Photoshop :: PDF In CS6 Blurry At Maximum Quality Setting
Mar 14, 2013
I just tried to create Pdf.
I used high quality jpegs and chose a 100% quality setting and at 300 dpi.
I also chose the same pixel dimensions as the original documents.
But the outcome is blurry - as if the original had been highly compressed. The sum of the sizes of all files is about 40% larger than the final pdf file.
How can I get rid of this compression and create a pdf document whose pages are as sharp and high quality as the original?
I recently purchased Photoshop and Premiere Elements 12.
I want to create a professional slide show for Maximum Quality output for an HD monitor for an upcoming trade show.
It seems to me based on what I could find on the Adobe website and tutorials that creating my slideshow in Photoshop Elements 12 slideshow maker has limited quality output. You cannot, for example, output to 1920X1080 or even 1440 X 1080.
This leads me to consider Premiere Elements for a more manual slideshow construction. My idea is to create each individual slide, custom, (in high quality jpeg) with great care in Photoshop Elements with very large (high quality) frame sizes (they say up to 4096 x 4096), I was thinking more like double 1920X1080, ie: 3096X2160. I imagine that this will guarantee covering the entire monitors real estate, guarantee continuity between all slides, and display an over all professional look. (Even though this is much more work than just whipping a bunch of jpegs of various sizes into Photoshop Elements Slideshow creator).
Once I have all of my custom slides in that large size, my idea is I'll import each one and then use Premier Elements to drive the slide show functionality and ultimately the high resolution export file for application.
Am I on the right track here? Is there some standard guildlines and tools in the industry for me to consider before I attempt to create my first professional slide show?
whatever screenshots I paste into Photoshop all becomes blurry, or "low quality" if you will. I tried pasting the same image in Paint or Illustrator, they remain sharp and fine as they.
how to prevent Photochop from popping up and asking what JPEG quality to save the photo as. I want my action to end by saving the result as JPEG but dont want the interference of the dialog box asking me what quality to save the JPEG.
When I export a Web JPG from GIMP and it offers me a sliding Quality barthat goes 0 - 100. I want to know if that's an equivalent to the similar JPG quality setting in Photoshop? The reason I'm asking is that my research on Photoshop indicated that JPG output quality settings above 75 were"theoretical." In other words, there might be measurable improvements inJPG quality past 75, but they will be imperceptible by the human eye. If the Quality settings are basically the same in both pieces of software?
I would like to modify the Quality setting shown in the "Shaded viewport options" section of the plot dialog box (see attachment). The default appears to be Normal, and the options are Draft, Preview, Normal, Presentation, Maximum, and Custom. I want to use Maximum for 11x17 PDF files but I have 1000's. I can't open each file and change the setting, and then Apply to Layout. I'd also like to know what "Custom" means, but I will settle for maximum for now.
Is this option available under PlotSettings somewhere?
I'm pretty new to photoshop, and I've started on a personal project. I want to basically take a video still from a music video and turn it into a poster. Sadly i can not find a good quality version of the video as it is older and not super famous, (kyuss-one inch man). So i found an online video that is better then youtube but not great, and i captured it through the vista snipping tool (screen capture).
Basically I want to take this low quality picture, and turn it into a good quality poster (not huge). What techniques and things must I do? I'll probably have to find a printer near here and require a specific dpi as well.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
I am trying to import photos from my computer to Photoshop elements 11. It has imported most but wont import some as "file quality is too high". How do I get around this? Do I have to downgrade the quality of my photos? To do editing wouldn't you want the best quality photos to start off with?
Best practices for setting up systems in a lab environment. We have a lab enviroment of about 200 systems that access AutoCad, Inventor, Mechanical and others.
We need to have a customized interface come up when Autocad is opened by students.I have read that you can do this with profiles and workspaces and also with loading a acad.lsp file.
