GIMP :: Small Set Of Image Conversion

Jul 13, 2012

We would like to use Gimp for a small set of image conversion experiments. Unfortunately, the system where we want to install and run Gimp belongs to a US Govt agency, the environment is secure and their data is extremely sensitive. So we need to get their approval before we can install Gimp. To get it, we need to provide information on whether Gimp is "US-based" or "foreign-origin". We don't have a strict definition of what either of these terms means, but I am wondering if you have encountered these questions before. Can you tell me what the geographic origin of the tool is? Do you know of any specific instances of your tool being installed at any US Govt locations with sensitive environments?

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GIMP :: How To Improve Border Of Small Image After Rotation

Jul 13, 2012

I would like to know which tools to improve the border of a small image after rotation. Something like sharpening.

The picture is around 25px wide. When magnified, it shows like this :

The original image pure red and pure white.

The white line, that is a ~1 px from the border is at some points too much polluted by the red color. And the red color is locally too much polluted by the white color.

There is also some aliasing that I want to remove.

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GIMP :: Batch Processing - Small Plain Border Around Original Image

Jan 18, 2014

I would like to repeat the following procedure on a large number of images but I am unable to find a way of batch processing to do this for me. The idea is to end up with a small plain boarder around the original image. This is to prevent any image being lost when I order prints due to cropping.

1) open image
2) copy the image
3) create a new image 0.5" larger than the original
4) paste the copied image into the larger new image
5) resize the new image to a given size for example 10x8 for printing
6) Save the image under new name or in a different folder to the original.

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Paint.NET :: Matrix Space Image Conversion (Warping One Image Into Another)

Feb 4, 2012

Morphing space! I would like to do what other advanced programs do by assigning points to an image and then morph/transpose those points to another space with the same number of defined points.

As a very crude geometric example if I have a 5-pointed star and want to transpose those 5 defined points onto an ellipse with 5 similarly defined points, what might be your approach be to execute this function. How to create and application/extension pack, or write the code for such a function? Any method of steps to create this transition process? (See Two Accompanying JPEGS) .

A vastly more complex situation, but one that continually is used it graphic arts applications would be to morph or transpose the spacial dimensions of one image into those of a second image which is assigned the same set.

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GIMP :: TGA To BMP Conversion (lot Of Files)

Jul 29, 2011

I have 32bit TGA images files and want to convert them into 32bit BMP, preserving the alpha channel (very important).

I have about 2000 files I need to convert. Doing it manually using gimp, I just open the image, save as and change the extension to bmp. I leave every other setting to default.

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GIMP :: Batch Conversion Of Images

Jan 25, 2013

I need to convert from bitmap images to PNGs with the command line. I've tried looking into script-fu, but lisp is one of those languages I could never figure out.

I've tried using imagemagick, but it did not properly convert the images. The images are apparently 32bit Windows Bitmap V3 files with an alpha channel; according to a page I found on google, imagemagick will not preserve the alpha channel in this particular case. I don't know for certain if that's the actual reason why imagemagick isn't working, but it definitely isn't working. It does, however, work if done manually in gimp.

This is going to be part of a python script, so I need it to convert a specific bitmap file rather than all the ones in a directory.

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GIMP :: Color Conversion From CYBK To RGB

Oct 8, 2012

I bought a Pepin press book & cd, of wallpaper patterns. They are not in the rgb mode, but the (what is it? ) CYBK? mode. When I load them onto gimp the colors are way off.

Apparently gimp converts them to rgb mode, but the colors are glaring & clashing.

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GIMP :: Indexed Color Conversion Error

Aug 23, 2013

I have been having a problem with Gimp. I am currently working on a Gif banner for a webpage. The banner itself is 728x90 pixels. It has 186 different layes as well, some of which are inside of folders. The xcf itself is complete, but the only other stage I need to complete is converting it to Indexed colors so I can export it as a gif; however, whenever i access the Image>Mode tab, the "Indexed" button isn't highlighted, and I am unable to click on it, even with the keyboard commands. I haven't been able to find a solution so far. Here's a picture of the problem.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Image Conversion To PSD

Jul 24, 2013

I have a multitude of old edits with the ext .pspimage. I have googled and tried the 2 most likely options I found with no success, is there any way to open them in CS6. I would like to convert them and save them as .psd. There must be a way surely.

