I am trying to export very small (490 x 121) 1-bit graphics out of GIMP as .pcx files. With my working .xcf pulled up, I go to Mode> Indexed and select "Use black and white (1-bit) palette" from the Indexed Color Conversion box. Then I export my graphic as a .pcx, but the graphic is not 1-bit, it is 8-bit, the file size is around 10k, instead of being around 3-4k like it should be.
I am using GIMP 2.8.0 on a Windows XP box. I've attached my .xcf for reference.
I shoot in both cr2 (23 MB) and Small-jpeg. Afterwards I upload the pictures to Lightroom and have the appear in the catalog as one picture. Here I make all the editing and when I export the picture back to my harddrive as a jpeg I can only get a file of 3-500 kb. I know I have made some croping - but not that much. It is like Lightroom is working on the jpeg picture and not my cr2 picture.It may be a setting?
When I export an image with dimesions of 4214x3371, the image size will show as 1.124x1.405''. This is a problem because I am trying to print my images on a 16x20'' canvas. My resolution is set at 3000ppi and I am exporting RAW files to an uncompressed TIFF file with my color space being ProPhoto RGB.
I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.
How on earth do you export bitmaps cropped to the size of the canvas? This seems like the simplest functionality ever but i can't get it to work. For example, I am designing an advert for use online. It needs to be 600px wide x 150px high. I may want to use a background image or a photo that when placed goes beyond the edge of the canvas. Logic dictates i would only want to export the canvas with a web image (otherwise why would i have set an exact number of pixels.) However, Corel insists on exporting everything on the canvas and desktop. Surely it should allow us to choose the bounding area of the exported bitmap.
Just to clarify what I mean, i've included a screen shot showing and example original graphic and the export result. I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this. If it's one like this i can crop it easily, but sometimes a print customer will ask me to send them, for example, a 32pp booklet we have designed for them with each page as a JPG and to crop each one manually is a right pain.
I am trying to generate some graphics for my I-phone App. Most of the images can be SVG files which works out great but some of what I need has to be PNG format. So, I need a graphic that is about 50px square and has to be a PNG file.
I have attached a CDR that is a resolution of 10000dpi but when I export to PNG and make it 50px wide it looks like ca-ca :). The problem is in my App i will need to zoom in on the 50px wide image. How can I create small PNG files that I can zoom in on and still look crisp?
I have a problem with X6 that did not exist in X4 (have not used X5).
When I use the dimensioning tool for distances/features smaller than the dimension text, CorelDraw forces the text between the arrows. The result is the text sits over the arrows.
In X4 at the point where the item being dimensioned is smaller than the text, the dimension was put off to one side.
For example, If I were to dimension a feature that is 0.005" Clearly I would not be able to put the dimension "0.005" in that area so it should be off the end of one of the dimension arrows.
I've tried every combination of keys while drawing the dimensions. And thinking the position of the cursor at end of the command might work but to no avail. Is there a way for force the dimension text to be offset and not between the arrows?
We would like to use Gimp for a small set of image conversion experiments. Unfortunately, the system where we want to install and run Gimp belongs to a US Govt agency, the environment is secure and their data is extremely sensitive. So we need to get their approval before we can install Gimp. To get it, we need to provide information on whether Gimp is "US-based" or "foreign-origin". We don't have a strict definition of what either of these terms means, but I am wondering if you have encountered these questions before. Can you tell me what the geographic origin of the tool is? Do you know of any specific instances of your tool being installed at any US Govt locations with sensitive environments?
I am printing to a Brother laser printer and a Kodak inkjet using logos in a size I have never used before. None of the content is postscript, none of it should have halftone, and none of it is bitmap-based. I have resized simple CDR and AI vector line art logos for clothing care from large size (about 4") down to 0.25" for a project I am working on. Uniform fill in black is used and some of the logos have outlines and some do not. When I print the tiny logos on the laser printer, even with a DPI or 600 or 1200, some (not all) of the lines have a noticeable saw tooth appearance under magnification, instead of smooth. Fonts that are around 5-point print with clean lines. When I print on the inkjet printer with the same DPI settings, the logos appear smooth under magnification. There may be a hint of a saw tooth, but it is barely noticeable. Font that are around 5-point print with clean lines. Perhaps I went beyond the capabilities of the laser printer, but I question that because the fonts print cleanly with much finer lines than in the logos. Note that I did notice a 45 degree halftone appearance in laser printed text with a uniform fill that was much larger than the logos, even though it is not postscript. This did not occur with the inkjet.
how I can make these logos have crisp solid lines in the tiny size I am using? I'm not printing separations. I haven't found any settings in CorelDraw X5 to fix this.
I have a small logo (92x80 image) that I want to round the corners on. There seems to be two ways to do this. One is the filter/decor method, but this is greyed out in my menu. The other is select/rounded rectangle; I can do this one but I can't get it to complete the procedure. After selecting "rounded rectangle", I can see the dashed lines going around the rounded corners. But I can't get the rounded image to save - it saves as the original rectangle not rounded.
What am I missing? The on-line GIMP manual does not explain what needs done. I tried carriage return after selecting rounded rectangle, but that does nothing. I also tried every crop method I could find. I've spent about three hours trying to get the rounded corners.
I am probably missing something simple. Do I need to create layers - a transparent layer? I am not sure exactly how to do that.
I have a map. I would like to remove small islands without having to rub them all out manually (its a very big map).
I'm not too bothered about the criteria for selecting small islands - I would just like to specify an approximate threshold diameter or something.
The sea is one uniform color. And this color doesn't appear on land. Sort of like a noise removal filter, but I don't want the coastline of surviving islands to be smudged. I.e. islands that are not removed must not be touched and the removed islands must be removed completely.
