GIMP :: Grid Rotates When Rotating Image
Jan 24, 2013When I need to rotate an image a few degrees a grid is displayed over the image, as a guide. However, the grid also rotates, making it a somewhat useless feature.
View 3 RepliesWhen I need to rotate an image a few degrees a grid is displayed over the image, as a guide. However, the grid also rotates, making it a somewhat useless feature.
View 3 RepliesWhen I try to rotate an image with only one layer, the image rotates but the "window" which contains it does not! I end up with the image rotated 90 degrees, but it's cropped because the window it's in, did not move. That window sticks out with a checkerboard pattern. I've looked in the GIMP manual and gone to YouTube for an explanation on how to use the rotate tool but I couldn't understand the tutorials. how to use the rotate tool successfully? I'm a severe dyslexic with low vision so usually, standard tutorials don't work for me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I rotate a view on a sheet, the fill pattern of a filled region doesn't rotate with it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I rotate a landscape image 90 degrees to portrait format the top and bottom of the image gets cut off. How do I prevent that and be able to view the whole image?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a star image that I would like to put on the ends of my banner for my blog. I would like the image to be a "spinning" or rotating gif.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I rotate this one and I got blur version in nd version below. How do I avoid blur ?
Check this out below:
I want this:
to this:
Is there a way to take an image, and make an animation of it rotating 360 degrees?
I've never looked into batch processing with GIMP, but I would be willing to. This is for a video game sprite.
I've noticed that in Paint Tool SAI (which I really wish I could buy but I have no money) has two things I wish GIMP could do.
1: SAI has an ability to rotate the view without rotating the image itself.(rotating a graphics tablet to comfortably get the pen stroke right.) Is there any way this could be implemented into a new update of GIMP?
2: SAI has really good pressure sensitivity and natural *smooth* pressure strokes. I've kinda noticed GIMP is geared more towards Mouse/Touch pad art creation; is there any way to get pressure sensitivity into the program?
I'm afraid to use GIMP anymore because the whole program takes about 20 minutes to load, from clicking the application icon on my desktop. Once it's up though, it functions well. Even after I close it out, and end up clicking the application icon again, it takes another 20 minutes to load up.
how to create a diagonal grid on an image. For example; [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of the purposes I want to use GIMP for are in scaling the dimensions of objects like musical instruments or sculpture, to create a construction plan. If I have an undistorted photo of, say, a guitar, and I know at least one dimension in the photo, I can SHOW and CONFIGURE GRID to get a "1 square = 1 inch" reference and extrapolate the remainder of the dimensions.
What I need to be able to do is include the grid in a saved/rendered photo file, which GIMP doesn't seem to want to do. The grid appears to be virtual, and disappears when layers are flattened out and the image is exported.
Is there a way to do this, or do I need to generate a standalone grid as a transparent layer and include that in my merge? If so, how do I go about generating a grid layer without having to hand-draw one?
I was just wondering how to create a diagonal grid on an image. URL....
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I open any image, photoshop rotates the image 90 clockwise by itself. All the other programs (even windows imageview) dont do that. Only photoshop does that. I can open the photo in any other application and they are fine, but when I open them in Photoshop CS5, they get rotated.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I am working on a image that I have selected and inverted a compass suddenly appears and rotates the image for me. This can happen to every image or not at all, which makes me think it might be a bug within the software. When it does happen it can be very frustrating as I am usually working on a large number of images and it reduces the amount of images that I can work on.
If I upgrade to CS6 the issue will be resolved? I am using a MacBook Pro 17ins 10.5.8 and it is Mac OSX.
why do some of my images rotate when burned on a slide show DVD? My slide show on the computer is ok.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was thinking of something like photoshop can do. Have like a 32x32 pixel grid, then within that 32x32 square a 1x1 pixel grid show up? Of course a different lin maybe dotted?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've tried to create a rotating Planet for my program ( the rotation itself is fine... but it feels like the image is moving left inside a circle frame ) . I was told I need to add depth, bump so to say. I've tried to add a bit of bumpmap with gimp
Filter-> Map -> Bumpmap . Azimuth = 134, Elevation = 46, Depth = 15, Waterlevel = 87, Ambient = 57 .
