Illustrator :: Importing Images Onto Existing Template?
Jan 17, 2014How can I import images onto an existing template?
View 2 RepliesHow can I import images onto an existing template?
View 2 RepliesHow can I import images into a new LR library and retain the existing metadata for each image? It only seems possible to import and apply new metadata or to import without applying metadata which means the existing metadata is not imported...?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have more than 2,000 QR codes that I need to insert into this template for printing. I am hoping that there is an automated way to do this so I don't need to resize and place each QR code image by hand.
Is there a batch command or action of some kind that can perform this task for me?
A few weeks back my illustrator started resampling all of my high-res images to 72 dpi upon opening.
Image A: Resolution 300, 877 x 591
I'll open that image in Illustrator (which, I've been doing for 8 years without problem) and here is what happens --
I get a bounding box of 877 x 591 - HOWEVER, the image is floating within that box at (what I'm guessing is around a 72 resolution) 213 x 142 pixels.
If I save the file out at 72 dpi - the image pulls up the right size in illustrator - it's just any image file that's a higher res than 72.
I'm running CS5
I can not "place" an images, instead of linking is importing.....
View 3 Replies View RelatedWorking with complex vectors is much better in Illustrator than in Photoshop but when I create my vectors in Illustrator and then pull them into Photoshop, they always end up being more blurry than when I work in Photoshop alone.
Is there some sort of trick in working between the two to retain pixel perfect bliss?
I'm trying to import some JPEG images into illustrator to add a very simple vector graphic over the top of some of them. The prolem is that when I import the images the don't appear at the same resolution as they should be. The images are all 600px x 400px 72dpi but when I import them into illustrator the software is readinig them (via the w & h dimensions in my illy browser) as 144px x 96px. The odd thing is that when I export them from Illustrator they're showing as 600x400px images again. Is this somethign to do with my import settings or preferences?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI recently update the template for my drawing files, change the title block, revision, note....and I can't find a clean way to import this template to the existing files. I tried the Drawing resource transfer wizard tool, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything that I want.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to import a template into an existing drawing?
I created a template, AFTER the drawing was created, and would like the drawing to HAVE that template.
We just installed the new version of 2012 Product Design Suite. I've spend many hours creating great little ilogic dialog boxes to populate iproperty fields using custom iproperties and then automatically place this data on the .idw file when the view is placed on the new drawing. All works great when the part is created with my new 2012 part template and then placed on my new 2012 idw template. The trouble is with parts that were created with 2011 Inventor. Obviously, the old template does not have the ilogic data built into it. Is there a way to upgrade/migrate the part template file from 2011 to 2012 on an existing part?
I think I'm asking for a miracle here, but I have an assembly with 40-50 parts that I created in 2011 and now need to build the idw files for them and would really like to be able have the customized iproperties added to the existing part files.
I have an exisitng drawing with 80+ layouts tabs that I would like to copy to a new template drawing.
I tried to use design center but to no avail.
How can I do this?
Running Windows 7 Pro
3.20 GHz
12GB Ram
AutoCad 2013 64bit
I have made a template for my mapbooks and I got the main viewport, key viewport and adjacent map arrows to work great, but the title block is proving more difficult. I have tried it many ways, in a seperate drawing in model space which did not work, in the template as a block in a layout which came in, but did not allow me to edit any foelds unless exploded, etc, etc...
How to use an existing company title block incorporated into the map book template?
I'm having difficulties every now and then importing a template 'Layout' 'first image'..Most of the time it's fine, and imports no worries as in the 'second image'
Why they are different, I have check Page Setup Manager, and I can't identify any differences.I'm using the Design Manager to Import the Layout (in both instances).
IMAGE 1 - PROBLEM IMPORTING TEPMLATE LAYOUT...The actual 'page' you can see in the bottom left corner, the 'block' has been scaled like 20-fold, Wierd!?!
i am having a BOM template for the parametric modelling i have created using the excel sheet input link.
when i create the drawing from the model the default Bom part list is coming, instead of that i need to get the Excel Bom Template i have created based on the input excel link.
How to get the Excel Bom Template in the drawing.
I used to have a huge library already imported into lightroom while all the files stored on Drobo (external HD). At some point my main computer died (HD failure). After a full reinstall of the whole system from scratch, including LR I tried to reimport the same libraries again into new the new installation. Is there a way to reuse the old import or somehow recreate it? Or I have to do it all from scratch?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo everytime I import a layout from my template, the scale comes out wrong. The border is way too big, viewport, and the stamp is also way to big. It's being scaled by approximately by 12.28 times.
Here's what I can share:
- both drawings are in inches in both files
- all that 'insunits' stuff is set to zero in both files
- 'measurement' and 'measureinit' is set to zero in both files
- using AutoCAD 2012
- xyz scale is all at 1.00
- the titleblock itself almost imports correctly, only some of my att text doesn't come out properly as well.
As far as i can tell it's the command 'from template' issue. Because when i cut and paste the templates layout contents, it comes out fine.
I work with Architects who change the background layouts. I need importing the new background to my existing drawing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy old folder structure built up over years before I started using Lightroom has hundreds of subfolders and is entirely logical. I can import all the photos into lightroom, but not the folder structure.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I manually add a new layout from a template, I do NOT get any extra layers, but when I use VB to do the same thing, I get extra layers.
