While Gimp is great, one of its biggest downfalls is the way in which it handles resizing and rotating images.
- Open a new image.
- Draw / manipulate / play with your image.
- Add layers, colors and images included.
Now, let's say you want to trace an image that's at the bottom of your layer stack. But that image is the wrong size, so you select the area you want to trace, drop its transparency down to 10%, and attempt to scale it to the size you've been sketching on the layer above it. The moment you attempt to scale / rotate it, it shoots back to 100% transparency, which is unintuitive because you can no longer see what's beneath the layer. In Photoshop, an area that is being scaled / rotated stays at the transparency you gave it.
I have a 4608 x 3456 pixel photo, trying to resize to 960 x 190 pixels for the web. I tried cropping and and scaling the photo, but it is still coming out very blurry, and still not sized properly.
I have a problem. Randomly today, the usual controls for moving, scaling and rotating are gone, instead there are just red lines for the X, Y and Z axis. How can I get the other ones back?
I'd like to rotate an image or selection just a bit to have a better ability to draw on it in Photoshop. However if I rotate it with the handles or rotate 90 degrees or whatever it changes the image and I'd like it to return in normal position after I'm finished drawing. I do not want the image to be rotated in the end, I only want to be able to draw at specific places and therefore it needs to be rotated.
I select a group of images that need rotating left or right and hold down, apple and bracket key, and although there are several images selected only the first image rotates.
I can create a rotating image with sevaral images in Photoshop? Much like a gif? Would this improve my page load time or would it be the same as loading a slideshow? Here is an example of what we wanna do
I am working with LR4. How can I rotate a verticallt placed photo image to a horizontally place image within a cell? I know how to "rotate" a cell and I don't want to just "flip" the image.
How to make a rotating gif, sliding through multiple images but couldn't seem to find anything. I know that this is a pretty simple task and used to be able to do it but have forgot in the long while I haven't got to use Paint.Net.
I've tried to create a rotating Planet for my program ( the rotation itself is fine... but it feels like the image is moving left inside a circle frame ) . I was told I need to add depth, bump so to say. I've tried to add a bit of bumpmap with gimp
But it does not feel round... I'm obviously no expert at Gimp. What should I do with the following image to make it feel more round, the center should feel like it's higher...and the corners should feel like they are going around to the back.
When I rotate a landscape image 90 degrees to portrait format the top and bottom of the image gets cut off. How do I prevent that and be able to view the whole image?
When I need to rotate an image a few degrees a grid is displayed over the image, as a guide. However, the grid also rotates, making it a somewhat useless feature.
I followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.
My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.
However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?
If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?
To clarify this is what I do:
Create a word select a letter in the word ctrl-x ctrl-v select new layer name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted ensure that layer is selected choose rotate tool ....no rotation takes place?
I am looking for a way to make front view of a tire look like it's rotating ... i.e. the tread is moving. I have tried moving the tread, but that didn't look right.
I have seen it done but can't recreate it. I have attached an example .
I have a design that is approx 9 inches by 11 inches @ 250 dpi. I would like to increase the print size for canvas to 16 x 20. My question is, after I create my new image for 16 x 20, if I scale up my picture (design) layer to 16x20, will that produce poor quality? Or am I just "stretching" the pixels?
What is interpolation when scaling images in Gimp? it is under quality. I see there are None, Linear, Cubic, & Sinc (Lanczos 3)... what are these and which one is the best one?? and does it matter which one e.g. are they all the same?
Just a question about scaling and pixelation. I've been doing some 3D models in ZBrush at a 960x960 size, and wanting to scale them down to 48x48 size, very small icons for a game engine.
Anyway I started doing this with just normal scale in GIMP, but the picture just turned out like a big blur. With further investigation I found GIMP add-ons, Liquid Scale and Step Scale (I think that was it's name) where you can step down the scale of the picture and sharpen it during step downs etc.
Still not having much luck, I can get it to look better, but not good, still very pixelated and blurry. The required result I want is something along these lines - Picture
Using high res picture, I've tried PNG, GIF, PSD with not really much luck.
PS: Attached is the original model GIF and the resized picture.
When I shrink an image, the result seems to be distorted.
I have an image 850x850. I go: Menu > Image > Scale Image > and set height and width to 306 px I get the same error no matter what scaling algorithm I use.
See images below, the one scaled by the GIMP has the black circle noticeable shifted to the right hand side. The white gap between the red and the black circles is 6 px on the LHS and it is 3 px on the RHS (measured at the widest part of the circles) . To compare, I have also scaled the image using another image manipulation program (IrfanView) - it scales it properly.
scaled by the GIMP.... scaled by Irfanview...
Is there any setting that you think I may have set incorrectly to get this problem? (Under the View menu, I don't have any "snap to..." checked.)
The test source file is the scaleBug.xcf attachment.
I've noticed that in Paint Tool SAI (which I really wish I could buy but I have no money) has two things I wish GIMP could do.
1: SAI has an ability to rotate the view without rotating the image itself.(rotating a graphics tablet to comfortably get the pen stroke right.) Is there any way this could be implemented into a new update of GIMP?
2: SAI has really good pressure sensitivity and natural *smooth* pressure strokes. I've kinda noticed GIMP is geared more towards Mouse/Touch pad art creation; is there any way to get pressure sensitivity into the program?
I'm afraid to use GIMP anymore because the whole program takes about 20 minutes to load, from clicking the application icon on my desktop. Once it's up though, it functions well. Even after I close it out, and end up clicking the application icon again, it takes another 20 minutes to load up.
I am designing a logo, and have used a gimp script to create (a) the text that I need, and (b) a ring to enclose it. The ring is in a separate layer with a transparent background (I set the entire background to Alpha), and it surrounds the text. I created the ring using a script to transform a letter 'O' into a 'glassy' style object, which I then resized into an oval of the correct size and shape using the 'scale layer' tool.
The logo looks OK, but would be much improved if I could make the surrounding ring thinner. The ring has a 'glassy' effect which is just what I want, but it is a little on the chunky side. It would look much better if I could transform it to be about half the thickness that it currently is, to match the slimmer text inside the ring. I would like to do this without losing the 'glassy' effect of the ring.
I have already tried creating the ring with the thinnest font I could find that gave me the right shape, but this doesn't go quite far enough. Is there any way that I can thin the ring so that it keeps it's size, position and 'glassy' effect, but ends up with a thickness of about 50% of it's current width? Effectively, I just want to transform a fat ring into a skinny ring!
Ive figured out how to scale images and remove their backgrounds, but when I go to paste them in a new location I lose their scaling.
What I'm trying to do is put multiple pictures (the items are scaled to actual size, which is important) onto a single 8.5 x 11 page.
So, I've taken some of my pictures, opened their files scaled them to where they need to be, and then removed the backgrounds. I saved that as a new file.
How would I then take those files and place them, with the scale I made them, into something that is this 8.5 x 11 page size.
When I try to do it now, it doesn't keep the scale.