Illustrator :: Exporting Artboards In PNG File With Defined Size?

Mar 6, 2014

I have troubles exporting artboards in png file :

I am making artboard of 100px by 100px in order to make a button when I export it (in 72 DPI) the result is 101px by 101px. So how can I export in the size i define the artboard ?

For information I am usind illustrator CC on an iMac.

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Illustrator :: Exporting As JPEG With Use Artboards Adds To File Name

Jul 20, 2010

When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.

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Illustrator :: Saving / Exporting Multiple Artboards To Separate PDFs In CS5

Jul 7, 2010

In Adobe Illustrator CS5, you now have the capability give a name to each artboard in your illustrator file. I understand that you can easily save each artboard as separate AI files but I would like to save them as separate PDFs instead.
Any script, or know the actual method of doing so? All I can possibly theorize is to save the artboards as separate PDFs and then have Acrobat convert those artboards to PDFs.

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Illustrator :: Artboards And EPS Size

Oct 1, 2013

I'm an experienced CorelDRAW user (so I do have some vector graphic experience) but a noob to Illustrator and trying to evalutate switching.In CorelDRAW when I export an EPS it doesn't matter what size paper the CorelDRAW file uses, the EPS bounding box is only the size of the drawing.
In Illustrator, however, it seems that I have to set the art board to the size of the drawing. Otherwise when the EPS is pulled into another program (like InDesign) the frame created is much bigger than the actual drawing leaving white space around the drawing.
Is there an EPS setting I'm missing somewhere that would make AI set the bounding box to the drawing and not the artboard?
Or (as most of the Illustrator files we'll be working with are created by someone else) is there a way to automatcially set the size of the paste board to the size of the drawing?

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Illustrator :: Can Have Artboards That Are Different Sizes As Part Of Same File

Aug 22, 2010

When making new artboards:
1. how do you make it so it is a multi-page document for printing?
2. can you have artboards that are different sizes as part of the same file?
3. what is the point of changing the order of artboards?
4. do you use extra artboards for coming up with ideas off of the main canvas? because it seems you could also do this just outside the boundaries of the main artboard.

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Illustrator :: Add More Than 100 Artboards To Single File In Adobe CS5?

Sep 27, 2013

I have one file, that contains 100 different artboards. I need to add 50 more. Is this possible. When I tried to add new artboard, the "New Artboard" button becomes inactive and the "New Artboard" option from the popup menu is disabled.

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Illustrator :: Unwanted Multiple Artboards In New File

Sep 26, 2012

When I create a new document in Illustrator I'm getting two artboards, even though the new document dialog box displays 1 in the Number of Artboards dropdown. Why this might happen, and more importantly, how to stop it?

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Illustrator :: Save CS7 File So It Will Open With Multiple Artboards In CS6?

Oct 17, 2013

I've downsaved the file as an ai file for CS6 in CS7, however when I go to open it in CS6 it forces me to open each artboard as a separate file. How can I save it so the file will open normally?

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Illustrator :: Import Several PDF Files As Multiple Artboards Into One File?

Feb 11, 2013

I have 30 Illustrator pdf files created in Illustrator 10 that I would like to transform into one Illustrator CS6 file with each file being a separate artboard. I would like to import them all at once and not have to do it one by one.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Import Several PDF Files As Multiple Artboards Into One File

Feb 11, 2013

I have 30 separate illustrator pdf files (one page each) that I would like to make into one Illustrator CS6 file with 30 artboards. Is there any way to do that without having to import one by one?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Stuck At 0% And File Size Big

Mar 28, 2014

I'm trying to export my video game footage that I took. Which was captured in 60fps, 1920x1080, 48khz. I'm trying to export at h.264, 60fps, vbr 2 pass.
My concern is that when I increase the target bitrate the file size increases a lot. I left it at 10 atm and the estimated file size is at 1430MB. Now I've watched videos on YouTube, on Adobe Premiere export settings for gameplay footage and their file size is under 100MB with just about the same output settings as mine. I've tried exporting in Premiere but it just gets stuck at 0%, Adobe Media Encoder works but the estimated completion time is around 4 hours. When I watched those exporting videos it was almost instantly completed when he hit the export button. I could just wait 4 hours for every video I make but that's just not efficient. So I'm just curious on any solutions to my problem.
Could it be my computer specs? I mean I'm able to play games like Skyrim completely fine but it's not like I was recording a game such as that. I was recording an old Gamecube game for goodness sake.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Small File Size When Exporting

Feb 15, 2013

I am trying to export and save numerous Inventor Assembly Models, to send to various customers to import into their models. I have been saving them as .stp files, but they are very large files after exporting, and I'd like to know if there is a way to decrease the exported file size. I could zip them after I create them, but I was hoping there was an easier way or different format than .stp. I could also suppress numerous internal componants, but I would rather not have to go through that task either. In the end, they would really only require the outer shell, with any externally viewed holes still present.

