Illustrator :: Importing Multiple Vectors Of Same File And Keeping File Size Down
Feb 3, 2014
So, I'm trying to create a repeat pattern of a Balloon illustration I've done in Adobe Illustrator. I've got the singular file (, which weighs in at around 700MB.
Now I'm trying to create the repeat of this pattern on a separate Artboard which will repeat these balloons, 30 balloons per repeat square to be precise.
What would be the best way to import these separate balloons into the repeat square once (as they're the same file) without affecting the weight of the file and performance of Illustrator?
So, in essence, is there a way to import that file and only have it use up 700MB on the page rather than 30x700MB by the time I've placed 30 balloons?
I can't rasterize the files as the printer needs the raw file.
I was just provided a pdf for a large. The customer however forgot to build in a bleed. I can see from the imbeded info the file was made in Illustrator cs5. Knowing this I opened the pdf Ill cs5. When i attempt to do this I get an error that there is a linked image missing. So I figured I would place the whole pdf in a new illustrator file. When I fo this I can see all the illustrator layers from the original file. Including the image that supposedly wasn't linked.
Once I have the place pdf in illustrator I can edit the original illustrator elements just fine. The only problem is that now when I try to save this file as a pdf again it's file size grows about ten times, going from just short of 5 mbs to 45 or more mbs. This larger size keeps me from emailing it and unfortunitly the banner printer I was sending it off too doesn't use dropbox.
How I can add a bleed to this pdf without making the file unresonibly large? I have already tried turning off the all optional inclusions on the pdf such as allow Illustrator editablity.
When i import a DXF file into Illustrator created in AutoCAD, i have the problem that the positions of the elements (rectangles, circles etc.) are not on the exact position as created in AutoCAD. The variations are very minor (Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 after import in Illustrator). Sometimes the sizes of the elements variate also slightly (a line which is 102mm in AutoCAD is 101.99mm after import in Illustrator) but not generally.
I tried various files with different export versions from AutoCAD, including different measures such as mm to inch and points and so on. I tried also the different importing options in Illustrator. The closest i come is Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 but never exact. How to get a DXF file into illustrator by keeping every element in place and size?
I'm having some trouble and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Here's the deal: I'm designing something using vectors in photoshop (pen tool). It's all going pretty good but my file's getting rather small. I need more room to make my vectors in but if I create a new bigger file and individualy drag the vector layers into that they all get positioned differently.
How do I get my vector layers in a bigger file without them changing position from one another?
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
So I have done many hours of animation in flash over the years. And what I am trying to do is import some of the characters I have created in Flash into Illustrator and convert them to PSD. This is for a print project that I am working on. The reason I want to get the images to photoshop is so I can add some effects and coloring techniques I simply can not do in Illustator or Flash.Here is the method I am using.
1) Select the vector image in Flash and Export Selection to Adobe FXG. 2) Open FXG in Illustartor 3) Export to PSD 4) Open in Photoshop and Color.
The problem I am having is the line art that was drawn with the pencil tool in Flash simply vanishes when imported to Illustartor. Also a lot of the line art that was draw with the pencil tool is gradient filled or the image I am trying to export may have multiple color Pencil Lines. So just trying to outline the images in AI does not provide the look or effect I want.
am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?
I designed artwork for a large banner (84" x 32") so my AI artboard is that large. As you can imagine, with all the text and graphics I used, this file size is 22.8 MB. I need to email this art to the printer, but the file size is too large to email. How do i go about reducing the file size in AI so it still maintains large format print resolution? Will saving to a PDF lose the print quality?
Working with complex vectors is much better in Illustrator than in Photoshop but when I create my vectors in Illustrator and then pull them into Photoshop, they always end up being more blurry than when I work in Photoshop alone.
Is there some sort of trick in working between the two to retain pixel perfect bliss?
what the file size limit is for importing point clouds into Inventor? Or is that a how long is a piece of string question that depends on computer ability?
But when using a nested smart object (meaning a smart object within a smart object) Photoshop CS5 doesn't display the correct file size (at bottom left) or seem to account for the nested smart object file size. Is there a "setting" I’m missing to accurately display what the true file size is?
