Illustrator SDK :: How To Accelerate Exporting Of Multiple Layers To PNG-File
Dec 1, 2011
ai::int32 aint;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) aint; i++){
sAILayer->GetNthLayer((ai::int32) i,&layer);
artSetSuite->LayerArtSet(layer, artSet);
AIArtHandle hand;
sAIArt->GetFirstArtOfLayer(layer, &hand);
e2 = sAIRasterize->Rasterize(artSet, &rs, &bounds, kPlaceAboveAll, hand, &art, MyRasterizeProgressProc);
e2 = sAIArt->GetLayerOfArt(art, &layer);
e2 = sAIArt->GetFirstArtOfLayer(layer, &art);
error = sAIImageOptSuite->MakePNG24(art, dstfilter, pngParams2, MyRasterizeProgressProc);
the code above shows how I managed to export a artboard with all layers to PNG-File. My question is, if there is a faster way to combine all layer before exporting, maybe a way without the "temporary layer" (Rasterize(...)-method)?
When I export with the standard-export-button in Adobe Illustrator, it runs fast and with all layers.
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Jun 18, 2009
I have this file with multiple layers of text.
I want to print the file with these layers selected individually, so that if I have two text layers "Cow" and "Dog", I get two similar images with different text.
How would i automate this? It would take a lot of work to select each layer and save the files individually.
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Feb 21, 2014
Adobe CC layers setting for exporting a Ai file to Photoshop PSD file
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Jun 1, 2011
I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.
Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?
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Jan 25, 2014
I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?
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Jun 19, 2004
I need to find a way to export the file info frrom many images back to a word or excel file. Does anyone know how to do it.
I can't even get the information out of one image file without the old copy and paste one field at a time, and have several hundred to do.
Just to clarify, the info I need is when you rightclick on the title bar and choose file info, and choose "description" then akk the fields on the right.
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Jun 8, 2012
why when i export artboards there are not the size i specify but 1 px more than the one i wanted.(fil>export>artboards checked).i checked if it overlapping or not it s the same result
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Feb 12, 2013
I have created a layout in Illustrator (CS6) and seperated the individual images I require into named layers. My intention is to export as a Photoshop file (keeping all the layers), then using 'Script' in Photoshop to 'Export layers to files..', so I can get automatically save all the elements in the layout as individual transparent png.
When I export the files as Photoshop a warning comings up saying that 'some layer have been merged' and then when I open this file in Photoshop, all but a couple of text layers have been merged into 1 layer. I think it's something to do with the transparencies set in Illustrator but don't know how to resove this.
If it can't be resolve in the method I am using at present, my only other option is to switch off all but 1 layer in Illustrator and export this layer as a png, but as I have many elements to the layout (including on and off states) and this is just one layout page of many, this manual way of export the files will take me forever!
I can stop these layers from merger into one layer when exported to Photoshop, then any way I can automatic export the layers I have set up in Illustrator, as transparent pngs in a simular way I can in Photoshop.
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Mar 11, 2011
I've wrritten a plug-in to export the layer as jpeg.everything is fine except that the current document becomes unsaved after exporting the layer.
I want to know that it use to be so or I'm wrong anywhere?
the process which I followed ---
1-) Created an empty Artset and filled it with layer contents.
2-) Then Rasterize the Artset.
3-) Then created a data filter containing the path where to export.
4) Then used AsJPEG( ) to create jpeg.
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Feb 27, 2013
I used to export layers by deleteing the ones I didn't want, then exporting as an illustrator file, then undoing all the layer deletions.
Recently I had to switch up so that I call another plugin which inserts information into the file I'm working on. Then that plugin sends control back to the original to do all the ai file exporting I mentioned above.
Somehow after I get controll back I cannot undo the layer deletions. Does it have something to do with the "nested plugins" notes in the contexts sections of the undo documentation.
I have to confess I don't fully understand these "contexts". Also if there's another way to export a layer of a file other than deleting all the other ones.
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Jul 22, 2013
I am exporting multiple views as DWGs to create backgrounds.
When I set Naming: to Automatic - Short, it produces files named like:
FloorPlan-2D_L2_Interiors.dwg, etc.
The 2D_L2_Interiors is the name of the view, and it is a FloorPlan so it adds that as a prefix. I am looking for a way to force Revit to ignore the prefix.
