GIMP :: When Open It Image Window Size Is Way Too Big

Feb 3, 2012

When i open Gimp, the image window size is way too big.

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Photoshop :: Open A Document / Image Size And Script Alert Window Pop Up?

Apr 28, 2012

Everytime I open a document in Photoshop CS5, these 2 dialog boxes (Image Size, Script Alert) would pop up. to cancel 2 times to start editing. Is there a setting I can disable this?

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GIMP :: Increasing Font Size Of Tips At Bottom Of Image Window?

Sep 7, 2013

I just upgraded to GIMP 2.8.4 for Mac after spending months using an older version. At the bottom of the image window are tips for using whatever tool one is currently using. Unfortunately, these tips are TINY! I can barely see them! Is there any way to increase their size via GIMP preferences?

Note that I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to editing program code so if this is required I will need specific step by step instructions.

EDIT: Additionally, I've noticed that image windows always stay behind the toolbox and layer windows. Is there any way to reverse the ordering? (So that image windows can move in front of the toolbox/layer window?) With multiple image windows open on a small screen I need all the space I can get.

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GIMP :: Move Theme / Logo Onto Another Image / Window That Is Open?

Apr 9, 2012

I make a text logo from a gimp theme, but cannot move it to another seperate gimp file/ image that is open. For example, I have a webdesign template in progress in gimp, but then open a new gimp window/file, get a logo, put the text in. Then, I cant get this image out of the gimp, even if I want to put it in the other window onto the template. Also, I cant get the image out of gimp program, and onto the desktop.

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GIMP :: Image Doesn't Open In Right Side Layer Window

Mar 2, 2012

When I open a image the image opens in the large center Gimp window but does not open in the right side layers window as a background image. Why not.

I opened a picture of my car & I want to try to change the color. A YouTube Gimp video shows using layers but I don't have a picture of my car in the layers window.

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Premiere Pro :: Image Size In Source Window And Program Window

Feb 6, 2014

In the program window, it looks like its been pushed way in on the full image in the source window.  No matter what I do, I can't get it to appear the same as in the source window...

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Paint.NET :: Open With Same Window Size And Location

Oct 19, 2011

It would be nice if Paint.NET would open with the same window size and location as last time it was run.

I've noticed it does this already if you launch Paint.NET from the start menu, but not if you open a file in Paint.NET (which is much more common).

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Size Of Open Dialog Window

May 30, 2013

When I open a new drawing, the open dialog window stays the same size which is usually too small. I have to resize it every time I open a drawing.

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GIMP :: Reduce Size Of Window - Shrink Vertically?

Oct 30, 2013

GIMP is in single window mode. The bottom of the window extends down below my screen window, below my taskbar, so I can't grab it with my mouse to pull it up and make the window smaller vertically. I have pulled the top blue bar up as far as it will go, but not far enough - How do I shrink the GIMP window vertically?

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Photoshop :: Size Of Image Changes When Moved To Other Window

May 2, 2008

Recently while working in multiple windows, when a image is moved for one window to the next, it is resized automatically form its original size , to a new size (ex. Orig. 5x5 to 4.2x4.2).

How can I keep this from happening, so my image retains its original size?

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Photoshop :: Image Preview In Open Dialog Window

Apr 29, 2012

We had a possibility to see images preview in Open File dialog window of Photoshop CS5 but in new CS6 version there is not such possibility. Should I forget about that nice option and use Mini Bridge?

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GIMP :: No Image Window When Starting 2.8.4

Mar 29, 2013

After installing GIMP 2.8.4 when launching program all I get is the LAYER-BRUSH Toolbox, no main window No menus,. it seems everything may be opening off screen but im not sure.

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GIMP :: Image Rotates But Window Which Contains It Does Not

Mar 22, 2013

When I try to rotate an image with only one layer, the image rotates but the "window" which contains it does not! I end up with the image rotated 90 degrees, but it's cropped because the window it's in, did not move. That window sticks out with a checkerboard pattern. I've looked in the GIMP manual and gone to YouTube for an explanation on how to use the rotate tool but I couldn't understand the tutorials. how to use the rotate tool successfully? I'm a severe dyslexic with low vision so usually, standard tutorials don't work for me.

