GIMP :: Automatically Export JPGs For Each Level From Multilevel Image?

Nov 11, 2013

What i say in the title is what i'm doing manually right now for 30 levels!

I'm building different color tshirt previews, every level represents a color and there's a level on top with the draw to be printed.

If I can do it automatically I'll have lot of time saved!

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GIMP :: Export Quality Setting For JPGs

Jun 15, 2012

When I export a Web JPG from GIMP and it offers me a sliding Quality barthat goes 0 - 100. I want to know if that's an equivalent to the similar JPG quality setting in Photoshop? The reason I'm asking is that my research on Photoshop indicated that JPG output quality settings above 75 were"theoretical." In other words, there might be measurable improvements inJPG quality past 75, but they will be imperceptible by the human eye. If the Quality settings are basically the same in both pieces of software?

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GIMP :: Two Separate JPGs - Want To Put One Image On The Other

Jan 21, 2014

I have two jpg images in two separate windows. I want to put one of the jpgs onto the layering it over a particular part of the other image. When I attempt to do this the image doesn't show up in the receiving window and disappears from the originating window. I also tried to do a regular copy and paste between open windows and that doesn't work either.

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Photoshop :: How To Get JPGs To Automatically Be Read And Write

Sep 9, 2013

When I save a photo in Photoshop CS6 v13, as a .jpg file, it automatically gives me read and write permission, but not others.  This is a pain as I have to change it each time I want to send someone a photo.

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GIMP :: Creating Image (GIF) By Drawing At Pixel Level

Nov 14, 2012

I am using Gimp 2.8.0 but only understand about 5% or less of it. (It is running on Win.7 Hm. Prm., Vsn 6.1, Sp-1.)

How can I define or adjust the pencil tool so it draws at the one pixel size in a new ".gif" work area. (That would be one pixel in the image to one pixel on the screen.) I found how to define the work area in pixels for a ".gif". The predefined pencil tool sizes (chosen by assorted dots) "went away" several versions of Gimp back as far as I know.

The object of this effort is to produce "TrainGifs" for use in other applications. Should you be interested just Google "TrainGifs" and you will be able to check out multiple site for this hobby.

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GIMP :: Image Resolution Being Changed Automatically

Feb 2, 2012

I am opening some 300 dpi photographs, but when I go to the "scale image" dialog box in Gimp, the image resolution is listed by default as 72dpi !!

But the pictures were shot in high-res, and when you look at the file properties or open the image in Photoshop, they all confirm that it is a 300 dpi picture. Only Gimp is presenting it as 72dpi. It happens that the photographs are bw, but the color mode is RGB, not grey scale.

How I can stop Gimp down sampling the images automatically if that's what is happening?

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Lightroom :: Export Jpgs Without Changes?

Oct 1, 2013

I have many sets of bracket images in which I selected one exposure and made edits.
Now I wish separately to  export jpgs resized made from the raw without color changes but still cropped. (just a few are)
Using export as original will export the raw image not the jpg I want.
What I suspect I will have to do as a work a around is to export the originals then create a new temp catlog and reimport them and export as the reized jpgs I want and recrop the few that need it.

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GIMP :: Export New File Format And Automatically Using That File Instead Of Original

Sep 28, 2011

I am wondering if there is a way to put the old save method back into the new gimp 2.7.3. I would like to be able to export to a new file format and automatically be using that file instead of the original file that I have just opened. If there is a plugin like this that would be great.

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Revit :: Show Level Of Cut On Profile As Reference Line Automatically?

Oct 2, 2012

How to show the level of cut on the profile as reference line automatically?
I’m wondering if there is a way to show the level of cut automatically on the elevation view.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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Illustrator :: How To Export AI Files To Multi JPGs

Aug 31, 2012

How to Export Many ai Files To A Multi JPGS?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Getting Book Pages To Export As JPGs?

Nov 24, 2012

I have a book created (LR4) and cannot get the pages to export as jpg's. I hit the "export book to jpg" button and nothing happens. I am using a Macbook.

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Lightroom :: CC (5) - How To Export JPGs To Same Folder As RAW Files

Oct 4, 2013

I have used LR 4 in the past, and when I wanted to export my RAW files into JPEGS I would go to File>Export. I tried to do the same with LR CC, got the page, however, I couldn't figure out what the page should be set up for so that the jpegs went into the same folder as the RAW files. They went into another folder on my C drive. Or I get an error message: 
Unable to Export An internal error has occured; Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteEXW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
 How can I do what I want to do, which is to export RAW images to JPEGS?

