I am looking for a way to make front view of a tire look like it's rotating ... i.e. the tread is moving. I have tried moving the tread, but that didn't look right.
I have seen it done but can't recreate it. I have attached an example .
I have been capturing data for measured building surveys with a Leica total station (TS06). When I upload the data into autocad i can see the node points (+) and text in the top view. When switch to look at the points from the front view (to produce an elevation), the text and points appear as a flat line, although the insertion point of the node/text is still correct. I need to find a way of rotating the text and points so they are visible in this view. I will then flatten the points and cut them to the top view to produce a 2d elevation.
we had a toolbar with a button to perform this function. However, now i don't have the toolbar,
I've noticed that in Paint Tool SAI (which I really wish I could buy but I have no money) has two things I wish GIMP could do.
1: SAI has an ability to rotate the view without rotating the image itself.(rotating a graphics tablet to comfortably get the pen stroke right.) Is there any way this could be implemented into a new update of GIMP?
2: SAI has really good pressure sensitivity and natural *smooth* pressure strokes. I've kinda noticed GIMP is geared more towards Mouse/Touch pad art creation; is there any way to get pressure sensitivity into the program?
I'm afraid to use GIMP anymore because the whole program takes about 20 minutes to load, from clicking the application icon on my desktop. Once it's up though, it functions well. Even after I close it out, and end up clicking the application icon again, it takes another 20 minutes to load up.
I created 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 project. I grouped these 8 points into 2 Point Groups: Point Group 1-high depth has Points #1, #3, #5, #7, and Point Group 2-low depth has #2, #4, #6, #8. I changed the 2D Wireframe to 3D Wireframe and on TOP view I saw Point Group 1 is on the top of Point Group 2 (because the 2 Point Groups have the same values of X- and Y-coordinates with different Z(elevation) value - see the first attached file. How can I change the TOP view to the TOP-FRONT view by using some Command to get this fixed TOP-Front view thar has the good separation of the 2 depths as shown in the second attached file?
New to AutoCAD. Designing a building in plan. Then used the plan to draw a section in new layer, but still in plan view. Is there a way to copy that section onto a new layer in front view and erase the old section layer? .
I have experience making 3D models in Vectorworks but have never used 3D in AutoCAD. I am using 2014 version. I understand the principle of UCS and the idea behind it but am really struggling to use it.
Currently I am trying to use two viewports, one in top view and one in front view.
I am trying to use the two to ensure I am placing objects in the correct place in relation to everything else. However...how comes when I move something up or down in front view it moves completely out of position in top view? surely if i'm moving the object up or down it should not effect the position of anything in top view?
i have a problem of net being able to view dimensions in the model space in the current view. i was not paying attention to what view i started the 2d drawing in, but right now it is in the front view. the dimensions lines gets put on a plane that the program has decided and wheather i try to dimension above or below it, it goes to that line. i have also noticed that for some unknown reason the 2d drawing gave itself depth. it is a very large drawing and i have tried to clip parts of it to put on a new drawing it defalts to the front view and i still cannot dimension on it.
I am using arch 2009, and the program did get corrupt during my work and had to reinstall. i have reinstalled several time with the same result. i have tried arch 2011 also with the same result. i think there is a setting that somehow changed and i can't figure out what it is, or should i chalk this up to a program malfunction and start from scratch in a top view (which works fine).
I have managed to find the Top view, Right view and Front view through the Tools>customisation option, but cannot find Left, top or rear view.Where are they?
Ive been using inventor for around 2 months now and its all been going good... ive recently done a rather complex assembly that id rather not redo... unfortunately... i ungrounded the base part fiddling with it trying to find a working constraint set for my needs (evenly spaces cylinders on a base plate and a centered on a mounting plate... i ended up using holes and the cylinders screw holes to align them but still this was AFTER i messed it up)
So now because of that the default view is skewed by roughly 45 degrees or so... now i have set the front view manually to reset the ground plane.... but if i stick this in a dwg as front its as if i did nothing... and yes i have triple check to make sure ive set the front view.
I have a dxf file of a 3d model (cant attach as it exceeds the size limit) that I need to have put in a 2D dwg file. basically I need to flatten it to make a top and front view of the model.
