at the inner edge of the arc.
I just got a bunch of new brushes and one of them is a series of 4 stitches that are oriented horizontally and look just like this - - - - . How can i run this in curves so that it still looks like stitches? When I stroke a path it creates a black mess(while using brush). When I drag and draw freehand the results are not much better. Is there anyway to make it so this can follow some sort of curved path? As if you are rolling the brush along a line like a paint roller and keeping the integrity of the brush? I'm using Gimp 2.6.10.
When I create a curve to apply to an image, GIMP gives me only two choices: a freehand curve and a smooth curve. I need to apply a stepping curve (piecewise flat) and I am out of luck because there is no such option.
I have been working on a project in which I need to curve text. I know how to curve the text via creating a path, path to text, etc. This issue that I am having is that the bottom of the text is distorted. By distorted, I mean the bottom of the text becomes thin and it looks bad.
Here is an example of the issue that I am dealing with (if it shows up).
Many years ago I made a transparent 3D logo in PSP, I do not have PSP anymore I have gimp, and I want to do the same thing. But I want to make a logo that I can put on any image, a stand-alone png.
I can't seem to change the text layer in this logo I have attached. I thought if I click on the layer I would be able to change spelling. Do I have to delete the layer and add a new one?
I have a small logo (92x80 image) that I want to round the corners on. There seems to be two ways to do this. One is the filter/decor method, but this is greyed out in my menu. The other is select/rounded rectangle; I can do this one but I can't get it to complete the procedure. After selecting "rounded rectangle", I can see the dashed lines going around the rounded corners. But I can't get the rounded image to save - it saves as the original rectangle not rounded.
What am I missing? The on-line GIMP manual does not explain what needs done. I tried carriage return after selecting rounded rectangle, but that does nothing. I also tried every crop method I could find. I've spent about three hours trying to get the rounded corners.
I am probably missing something simple. Do I need to create layers - a transparent layer? I am not sure exactly how to do that.
I have a logo that I created using the script fu macros. What I want to do now is that create a button shape with rounded edge and put the logo ( a rectangular) and bend its edges to wrap around the button without distorting the text of the logo itself. how do I do that?