When I export a Web JPG from GIMP and it offers me a sliding Quality barthat goes 0 - 100. I want to know if that's an equivalent to the similar JPG quality setting in Photoshop? The reason I'm asking is that my research on Photoshop indicated that JPG output quality settings above 75 were"theoretical." In other words, there might be measurable improvements inJPG quality past 75, but they will be imperceptible by the human eye. If the Quality settings are basically the same in both pieces of software?
I've been using GIMP to make GIFs and they were okay until one day I realized the GIF quality was terribly reduced after I exported it. But everything seemed fine when I was in the process of making it (I never use any color transformation I normally just crop and resize image and that's it) when I used playback the GIF seemed okay but once after exported, the quality was very terrible. I couldn't understand why.
Every single GIF I make ever since faces the same problem. The animation playback and everything seem fine. Just I can never export the same quality GIF like what I see in the playback, every time it ends up with a low quality one. I re-install GIMP but that doesn't work at all. I download the latest version but that doesn't change anything either.
I'm trying to save some web interface work over a background image for my youtube page. One problem I'm having is that I can't save to png because my image ends up being over 1MB. I can't figure out how to get it under.
Everytime I save it, the solid button looks muddy and pixely. PNG ends up being about 3MB so it's too big.
I have many sets of bracket images in which I selected one exposure and made edits.
Now I wish separately to export jpgs resized made from the raw without color changes but still cropped. (just a few are)
Using export as original will export the raw image not the jpg I want.
What I suspect I will have to do as a work a around is to export the originals then create a new temp catlog and reimport them and export as the reized jpgs I want and recrop the few that need it.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
I have a book created (LR4) and cannot get the pages to export as jpg's. I hit the "export book to jpg" button and nothing happens. I am using a Macbook.
I have used LR 4 in the past, and when I wanted to export my RAW files into JPEGS I would go to File>Export. I tried to do the same with LR CC, got the page, however, I couldn't figure out what the page should be set up for so that the jpegs went into the same folder as the RAW files. They went into another folder on my C drive. Or I get an error message:
Unable to Export An internal error has occured; Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteEXW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
How can I do what I want to do, which is to export RAW images to JPEGS?
LR 4.3, Windows 7. I've started using Snapshots as a convenient way to capture in-process images. But, I can't find a couple things I'm sure HAVE to be in here somewhere...
1. The "generate virtual copies from all the snapshots of this image" button
2. The "export all the snapshots to jpgs or tiffs or whatever" button
I used high quality jpegs and chose a 100% quality setting and at 300 dpi.
I also chose the same pixel dimensions as the original documents.
But the outcome is blurry - as if the original had been highly compressed. The sum of the sizes of all files is about 40% larger than the final pdf file.
How can I get rid of this compression and create a pdf document whose pages are as sharp and high quality as the original?
I’m trying to take several layers from a group, merge them, and export them into jpgs, then move on to the next layer group. Saving all the files in a new directory called "images" My layers are organized into groups, I’d also like to be able to have the script ignore layers that end with a specific character (or some other tag)
This one exports the top visible layer(s) as a jpg with the same filename as the .PSD
I recently have been able to export jpgs into my pictures folder from Coreldraw but now can't. I don't know where they go? I can see my cdr file in the folder but it wont show my jpg file.
how to prevent Photochop from popping up and asking what JPEG quality to save the photo as. I want my action to end by saving the result as JPEG but dont want the interference of the dialog box asking me what quality to save the JPEG.
I would like to modify the Quality setting shown in the "Shaded viewport options" section of the plot dialog box (see attachment). The default appears to be Normal, and the options are Draft, Preview, Normal, Presentation, Maximum, and Custom. I want to use Maximum for 11x17 PDF files but I have 1000's. I can't open each file and change the setting, and then Apply to Layout. I'd also like to know what "Custom" means, but I will settle for maximum for now.
Is this option available under PlotSettings somewhere?
would like to have Gimp open a specific folder (in my camera's SD card) and display thumbnails of the JPGs in that folder, so that I can click on the one I want to work on and have it open full size.
I was able to drag/drop 1 photo into the canvas but unable to drag anymore into same canvas. I have several layers with 1 photo, border effects, and type. but, cannot drag any additional jpg photos into project.
I have two jpg images in two separate windows. I want to put one of the jpgs onto the other...like layering it over a particular part of the other image. When I attempt to do this the image doesn't show up in the receiving window and disappears from the originating window. I also tried to do a regular copy and paste between open windows and that doesn't work either.
I just bought a website template and there are certain files that won't open in gimp like psd's and even some png's and jpg's (though the ones I need most do). My girlfriend was able to open the psd's in photoshop. Anyway to get all these files to open in gimp?