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Lightroom :: Export All Snapshots To JPGs Or TIFFs - Button

Mar 16, 2013

LR 4.3, Windows 7. I've started using Snapshots as a convenient way to capture in-process images.  But, I can't find a couple things I'm sure HAVE to be in here somewhere...
1.  The "generate virtual copies from all the snapshots of this image" button
2.  The "export all the snapshots to jpgs or tiffs or whatever" button

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Photoshop :: Merge And Export Layer Groups Separately Into JPGs Via Script?

Jun 26, 2013

I’m trying to take several layers from a group, merge them, and export them into jpgs, then move on to the next layer group. Saving all the files in a new directory called "images" My layers are organized into groups, I’d also like to be able to have the script ignore layers that end with a specific character (or some other tag)


This one exports the top visible layer(s) as a jpg with the same filename as the .PSD

function createFolder( folderObj ){ if( !folderObj.parent.exists ) createFolder( folderObj.parent ); if( !folderObj.exists ) folderObj.create(); }; function exportSFW( doc, saveFile, qty ) { var exportOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb( ); exportOpts.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG exportOpts.includeProfile = true;//default false exportOpts.quality = qty; if ( saveFile.exists ) saveFile.remove( ); doc.exportDocument( saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, exportOpts ); };


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Unable To Export JPGs Into Picture Folder

Aug 20, 2011

I recently have been able to export jpgs into my pictures folder from Coreldraw but now can't.  I don't know where they go?  I can see my cdr file in the folder but it wont show my jpg file. 

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Lightroom :: Import Raw Files / Add Presets Then Auto Export DNGs Or JPGs?

Jul 23, 2013

Can I auto export like auto import. I want to auto import raw files, add presets, then auto export DNGs or JPGs.

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GIMP :: Display Thumbnails Of The JPGs?

May 10, 2013

would like to have Gimp open a specific folder (in my camera's SD card) and display thumbnails of the JPGs in that folder, so that I can click on the one I want to work on and have it open full size.

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GIMP :: Cannot Drag / Drop JPGs

Feb 28, 2011

I was able to drag/drop 1 photo into the canvas but unable to drag anymore into same canvas. I have several layers with 1 photo, border effects, and type. but, cannot drag any additional jpg photos into project.

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GIMP :: Can't Open Some PSDs / JPGs And PNGs

Jun 21, 2011

I just bought a website template and there are certain files that won't open in gimp like psd's and even some png's and jpg's (though the ones I need most do). My girlfriend was able to open the psd's in photoshop. Anyway to get all these files to open in gimp?

I've attached the psd, the png and jpgs wont attach (maybe because they are tiny 70 byte files that dont matter). (Im using Windows 7 64 bit)

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GIMP :: Unable To Export Image As JPG

Mar 17, 2013

I encountered an interesting problem yesterday while trying to export an image as a jpg. I've outlined what I did.

I had a jpg file of dimensions 150wide X 100 high. Lets call this small.jpg . I had another jpg image that was much larger. Let's call this large.jpg . I wanted to change the size of large.jpg to have the same dimensions as small.jpg.

For convenience, I pasted the large.jpg onto small.jpg and then used the resize tool. When I clicked on export I got the following error-

Saving `large_to_small.jpg` failed

JPEG image plug-in could not save image. I could have sworn that I've done this before and it worked. So I wasted a lot of time trying to `fix` GIMP.


1. Don't paste onto a pre-existing image. Create the canvas size you require then paste the image then resize and export.

2. If you do happen to paste an image onto another for resizing. Close all the files except the current one you are working with. Now choose select all and copy then go to file >>create>> from clipboard. The new image should be of the same dimensions. Export.

One thing I should mention, even though there was an error, the image large_to_small.jpg was created (file size 0 bytes). As you would expect, the jpg file couldn't be opened in GIMP.

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GIMP :: How To Preview Image Before Export

Jan 15, 2013

When you're working on an image in GIMP, typically there's a bunch of selection and path spam all over the canvas, and checkered patterns for transparency, and all that stuff.

Is there a way to easily see what your image will look like when exported, without exporting it every single time you want to see what the image will look like?

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GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically

May 1, 2011

I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?

Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?

I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).

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GIMP :: Export As Icon Image Is Squashed?

Jan 13, 2013

making my desktop icons. I stated out with either a jpg or png image. Using gimpshop I get the image resized and it looks fine. However, after exporting as an ico the image is very recognizable but shorter and fatter. I use to use photoshop so with gimpshop I look for something that said retain aspect ratio but as of now I haven't found it. It seems to adjust both width and height when I scale it but something happens during the export.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Unable To Save / Export Image

Aug 7, 2013

I cannot save or export an image from GIMP 2.8 at all. No matter where the mouse pointer is on the save/export window only a caret is displayed and not a cursor. The exception to this is when I hover over the vertical slider in the directory pane and I am able to move the slider on left click and drag. When I was using 2.8.2 (see below) and attempted this operation the cursor changed to an icon resembling a text document. The icon does not appear in 2.8.6

The problem has only occurred in the last 10 days. It first happened to me about a week ago. At that time I was using GIMP 2.8.2. Today I uninstalled this version and installed 2.8.6 with no improvement. I also tried deleting the .GIMP2.8 directory (as recommended elsewhere in this forum) with both versions but to no avail. As implied I have used GIMP (for more than 18 months) without a problem until the last week and a bit.

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64bit.

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GIMP :: Export Image Into JPG With Lower Resolution

Sep 18, 2012

I have a Tiff image ( size : 5.3 mb). Wanted to export into jpg with a lower resolution. I waited for the process 35 mins and then had to cancel it. and when i checked the preference inside GIMP it looked like the attached image file.

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GIMP :: Export Layers As Image Sequence (2012)

Jul 30, 2012

Any plugins that will do the job in GIMP?

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GIMP :: Default Export Image Settings Not Saved In 2.8?

May 25, 2012

I recently upgraded my laptops to Fedora 17 and Linux Mint 13, which now come with Gimp 2.8. After discovering that Save and Save as are moved to Export to and Export, I tried saving the default export settings for JPG. I usually set the Quality to 80 and make some other adjustments. However, the defaults always revert back no matter how many times I press the Save Defaults button.

Also, is there any way to make Gimp always use the previously selected settings? It seems that even though I set the defaults, with some images I open, edit and attempt to export, it tries to adjust the quality settings again. I just want to always have the defaults I have set for exporting jpg files without having to click an extra button or keyboard shortcut every time I save a file.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Image Description Is Getting Lost During Export To JPEG?

Jan 4, 2014

Recently I have shifted to Gimp 2.8. I also use picasa to createdescription and upload purpose. Image descriptions created by picasa isgetting lost if I export (after edits) in gimp. Gimp is replacing existingdescription with "x-default".

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GIMP :: Export / Save As Image Dimension 1.3 Gbyte?

May 19, 2012

I noted a bug in GIMP 2.8. In the window Save as the dimension of the image is fixed at 1,3Gbyte even if the image is a few kbyte or you modify the quality.Here is the window: [URL]

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Photoshop :: Image Made Up Of Several Jpgs

May 8, 2003

am trying to create one image made up of several jpgs side by side.

What can I do to make the jpgs blend in together to make it look like one image rather than 4 images sitting there in a row.

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GIMP :: Downsize Large Architectural Drawing Images From TIFFs To JPGs

Apr 23, 2011

So, I have used Gimp to downsize large architectural drawing images from Tiff's to jpgs. Well, I always thought I was downsizing them. In the past, the process always seemed to make the files more usable in the application where I need to use the architectural drawings without a significant loss in quality.

I will open a tiff in Gimp, save as jpg, export if prompted, then select quality of 40 or 50 percent, and the result is a usable file that is significantly smaller than the source tiff file.Today, the source tiff which is 900 mb in size is being converted to jpg which is 6 or 7 mb in size, totally unusable.

Additionally, if I simply open the source in Gimp, save it to another directory from Gimp without making any changes, the file also grows to 6 or 7 mb. What am I doing wrong this morning that I have not been doing wrong for the last 6 months?

Using version 2.6.11 in Ubuntu 10.10 if that matters.I have a version of 2.7 on my Windows XP OS, and it will lock up trying to open these drawings.

It's curious, because, at 900 MB, I typically can use the drawings without even altering or downsizing them.What I really cannot understand is why Gimp is causing unaltered files to grow in size when saving them.

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