But it does not feel round... I'm obviously no expert at Gimp. What should I do with the following image to make it feel more round, the center should feel like it's higher...and the corners should feel like they are going around to the back.
While Gimp is great, one of its biggest downfalls is the way in which it handles resizing and rotating images.
- Open a new image.
- Draw / manipulate / play with your image.
- Add layers, colors and images included.
Now, let's say you want to trace an image that's at the bottom of your layer stack. But that image is the wrong size, so you select the area you want to trace, drop its transparency down to 10%, and attempt to scale it to the size you've been sketching on the layer above it. The moment you attempt to scale / rotate it, it shoots back to 100% transparency, which is unintuitive because you can no longer see what's beneath the layer. In Photoshop, an area that is being scaled / rotated stays at the transparency you gave it.
Is there a way to make this NOT happen?
is it possible to rotate a layer in gimp with the opacity turned on?
everytime i rotate something the object becomes a full solid even though i had set it with an opacity.
I pasting in a image its pixel art so on the small side and when i rotate 90 degrees the image shrinks 1 pixel on top and left side.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.
My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.
However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?
If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?
To clarify this is what I do:
Create a word
select a letter in the word
select new layer
name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted
ensure that layer is selected
choose rotate tool rotation takes place?
[URL] ..........
why I can't stroke a selection after rotating it? The steps to reproduce this problem are simple:
1. Make any selection (e.g. a rectangle)
2. Click "Edit", and note that "Stroke selection" is not greyed out
3. Use the "rotate" tool on the selection. Click the selection, and specify any angle.
4. After the selection has been rotated, click "Edit" again, and note that "Stroke selection" is greyed out and unusable.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.4.
I am looking for a way to make front view of a tire look like it's rotating ... i.e. the tread is moving. I have tried moving the tread, but that didn't look right.
I have seen it done but can't recreate it. I have attached an example .
Is there a way to rotate an image (made of pixels) so it won't look like crap?
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently I have started to get in to photography with my digital camera. I have noticed that if you rotate a jpeg 90 degrees or whatever that the file size goes down.
Is there anyway to stop this and if so, how?
downloaded the trial version of CS2. I scan a lot of images onto my computer. Naturally, the images stored in My Pictures are not entirely centered.
Is there any feature on Photoshop that would allow me to SLIGHTLY rotate an image
I was given a disc with 75 pictures on it to deal with. The images are scans of old photos, and many of them are scans of a whole page from an album. There is handwriting on many of the photos/pages that I want to keep intact.
My big problem is this: Many of the photos/album pages were scanned in a way that makes it neccesery for me to rotate/flip them into proper position. When I rotate them, the handwriting comes out backward/mirrored.
I kind of recall running into this before on an unimportant somethingorother I was working on, but since it wasn't important I left it be.
ive got a problem ive been rotating my original image around in a circle to create a cool effect, yet i want to rotate it back around with the front but how do i do that and keep the same scale. i was measuring the top rotation of of a certain part on the car and bringing it to that each time to keep it the same but now i cant since its not symmetrical
in short terms I need "Gap a" to = "Gap b"
I'm using a template for a cd sleeve. One half of it is upside down so to work on the other half I have to rotate the image. I will have to rotate the image a hundred times before the project is finished.
Does this affect the quality? If so, any workarounds for me?
I have created a webpage using Xara Designer Pro 6 and am trying to import my rotating GIF image. (I have created this image using Xara 3D). When I import this image everything else on the page dissapears. How can I import this correctly?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can create a rotating image with sevaral images in Photoshop? Much like a gif? Would this improve my page load time or would it be the same as loading a slideshow? Here is an example of what we wanna do
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a file from a client, which, when I attempt to rotate it 90 degrees, it distorts elongated. And no, it doesn't matter whether I use PS, Illustrator, or InDesign.
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