The Problem: Using multiple nested smart objects that I have reduced the size of my image to be 260x200 for web export. Photoshop CS5 won't let me save a file that appears to be only 3mbs claiming it's over 2 gig's. See image below.
Really not sure what to do about this, the company I work for makes lots of changes so using smart objects is necessary for my work flow. But also seems to be slowing me down trying to figure out issues like this and is problematic when it comes to saving all the work I have been doing.
In CS6, I could import (open) DWG files and it would correctly categorize the input objects into separate layers. In CC, it is putting them into a group in a single layer, which is a big usability regression. Is there a fix for this?
i have a deadline approaching to create a brochure. I have been using illustrator to create my page designs using a combination of photography and vector work and was wondering if i select everything within the document and convert to cymk wether this has indeed converted everthing including the Photos. I was also wondering is it best to save my files as PDF's before importing into Indesign to reduce file size or will the quality be better if an ai. file? It is a 200 page brochure and i am the sole designer as an intern at a travel company
This may have a simple solution (and probably does), but I can't find it. What I'm trying to do is to import an AI file into AE 5.5 as original vectors. I need to be able to scale up to about 12,000 percent and then back down to 100 percent for the effect of an extreme closeup being zoomed out. The point of vectors, of course, is that you can do this without losing resolution... but no matter what I try, AI files keep being imported as raster files. When they're scaled up enough, the pixilation starts. There HAS to be a way around this!!!
When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]
When importing an SVG file, I woould like the top level SVG groups to be imported as separate Illustrator layers. Instead, Illustrator creates a single default layer on importing teh SVG file, and adds the tree of groups under that layer.
I have a large list of custom colors in Excel that has the color name and CMYK breakdown of each color. I'm looking for a way to import this information to create a custom Color Swatch Library. That will have the name of the color and the CMYK breakdown. So that I can easily use in Illustrator and Photoshop. Is there any way or application in doing this with out manually entering the information and creating a new library?
Is it possible to keep the original .inx file name, when saving it back as indd from an older Indesign version? Elaborating… i save an inx file from IndesignCS3 that is named george.inx, then i open that file in IndesignCS2, when i save that file from CS2 as indd it doesn't keep the name "george", its named untitled. Is there a way to keep the original name?
I am using trial of Adobe Illustrator CS5. When ever I export file (RGB) to PNG or JPG format, there is size difference of 1px in width or hight or both. But when I save that file with Save for Web & Devices option, then there is no such issue.
I have tested with so many files.I didn't faced such problem with Illustrator 4.
I have an ai file. It is exported from PRo-E, so there are lot of nodes in that ai file which makes the file size larger. Is there any way to simplify the ai file without disturbing the profile of the entities in ai file. I tried Simplify options. It worked a little bit. But i want any other option to simplify the ai file in order to reduce the file size in a larger extent.
Many of our AI-files have a tendency to 'bloat' to sizes above 60 or 100 MB, even though they relatively simple, all things considered.
The obvious answer would be to save with PDF-compability, but since we need to link the AI-files in InDesign-documents, that's not an option. We have cleaned the brushes, the symbols etc. and all pictures are linked, not embedded.
Recently I upgraded fo Illustrator CS6 and found something that is going to screw up my working with clients. The problem is that the .ai and .eps files are having really huge size (67MB on an average). I have used about 6 images (jpeg at 1024x768, less than 1MB each) made them as pattern in the swatches panel and applied on various shapes. The .ai file size is 109MB :O :O :O . Another ridiculous thing is that an art that contains only 3 lines of text plus some circles and squares (3 circles, 2 squares) filled with solid color is around 68MB.
how to reduce the file size without compromising on the pattern quality.
When I create a new document in Illustrator I'm getting two artboards, even though the new document dialog box displays 1 in the Number of Artboards dropdown. Why this might happen, and more importantly, how to stop it?
If I create an image in PS and save it to a JPG or PNG, it will not have that file be the current open file. I flatten the image and click to Save As, but when it saves, the image still has Untitled as the name in the program bar. What's the deal?? Granted, I haven't been using PS-CS3 for long, but in the previous versions, if an image is flattened and saved as a JPG, GIF, PNG, etc, it will then have that file open instead of the original PSD file.