In the past we have just copied the Windows admin profile used to customize AutoCad to the default profile. In AutoCad 2013 that does not seem to grab everything. It doesn't seem to be the best way to do what we need.
We will also be moving to Windows 7 soon which will also cause an issue.I want to find the best way to do this with out having to deal with the Windows profile.
Just tried out the Photoshop CC Image Asset Generation and it rocks. However, I can only add up to so many characters for names of the layers. Is there a way that the limit can be lifted. I think this would be beneficial especially for all the different densities for creating android assets. Other than making the layer names super short.
I thought these filters enlarge or contract a selection, but I'm testing them out and all I see it what's inside the selection go white or black. Maybe I'm not understanding this.
what the maximum resolution would be in order to run Photoshop CS6 on a Windows laptop?I am contemplating whether or not to go with the 2880 x 1620 screen or the 1920 x 1080 one.
I tried to open 400 TIFF CCITT group 4 files from the Photoshop CS3 as I used to do in Photoshop 7, but I got an error message: "Could not complete the open command because opening the number of files selected would cause Photoshop to have more than 200 documents windows open at once". Does anybody know if there are any limitations on the maximum allowed number of files to be opened at the same time?
How do I retroactively change my pix in CS5 to included maximum compatibility. I have checked the box, but it only applies to new saves. I can't import thumbs in LR5.
Is there a maximum number of files in a folder that can be processed by the Image Processor in CS5?
I'm trying to convert a bunch of jpgs to tiffs and I have to run an action (high-pass filter+threshold) before it saves them. This works out fairly well when using a small amount of files. When I try to load my main folders then Photoshop stops responding as soon as I try to initiate the processor. I sometimes get an error if I let it sit for a long time. I've tried this on two computers with the same result.
I have over a million files across 9 file folders that I need to process.
I'm making an action that I'm going to batch apply to a lot of images.
However I've hit a snag, I need to resize a layer with variable width/height to fit within a certain width/height while constraining ratios. Say I need a layer to be a maximum of 1000px high OR a maximum of 2000px wide, whichever comes first. I need the layers to either increase or decrease in size to fit the "frame".
I am creating a photo gallery for the web. I will store the very large original images, a large version to fit in the browser window and a thumbnail.
I am creating these using Photoshop Actions and a batch process.
The problem is for the large images I want the maximum width of the images to be 575px and the maximum height to be 525px.
This means that if the image is portrait it will be sized based on its height, but if it is landscape it will be resized based on its width. (I want to resize it proportionally obviously).
Can I make it do this in photoshop?
At the moment some images are either coming out too long or too tall.
I am having is that if the original image is smaller than what I want the large images to be then I dont want it to make it bigger.
Is there a max number of pics allowed in Elements 10? My catalog has 11,918 pics, and am importing 124 pics from an SD memory card. Elements stops working.
what's the maximum number of photos that can be organized in Elements 10? what's the maximum size of a photo with a thumbnail what's the meaning of the 'broken card' icon?
I would like to know what the max image file size is in Organizer? I Have an Epson V600 scanner. I am trying to scan Photos, slides and Neg.s & import the scans into Organizer.
The photos I have for my business in photoshop are really clear. But when I upload them to Facebook, they are blurry. How can I make my photos clear on Facebook? I heard someone say it is the size or pixels or something. How can I fix it?
I have a photo but it's pretty blurry. My SLR was set on Manual mode, and I went to take a photo, but the people moved, and it came out very blurry.
Is there any way that I can make it less blurry so that I can print it out? I tried the unsharp mask, but after a couple of times it just looks strange. Maybe I wasn't doing it right, or there's another way?
I designed my wedding invitations using photoshop CS3. They came out great. However, when I want to print them the lettering comes out blurry. And if I save as a PDF the lettering comes out really crisp but, some of the letters lose their color ....
I have a image that I have seperated the layers, however some of the text edges are jagged. I have expanded the pixels but it's still ugly. Can anyone give me a tip on how to clean this up.