GIMP :: Exporting Causes File Size To Diminish Greatly
Nov 21, 2012
I cant' figure this out for the life of me. I'm gonna lay out everything I do step by step.. Open photo that's 12.5 MB Open as Layer my second photo that's 7.26MB At the bottom it confirms the size of my project. Export.. As pdf. Final file size is 488 KB
I'm trying to export my video game footage that I took. Which was captured in 60fps, 1920x1080, 48khz. I'm trying to export at h.264, 60fps, vbr 2 pass.
My concern is that when I increase the target bitrate the file size increases a lot. I left it at 10 atm and the estimated file size is at 1430MB. Now I've watched videos on YouTube, on Adobe Premiere export settings for gameplay footage and their file size is under 100MB with just about the same output settings as mine. I've tried exporting in Premiere but it just gets stuck at 0%, Adobe Media Encoder works but the estimated completion time is around 4 hours. When I watched those exporting videos it was almost instantly completed when he hit the export button. I could just wait 4 hours for every video I make but that's just not efficient. So I'm just curious on any solutions to my problem.
Could it be my computer specs? I mean I'm able to play games like Skyrim completely fine but it's not like I was recording a game such as that. I was recording an old Gamecube game for goodness sake.
I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.
I am making artboard of 100px by 100px in order to make a button when I export it (in 72 DPI) the result is 101px by 101px. So how can I export in the size i define the artboard ?
For information I am usind illustrator CC on an iMac.
Using Premiere Pro CS6, I'm trying to figure out why it's doing this:
I imported a video into a new sequence and made sure to match the sequence settings with the video's. I do some basic editing (not adding more video or anything like that) but when I choose to export media and have it match the sequence settings, the video appears to have the exact same attributes as the original video (minus my changes) except the file size is 2-5x larger.
When I export "most' of my projects, I've extracted the backgrounds out of them...they transfer "extremely" sharp to my assigned folder. But every now and then, no matter how many times you try to "re" export it, the picture quality is less sharp than I desire. And in this case, it is an image copied from the same page, as other items I've extracted from a magazine, and they clean up and export fine..this one doesn't.
These are black and white pictures, which I am coloring with Gimp, and then transferring to a folder on my computer. Is there anything I can do to "sharpen" the image before I send it. As the picture sets on Gimp right now (with background extracted/and colored) it looks "perfect". Once I export it, it gets slightly distorted?
I have recently upgraded to 2.8 and am having problems with export to jpg, as opposed to old system of 'Save As" jpg.
When "Show preview in image window" is ticked, File size always appears as 1.3GB. If 'Quality' is reduced, file size displayed does not change to a new reading as it used to.
When I go ahead and export, the file is much smaller than 1.3GB. What do I need to do to get the file size in 'Export Image as JPEG' window to show an accurate file size?
I found a way to save a sub 1mb XCF file with a select saved as a channel and a layer of the image as a threshold. I can open the original jpg in gimp, select all, copy into new transparent layer in the tiny XCF file, do channel to selection, delete the threshold layer and I'm good to go. I went from a 27 mb xcf to a 0.5 mb xcf with the channel and layer for a 2 mb jpg.
At my low skill level the selects are usually the only XCF elements worth keeping. Everytime I've returned to a saved XCF weeks later because I knew more, I tossed it out and started over from the original jpg unless a select was involved. I could buy a larger HD, but I'm literally living out of 2 suitcases and expect to continue so indefinably. Keeping my pile of stuff small is a prime priority. Store them online? The only internet ISPs available here are rather slow.
I am trying to create a PDF/X-1a that is exactly the size (dimensions) of the .xcf file (15x12in.). There are two ways to do this that I have found at this point. Export does save the correct size, but I can't find a way to change to the x-1a format, or print to PDF which does save the correct format but doesn't save the correct size. When printing to PDF I go into Preferences>Adobe PDF Settings and change the Default Settings to PDF/X-1a and change the Adobe PDF Page Size to 15x12 (custom created page size). When it prints the PDF ends up as an 8 1/2 X 11 file.
Two notes:
1. When I go to Page Setup in Gimp I cannot set a custom page size . 2. The only reason I need the X-1a format is because when I export to a standard PDF the ink density for the black goes above the 240% limit that I need for the printers. If I could find a way to get the ink density results I need without saving in the X-1a format it would be just as good.
I'm currently in the process of organizing my music collection with album art. I found a great site with high quality images[URL] .... and would like to resize pictures to 600x600 within the range of 200-300KB. Is there a way to automatically do this without changing the quality percentage by trial and error?
I'll come straight out and admit: yes, my real problem here is my laziness but, ignoring that, the 'problem' I have is getting so tired of and annoyed with the whole trial & error schtick that comes with saving animated gifs (scale image, save, check file size, repeat to first step until file size is finally desirable).
Two possible solutions come to mind, one I admit is probably quite unrealistic but I would think the other has a good chance of existing.