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GIMP :: Copying Image Into New Window And Editing

Jul 1, 2012

I've got a problem with basic image editing in GIMP.The screenshots should give understanding. I have GIMP 2.6 on Windows 7.GIMP wont allow me to move anything around in the darker area of this image("IconOverlay.png" - attached).

I've tried reinstalling GIMP as well as deleting the user preferencesfolder. I've also tried copying the image into a new GIMP window and editing it inthat, but it doesn't work. This has never happened before on any other image I've edited.

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GIMP :: 2.6 Has Lost Focus In Image Window

Apr 26, 2011

I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!

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Maya Modeling :: How To Open Image File For Reference In Separate Window

Nov 3, 2012

I’m a 3DS Max transfer. In 3DS Max there is an option to open an image file for modeling reference in a separate window within Max which always stays on top. This is NOT an image plane to model off of but an IMAGE FILE, a picture i can get the details from that don’t show in a drawing or plane. Currently I open images or groups of images(NOT SEQUENCES) in the default OS file viewer program. This is fine with a dual monitor setup, where I throw the reference images to the other screen. But what about when I’m on my laptop on the go or have no other monitor? Currently I’d have to open the same program, have it underneath MAYA and flip back and forth, which is a very big hassle over time. I’d like to be able to open a small, resizable window WITHIN maya and view the image file(or files!) there so I can move it around my workspace and glance over to it in an instant.

I still want my four panels or all of my panel space to work with. With it being resizable i can even shrink it down to get the gist in the upper right corner where no icons are even zoom in on parts with such a small window.

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GIMP :: Maximize Display Window To Fit The Image - 2.6.11 (2011)

Jul 7, 2011

I used to be able to maximize a display window and then make the image fit the window and finally shrink the window to fit the image. This seems to have changed recently. What are the equivalent keystrokes to accomplish fitting the image to the window and then shrinking the window to the image?

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GIMP :: Switch Focus To The Image Window Without Having To Click It

May 19, 2012

If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.

The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.

I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Preview Image Not Seen In Open File Dialog Window

Jun 1, 2012

I use Autocad since version 2.0. My THUMBSAVE value is 1.Still not showing a preview of the dwg.

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GIMP :: How To Create A Keyboard Shortcut To Put Focus On Image Window

Apr 15, 2012

Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.

Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?

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GIMP :: Open Images In Thumbnail Size?

Oct 7, 2011

My gimp opens all images in small thumbnail size (160 120). How can I get rid of this and get the files opened in their original size. I am running ubuntu 11.04 and gimp 2.6.11, and utilizing .NEF (nikon raw)

I have tried to remove $HOME/.gimp-2.6 - that didn't seem to work. I have installed and uninstalled ufraw - that didn't seem to work I have looked at gimp preferences, don't see there anything which would define reading in images into "thumbnail" size.

I am suspecting that after installing ufraw this problem appeared and I seem not be able to get rid of it. Removing $HOME/.ufrawrc didn't useful.

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GIMP :: Open First Image And Then Open Other Two As Layers

Jan 23, 2014

I'm using Gimp 2.8.6.Try as I might, I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively 'merge' 3 shots of the same scene taken at 3 different exposures (using the exposure bracketing feature on my camera).The idea is to end up with the equivalent of an HDR image.

I assume that I open the first image and then open the other two as layers . .

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GIMP :: Ability To Copy / Cut Image Or Part From One Open Image Into Another

Nov 25, 2013

I have been using gimp now for about 2 months and have just upgraded my OS to Mavericks and upgraded Gimp to 2.8.8.

Upon doing this I seem to have lost the ability to copy/cut an image or part thereof from one open image into another... Example:

I have an image window open with a picture a car and I have an image window open with a race track back ground.

