I know that there was a command that would convert single line text to multi-line text but I can not find it. It use to be tt2mt or something like that.
I can not find this command in the help either. Did they get rid of this command like zoom center?
how to take multiple single line text and add them together into one multi-line text?
We have an employee in our office that is kind of old school in some ways. That person has a habit of exploding everything possible in a drawing. Most of us create notations using mtext so it's easy to edit and manipulate. Is there a way to convert the single line text back to multiline after it's exploded?
I have a vector that I would like to add a line of text to in another language...
At the top of the image attached with have the word "News" which is in the Rockwell font. I would like to create the same warp and change the word news to news in Swedish.
I haven't a problem with the font or creating outlines etc...just getting the exact bend shown here...
How can I add single line text to my CAD drawing? I use DTEXT command, but there is no option to enter text height. CAD only asks me the rotation angle of text and then blinking cursor appears. If I type something, text gets so small it's almost invisible. Only option for me now is to scale but it takes too much time and too many clicks to get my text to wanted size. Why AutoCAD doesn't ask me for the height?
I am using single line text. I need to insert a "left" arrow/ "right" arrow. when I use U+2190 it gives me a question mark. If I use the same code in Multi text it works fine, however It must be single line text. Is there a way to do this?? Maybe a %% value????
When using RomanS, how do you stack fractions in single line text? AutoCad will do it automatically in multiline text but I am having trouble in single line text.
we just upgraded to acad 13 at the office and now when i pick single line text to edit it the transperancy of the shading is so dark i cannot see the text line to place my cursor where i need it to be to change say.. one letter or whatever.
i'd like to 'write' texts on paper with plotter's pen. i cannot use "Type>Create Outline" because i just want a single-line writing look. is there any way to achive that without me having to vector draw the whole text manually?
How can I turn text into a single line of dots, a la Stella McCartney's old logo?
Note: I tried creating outlines & using the dashed stroke setting but that only allows me to turn the outline/stroke of the letters into dots... I need to change the actual fill into dots.
I use Mtext quite a bit and I am trying to convince others in the office that it's a good thing (versus single line text in long paragraphs). One of their concerns in the shape of the Mtext. For instance, when you use Mtext, you type into a nice rectangle that you can change the size of. What they have to do on occassion is instead of having a nice rectangle of text, they have to make it like a triangle. So in this case, single line text can be adjusted so that the end of the sentences make an angle.
Is there a way to do this using mtext? Or is there an lsp that will work?
I am running photoshop CS on my laptop which is a Compaq presario 1503 AP.
I have had this problem since I used Photoshop 7 and now Photoshop CS. When I want to go to a new paragraph or the next line using the enter key, it just doesnt work.
When I hit enter, the text just exits the text entry/edit mode.
when I transform my edit into an after effects composition from the premier timeline the text layers all come over as black solids and the text content is lost.
I don't give two hoots as to your no doubt legitimate technical reasons for this, but the bottom line is that it sucks, it's a waste of my time and effort and it just seems like a simple thing that you should have implemented from the ground up when building the dynamic linking between AE and PR.
Is there an expected timeframe for the issue to be addressed?
Just to explain my typical workflow a little, I'm an editor/motion artist, so it's very frequent I'll lay out all my picture assets and text objects on a video edit timeline alongside vo and music, and once I'm happy with the flow I move the timeline over to Ae to commence animation for tv commercials, political spots, advocacy work, whatever.
What would be the best strategy on the usage of data set to translate our product packaging. It's quite complex as we have several languages on the same packaging. Moreover, we have different text sources that would require to be translated in different sets of languages.
I have already looked into the data set and I tried to get familiar with it. How to create the data set and how to name the different variables knowing that there are different source texts for a particular region (region means a set of languages) and other texts for another region... The idea is to export this into one XML file with well identified elements that can be split with a tool, sent for translation according to their region then merged back into one single file to be imported back into illustrator
Region 1: en-US text 1 text 2
fr-FR text 1 text 2
de-DE etc...
Region 2: en-US text 3 text 4
ru-RU text 3 text 4
Region 3: etc..
It seems that the formatting such as bold, italic and so on is not exported into the data set which is quite embarrassing.
while trying to type a text in Greek language on a photo. I have to tell you that i have done in the past many times this job (type Greek letters on a photo for watermarks etc) with the same program and the same computer until two days ago!
I checked the input method, i resetted the values inside the options from gimp preferences , i uninstalled the program twice and reinstalled it, i removed all the app Data for the specific software but still doesn't work. When i try to type Greek letters , i get strange symbols that i cannot paste here! It pastes normally the characters that i wrote on. I use gimp 2.8.3 and my OS is Mac OS Lion 10.7.4
I was working on a project and I had recently installed a new font. Now all of a sudden whenever I make a new text box and type some text in nothing shows up. I can only see a tiny black line which isn't even text, even tho its set to 36ft. I changed the font and size to see if it made a difference, and nothing worked. I restarted PS and my computer several times, and still the same thing...
I endlessly find that I have text line objects which I later wish had been proper text areas (because I want to control the size of their bounding box, for example).
Is there any sensible way to convert a text line object into a text area object - it's a bore to do it by creating a new text object and then cutting and pasting the text, and it is seemingly a trivial thing for the software to do automatically.
Alternatively, is there an option (perhaps a hidden one) to have all text objects created as areas rather than lines?