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GIMP :: Adjust Size Of Text Layer Without Its Conversion To A Bitmap?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a text layer with width given at its creation. When I later open text editor and enter some wider text, it is wrapped to second line. So I would like to enhance the width of the layer to prevent this. When I add width to the layer using "Layer Boundary Size" menu item, text layer gets converted into standard bitmap layer . I don't understand the logic why a text layer isn't preserved on change of its size .

Is there a way how I can adjust size of text layer without its conversion to a bitmap?

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Photoshop :: Automated Image Conversion

Sep 22, 2007

I have 1000 or so CR2 raw files that I need to convert into 2000 px .jpg files. I tried the batch and action combo but I can’t get past when the file is opened in camera raw and the action stops.

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GIMP :: Exporting Small 1-bit PCX Graphics?

Jul 26, 2012

I am trying to export very small (490 x 121) 1-bit graphics out of GIMP as .pcx files. With my working .xcf pulled up, I go to Mode> Indexed and select "Use black and white (1-bit) palette" from the Indexed Color Conversion box. Then I export my graphic as a .pcx, but the graphic is not 1-bit, it is 8-bit, the file size is around 10k, instead of being around 3-4k like it should be.

I am using GIMP 2.8.0 on a Windows XP box. I've attached my .xcf for reference.

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Photoshop :: Simple Image Conversion Via Levels

Mar 27, 2007

i have this simple image 1 to image 2 problem.Basically i need to go from this:

[IMG][IMG](URL address blocked: See forum rules)[/IMG][/IMG]

To this:

[IMG][IMG](URL address blocked: See forum rules)[/IMG][/IMG]

I have tried using a levels adjustment layer (and quite a few others) and dragging the gray midtone slider to the left and almost but not quite,

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Photoshop :: Batch Image Resolution Conversion

Mar 11, 2004

i am running photoshop 6.0.1 on win2000.

I need to know how to batch convert many tif images from 200 dpi to 300 dpi.

do i need to modify a .atn file? is there a plug-in or something?

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GIMP :: Rounding Corners On A Small Logo?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a small logo (92x80 image) that I want to round the corners on. There seems to be two ways to do this. One is the filter/decor method, but this is greyed out in my menu. The other is select/rounded rectangle; I can do this one but I can't get it to complete the procedure. After selecting "rounded rectangle", I can see the dashed lines going around the rounded corners. But I can't get the rounded image to save - it saves as the original rectangle not rounded.

What am I missing? The on-line GIMP manual does not explain what needs done. I tried carriage return after selecting rounded rectangle, but that does nothing. I also tried every crop method I could find. I've spent about three hours trying to get the rounded corners.

I am probably missing something simple. Do I need to create layers - a transparent layer? I am not sure exactly how to do that.

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GIMP :: Remove Small Islands Without Having To Rub Them All Out Manually

Mar 9, 2013

I have a map. I would like to remove small islands without having to rub them all out manually (its a very big map).

I'm not too bothered about the criteria for selecting small islands - I would just like to specify an approximate threshold diameter or something.

The sea is one uniform color. And this color doesn't appear on land. Sort of like a noise removal filter, but I don't want the coastline of surviving islands to be smudged. I.e. islands that are not removed must not be touched and the removed islands must be removed completely.

I have tried selecting all the sea and then growing the selection to swamp small islands and then shrinking the selection again but this didn't work very well.

See attachment to clarify. I have colored islands that I would like to get rid of in red (very roughly). This is part of the full image. The actual image has just water round the boundary (no land touches the image edges) (Also there are some islands within lochs - ideally these would be selected also, but the majority are within the sea,)   

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Photoshop :: 72dpi Large Image Conversion To 300dpi?

Feb 21, 2013

I have 72dpi image at 18in. I need to go to print. Should I resize to 300dpi at around 4in or just scale down the image? It will go on a business card so I really have enough pixels because it's not very big, just not sure best resize method.

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Photoshop Elements :: Batch PSD Image Conversion Into JPEGs In 10 Or 11?

Feb 27, 2014

I want to batch convert some .psd images  into jpegs in pse 10 or 11. I know you can batch convert for image resizing,but don"t see the ability to convert images from one format into another. 

