Illustrator :: Importing DXF Files Into CC And Keeping Every Element In Place And Size
Aug 28, 2013
When i import a DXF file into Illustrator created in AutoCAD, i have the problem that the positions of the elements (rectangles, circles etc.) are not on the exact position as created in AutoCAD. The variations are very minor (Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 after import in Illustrator). Sometimes the sizes of the elements variate also slightly (a line which is 102mm in AutoCAD is 101.99mm after import in Illustrator) but not generally.
I tried various files with different export versions from AutoCAD, including different measures such as mm to inch and points and so on. I tried also the different importing options in Illustrator. The closest i come is Centerposiotion of a element x 5mm y 5mm in AutoCad = x 4.969 y 4.949 but never exact. How to get a DXF file into illustrator by keeping every element in place and size?
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Feb 3, 2014
So, I'm trying to create a repeat pattern of a Balloon illustration I've done in Adobe Illustrator. I've got the singular file (, which weighs in at around 700MB.
Now I'm trying to create the repeat of this pattern on a separate Artboard which will repeat these balloons, 30 balloons per repeat square to be precise.
What would be the best way to import these separate balloons into the repeat square once (as they're the same file) without affecting the weight of the file and performance of Illustrator?
So, in essence, is there a way to import that file and only have it use up 700MB on the page rather than 30x700MB by the time I've placed 30 balloons?
I can't rasterize the files as the printer needs the raw file.
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May 17, 2012
Working with complex vectors is much better in Illustrator than in Photoshop but when I create my vectors in Illustrator and then pull them into Photoshop, they always end up being more blurry than when I work in Photoshop alone.
Is there some sort of trick in working between the two to retain pixel perfect bliss?
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Dec 16, 2013
Photoshop Elements 6
Windows 7, 64 bit
All Pictures in Folders and Sub folders on hard drive.
New installation of Photoshop Elements 6
I can import all the Picture files but they do not show up in folders. How can I import and keep current organization? Or, must I reorganize?
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Aug 12, 2013
I was just provided a pdf for a large. The customer however forgot to build in a bleed. I can see from the imbeded info the file was made in Illustrator cs5. Knowing this I opened the pdf Ill cs5. When i attempt to do this I get an error that there is a linked image missing. So I figured I would place the whole pdf in a new illustrator file. When I fo this I can see all the illustrator layers from the original file. Including the image that supposedly wasn't linked.
Once I have the place pdf in illustrator I can edit the original illustrator elements just fine. The only problem is that now when I try to save this file as a pdf again it's file size grows about ten times, going from just short of 5 mbs to 45 or more mbs. This larger size keeps me from emailing it and unfortunitly the banner printer I was sending it off too doesn't use dropbox.
How I can add a bleed to this pdf without making the file unresonibly large? I have already tried turning off the all optional inclusions on the pdf such as allow Illustrator editablity.
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Jul 19, 2013
I can not "place" an images, instead of linking is importing.....
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Oct 17, 2012
This is my original drawing in Photoshop CS5 for Windows:My goal is to quickly center two objects while keeping one of them (blue rectangle in my example) in place:
If I follow the standard procedure (select both objects, align vertical and horizontal centers), both objects are moved to the center of the drawing:So the blue square has lost it's original position which is not good.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have some blocks that I want to use to make a drawing. In the attached dwg, there are a few blocks inserted, and a shape made from those blocks.
As they stand, I can send the dimensions of each block into an excel spreadsheet or into a table. However, as you can see, if I want to make that triangle look like a triangle, I need to edit the blocks themselves. I'd like to edit each block in place (even though I'll have to create a new block for the edited version, that's okay), and still be able to reference the length of each block in excel.
If possible, I'd also like to figure out how to reference the angle into excel, so that when I look at the excel table, it tells me that I need that piece of material, cut to that length, with that angle.
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Jun 2, 2012
I have a 900x900 px image, and a 900x900 px artboard.
When I place the image on the artboard, the image is 675.094x675.094 px
How can I place the image at its native size?
Windows 7 | CS5
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Apr 15, 2008
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
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Oct 28, 2007
I simply want to import a piece of scanned line art from Photoshop 7 into a
document in Freehand 9.
