AutoCad :: Draw Layout For Simple Angle Iron Part Using Front / Side And Angled View
Apr 25, 2011
Im currently trying to draw a layout for a simple angle iron part using the front, side, and angled view. Its a flat part made of sheetmetal and it will get 1 90* bend in it.
My first question is how do i bend a part in autocad LT 2011? Ive been using autocad for years but ive never had a request for an angled view.
My second question is how would i create a layout using all 3 views and include the info block in the bottom right displaying all the info?
i have been drawing a 3d model and when it comes to dimensioning, i can only do it for the vertical and horizontal distance from the top view. i cant find a way to dimension the thickness of my model from the side or ront view.
I am trying to draw an isometric version of this part from first angle orthographic projections. But for the life of me I can't, I have never been good at nets / pr Attachment ortho to iso.jpgojections etc.
I created 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 project. I grouped these 8 points into 2 Point Groups: Point Group 1-high depth has Points #1, #3, #5, #7, and Point Group 2-low depth has #2, #4, #6, #8. I changed the 2D Wireframe to 3D Wireframe and on TOP view I saw Point Group 1 is on the top of Point Group 2 (because the 2 Point Groups have the same values of X- and Y-coordinates with different Z(elevation) value - see the first attached file. How can I change the TOP view to the TOP-FRONT view by using some Command to get this fixed TOP-Front view thar has the good separation of the 2 depths as shown in the second attached file?
I just upgraded form PSE 9 to PSE 12 and cannot find where I can view photos side by side. Thsi is something I use all the time and would love to know if it is till there somewhere.
I am trying to create the artwork for stickers to cover the front and side of a freezer. I have created the front panel which consists of a block of colour along the top and bottom (with logo in top panel) and then an illlustration in the middle. Now, I want the blocks of colour and illustration to carry on seamlessly to either side to cover the 2 side panels (which are the same height but different width from the central one). Should I create in 3 separate documents and how do I make sure that I follow the illustration at exactly the point where it finishes at either side of the central panel? I haven't been using InDesign very long and I cant work it out.
In Photoshop CS5 I could click on a button to view images side by side or above and below. In CS6 my button is gone. How do I view images side by side/above and below?
how can i change the edit workspace so i can view like that of photoshop cs2 cause i don't really care for this new tabbed interface lol, i'm using paintshop pro x5
How can I (or is it not possible) to have a line start in front but end up behind. Example, a thick line (that will look like a tube when done, i hope lol) starts out in the front.... travels off the side of the object then goes behind it.
essentially starts as the topmost(front) object, but ends as the bottom most (back) object.
I want to draw reinforcement on inclined side but offset command is not working for reinforcement, How to draw equally spaced reinforcement on inclined side? I tried geometric constraint but it also not working for circle.
I have experience making 3D models in Vectorworks but have never used 3D in AutoCAD. I am using 2014 version. I understand the principle of UCS and the idea behind it but am really struggling to use it.
Currently I am trying to use two viewports, one in top view and one in front view.
I am trying to use the two to ensure I am placing objects in the correct place in relation to everything else. comes when I move something up or down in front view it moves completely out of position in top view? surely if i'm moving the object up or down it should not effect the position of anything in top view?
i'd like to learn how to draw a simple building with a vertical walled hole next to it.
I already have a ground surface, hole surface, and the grading surfaces for backfilling the sides of the hole and some ramps to get in and out of the hole. The building floor and roof need to slope towards the hole.
I'd like to end up with an isometric view with shaded walls and roof. The only 3d command I have used is presspull and it seemed useful. Is there a thread here that explains the most efficient ways to change views, draw a building, and shade vertical walls.
I'm working in ACAD 2012. I am at times, unable to draw simple vertical lines in the z-axis. Drawing pluming riser diagrams in 3D. Steps I am taking,
1) Opening the drawing. 2) X referencing a floor plan. 3) Changing the view using the cube to SW Isometric 4) Using the LINE command selecting a point, aligning the cursor with what seems like the Z-axis and entering the distance, heighten enter.
The line drawn is flat. This line can be seen as flat when rotating views. The only solution I have found is to use the "Reset Autocad Settings to Default"
Observations: Sometimes I am able to draw in 3D just fine, but something will happen in the middle of the drawing process that will now only allow me to draw flat. Also was never able to draw polylines in 3D is that how it's supposed to be? Used another computer with the same drawing, at first won't allow me to draw in 3D but after a couple attempts will eventually draw in 3D just fine. Tried starting from a blank template, no luck. Tried changing drawing space to 3D modeling and 3D basics, no luck. Also, when working drawings with existing 3D objects, I am able to snap to vertical point as a start point but cannot snap to a point on any other points on the object that at are at a different elevation.
how can i draw this red line in autocad, its an arc from point 1 to point 3 in spherical 4 side segment? point 1 to point 2 to point 3 to point 4 closing the segment at point 1 and point 4 (fused)
How do i draw line at specific angle. if i have the length on the x axis and angle, when i do @.25<45 the line becomes .25 in length i need the x dim to be .25 @ 45 degrees. as shown in the picture
I have a cube and I want to create a section plane that goes trough the middle of 3 edges that have a common point. After this I should be able to erase the smaller solid and keep the bigger one. If needed I will attach an image to be better understood.
i have a problem of net being able to view dimensions in the model space in the current view. i was not paying attention to what view i started the 2d drawing in, but right now it is in the front view. the dimensions lines gets put on a plane that the program has decided and wheather i try to dimension above or below it, it goes to that line. i have also noticed that for some unknown reason the 2d drawing gave itself depth. it is a very large drawing and i have tried to clip parts of it to put on a new drawing it defalts to the front view and i still cannot dimension on it.
I am using arch 2009, and the program did get corrupt during my work and had to reinstall. i have reinstalled several time with the same result. i have tried arch 2011 also with the same result. i think there is a setting that somehow changed and i can't figure out what it is, or should i chalk this up to a program malfunction and start from scratch in a top view (which works fine).
New to AutoCAD. Designing a building in plan. Then used the plan to draw a section in new layer, but still in plan view. Is there a way to copy that section onto a new layer in front view and erase the old section layer? .
The angle on the layout is slightly distorted. When I open the drawing on another computer it is fine. Even when I brought in a new chair ( on the right of the layout) at what is supposed to be a 90 degree angle it is slightly off?
I would like to draw from the side, especially circles to extrude. see my pic below. my current view only allows to pull circles up etc. I don't want to rotate all the time.
I want to create a simple scale bar in a paper space layout, that is dynamically linked to the scale of the viewport.
I've searched and come across a few dynamic scale bars on the web and a few forum discussions, but I just can't work out how to create my own from scratch...
I have managed to find the Top view, Right view and Front view through the Tools>customisation option, but cannot find Left, top or rear view.Where are they?