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GIMP :: Enlarge Small Picture With Zoom Tool

Apr 12, 2012

I want to enlarge a small photograph with the zoomtool.And when I try to save it on the desired percentage of 100% or so it returns back to it's original size ;After I have saved it as a new copy (image) with a new name.I have tried all the possibilities to save it within the larger size. Even by printer. Everything was in vain.But once it is transferred to the documents files it goes back to the original size.

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GIMP :: Re-synthesizer No Longer Is Working - The Input Texture Is Too Small

Apr 30, 2013

even on gigantic images I seem to get this error EVERY TIME NOW! it doesn't matter what image and I DO NOT know what this 'input texture' that the error is talking about! there is NO option for an input texture!

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Photoshop :: How Do You Get Rid Of Small Pixels Around An Image?

Jan 1, 2006

I have a problem. I'm making a videogame with a videogame-making program, and I can import my videogame characters from computer images. One example is the Forest Imp monster:

PROBLEM is.. there's an invisible (because it's white) border of pixels around this monster. If you want to see it, go ahead and open the above png in Photoshop and use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill in the background, but make sure Anti-Aliased is OFF. See all the white pixels around the monster? Those show up in the videogame: ....

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Photoshop :: Scaling A Small Image

Aug 21, 2006

I have two extremely small images that I need to scale up. Unfortunately i can't post them but i need to know if anyone has any ideas on how to go about making them look more presentable.

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Photoshop :: Small Image Need To Sharpen!

Apr 24, 2003

These images are going to go on a mini slide of our products on our new website, but I can't seem to get the image focused....I would upload the image but Picturetrails is down. I swear this darn thing will be the death of me!! :confused: The image size is 52 pixels (height) and 26 pixels in width.

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Paint.NET :: How To Resize The Image To Small

Mar 2, 2013

Im making a forum signature, but I don't know how to resize the image to small so in the canvas the image will show the body instead of just the head 

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Photoshop :: How Big Or Small Items In Image Will Be After Being Printed Out

Sep 19, 2013

I have just started using photoshop to develop some designs that are meant to be printed on fabric. And then sewn into dresses..While I know how to change the size and scale of the image and canvas. I can not tell how big or small the objects or different elements in the pattern will be when printed out. For example if I want to have a certain part of the pattern appear on the shoulder of a dress and another on the hem, how do I ensure that they are printed at the right size and in the right place. I tried printing out one pattern on a meter of fabric and it turn out that it was too big and most of the design will be cut in the process of making the dress. I have no way to determine the dimensions. Is there a way where I can place a dress outline over an image to check it out or size the individual items inside?

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Photoshop :: I Accidently Resized An Image Too Small..

Aug 18, 2006

and when I resized it to the right one it pixelates. anyway to get rid of this?

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Photoshop :: To Make Small Size Image To Big

May 13, 2008

how we make a 100X100 pixels image to 1000x800 pixel size image with out damging the clarity of image

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Photoshop :: Image Out Of Small Images -> Customizing

Nov 25, 2004

I've been collecting all kinds of small cards and tickets. Like those that are clipped to a new set of jeans, or a ticket for a bus fair from vacation. Small pieces of paper that tell a story.

I'd like to make a poster, an image, out much smaller ones. I don't know how they are called, but everybody knows them. Those smaller images are put together in a checkerboard-pattern. Together they form a big image, that you one see when you take some distance, look between your eye lashes.

My question is: Is there a photoshop-filter that can do this, or is it a stand-alone application? Where can I get it?

I'm a MacOS X user.

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Paint.NET :: Put Small Logo Of Company On Another Image?

Feb 24, 2011

I want to put a small logo of my company on another image (left down corner). I want to put my logo with a diagonal shape (not square or rectangular).

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Lightroom :: Small Image Size Files?

Dec 31, 2011

In Lightroom 3.6 when I click on a thumbnail to enlarge it to "fit" the page it sometimes comes in very small (432x288) even though the pixels are set to 1440 in catalog settings, and I cannot seem to enlarge the image.

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Lightroom :: Small Image Size After Exporting?

Mar 28, 2014

When I export an image with dimesions of 4214x3371, the image size will show as 1.124x1.405''. This is a problem because I am trying to print my images on a 16x20'' canvas. My resolution is set at 3000ppi and I am exporting RAW files to an uncompressed TIFF file with my color space being ProPhoto RGB.

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