I want to copy the car from image 1 into image 2, but for some reason I cannot do this function anymore. When attempting it, once the item is copies to the clipboard and I then swap to the second image, when I paste as a new layer it pastes the clipboard from that image and not the image from the first window...

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Photoshop :: Open Image Size 50% Instead Of 33%...

Feb 21, 2008

When I open images in Photoshop CS2 they open at 33%. As I have a 19" screen and edit 100's of images a day I would like to change the "default" to open the images at 50% instead. Occasionally they open at 50% automatically but I don't know what I've done to make it happen.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: When Press Open The Open-window Doesn't Open

Jan 21, 2012

When press "open" the "open"-window dosn't open. Insted it open a comandpromt by the cursor that promt me to enter full search-way and name on the file I want to open.

What can i do to get the "open"-window?

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Photoshop Elements :: Set Image Size Open Raw File?

Aug 21, 2013

How to set image size/resolution when opening a raw file in pse 11 editor? win 7 pro; pse 11 settings: edit>preferences>print resolution = 337.596, screen resolution 109 dpi( 27 inch, dell U 2711). Originally print resoltuion was set to 240 dpi  but was changed in case this was causeing a problem. CRAW v Camera alpha 65, image size is: 6000x3376 dpi; (83.33x46.88 inch) Problem is: Currently when I edit a RAW file in CRAW and then open in pse editor image size is: 6000x3376 px; 25x14.667 inches at 240 dpi ( by ration this corresponds to:17.773x10 inch at 337.6 dpi)
I am trying to change settings so the raw file opens as: 17.776x10 and anywhere from240 to 337.6 dpi whatever works or is esiest to set.
My settings are for use in creating blue ray dvd movies and with cropping and editing printing high quality pictures for family.

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GIMP :: Single Window Mode - Filter Options Windows Behind Main Window On OSX

Mar 11, 2013

As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.

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GIMP :: How To Increase Size Of Different Image

Oct 15, 2012

I got a tremendous amount of assistance from Rich 2005 about increasing the size of a particular image last week. I applied the same technique to another image with poor results. (Much loss of clarity, worsened by sharpening.) I imagine there are several ways to increase image size. Is there a way to increase this one without losing clarity?The first image is the original, the second is increased 100 percent, without sharpening.

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GIMP :: Set Starting Image Size WXH?

May 15, 2012

I need to design a vinyl banner using GIMP. The size of the banner will be 4'X8'. What size should I set the starting image size WXH ?? Should I keep it at pixels instead of footage?

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GIMP :: Size Of Image In Print

Jun 25, 2012

When I scan an image, in this case a standard A4 size, and do modifications with Gimp I am making progress in getting a reasonably good result but when I try to print out the final image I would like it to be precisely the exact same size as the original . As it turns out the scan becomes slightly smaller than the original and when I print to A4 paper I get an ugly border. which is either a hard line paper edge or slightly contrasting color (not the pure white original border around my picture).

How to change the size of the image once my scanner puts it into Gimp so that it will correspond with the original, or even overlap by a tiny amount, to eliminate the awful edges. Do I adjust the size of the canvas or the image, or both, and if so what are the tools to use. I've tried some Gimp tools that say they adjust the size of the image but they seem to shrink it in relation to the canvas instead of expanding it. Intuitively, since the image consists of pixels, it would seem there should be a simple way to increase the spaces between all the pixels so that the image increases in size. However I'm discovering that Gimp can be quite counter intuitive.

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GIMP :: Selection Image Size

Oct 26, 2012

I'm a former Photoshop user. The reason I no longer use it is because of a silly misunderstanding with the NSA and MI6. But hey, that's the past and I'm a believer in moving on.

Anyway, my first inquiry here is a simple one having to do with selection. When I used PS I would at times use the wand selector and then open a new file which already had the dimensions of the selection. Thing is, when I select something in Gimp and open up the new file it still has the same size as the main image from which an area was selected, i.e., if the main image was 500x500 and I selected something 100x100 the copy was still 500x500.

And I can assure you it has nothing to do with remote viewing and foreign embassies.

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