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GIMP :: Exporting Causes File Size To Diminish Greatly

Nov 21, 2012

I cant' figure this out for the life of me. I'm gonna lay out everything I do step by step.. Open photo that's 12.5 MB Open as Layer my second photo that's 7.26MB At the bottom it confirms the size of my project. Export.. As pdf. Final file size is 488 KB

HOW. How and why does it do that.

How do I export to the same large file?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting A Larger File Size Than What Started With

Jan 18, 2014

Using Premiere Pro CS6, I'm trying to figure out why it's doing this:
I imported a video into a new sequence and made sure to match the sequence settings with the video's.  I do some basic editing (not adding more video or anything like that) but when I choose to export media and have it match the sequence settings, the video appears to have the exact same attributes as the original video (minus my changes) except the file size is 2-5x larger.

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Illustrator :: Exporting Files Showing Up Twice The Size

Dec 18, 2013

Why do the files I export at 300 x300 px show up on my clients computer at twice the size His file properties say my artwork is 694 x767px.

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Illustrator :: Adobe CC Layers Setting For Exporting A File To Photoshop PSD File

Feb 21, 2014

Adobe CC layers setting for exporting a Ai file to Photoshop PSD file

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VideoStudio :: User Defined Frame Size?

Jun 4, 2011

Why is it that you can't activate the user defined frame size when trying to define a custom movie template or edit an existing one on the fly during a file save operation?

Template Options_MPEG.jpg (39.38 KiB) Viewed 1308 times

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Illustrator :: Exporting File As DXF?

Jan 13, 2014

what is the process of exporting illustrator as dxf file in order to open in Autocad?

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Illustrator :: Exporting AI File To SWF

Mar 17, 2014

When I export my .Ai file to .swf, the .swf has a huge red square overlaying the image, as well as some rnadom lines and chunks of other pieces of the art scattered around. Basically it's not saving as the image should be. It is a larger file size.. does swf only work up to a certain size?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Doesn't Preserve Original JPG Size Defined

Jan 30, 2012

Why Corel Draw does not preserve original JPG size defined ie. in Photoshop.

Instead I think Corel Draw looks at the DPI and then maybe opens it as native monitor dpi I don't know but I spend ages to make JPG to size in PS to them make layout in CorelDraw and it was all wasted because I need to resize them back in CorelDraw.Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.

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VideoStudio :: X5 And MPEG2 Output With User Defined Frame Size

Sep 13, 2012

I upgraded from VS 12 into VS Pro X5 Ultimate a while ago and now I have some issues in editing some old footage taken with Sony H9 camera. This camera makes 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-1 video files.

After editing the movie, I would like to export it into 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-2 file as I used to be able to do with VS 12 (in the old Win-XP machine, current one is Win-7 64-bit). Now however, the VS X5 does not give me the option in 'Create Video File' to set 'User-defined' frame size.

It only lists under MPEG-files -> Options: standard 720 x 576 (yes I am on PAL region) and 25 frames/s. Why is this? The only encoder shown is 'Ulead MPEG.Now Encoder'. Maybe I had some other encoder available in the Win-XP machine?

I have been searching for Win-7 MPEG-2 encoder, but no luck.

How to get user-defined frame-size and rates under MPEG-2 encoder in VS PRO X5 ???

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Illustrator :: Exporting Images From The Same AI File With Different Data

Jan 29, 2014

I've an illustrator document that has a code badge design. The bade design includes a 4 digit code that will alter 61 times but only in terms of the digits. I've set up my artwork into 2 layers with type on the top and the graphic underneath. Is there a way of using a script or code to export the graphic with each of the 61 codes or do I need to modify the Ai file 61 times and export 61 seperate raster images?

