Illustrator :: Keeping Images Sharp When Importing To Photoshop?
May 17, 2012
Working with complex vectors is much better in Illustrator than in Photoshop but when I create my vectors in Illustrator and then pull them into Photoshop, they always end up being more blurry than when I work in Photoshop alone.
Is there some sort of trick in working between the two to retain pixel perfect bliss?
When i import a DXF file into Illustrator created in AutoCAD, i have the problem that the positions of the elements (rectangles, circles etc.) are not on the exact position as created in AutoCAD. The variations are very minor (Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 after import in Illustrator). Sometimes the sizes of the elements variate also slightly (a line which is 102mm in AutoCAD is 101.99mm after import in Illustrator) but not generally.
I tried various files with different export versions from AutoCAD, including different measures such as mm to inch and points and so on. I tried also the different importing options in Illustrator. The closest i come is Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 but never exact. How to get a DXF file into illustrator by keeping every element in place and size?
So, I'm trying to create a repeat pattern of a Balloon illustration I've done in Adobe Illustrator. I've got the singular file (, which weighs in at around 700MB.
Now I'm trying to create the repeat of this pattern on a separate Artboard which will repeat these balloons, 30 balloons per repeat square to be precise.
What would be the best way to import these separate balloons into the repeat square once (as they're the same file) without affecting the weight of the file and performance of Illustrator?
So, in essence, is there a way to import that file and only have it use up 700MB on the page rather than 30x700MB by the time I've placed 30 balloons?
I can't rasterize the files as the printer needs the raw file.
I know that Photoshop is not the premier pdf creation software. I do have InDesign as well, but I'm much more familiar and comfortable with Photoshop (I have the CC versions of both) so I prefer to use it as my design and layout tool.
However, when I save as a pdf the resultant pdf file is blurry for images and text, not horribly so, but not sharp and clear as I would like. My pdf files are for the web and emailing so I need to keep the file size in check, but even when I up the PS resolution to 300psi it still is not as clear as I would like. Still blurry.
What do you Photoshop experts out there do to produce the sharpest pdf possible? Is it even possible using Photoshop only or do you have to use InDesign or Acrobat Pro to get the clarity and shapness?
I am trying to create a panorama using 5 images. I did this 6 months ago using Photoshop CS5 and it produced a nice sharp image like my originals were. Using CS6 it is not sharp at all, to the point of being quite useless. If I can't figure this one out I am just going to go back to CS5.
both panorama's were created from the same 5 images, in the second one I just wanted to make it a bit warmer because the white balance in the first image doesn't accurate reflect the colours that I saw. The second one created in CS6 looks really bad. And are there any solutions besides scrapping CS6 in favour of CS5?
I'm trying to import some JPEG images into illustrator to add a very simple vector graphic over the top of some of them. The prolem is that when I import the images the don't appear at the same resolution as they should be. The images are all 600px x 400px 72dpi but when I import them into illustrator the software is readinig them (via the w & h dimensions in my illy browser) as 144px x 96px. The odd thing is that when I export them from Illustrator they're showing as 600x400px images again. Is this somethign to do with my import settings or preferences?
I have a brand new Macbook Pro with Retina Display and am running CS6, shooting with a Mark III in full resolution raw format. Focus is on in camera but when I open the images in Photoshop, they do not appear super sharp when zoomed in.
Is this a display issue or a program issue or something else? In the past I can usually get the images so sharp that I can see every pore and hair.
I have a problem with copy paste from illustrator to photoshop. The pasted picture/element is rasterized and not sharp. I have this problem with vector element too.
I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.
I use certain images on a very regular basis, mainly ellipses. To save me drawing a new ellipse each time, or importing a saved copy of it, is there a way to keep your most body images handy so in just a click possibly 2 you can put them on the new page in Corel Draw X4.
Is there any way I can scale images down in size, whilst keeping the quality of the image? I am a Media teacher having to use this software with the class and they must have high production values for their controlled assessment. However, I do not know how to get around the problem that all the work is predominantly blurred because students have scaled down the pictures resulting in horrendous blurring.
I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.
I have created a sphere shaped logo for a client in AI. I've used the 3D revolve function and mapped clouds over the top of it (the clouds were drawn initially as a shape).
The client is suggesting that the sphere is not perfectly crisp and that you can see some slight stepping in the curve around the sphere and the curve around the clouds mapped to the sphere. I've not come across this before (not sure if she's just being really picky, blowing the logo up too large for scale, or I'm just missing something really stupid!).
Anything to tighten the curve of the sphere so that it is crisper?
I can definately see her point in the clouds mapped on top of it - perhaps if I try more anchor points on the clouds path, that may tighten the curve on the clouds? Is this something I can do automatically?
Also, what are the best settings to export out for the crispest format (ie, Progressive Compression + 300 dpi resolution + Art Optimised sampling?).....
I made a drawing by hand, now I want to use it in a laser machine... I need hairlines (in dutch haarlijnen) 0,5 thick and sharp? How do i transform this picture into a sharp document?
I'm working on my design for a project (book) and I want to export a typography into Photoshop to give it more effects, work with a textured background, etc. I was wondering if I export it as a PSD file I'll be able to keep the printing quality, since printing text from Photoshop comes out pixelated. Also, would I have to re-open it in Illustrator again after I'm done with Photoshop?
For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!
I was just provided a pdf for a large. The customer however forgot to build in a bleed. I can see from the imbeded info the file was made in Illustrator cs5. Knowing this I opened the pdf Ill cs5. When i attempt to do this I get an error that there is a linked image missing. So I figured I would place the whole pdf in a new illustrator file. When I fo this I can see all the illustrator layers from the original file. Including the image that supposedly wasn't linked.
Once I have the place pdf in illustrator I can edit the original illustrator elements just fine. The only problem is that now when I try to save this file as a pdf again it's file size grows about ten times, going from just short of 5 mbs to 45 or more mbs. This larger size keeps me from emailing it and unfortunitly the banner printer I was sending it off too doesn't use dropbox.
How I can add a bleed to this pdf without making the file unresonibly large? I have already tried turning off the all optional inclusions on the pdf such as allow Illustrator editablity.
recently I've designed a logo, and the problem is the following: I've desgined it in Illustrator CS6 and the text is fully editable, but when I downsave it to make it compatible with Illustrator 10, the text automatically outlines itself! how do I save it so the text remains editable and keeps the compatibility with the 10 version?
I am creating a logo, and I want all black parts to be visible, and all white parts to be invisible.I work in Illustrator CS5, and I have text with multiple strokes on top of another object...I want only the inner fill of the text to knockout to the artboard, while keeping the strokes intact.
I tried "knockout" tool, pathfinder merge, creating outline from text, and nothing has worked so far.I've browsed online forums for answers and nothing works.
I want all the black to be one file, and remove all the white. I tried the "select same" function, but this didn't work either.
When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]