GIMP :: Import SVG File - Image Size 1024x1024
Mar 20, 2013Import .svg file into gimp.. Image size 1024x1024 and smaller produces aliasing.
View 7 RepliesImport .svg file into gimp.. Image size 1024x1024 and smaller produces aliasing.
View 7 RepliesI'm currently in the process of organizing my music collection with album art. I found a great site with high quality images[URL] .... and would like to resize pictures to 600x600 within the range of 200-300KB. Is there a way to automatically do this without changing the quality percentage by trial and error?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is a huge problem for me, and it's getting incredibly annoying.
This issue is when I import an image (drag and drop, or other ways as well) into Photoshop and the image appears in a really small size. I need to be extremely percise in all of my projects by the pixel, I can't have it going a single pixel larger or smaller. But when I drag it in, it shows up much smaller and I have to drag the boundries to make it larger. I basically just want to drag a 64x96 image in, and have it actually show up as 64x96, not incredibly smaller.
I don't know the size of a portion on the canvas, because I can't just guess, so it's impossible to actually stretch it to its original size and actually be accurate.
When I import images (using Xara Designer Pro v7.1) I do I the images to arrive at their actual image size (in pixels)?
e.g. I just created an image which is 788x 953, however when I import it (using File ==> Import etc...) it arrives at 500x376!
i am trying to use it to design button badges on my new laptop. I have photoshop on my old laptop and have lots of psd files that I have been trying to use with GIMP.
I am finding that GIMP is shrinking my images when I import them to different images and when I come to print them on A4 they are smaller than they should be, and so useless to me in making my badges...
Printing the original image from GIMP gives me it in it's intended size though. How can I stop this from happening?
It happend when I import into an A4 - as I need to fit approximately 40 badge images per sheet.
Is there a way to automate repetitive actions such as file size and file saving to the same folder?
View 4 Replies View Related When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).  Can you advise me which is the correct file size?  If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?
 and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?  [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] . Thank you very much.
After import to LR 5, file size goes from 20-30mb to 40-50mb. Updates are current, no preferences have been changed. This issue happens with two difference cameras.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I import an image INTO Gimp? I realize I apparently can't scan into it, but how do I get my images to open IN it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I import the contents of an image file into an already open file? I want to import the WHOLE image, not just a cropped version.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBackground info:
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
I am using Gimp 2.8, but when I try to import a .pal file, I get a message that says "unknown type of palette file." What's going on?
View 6 Replies View Relatedsee attached
the default setting is 1920 - far too low for me
ok it can be supressed on a session basis, but the number of clicks to acheive anything keeps creeping up and I'd rather not see it at all - AFAIK there is no way to suppress it permanently, but the default setting can be increased in the registry
I have my setting at 8000
the registry key is 'ImportSize' in Options > Filters [ verified in designer pro X]
changing registry settings is only for those who know what they are doing and who backup first
I got a tremendous amount of assistance from Rich 2005 about increasing the size of a particular image last week. I applied the same technique to another image with poor results. (Much loss of clarity, worsened by sharpening.) I imagine there are several ways to increase image size. Is there a way to increase this one without losing clarity?The first image is the original, the second is increased 100 percent, without sharpening.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to design a vinyl banner using GIMP. The size of the banner will be 4'X8'. What size should I set the starting image size WXH ?? Should I keep it at pixels instead of footage?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I scan an image, in this case a standard A4 size, and do modifications with Gimp I am making progress in getting a reasonably good result but when I try to print out the final image I would like it to be precisely the exact same size as the original . As it turns out the scan becomes slightly smaller than the original and when I print to A4 paper I get an ugly border. which is either a hard line paper edge or slightly contrasting color (not the pure white original border around my picture).
How to change the size of the image once my scanner puts it into Gimp so that it will correspond with the original, or even overlap by a tiny amount, to eliminate the awful edges. Do I adjust the size of the canvas or the image, or both, and if so what are the tools to use. I've tried some Gimp tools that say they adjust the size of the image but they seem to shrink it in relation to the canvas instead of expanding it. Intuitively, since the image consists of pixels, it would seem there should be a simple way to increase the spaces between all the pixels so that the image increases in size. However I'm discovering that Gimp can be quite counter intuitive.