I have tried selecting all the sea and then growing the selection to swamp small islands and then shrinking the selection again but this didn't work very well.
See attachment to clarify. I have colored islands that I would like to get rid of in red (very roughly). This is part of the full image. The actual image has just water round the boundary (no land touches the image edges) (Also there are some islands within lochs - ideally these would be selected also, but the majority are within the sea,)
After Update 2 and Hotfix 1 (I haven't noticed after which of them exactly it happened) some options in X6, when they are active, are receiving some grey-pink background together with the small icon near them - for example Object position, Object size, Angle of rotation and others. You will see them when you select some object.
In the same color are also some items in the menus without obvious principle. I don't think that this is intentional. Or I cannot see it?
I would like to know which tools to improve the border of a small image after rotation. Something like sharpening.
The picture is around 25px wide. When magnified, it shows like this :
The original image pure red and pure white.
The white line, that is a ~1 px from the border is at some points too much polluted by the red color. And the red color is locally too much polluted by the white color.
There is also some aliasing that I want to remove.
I want to enlarge a small photograph with the zoomtool.And when I try to save it on the desired percentage of 100% or so it returns back to it's original size ;After I have saved it as a new copy (image) with a new name.I have tried all the possibilities to save it within the larger size. Even by printer. Everything was in vain.But once it is transferred to the documents files it goes back to the original size.
even on gigantic images I seem to get this error EVERY TIME NOW! it doesn't matter what image and I DO NOT know what this 'input texture' that the error is talking about! there is NO option for an input texture!
I would like to repeat the following procedure on a large number of images but I am unable to find a way of batch processing to do this for me. The idea is to end up with a small plain boarder around the original image. This is to prevent any image being lost when I order prints due to cropping.
1) open image 2) copy the image 3) create a new image 0.5" larger than the original 4) paste the copied image into the larger new image 5) resize the new image to a given size for example 10x8 for printing 6) Save the image under new name or in a different folder to the original.
what I want to achieve is a jpg image, with one of my vector designs over the top of it, for use on a website.
This is how I have been doing things so far. Opening cdr file, containing the vector that i wish to use importing the image, then reducing its size positioning the vector over the top of the image adding perspective to the vector selecting both using the pick tool (dragging the selection square around both items) then selecting export for web.
This has worked for dozens of pictures so far. The problem is, my exported file is way too big, at 900kb. However, if I just export the image, it is 39kb. If i just export the vector, it is 25 kb. Yet when I export both it comes up at 900.
We are using Coral Draw 11 and have to get a lot of our data from Excel. Currently we are copying and pasting the information in, but this is very time consuming. Is there a faster and simplier method?
The best way to export Corel Draw files to a format that other non-Corel users can easily manipulate? I have had trouble saving as or exporting to other vector formats in the past. I use very large files with imported jpg graphics, etc.
Also, do any of the effects/actions (drop shadows, power clipping, grouping) that we use in Corel affect the ability of other users to at least open and manipulate the file? Even if it's not exactly the same in the converted file, what is the most convenient way to allow another artist to view & manipulate Ai or EPS exported from Corel Draw? (Specifically X6 if that applies)
I have artistic text on a simple schematic diagram that I am trying to export out as a .cgm file, but the lines convert from solid lines to dashes and the vertical text does not stay in place after the export.
When I prepare artwork for 1 spot color print, there is this issue.
I use black or gray for all the vectors, and convert all bitmaps to 300dpi grayscale.When I export as PDF, I select "Output color as: Grayscale"
However, my printer feedback saying that the PDF files contains CMYK color (C & Y).I've checked the color separation in Print Preview, only K, no CMY.
The printer said they always have this problem with users using CorelDraw to export grayscale PDF.They have to import it into AI and export again to PDF to make it right.Here are the files:[URL]
am trying to implement using a watermark and want to make it easy and fast. I'd love it to be a top layer that is set on all design templates and not something I have to monkey with each time (waste of time).
I am trying to upload a file for a microstock site that requires an eps file under 8MB. As a cdr file, it is under 25KB but when I export the file as an eps it rockets to over 400,000KB.
We have X5 installed on four computers at work and on two of the machines (including mine) X5 will crash everytime (100%) when trying to export to jpg. It does not even get as far as a dialog box its just crashes straight away. I it does this everytime on two comuters without fail.
Is there a way of viewing an error report? Or what would I have to do to file one?
I can export to other formats just fine, it only seems to be JPG....
I managed to get a nice set of different settings to publish a corel file to pdf. Now I would like copy these settings to multiple other pc's in the office. where a can find the file/folder in which these settings are being saved?
Otherwise I would have to set all different pc's individually and I rather spend my time otherwise.
On Corel X3 I used to export jpg proofs for email purposes. I could send RGB or CMYK version but CMYK did not appear properly on some computers (especially Macs) so I did everything as RGB.
Now in X5 I can see that standard 100% black exported as RGB gives just grey colour.
I understand that this may be appropriate conversion to indicate that this is not rich black (exporting as cmyk is fine) but I don't think it's a good solution because most of people refer to visual appearance on the screen.
Can I change anything to get the result more like on screen (like with X3)?
I don't know how do I send it now, If I send as RGB the colour is wrong (I would need to convert everything in cmyk to 100%) if I export as cmyk Mac users will see it wrong.
Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.
Having issues with exporting files to an .eps format - using "selected only" some of the objects that I have selected do not get exported - ie. they are missing from the .eps file altogether.
On top of that, most of my colours get washed out to a grey scale - I do work in spot colours.