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Illustrator :: Exporting AI File To Simulate Overprint

Mar 30, 2011

I have a logo that I ultimatly need rendered properly in a PDF to send for proofing. It has a overprint effect in it but I can't figure out a way to export it as a tif or jpg with a simulated overprint.
What I have tried:

Export as tif and export as jpg (from Illustrator CS5). Neither export has a simulate overprint option, and both export with a big green blob on top of everything (the green blob is the shape that is overprinting)
Save as PDF, press ready, defaults to view of green blob (not simulated overprinting)
Save as PDF, change to PDF 1.3, in advanced flattening I set overprint to preserve, and high resolution. Same result as above.
In a PDF I can turn on the overprint preview, but I can't make that a default (as far as I know). Additionally, I am sending this to a client, I don't want to have to tell him "Oh, and by the way, here are the 10 steps to simulating overprinting in PDFs!"
Also I have tried to import from PDF to Photoshop and there is no option for simulated overprint there as well.
Also, I don't care if it is just a jpg or tif placed into a PDF, I don't need to preserve vector for this portion of it. If I can, then great, if there is a solution but I can't find, It is only for presentation at this stage.

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Illustrator :: File Could Not Be Written Due To Error When Exporting JPG?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm working with an Illustrator file in CS2 and after a certain point it has started saying 'the file could not be written due to an error' when exporting to a jpg.
i've tried a couple things like deleting layers and although the file is much smaller, it still says the same error when exporting.
at its highest it was 130mb as an illustrator file and jpgs were 2-5mb.
i''ve tried copying some of the layers into a new file but the error report still comes when i'm exporting.
i have vector and raster based data in the file and tried turning off/deleting either of the layers and there is no difference.
i don't understand why it's started doing this because before it had no problem at all exporting before.
I'm trying not to have to reproduce days of work to remake the file.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Exporting AI Object Information Into CSV / TXT File?

Oct 3, 2012

I have an AI (bundled in CS6) document that has a large number of objects in it - approx 200.  Single artboard, single layer.

These objects (right word?) are a combination of placed .png files, polygon/primitives (mostly circles) and text labels. I would like to quickly create and export a .txt or a .csv file that has the following coordinate and size information about each object in the AI document:
Pos (x,y)
Size (w,l)
Is there a menu feature?  If not, is there a suggestion for a script? Would like to save a day's work going object by object and manually transcribing this information into a text file. 

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Illustrator :: Eliminating Space Above Character In AI File For Exporting To PNG

Nov 2, 2013

The image above is for a website which has a colored background. The image will be exported as a PNG file so that the background is transparent. I am unable to eliminate the space above 40th. It seems the bounding box around the character can not go past the artboard area. Is there a way to crop in Illustrator or do something to the character so that it is flush at the top on the artboard area?

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Accelerate Exporting Of Multiple Layers To PNG-File

Dec 1, 2011

ai::int32 aint;
  for (int i = 0; i < (int) aint; i++){
sAILayer->GetNthLayer((ai::int32) i,&layer);
artSetSuite->LayerArtSet(layer, artSet);

AIArtHandle hand;
sAIArt->GetFirstArtOfLayer(layer, &hand);
e2 = sAIRasterize->Rasterize(artSet, &rs, &bounds, kPlaceAboveAll, hand, &art, MyRasterizeProgressProc);
e2 = sAIArt->GetLayerOfArt(art, &layer);
e2 = sAIArt->GetFirstArtOfLayer(layer, &art);
 error = sAIImageOptSuite->MakePNG24(art, dstfilter, pngParams2, MyRasterizeProgressProc);
the code above shows how I managed to export a artboard with all layers to PNG-File. My question is, if there is a faster way to combine all layer before exporting, maybe a way without the "temporary layer" (Rasterize(...)-method)?

When I export with the standard-export-button in Adobe Illustrator, it runs fast and with all layers.

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Illustrator :: When Saving A File Using Save Option / File Is Not Staying At Size Of Artboard

Jun 18, 2013

am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?

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Illustrator :: Importing Multiple Vectors Of Same File And Keeping File Size Down

Feb 3, 2014

So, I'm trying to create a repeat pattern of a Balloon illustration I've done in Adobe Illustrator. I've got the singular file (, which weighs in at around 700MB.
Now I'm trying to create the repeat of this pattern on a separate Artboard which will repeat these balloons, 30 balloons per repeat square to be precise.
What would be the best way to import these separate balloons into the repeat square once (as they're the same file) without affecting the weight of the file and performance of Illustrator?
So, in essence, is there a way to import that file and only have it use up 700MB on the page rather than 30x700MB by the time I've placed 30 balloons?
I can't rasterize the files as the printer needs the raw file.

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Illustrator :: Possible To Re-order Artboards?

Dec 16, 2012

Is it possible to re-order your artboards? If so, how?

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Illustrator :: Artboards Not Aligning?

Feb 3, 2014

I need to create two art boards in my design document.  They are off by a pixel and won't line up like some weird snap feature is on. I've checked and turned off all snap features. Still not lining up.

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