Is there a way to export these so they are automatically generated like:
2D_L2_Interiors.dwg, etc.
Does the Naming: Manual (Specify file name) option have the ability to use fields for parts of the name, perhaps taken from Project Parameters or something? So in the filename box I'd be able to say {View Style}-{View Group}-{View Name}.dwg and end up 3D-Interiors-SomeViewName.dwg?
Or should I download Ant Renamer and call it a day?
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Dec 11, 2012
When I export a CorelDraw file with multiple pages to an .ai file, the resulting file has only the first page. Is there a way to export all pages of the document to .ai?
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Jul 7, 2010
In Adobe Illustrator CS5, you now have the capability give a name to each artboard in your illustrator file. I understand that you can easily save each artboard as separate AI files but I would like to save them as separate PDFs instead.
Any script, or know the actual method of doing so? All I can possibly theorize is to save the artboards as separate PDFs and then have Acrobat convert those artboards to PDFs.
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Aug 26, 2011
Doing a ecommerce website, the client has sent through over 100 logo's that need to accompany the products.The logs sent are in all different sizes....but they are all named correctly I know how to get all the files into the one photoshop file within different layers, they still hold there file name within the layer naming at this point.
I can also get them within the right canvas size for saving so everything is within the right size im looking for but i need a quicker way to save each individual layer keeping the file name rather than pressing - shift + ctrl + alt + s a houndred times to save for web and also needing to rename all the files again
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Jul 31, 2012
My file has over 100 layers and 20,000 containers that are in 3D. It worked fine when I drew them. After I closed the file, it always takes 5 to 10 min to open. I can't delete a layer (layer2) or rotate angle of view or any normal command such as purge and audit.., it always crashes.
I was wondering that if I did anything wrong casued this, and that whether my approach of drawing these is correct, performace wise.. and what would be the better way of doing this..because my drawing is now uesless I can't even rotate it in vp or do anything..
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Aug 31, 2013
Any way to turn multiple layers on or off en masse within Illustrator CC?
I thought I saw a video demonstration of this at some point. Select the desired layer names and use some shortcut key combo - or something like that.
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Aug 8, 2013
I'd like to use boxes to punch holes into the layered artwork below them. I want the result to look exactly like this image, but with the white boxes being transparent holes.
This seems so simple, but I can't find any combination of layers/pathfinder tools/compound shapes/or clipping masks that will produce this result. No matter what, I end up losing part of the artwork (usually the topo lines and the black bar).
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May 16, 2013
I often color code layers in the layers panel.
In CS5 I could select several layers and change the color for all at once. Doesn't seem to work anymore in CS6.
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Oct 3, 2013
Am I to understand if I have multiple artboards, they all will share the same layers? Each artboard does not have it's own separate set of layers, am I right? This is my first time using the artboard feature... CS6.
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Jan 13, 2014
what is the process of exporting illustrator as dxf file in order to open in Autocad?
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Mar 17, 2014
When I export my .Ai file to .swf, the .swf has a huge red square overlaying the image, as well as some rnadom lines and chunks of other pieces of the art scattered around. Basically it's not saving as the image should be. It is a larger file size.. does swf only work up to a certain size?
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Jul 8, 2009
I'm an animation intern working for an animator who does things old school.
She gives me hundreds of animation cells to scan using her scanner into photoshop CS(nothing), using the scan utility in photoshop. the result, as we are doing it, is hundreds of separate image files. i then copy and paste each of these image files into another custom sized file as separate layers.
i know there must be a way to automate this or do it with an action, but i cannot figure it out. if you think this isn't possible with photoshop CS(nothing) i have CS3 available to me on my personal laptop.
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Apr 21, 2013
I have a scenario that I can't seem to get working the way I want.
Scenario: I edit a file in photoshop with multiple layers (.tiff or .psd). I then add that file to my lightroom catalog and would like to have it automatically updated in lightroom when making changes in photoshop. I know this is possible when using the "Edit in Photoshop" option but I can't seem to get it working when I had the file in photoshop first.
If I import the file into lightroom and then make changes in photoshop the changes are not applied in lightroom. If, in lightroom, I choose "edit in photoshop" then I get a flat image generated from the lightroom file that does not have all my previously created photoshop layers.