First, the unrealistic solution possibility. Is there a plugin or anything else where I can input a file size and it could calculate the exact (or close to exact) scale I would need to resize to if I want the gif to be around that file size? (i.e. "For this gif to be 879kb your best bet would (probably) be 515 x 283")
Now then, the more realistic (or at least I think it is) solution possibility. What about being able to preview a file size of an animated gif before saving? (i.e. "If you save this 400 x 226 gif it will most likely be '(insert byte size here)'kb")
I have used Gimp a bit, and before that PS quite a bit. I have never had to use the size constraints for sizing a file to fit a large format printer. I will be getting one any day so I would like to be prepared as much as possible. When I was at another shop, the owner used one of the cropping functions to set the finish print size and then she could move the box around to locate the best print area and remainder to be cropped. She was using PS. I would assume I could do it also in Gimp, but have not found a way to do it yet. What am I missing. Even if the printer software will do it on the printer, I would like to be able to show my customer on a PC monitor what they might expect.
I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
When I export an image with dimesions of 4214x3371, the image size will show as 1.124x1.405''. This is a problem because I am trying to print my images on a 16x20'' canvas. My resolution is set at 3000ppi and I am exporting RAW files to an uncompressed TIFF file with my color space being ProPhoto RGB.
I created a 6.25 in wide doc in ID, exported it to PDF. PDF printed doc at 5.5 in wide. I sent PDF file to coworker, who printed it to several other printers in office: same wrong-sized results. Packaged and emailed original ID doc to our local printer, who opened my original ID file and--without making any changes to it--exported to PDF and got a perfect 6.25 size! She had no idea why it didn't convert properly on my software, since it worked perfectly for her.
So, it's my software, and it's a recurring problem: I've created other PDF docs in the last few months that printed incorrectly. That's professionally embarrassing, especially since I make quite a few PDF docs for work.
I have a 5 section book which I need to print. I usually export to a PDF then re import into a single indesign document. Then use print booklet to print the book. My problem is that I need bleed on my pages so I have set my page size to O/S A4 (32*22.5) When I export to PDF the pages end up A4. How can I export so the page size remains the same?
I cannot find a way to keep the native resolution when exporting it to this size, even using the same as project settings, it makes it 720x480, when i look at the file when clicking properties it says uncompressed 1920x1080, how do i export it as such just a little more compressed?
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
I would like to export my pics to a CD so i can send them out to be printed in a lab. I'm confused with the aspect ratio when I crop them i know I have to lock the aspect but should I keep it on Original? Also i'm wondering when it comes to export them what size should I be placing if I want to print all sizes. like some 8x10 and some 4x6 and so on. I'm working with Lightroom 3.
I exported a graphic as a 600 dpi bitmap. However the saved image is 600.125 dpi. Why the non-whole number size? And how can I export to a whole number? I get either or
I imported some RAW files into Lightroom 4, which I then copied/converted to DNG, then edited them. I now want to export them as full size, high-quality jpegs but I only seem to be able to export them at a maximum of about 800kb, which is far lower than full-size. Is this to do with first the conversion to DNG from RAW on the import? Am I best copying them from raw and not converting them to DNG at all? Next question is, will I have to import the original RAWs again and re-edit them to be able to export as full-size high quality jpegs or is there some way to not have to do them again?
I want to create a template whereby I can make a series of images that I can save as jpgs, upload to my blog, and people can print them. When they print, I want them to be one quarter of a sheet of paper (fit four to a page).
I tried creating a new image using the "inches" specification and those inches seem to have no bearing on inches in real life once printed.
So then I figured that a sheet of paper is 8.5 by 11 and I want a resolution of 300 dpi.
So 8.5 times 300: 2,550 pixels. Times that by 0.25 to get a quarter of it: 637.5 (which gets rounded to 638 pixels).
11 times 300: 3,300 pixels. Times that by 0.25= 825 pixels.
So I put in for 638 pixels by 825 pixels and 300 dpi. I created my image. I saved it as a jpg at full resolution. I uploaded it to my site and tested out the printing.
It took up most of a sheet of paper. Not even close to being a quarter of a sheet.
I've been using 2.6 and created a template for multiple business cards on a standard 8.5 by 11 sheet. [URL]
However the later versions ... 2.8 cause distortions when I try to print. ( Canon MG 2120) The standard 8.5 by 11 mysteriously converts to 7.997 by 10.349 inches .... and a weird 318.870 ppi appears. This obviously distorts my template and the 2 by 3.5 inch cards become odd sizes. When I open the template in 2.6, it works perfectly.
What has happened to the later version? i can't reset to inches and even using the 2559 by 3300 pixils with the 1050x600 card sizecan't be printed accurately So I'm now creating in 2.8 and opening in 2.6 to get my sizes correctly.
I love the expanded tools for drawing in the 2.8 ... but this feature is a nuisance ... along of course with the terrible sizing scale for the brushes. SO hard to calibrate the smaller and moe common sizes. Another bad feature.
Have I missed some adjustment somewhere. Using the same printer, same download gives two different prints sizes in 2.6 and 2.8.