I haven't work in 3d in some time and never worked with dxf files, so I'm not even sure this is possible. I tried opening the dxf in auto cad, but it doesn't seem to find the file..I cant see dxf extensions.
i have been drawing a 3d model and when it comes to dimensioning, i can only do it for the vertical and horizontal distance from the top view. i cant find a way to dimension the thickness of my model from the side or ront view.
My company has just upgraded from stone age AutoCAD to Civil3d 2013 and I've been tasked with figuring out the program.
What I am trying to do is realign my drawing so a line I drew is horizontal to the page. For example, I have a line at a 45 degree angle and I want to rotate my viewport so that line is now at a 0 degree angle. Is there a simple way to do this?
A follow up: I have my point labels set to be a 45 degree angle, will they be at a 45 degree angle when I realign the drawing or will they "rotate" along with the drawing?
I have a solid body .ipt that I have created an assembly from. Some of the parts in the solid body can rotate which in turn rotates them in the assembly which is great. The problem is I need to create a drawing of the parts of the assembly. If I create a base view of a part that rotates the view rotates also, but I do not want that. Is there a way to create a view that always "looks" at a surface of a part no matter what position it is in?
Im using AC 2008 LT Im developing dynimc blocks. When rotating the block the text will rotate as well. Is there any way to align the text to the view so it will be always straight when rotating?
Is it possible to bring different layers to the front in different parts of an image?
I'm working on a project that involves putting together 100x100 pixel squares from different images. I start with one image in each layer and delete 100x100 chunks of different layers until the image I need for that square is visible.
Im currently trying to draw a layout for a simple angle iron part using the front, side, and angled view. Its a flat part made of sheetmetal and it will get 1 90* bend in it.
My first question is how do i bend a part in autocad LT 2011? Ive been using autocad for years but ive never had a request for an angled view.
My second question is how would i create a layout using all 3 views and include the info block in the bottom right displaying all the info?
I have wall section sheets that are best viewed in portrait mode, but use the same landscape page setup as the other sheets in the set. So the viewports for the sections are rotated 90 degrees and difficult to read on the screen. Is it possible to rotate the paper space UCS and rotate the paper space "view" to match the UCS, like you can in model space?
I don't want to rotate the viewports and title blocks themselves & set up a portrait page setup. This is because I'm using Acrobat's PDF maker for batch plotting and not using the same page setup for each sheet makes one click, fire-and-forget publishing impossible. And I don't want to use DWG-to-PDF because it doesn't have any configurable image compression settings that I know of.
If it's not possible, then it's not the end of the world. We have AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD LT 2012 & 2013.
I'm building a site with WordPress and installed a plugin that will create a slider of images on the front page. For each image, there is specific text that goes with the image (just a simple quote). If it's possible to use Gimp to add text to the side of an image and not actually on the image?
Here's a link to the front page of the site that I'm attempting to add the text to. Currently, the photos are there and you will see the blank space next to the images. This blank space is where I would like to add the text. I've contacted the creator of the plugin and there is no way of doing this from within the plugin, itself.
I installed GIMP onto my laptop. What I want to know how to do is to bring the image I'm working on in front of the toolbar windows. I thought I remember reading that you can change a setting but I couldn't find it when I looked in Preferences.
I've tried to create a rotating Planet for my program ( the rotation itself is fine... but it feels like the image is moving left inside a circle frame ) . I was told I need to add depth, bump so to say. I've tried to add a bit of bumpmap with gimp
But it does not feel round... I'm obviously no expert at Gimp. What should I do with the following image to make it feel more round, the center should feel like it's higher...and the corners should feel like they are going around to the back.
When I rotate a landscape image 90 degrees to portrait format the top and bottom of the image gets cut off. How do I prevent that and be able to view the whole image?
While Gimp is great, one of its biggest downfalls is the way in which it handles resizing and rotating images.
- Open a new image. - Draw / manipulate / play with your image. - Add layers, colors and images included.
Now, let's say you want to trace an image that's at the bottom of your layer stack. But that image is the wrong size, so you select the area you want to trace, drop its transparency down to 10%, and attempt to scale it to the size you've been sketching on the layer above it. The moment you attempt to scale / rotate it, it shoots back to 100% transparency, which is unintuitive because you can no longer see what's beneath the layer. In Photoshop, an area that is being scaled / rotated stays at the transparency you gave it.