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Feb 14, 2013
I'm trying to apply an opacity mask to multiple layers (which happen to be contained within a Layer Mask). When I make the Opacity Mask, it takes all of the stuff on different layers and compresses them to a single layer (see attached images). I would like to keep the data on their assigned layers for later editing. I've done this before, but I have a feeling I have a setting or pref de-selected somewhere. Could the layer mask be the culprit?
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Mar 11, 2014
i have a guge artwork and i need to select a small groups (around 10-100) of objects from about 4000 overlayed objects and then group'em/split-to-layers for usability (This is a human body infographics for medical institute) There IS NO way selecting them from canvas because they are overlayed, and sometimes not visible at all. in CS5 there was a feature to select multiple objects by Alt+drag selection icon on the most right in the Layers Panel. Now the duplication mode turns-on when i try to perform it. So.. Ho do i select multiple object without need to click through thousands of them? (i need drag-select)
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Jan 27, 2014
I am working with MTS files (AVCHD, 1920x1080, interlaced, 25 fps) in Premiere CS 6, Windows, and want to render my project with the same properties as h.264.
A common misconception is that CUDA/OpenCL processing is only used for rendering for previews. That is not true. CUDA/OpenCL processing can be used for rendering for final output, too.
But where/what are the options/settings to use CUDA not only for preview purposes, but for accelerating the rendering of the final output, too?
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Aug 8, 2012
I am trying to turn every layer in my .ai file to a raster image without flattening to one layer.
-The big issue I am dealing with is the agency that just built a paralax site for us refuses to export to PSD. I have tried every possible way to do this but keep getting the file is to big message. To add to it they had it all on 1 layer. I was able to release to sequence, but now am trying to see if rasterizing the objects will work.
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Dec 8, 2012
I have an Illustrator document with one layer (named Layer 1).In that layer are lines, rectangles and text.Is it possible (in script) to: make 3 additional layers named NL, EN and GEselect and cut all the text in Layer 1paste that text in the same place in the layers NL, EN and GE
(Step 2: select all text items and Ctrl-X)
(Step 3: select proper layer and Paste in Place in that layer)
I know this can be done with an action (I did that allready) but the reason I want to script this is because I have to combine this with another script which takes care of colorizing stuff.
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Jan 29, 2014
I've an illustrator document that has a code badge design. The bade design includes a 4 digit code that will alter 61 times but only in terms of the digits. I've set up my artwork into 2 layers with type on the top and the graphic underneath. Is there a way of using a script or code to export the graphic with each of the 61 codes or do I need to modify the Ai file 61 times and export 61 seperate raster images?
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a logo that I ultimatly need rendered properly in a PDF to send for proofing. It has a overprint effect in it but I can't figure out a way to export it as a tif or jpg with a simulated overprint.
What I have tried:
Export as tif and export as jpg (from Illustrator CS5). Neither export has a simulate overprint option, and both export with a big green blob on top of everything (the green blob is the shape that is overprinting)
Save as PDF, press ready, defaults to view of green blob (not simulated overprinting)
Save as PDF, change to PDF 1.3, in advanced flattening I set overprint to preserve, and high resolution. Same result as above.
In a PDF I can turn on the overprint preview, but I can't make that a default (as far as I know). Additionally, I am sending this to a client, I don't want to have to tell him "Oh, and by the way, here are the 10 steps to simulating overprinting in PDFs!"
Also I have tried to import from PDF to Photoshop and there is no option for simulated overprint there as well.
Also, I don't care if it is just a jpg or tif placed into a PDF, I don't need to preserve vector for this portion of it. If I can, then great, if there is a solution but I can't find, It is only for presentation at this stage.
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Mar 19, 2010
I'm working with an Illustrator file in CS2 and after a certain point it has started saying 'the file could not be written due to an error' when exporting to a jpg.
i've tried a couple things like deleting layers and although the file is much smaller, it still says the same error when exporting.
at its highest it was 130mb as an illustrator file and jpgs were 2-5mb.
i''ve tried copying some of the layers into a new file but the error report still comes when i'm exporting.
i have vector and raster based data in the file and tried turning off/deleting either of the layers and there is no difference.
i don't understand why it's started doing this because before it had no problem at all exporting before.
I'm trying not to have to reproduce days of work to remake the file.
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