The line art, which is black lines, needs to be white inside of the boundary
of those lines against the solid color background of the Freehand doc. For
simplicity, lets say a ball, drawn with a black line, which is white inside,
sitting on a blue background. (Yes, I know I can draw a ball in Freehand,
it's just for the example.)
What I have tried:
In Photoshop, I select the white space around the ball with the Magic Wand
then chose Select > Inverse to get the ball selected. Then I go, Layer > New >
Layer via Copy, which creates a new layer with just the ball, white inside
and no white background around it. I see the gray checkerboard pattern where
the ball isn't.
But when I go to my Freehand doc and choose File > Import and bring in this
Photoshop element it appears on the solid color background as a white rectangle (the PS canvas, I guess) with the ball in it. I don't want the stupid white rectangle, just the ball.
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Nov 22, 2012
I run a department that cleans PDF architectural drawings in Illustrator and Photoshop for use in online documentation software. I am currently working on creating spreadsheets laying out "if plan is 1/8" = 1', scale at 'X' %", etc, as up until now it is simply done by eye, but we try to scale up or down all plans to roughly the same size. While trying to determine a scaling ratio to create these charts, I realized that when I imported the same PDF into AI, it resizes the image, where as when I import it into photoshop, it imports it at full size. For example, I took the same PDF and dropped it into AI, and it was 2108 x 2881, and when dropping into PS it was 8788 x 12007
How can I import a PDF into AI and PS and have them be the same dimensions?I saved a GIF file 5,000 pixels wide, and it imported 5,000 pixels wide into both programs, so it appears I am only having this issue when working with PDF files.
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Jul 10, 2012
I am trying to import dielines that are either dwg or dxf files into illustrator so I can add artwork and send to the vendor. How to Import them? I tried importing them as EPS files, but they were always scaled down to an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. I need these dielines to keep their actual size.
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Jun 5, 2012
I have a problem whem importing dxf files into cs6. All texts are aligned to the left.
I have a program that generates dxf and when importing the same file into cs2 the alignment works fine, both to the left, to the right and center.
When i'm creating a design with text in illustrator and exporting as a dxf all text rows are aligned to the left when importing the same file again? That happens in both cs2 and cs6.
I need to get this solved before I leave cs2 and buy cs6.
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Mar 18, 2013
I am trying to create a shape layer out of a vector layer. When I import my .ai file to AE cs6, add it to a compisition, right click selecting create shape from vector layer I get a grey box. I am assuming this is a transparency issue in Illustrator, but I never use Illustrator so I cant figure out how to fix it.
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Oct 31, 2011
I work exclusively in coreldraw x4 but am need someone who works in illustrator, which means they need to be able to open my files, work on them, send them back and then i need to be able to open them in x4. don't care what file types are involved as long as i end up back with a .cdr file that still has all the important info like groups, font details, accurate cmyk values, lenses, pattern fills and gradient fills intact. etc.
since i also have illustrator on my machine i thought i'd do some tests to see if this works and here's what i've found:
1. cdr files saved as ai seem to open perfectly in ai with the exception of color changes in pattern fills. (they look essentially the same but CMYK values are oddly different.) they stay in the altered cmyk values coming back into corel.
2. coming back to corel some teeny tiny amount of info just plain disappears (in this case, some outlines)
i've tried bring it in as a pdf file and ai (and yes, importing both times) but still the issues.
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Aug 20, 2012
I work in InDesign and create documents which often has a lot of illustrator filesin them. Everything seems to work ok and I definitely prefer to put in vector graphics then raster them, however when it comes to creating a PDF of the document it end up being massive. I think it has something to do with the illustrator files that I place into InDesign, but I'm not sure how to make the illustrator files reduce in size when it comes to PDF-ing them from InDesign.
Is there any simple tricks when saving the illustrator file? Would it be better to save them as PDF's? Or does that not make any difference?
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Dec 24, 2013
I want automate selecting an object from a place on the window to another place on the artboard in Illustrator.
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Sep 9, 2010
I've been using CS5 for a few months and have been able to import Freehand 10 files without any problems. About a week ago, I tried importing a Freehand file, and it won't open in Illustrator. I still get the "Freehand Import Options" pop up window, can still click the OK button, but nothing happens. I've tried re-installing Illustrator, but it hasn't changed anything with the issue.