In the original drawing, I have layers called "SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT" (among other layers).
In the template where I get my new layout, I also have the same layer names ("SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT").
After the new layout gets read in, I now have extra layers called "$0$SHEET", "$0$TEXT", and "$0$VIEWPORT". Why does this happen using VB, but not when I do it manually? Is there anything I can do to the code to change this? I understand the layer names are the same, but they're the same whether I do it manually or by code.
Public Function importLayout(ByVal templateFileName As String, ByVal templateLayoutName As String) As ObjectId Dim idLayout As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim oLock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument() Dim
Is there a method to import Layers from existing DWG file to another? I want to import all layers with their names.
View 3 Replies View Relatedafter making my first steps in the world of RAW-photography with lightroom, I wanted to add the ability to edit digital photos. After comparing my options, I decided to choose Elements 12.
As I already had some keyword-tags in Lightroom, I imported them to Elements - so far, so good. But what I did not find so far was the possibility to "import" my GPS-tagged metadata into the places-tags. Seemingly I have to retag them again, which is annoying, but would be a reasonable way for existing photos. When going on a photo trip, I currently use a GPX-tracklog to easily add the necessary GPS-information via lightroom. Is there any way to do so in Elements 12? I wonder what is your workflow when adding GPS data to your photos?
Needed to purge items in a drawing to recover a drawing in order to repair corruption within it it. I purged and audited the drawing in question and then created a block or the drawing elements which I imported to a new drawing sheet. That's great, all is well but.....obviously (now) the only layers, dimscale,etc. items I normally use in my template sheet are gone and only the items remaining after the purge are the ones that were in my original drawing.
How can I, or can I replace my normal full layer list, dim settings, blocks, etc?
I've created a new sheet set with some existing drawing files. These files have several layout tabs in each drawing. The Sheet Set Manager (SSM) seems to import the layout tabs in random order, not in the order they appear on the drawing, nor in alphabetical or numerical order. In addition, the SSM imports and numbers all of my drawings in reverse order. Any system variable setting, or some other property setting somewhere that will change this back to ascending order?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can you use a template file from your personal files to use it in an already existing .dwg file.
I knwo how to do it if I start the drawing from scratch and I select that template, but I want to put this existing drawing into my personal template file from my documents.
How to convert existing 2d autocad title block into Revit title block template?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen you purchase a template for a website, it often comes with the original photoshop document.
Is there a command in photoshop that takes what they've done and saves it all as the individual images that are usually included?
I have a template and I swapped out one image in the file, but I can't get it perfect by simply replacing the final image. I have the photoshop file with all the slices and whatever people do with templates, but I can't seem how to get it to save all the separate images again so I can grab the one that I need.
I want to replace an image in the template .psd with one of my own.
After I selected the layer(blue highlighted), I try to Ctrl-click on its name in the Layers palette.
In previous versions, this will immediately give a selection box(marching ants) around the
corresponding image on the screen. That action seem not to work in CS2. Does anyone know that action
works in CS2?
Using Photoshop CS6, I am trying to insert two same size images into a predesigned template. I can insert the first image just fine. However,when I try to add the second image below the first one, the template rejects the second image and just leaves a blank space.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to set up a template for dealing with printing four images on a sheet.
I created an image the size of the sheet and then added four layers, each of the desired image size which needed to be positioned appropriately.
When I went to position the images, I could not find any reasonable way with the move command or with any of the layer operations to position each layer precisely.By that I mean simply type in the coordinates of the upper left corner, or move with the mouse where I see a text version of the upper left coordinate of the new layer position as I move.
If trying to position using the mouse, the lower left of the status line shows the position of the pointer itself, so that is useless in positioning the layer as a whole; and the numbers to the right of the per-cent size display show how much the layer has moved relative to its starting position, not the absolute position of the upper left corner. (I'll grant that the latter is useful, but in this case one needs something else, particularly if a layer has been moved and needs to be repositioned to a fixed location.)
The only way I could get what I wanted was to expand to 800%, and at that magnification I could grab the upper left corner with the mouse so the mouse position was itself the upper left corner position. Surely there's a better way?
Layer/Layer to Boundary Size... does not appear to work as advertised. The offset appears to be relative to the original size of the layer, not the original size of the image. The panner image is limited to the size of the layer, not the image. When you first bring up the dialog, you are unable to reposition the layer unless you change the layer size to make the layer smaller. If you make the layer half the size of its original size and then click "Center", the offset is set to - 1/2 the size of the original image, not + 1/2, which seems bizarre. The layer is scaled properly, and ends up where you would expect (based on the center command given, but not based on the offsets indicated), but the values in the Offset boxes seem to have the wrong sign. It works by moving the original layer relative to the desired new layer, rather than position the new layer size relative to the image. Which means you can't move the layer relative to the image if the layer is smaller than the image, and the graphic panner doesn't show you the layer position relative to the image as a whole. It is not at all intuitive and is not useful for quite a few common cases.
Layer/Transform/Offset shifts the contents, but not the layer itself. Which is what it is supposed to do, so that's ok; it's just not usable for this operation.
Importing images from specific folders is including images from outside selected folders.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow can I manage existing images, layers, ecc. with Python-Fu? Its methods don't accept IDs (unlike Script-Fu) and it returns me an error if I try to do it. More simply, how I can reference to an existing "IMAGE", "DRAWABLE", ecc. object?
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