I've attached the psd, the png and jpgs wont attach (maybe because they are tiny 70 byte files that dont matter). (Im using Windows 7 64 bit)
So, I have used Gimp to downsize large architectural drawing images from Tiff's to jpgs. Well, I always thought I was downsizing them. In the past, the process always seemed to make the files more usable in the application where I need to use the architectural drawings without a significant loss in quality.
I will open a tiff in Gimp, save as jpg, export if prompted, then select quality of 40 or 50 percent, and the result is a usable file that is significantly smaller than the source tiff file.Today, the source tiff which is 900 mb in size is being converted to jpg which is 6 or 7 mb in size, totally unusable.
Additionally, if I simply open the source in Gimp, save it to another directory from Gimp without making any changes, the file also grows to 6 or 7 mb. What am I doing wrong this morning that I have not been doing wrong for the last 6 months?
Using version 2.6.11 in Ubuntu 10.10 if that matters.I have a version of 2.7 on my Windows XP OS, and it will lock up trying to open these drawings.
It's curious, because, at 900 MB, I typically can use the drawings without even altering or downsizing them.What I really cannot understand is why Gimp is causing unaltered files to grow in size when saving them.
I have a Fedora 17 distro installed on a couple of different machines. I am unable to open pictures and scans, I have, which are in 'jpeg/jpg' format. I understand the saving/exporting thing, but I am unable to even open them.
I am using Kernel 3.6.6-1.fc17.x86_64 and Gnome 3.4.2. The version of Gimp I am using is 2.8.2-6.fc17.
I´m aware that Illustrator doesn´t have multiple artboards options for JPG as it does with eps, or other formats, but is there any workaround for this? Looping current artboard and exporting them to JPG or something. Or maybe there is someway to force the "save multiple artboards:true" in JPG?
export document currentDoc to file exportFolder as JPEG with options ¬ {class:JPEG export options ¬ , quality:100 ¬ , artboard clipping:true ¬ , artboard range:1 - 2 ¬ , save multiple artboards:true}
I am exporting a file that contains a background photo with text over the top. When I export, the text is great....crisp and clean however my background image is becoming pixelated since I am making this a large print. Any tips to increasing resolution to photo files. I see there is a way to increase / bring in files at their actual size. So I may need to try that. Others?
i have a problem when i try to export a jpg image.I must do a small image for a Exchange signature.When i exported the file in jpg with save for web and i insert it in exchange, the dimensions (width and height) are ok, but less quality.However if i save normaly in jpg the quality is the top but when i insert the image in exchange, the dimension are strange, there isn't width and height correct.The file is a 72 dpi.
I need to export a vector image to a .png for use on Retina display devices. What is the workflow and settings for exporting that results in the best possible quality .png image?
in LR5.0 one can export Slideshow as video to file in 1080 p quality . However , unlike in ather ADOBE products like Photoshop elements , one cannot export to Disc . So what is the easiest way on getting the exported .mp4 file burned onto a blueray disc preserving the HD quality.
I can see that Adobe offers ENCORE in the creative suite, but that seems overkill as I just want to burn the file onto disc. A plug-in for LR5 would seem the best solution to me , but I have not found it.
What is the easiest way to achieve a burn to disc out of LR5 in HD quality ?
PS : of course there is third party software that does allows blue ray authoring and disc burning ; But they all seem to come with photo or video editing software which I do not need . I want to stay with Lightroom , just burn the slideshow to disc
What's the best EXPORT settings to get high quality for a .jpg website banner. I have played around with the settings and got no where. :-( I want the text to stay clear and sharp, and my dark colors actually dark. My setting so far give me faded colors and blurry edges on the text.
I have a little problem with JPG files. When I’m trying to export .IPT file to JPG file I can’t adjust quality of JPG file. Even if I change pixel quantity up to 1000 quality of picture stays same. Also size of the file is does not change no matter how much pixels I use. How to improve quality?
is there a way of exporting my AutoCAD drawings in high quality? Maybe Tiff?
The problems I have with exporting is that if export a drawing as a *.wmf the thick lines come out too thick even when using the 0.3 mm thickness. If i use the 0.25 mm thickness the lines are as thin as with the default thickness.
The contour lines of an image I imported into my AutoCAD drawing are coming all blurry when I export into wmf file even when using the 600 dpi resolution (highest available on the menu).
Inside my AutoCAD drawing my image map has a very high quality but when I export it, with AutoCAD polylines on top of it, the drawing comes out horrible.
I painted a blue polyline to represent a river in a contour map. This is for a civil engineering project. When I export the drawing, the polyline comes out too thick and the image behind comes out blurry. This happens even when using the highest definition possible for a wmf export (600 dpi).
I've read in another thread about a way of exporting into tiff. I followed the directions but the thread is not well explained. It doesn't say whether it is necesary to have or buy certain software. And it doesn't say what to do next to export the tiff drawing.