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Oct 22, 2013
I've been sent a layered PSD of a website design by a client. The file contains bitmap images, text, simple shapes and smart objects. We're going to create an animation using the design and therefore need to produce a vector version of the design in Illustrator (except for the bitmapped elements which we have large format version of).
is there a way of taking the layered PSD in to Illustrator which will convert as much of the design as possible in to vectors (including the smart objects), make the text editable and save hours of our time having to rebuild the site pretty much from scratch in Illustrator.
Ive imported it in already as an experiment. Although quite successful, none of the smart objects convert to vector and it looks like all of the text is un-editable and some of it causes missing font messages even though the fonts a definitely there.
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Apr 5, 2013
I'm using "multiple titles" to add text on my slideshow. The font size is 34 but when i play the video the text is much bigger. The text size is changing depending on the length of the text i'm using... How to keep the text size 34 ? When using "single title" option i can't change the position manualy where to put the title so i think i need too use the "multiple titles" for sure.
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Aug 3, 2006
I'm using Photoshop Esentials 3.0.
I have a photo of a negative from a 35 mm camera. File "A". It's a jpg file.
I need a picture of two of these negatives side by side.
I opened file "A" and used the marque to highlight the picture and copy it to the clip board.
Then I closed the file and opened a new file "B" and made the demensions of the new file "B" the same height, but I doubled the width.
Everything copied and pasted ok and I mergered down all the layers and saved it as a jpg. file.
Here is the problem.
The new file that I created, File "B" with the two pictures side by side is only about half of the height of the original file.
I've tried everything that I know but I just can't increase the height of the new file "B" I created with the two pictures side by side.
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Feb 5, 2013
When I open a photo from one of my files in PE10 and want to print it at 4x6 (which I properly indicate in the appropriate box,) it will do that if I keep the photo centered on the page. But if I move the photo to the top of the page so that I can print two photos on the same sheet, it will crop the photo and reduce the size to 4x4 1/4".
Is there any way of keeping the size at 4x6 at the top of the page, or can I print only with the photo centered on the page?
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Sep 6, 2008
I'm having difficulty organizing photos into templates for a CD cover. The pic that I want to have on the front cover is too large and need to reduce the size, but at the same time keep sharpness and quality.
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Jun 8, 2012
I cut and paste in place from a layer to an other and its not in the right place. it seems new since CS6
I have multiple artworks on my file but i could do it since then. do you now how to not talke care of it ?
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Aug 5, 2005
how I could keep the same radius of a rounded rectangle, when I'm adjusting the size of the rectangle. if you treat it like any other object, your radius will grow/decrease along with your rectangle.
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Sep 26, 2006
i have a client who needs a big image (2000x2830) resizing to 595x842 and saving to a .pdf file and still keeping its high quality resolution even when its zoomed in on.
So far i have resized the image (just using IMAGE-IMAGE SIZE and put in the numbers 595x842) but it has lost its quality when zoomed in although it does look good at 100% but i need it to look good even at 500-600%.
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Jul 24, 2013
1) Is there a way when packing UVs to force 3DS to use the entire 0-1 space? There always seems to be padding regardless of if it is set to 0 in the software. If I'm using a tilable texture this creates seams since it doesn't go all the way to the end of the UV space. I have to manually snap the vertex points on the UV to the corners of the 0-1 space.
2) Is there a way to have 3DS keep the size of the grid in the UV editor? If I set the UV grid size to something specific it always resets it back to .5 if I go back in at another point or for a different object.
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Apr 29, 2012
I thought standard Windows behavior is that when I re-size a dialogue box that next time the box is activated, it remembers the size it was when I last used it.
Why does this not happen for me in Civil 3D?
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Jan 12, 2014
Is there any way I can scale images down in size, whilst keeping the quality of the image? I am a Media teacher having to use this software with the class and they must have high production values for their controlled assessment. However, I do not know how to get around the problem that all the work is predominantly blurred because students have scaled down the pictures resulting in horrendous blurring.
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Jan 9, 2013
It occurs to me often that I use the same element in different photoshop files, a header or footer shown in the example below. So when the footer changes in one document, I need to change this footer in every other single document.
Is there a possibility to use some kind of template, one single document, that can be placed in different files , which is still editable afterwards?
I'm using Photoshop CS6
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