I'm a former Photoshop user. The reason I no longer use it is because of a silly misunderstanding with the NSA and MI6. But hey, that's the past and I'm a believer in moving on.
Anyway, my first inquiry here is a simple one having to do with selection. When I used PS I would at times use the wand selector and then open a new file which already had the dimensions of the selection. Thing is, when I select something in Gimp and open up the new file it still has the same size as the main image from which an area was selected, i.e., if the main image was 500x500 and I selected something 100x100 the copy was still 500x500.
And I can assure you it has nothing to do with remote viewing and foreign embassies.
I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Fedora 17 i686. I have noticed that when I cancel out of set image canvas size and return to set image canvas size I have no preview image. I was wondering if this is a problem with Gimp
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a 5x35 image using a gradient that i'll use as background for a div.I saved it as .jpg. Its size now is 325 bytes.Is there any additional method to make the size smaller?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSurprised I could not turn this up in the Search. Whenever I open a new image to resize it, it does not change size, but sometimes I have seen it larger than this standard size. I need more space for my work, I dont like working with Zoom, or small print. How can I fix setting new image size so the entire background will increase?
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to import a Gimp file into Illustrator ?
I am working on album artwork which I then want to add text and prep for print!
If I import into Ai the image becomes very small.
my pc is windows 7 64 bit
when i open gimp, the file formats listed at the open file dialog includes .eps but when i open any .eps file an error appear that says "could not interpret postscript file".
When I import JPG images from my digital camera Gimp assumes that they are 72 x 72 DPI. Is there a way to set this default to be 600 x 600 without manually adjusting it each time using "scale image"?
I use Gimp to print the images.
Gimp 2.6.11 on Salix Linux.
I have several pictures that are over 1 mb in size. I need to get them down to under 100 kb for my wall charts to print.How to do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded to 2.8 and am having problems with export to jpg, as opposed to old system of 'Save As" jpg.
When "Show preview in image window" is ticked, File size always appears as 1.3GB. If 'Quality' is reduced, file size displayed does not change to a new reading as it used to.
When I go ahead and export, the file is much smaller than 1.3GB. What do I need to do to get the file size in 'Export Image as JPEG' window to show an accurate file size?
Using Windows 7.
When i open Gimp, the image window size is way too big.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm a very new user to GIMP but have been using paint shop pro for quite some time - I still use version 7
Here's the situation: I received a pdf that I want to print so I imported it into gimp. It's 8.5x11 at 100dpi & two pages. So I imported it as two images (not layers) at same resolution settings. White out the unnecessary images go to print and then to printer preferences. 300 dpi is the smallest resolution on my printer so I also select 8.5x11 paper & 'sale to fit.' The resulting image is so large that approx only the top-left quarter of the doc prints.
OK, so in GIMP I go to 'Print Size' change the image resolution to 300 pixels: same result, exactly
Print size isn't it, lets try 'Scale Image' at 300 pixels. Same result again...
I tried both settings above with 'scale to fit' (printer) on & off with absolutely no changes to the printed image... very strange. Is gimp overriding my printer settings? If so how do I correct this?
Interestingly, when I re-sized the images in gimp (or thats what I thought I was doing with 'print size' & 'scale image') the size of the view-able image on the desktop in the application window did not change... the size of the window stayed the same, the zoom percentage did not change & most importantly the image did not change.
Finally, I checked if the original image prints correctly in Adobe Reader: No problem and it prints fine. Unfortunately, while I have what I need, I'm not one to give up that easily and want to know if the issue is the printer, gimp.
Why I can't get the image to print in GIMP at the correct size?
Windows XP Home SP3 - I just reformatted the hard drive last week so everything is a new clean install
Hp Officejet 4215 all-in-one
GIMP 2.4.7
I want to scale down the size of each image in a set of 125 photos, to save storage space in my computer. How can I do this other than one at a time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEstimate how big an area of a website is, so I know how big I should make my image?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm always cropping pieces of a large composition, then saving, then undoing and repeating. I noticed that GIMP has an understanding of layer size. If I could only save the image based on the layer size, I wouldn't need to crop every time, then undo. It would just know!
Aside from the redundancy, sometimes changes are made after cropping and saving and I am unable to return back to my original document size after exhausting undo's. Which means that everything else in the image is gone.