while trying to type a text in Greek language on a photo. I have to tell you that i have done in the past many times this job (type Greek letters on a photo for watermarks etc) with the same program and the same computer until two days ago!
I checked the input method, i resetted the values inside the options from gimp preferences , i uninstalled the program twice and reinstalled it, i removed all the app Data for the specific software but still doesn't work. When i try to type Greek letters , i get strange symbols that i cannot paste here! It pastes normally the characters that i wrote on. I use gimp 2.8.3 and my OS is Mac OS Lion 10.7.4
I want to type in gimp(using text tool) with some special characters from my native language like(ā, ē, č, ķ, ģ). If i try to do it in gimp I get á, é, ć, ḱ, ǵ. Are there some settings or plugins that allow me to type these non-English characters like I do it usually.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3. I have a spreadsheet of Greek translations. When I copy and paste the text into Photoshop, certain characters are missed out or replaced with an incorrect one. I have tried downloading fonts that support the Greek character set, but still no luck. If I paste this text into any other applications (Word, explorer etc) the text displays properly. I was wandering if there is a setting or anything in photoshop that I need to change?
First it stops pasting anything except the first thing copied when Gimp opens, and now this. When I try to search for a font or type in text in the text tool in Gimp 2.8, it just jumps to random other tools instead of typing.
When I tried to edit some aspect of the image, whether a text layer or typing in the dimensions I want to set an image to, the text doesn't type. Typing instead chooses the keyboard shortcuts. For example, if I'm resizing an image to 245px, when I type in the "2", it instead activates the "2" of the zoom function.
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer.
I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
I just find GIMP2.8.6 and very interested in it.I just want to make it work in Japanese. I did try below things but still don't get success.
OS:Win7 64bit, English OS.(I added keybord so I can type Japanese too) GIMP ver 2.8.6
I first uninstalled GIMP. I added variable "LANG" and value"ja" in envaromental variables for user variables and also system variables and re-start computer and re-install GIMP2.8.6. GIMP is still in English.
Again, I uninstalled GIMP.I had both English and Japanese in keyboard in Region and language setting in control panel. so I removed English key board. so now it has Japanese keyboard as default input language. Japanese(japan)-Microsoft IME.I restart computer and reinstall GIMP2.8.6. It's still in English.
Even I look preferance-Interface and language setting, there's only "System Language" or English[en_US] can be selected. no Japanese.Doesn't GIMP 2.8.6 show menus in Japanese?
1 - Whenever I start GIMP I get the following Problem Report: "file-pdf-load cannot be opened because of a problem." (Note that GIMP itself loads and runs, it's just this plugin "/Applications/GIMP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/file-pdf-load" that fails.)
2 - How do you change the language? The release notes say: "A question that often arises is how to change the UI language in GIMP, which has traditionally been a bit cumbersome. Not any longer, it is now possible to change the language in Preferences." But, I don't find that option anywhere in the Preferences of 2.8.2.
3 - How do I install the Help files for 2.8.2 on the Mac. I have searched and searched and find nothing.
I added text to a new layer on a photo, I was able to adjust the angle to fit what I wanted but I am unable to move the text to where I want it on the photo. I would expect that there would be a select tool so that I could select objects and move them around but all I find is tools to paint with and such. Surely there is a way to move a text box around.
I got a mail from a German in Saudia Arabia. He runs Windows 7 withEnglish as default language. He installed GIMP 2.6.9 and it comes upin Arabic which he can't read.
He sent me a screen shot which shows the menus of his mail program inthe back behind the Arabic GIMP. They are in German, but he says hissystem is running in English. Localisation Hell?
I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.
I'm trying to label parts of an engine photo with the text feature in GIMP. However, after I have typed my text and press enter or escape, it always leaves a yellow and black hyphenated rectangular frame around the text. How do I get rid of this frame so that only the text will be left?
I did put a real photo in the background of my website to fit entire page. So the text of my webpage is black, and sometimes other colors. So what happen is that some times the text is hard to read when it come on top of dark places of the photo (for example hear of people). So i want to adapt the photo to make it more unicolor, more whiten (increase whiteness) so the black text will appear even better.
What tools and filters in gimp that give me this ability to do that ?
I have a vector that I would like to add a line of text to in another language...
At the top of the image attached with have the word "News" which is in the Rockwell font. I would like to create the same warp and change the word news to news in Swedish.
I haven't a problem with the font or creating outlines etc...just getting the exact bend shown here...
I never use ImageReady embedded in my English version of Photoshop CS2, but today I inadvertently ran it and noticed that its splash (About) screen, tabs and options are in Greek, while tools bar, drop down menus are in English. I wonder why, and if it can be remedied.
if you look under character map, you can find, after arial, a whole list of fonts such as Arial Baltic, Arial Greek, Arial Cyr, etc. Do you know how to use these fonts in photoshop?
In the character palette there's a dropdown menu for English: USA, English: UK, French, German, etc. that isn't doing anything though
I have one work station when you insert the greek symbol mew it comes up as M. I tried a few other greek symbols they same to work correctly. I have tried running a repiar, no change. Opening a drawing which has mew in it already makes it display as M
I have tired to insereting it in diffrent fonts same outcome. I can inseret it onther programs like word, thinking it might be some sort of windows or operating system setting.
copying and pasting mew from word to cad works on all other work stations but this one. We are using Civil3d 2013 on windows 7 machines.
What it might be or a work arounds short of making a block for the symbol from lines.
i'm using corel draw x4 on windows 8. I use the Math-Type Editor in order to create complex formulas with indices, potencies, greek letters and fraction bars.
Unfortunately Corel Draw can't depict some of the symbols for example the small theta "ϑ" or the multiplication sign. Instead of writing them it creates a blank or question marks.
Is there a way to create those symbols in the Math-Type Editor?
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
I want to import a photo, trace geometric shapes over the photo like circles and lines, and then remove the photo. I have a very basic understanding of LAYERS. I have viewed a few tutorials. But I don't know how to import a photo or how to get rid of it once I have drawn the geometric shapes over it.
I have recived an illustrator file which ontains some text and I have to update the labels on the file but it seems the text has been chnged to Outlines Path. how i can convert them to regular editable text type?