When I export an image with dimesions of 4214x3371, the image size will show as 1.124x1.405''. This is a problem because I am trying to print my images on a 16x20'' canvas. My resolution is set at 3000ppi and I am exporting RAW files to an uncompressed TIFF file with my color space being ProPhoto RGB.
In Lightroom 3.6 when I click on a thumbnail to enlarge it to "fit" the page it sometimes comes in very small (432x288) even though the pixels are set to 1440 in catalog settings, and I cannot seem to enlarge the image.
I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.
I shoot in both cr2 (23 MB) and Small-jpeg. Afterwards I upload the pictures to Lightroom and have the appear in the catalog as one picture. Here I make all the editing and when I export the picture back to my harddrive as a jpeg I can only get a file of 3-500 kb. I know I have made some croping - but not that much. It is like Lightroom is working on the jpeg picture and not my cr2 picture.It may be a setting?
I've created a resume in Photoshop CS5 for OS X - I know, I should've used InDesign but I'm more comfortable working in Photoshop.
The PSD is currently 2550x3300 px (8.5x11 in) at 300 dpi. I'd like to save the resume as a PDF flie so I can submit it online. I have no intentions of printing this particular document. Most websites will only accept a file size of under 1MB. What are the ideal settings for saving a PDF in the smallest file size without sacrificing on image quality? I should also note that I do not have Acrobat Pro.
Why is the text size in the instructional boxes "File", "Edit", "Image" etc: so small that they are almost unreadable. I know its me, but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I love LRs ability to create great watermarks. Only thing, they seem to come out (from DNGs) at about 3 mb apiece (quality setting at 79) - super large. So I clicked the box to limit file size, and I chose 300k (for web), and it says "could not create a jpeg that met your limit".
I exported a graphic as a 600 dpi bitmap. However the saved image is 600.125 dpi. Why the non-whole number size? And how can I export to a whole number? I get either 600.xxx or 599.xxx.
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
I would like to export my pics to a CD so i can send them out to be printed in a lab. I'm confused with the aspect ratio when I crop them i know I have to lock the aspect but should I keep it on Original? Also i'm wondering when it comes to export them what size should I be placing if I want to print all sizes. like some 8x10 and some 4x6 and so on. I'm working with Lightroom 3.
I would like to crop a small part of a larger image with custom / free flow dimensions to the crop and then be able to print / export at a know print friendly aspect ration. An example would be a taking a crop of one person in a couple,from a larger image. The crop is outside common aspect ratios. Can lightroom fit the image to an aspect ratio of my liking whilst maintaining everything I have cropped?
I imported some RAW files into Lightroom 4, which I then copied/converted to DNG, then edited them. I now want to export them as full size, high-quality jpegs but I only seem to be able to export them at a maximum of about 800kb, which is far lower than full-size. Is this to do with first the conversion to DNG from RAW on the import? Am I best copying them from raw and not converting them to DNG at all? Next question is, will I have to import the original RAWs again and re-edit them to be able to export as full-size high quality jpegs or is there some way to not have to do them again?
In LR 4, a small dark circle is appearing in the right upper corner of an image; hovering over it does not bring up an explanation and when tapping on it, it turns white?
I am trying to export very small (490 x 121) 1-bit graphics out of GIMP as .pcx files. With my working .xcf pulled up, I go to Mode> Indexed and select "Use black and white (1-bit) palette" from the Indexed Color Conversion box. Then I export my graphic as a .pcx, but the graphic is not 1-bit, it is 8-bit, the file size is around 10k, instead of being around 3-4k like it should be.
I am using GIMP 2.8.0 on a Windows XP box. I've attached my .xcf for reference.
When I export my images from LR4 to CS5 using the Edit In... choice, I first get the ...may require the...Camera Raw plug-in version 7.0... which we all know doesn't exist. Not that that isn't annoying enough (I know - I can turn off the warning) but the image then presented in PS5 is not of the same quality as the one I am exporting from LR4. It's almost as if the Lightroom adjustments are not carried through. I have tried all three color space options to no avail. Also, I am not being presented with the dialog asking if I want to edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments. These are Nikon RAW files (.nef) that I am working with. Other images that are not RAW files do display the Edit Photo with Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 dialog.
I like to keep track of what I've exported and uploaded to Flickr and other sites and what I've sent out to people. It seems tagging my images with some appropriate keyword is the best way to do this. Such keywords as "Flickr" or "Facebook", etc. But I the only way I can do this is to remember to manually apply each such keyword when I do the export. It would seem to me to be wonderfully simply if I could, in the export form, do something like "Add keywords:" and list keywords that would be added to each image exported through that form.
Is there another way to track such usage other than with keywords?
When I edit my photos in Lightroom (4.4 at the moment) they look great. I am looking for extreme sharpness and clarity and I am able to achieve that. Though, once its exported the image quality is reduced. Why? how to set my export settings to the max.
Image Sizing Dimensions produces wrong image sizes upon export for certain images.
Example, I have export set up for iPad resolution, 2048x1536px at 264ppi. If I now export an 3264x4928px image it should be resized to 1356x2048px. What I get is 1356x2047 instead, one pixel too short on the long side. This doesn't happen for all images source resolutions and ratios though. I haven't figured out the pattern yet.
Is there a way to have an image automatically go in to a smart collection when exporting to a specific folder? I have a folder on my desktop that I export every image I want to upload to flickr. I'd like very much for these to also be added to a smart collection.
Camera profiles created prior to the update to 4.3 still work, but when exporting an image to the software now, a command window pops up VERY briefly "OMG Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libguide40.lib already initialized." I found both files in c:windowssystem32, but when I looked into a backup copy of my drive from prior to the 4.3 update, neither file is present, leading me to believe they were installed by the update. I tested the LR 4.1 version and the unchanged xrite software performs as it should with LR.
Image size changes when moving an image between Lightroom and CC.
I opened a .dng image in LR and then opened it in the Develop module. I clicked on Crop Overlay and then on the ‘As Shot’ drop down menu (the lock is closed) and cropped to 11 x 17 and clicked ‘Done’-.
I click Cntl-E and the image opens in CC. There I click on Image > Image Size and the Image Size is 13.288 inches by 20.533 inches.
Why does the image size change?
I believe there is a menu to control the size of the image and I've looked everywhere I can think of in LR and CC, I googled various descriptions and I checked two of Scott Kelby's books, but I just can't figure out how to keep the image a consistent size when moving between LR and CC.
I have CS5. The photos coming out of the camera are 300 dpi and approx 12.8" x 19.2". When I crop the photo to 300 dpi and 8x10 and send it to print, the printer says the photo is too small. It comes across as 72 dip and 8.333" x 6.667". I was expecting photos to come out of the camera with 72 dpi and a huge length x width. I can then crop and print without issue. Is there a photoshop setting that needs to be set? Is there a different work flow I need to use? I shoot with a 5D Mark III.
How do you keep very small sized fonts looking good when manipulating them, as in using arc, skew, transform? I can manage this fine on bigger sized fonts, but when I want to make a very small font size arc (for ex to use on an avatar) it ends up looking blurry and not crisp and clean. tried pixel fonts but that was totally unreadable.