GIMP :: Applied Filters Change Image To Grayscale?
May 23, 2013
I'm new to GIMP. I've used Adobe Photoshop for years an years and no longer have access to the license. So I've been giving GIMP a test drive for a little while. I'm confused as to why when I apply a filter to my image or layer it changes the color to B/W or grayscale? I'm sure this is a relatively easy fix, but most filters I'm using don't have many options and I can't seem to apply the filter "as is". It always changes my whole graphic to grayscale. See "Before & After" attachments.
I tried opening the images that I applied lightroom filters on, and the images did not change at all, though when I go to lightroom the filters are present. Does that mean that lightroom filters only work inside lightroom? Is there a way to save the photos with the filter(s) applied?
I downloaded an image of the internet to edit [URL]......
Because I want to edit the base and put clothes on it and such. I opened the image in gimp and added the lines for the clothes on multiple layers. I went in to color it and the color showed up grey, any color i used turned out to be grey. Then I looked up at where they put the name of the image and it says: (greyscale, 6 layers) I assume that why i cant color it. is their any way to change this so i can add and edit color?
working with fairly small images, 30 x 20 centimeters ...12 x 8 inches... @ 300 dpi...and want to apply the Canvas Texturiser filter over the image. but when i do the texture comes up as a grid-like tiled surface which looks very unprofessional. i have had a bit of a play with the scaling of the effect in the dialogue window but the tiling effect still comes up. can this be over-ridden so the texture i want can be applied to look like one large canvas texture?Â
I need to transform a selection of ranges of grayscale image in colors. For example: using GSM of a gray scale image as a parameter I want to recode pixels from 0 to 20 in red, 21 to 40 in orange, 41 to 60 in yellow and so forth... until pixel valued 256 in GSM.
i'm using gimp 2.6.11 on a windows 7 enterprise machine. I made some brushes in rbg mode and saved as gbr, and also converted some ps brushes by exporting an abr as a png in rbg mode then saving as gbr. my goal is to get a gbr brush that i can change the color to the foreground color. I tried changing the mode from rgb to greyscale but when i try to re-save as gbr i get an error message that brushes can only be saved in greyscale or rgba (!).
i've tried saving the gbr as a png, changing the mode to greyscale and then saving as gbr but i get the same error message.
Any good skin texture brushes for gimp that can be used with foreground color? It's for a digital portrait of a male so I need an orangepeel texture and some other skin textures that aren't too airbrushed.
I've had gimp for quite awhile now and ive never come across this problem before. im trying to use the layer mask with greyscale and inverted image just as i always have. but when i go to edit my color i get grey! ive always been able to change colors this way! i know that the mode is set to rgb. im on the correct layer. ive closed it. ive restarted my laptop.
If i click on the transparency part i get a big blob of color as i should. but on the mask it does what its supposed to but in shades of grey. i dont understand whats wrong! it always worked perfectly. . .
newest Gimp windows 7
Only thing that i have changed is i have a new tablet but i still have the problem without the tablet
I have an image that has elements pasted in from PNG files, and those elements have some shades of green. I want printed output in gray scale only, so I did Image -> Mode->Grayscale. The image on screen went gray as I wanted. When I print it, however, I get an image in which *some* of the colored parts still are colored!
How do I quickly separate an image's channels into grayscale layers? I'll need to do this frequently, so is there an automated way? If there isn't, can it be done with python scripting? Would it take me a long time to learn how to write such a script assuming I know a bit of Python (as used in Blender), but haven't done any scripting with GIMP?
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
I am a new user of GIMP on a late 2008 MacBook Pro with Leopard (10.5.. I am trying to work with an image by applying filters however the image in the filters dialogue box is so small, it's almost unusable. How I can enlarge a portion of my pic in this box to more accurately alter it?
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
Ps CS6 OSX 10.6.8  Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.  I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu. A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.  A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.  In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.
want to a boder for each grid but the Grayscale slider prevails and all of the others sliders are off. I go to the color palette and click at the top right of the palette and a menu appears the with options like grayscale sliders, RGB Sliders, HSB slider, CMYK Sliders, Lab sliders, and HTML sliders the online one on is the Grayscale sliders after that all of them are off The layer menu is off completely, and some other features in the photoshop cs3, and when I go and save the file the GIF, JEGP and all other common formats are off, I can't save the file on those formats because psp, photoshop pdf and other that I am not interested on. I want gif, jegp etc. I have just realize that when I created a new documents I might put it in the grayscale mode only. What do you think about it guys I want to be able to apply boders and save it in gif, jepg and other common format
I am trying to change a CMYK vector file to grayscale in CS4. I went to Edit/Edit Colors/ Change to Grayscale. The .AI vector art now looks gray on screen, but the title says " (CMYK/Preview)". It still reproduces as a CMYK file and not Grayscale. I can't place this into a 2 spot colour document. What am I missing?
How do I change the default background that is applied when moving or deleting a selection ? Â I want to preserve the existing background color, I don't want it to become transparent.
I've been trying to solve this problem for the past months. Everytime I needed our company logo, but everytime it failed and I setteled for the low resolution blue logo I allready have.  So far I tried combinations of the following:  changing .tiff into .PSD grayscale into CMYK  changing hue and saturation  1 goto Layer - New adjustment layer - Curves - change the blend mode to "Screen" 2 goto Layer - New adjustment layer - Curves - change the blend mode to "Multiply"  this all results in a slightly lighter or darker picture, but no color..  Heinthis is the actual image
I want to create some brushes but I am unsure of how to create a brush that is grayscale (black) vs a brush that goes on color... I've downloaded both brushes that are grayscale and brushes that are full color...
first off how do I create a grayscale brush such as
when my image is a color image
if Gimp saves brushes in grayscale by default then how do I create a full color brush like in
I see no option to set the brush type and I have NEVER created a brush before so how do I be sure that I make a grayscale bush when I want to and a full color brush when I want to??
I have a image in grayscale that is posterized into three colors. Now I want to convert this image into three colors black, yellow, and orange, In other words something like this: Â Â How do I do this? I want to get an idea of how my picture will look on my pumpkin.
Is there a preference in GIMP to display color channels in grayscale? Rather I should ask, has this issue been resolved because I know at one time it was a big difference between PS and the GIMP. And yes, I know that I can decompose and recompose...
I am placing a photoshop image into Indesign. It is an image of a Poloroid picture. When I import it into ID the drop shadow is applied to the entire bounding box or image surface area. I'd like to have it applied just to the "element" or Poloroid image instead.I'm saving it as a flattened JPG and placing it into ID.
I am using a macbook pro. Every time i go to export an image I have resized, or modified, the name field does not let me use most of the keyboard. Some of the keys work but most dont in that field.
I discovered GIMP 2 days ago and I am pretty excited to get started with it. The only problem is that I am a total newbie. I would really like to change the color of this image from black to blue but how to do so and the tutorials that I have found online don't really apply to what I am trying to accomplish.
I have a photo of a coffee table that's on an angle. I want to rotate this table so it looks like you're standing in front of it and seeing the front. The problem is the Rotate, Perspective, and Map Object tools don't seem to be able to do it. I also tried a plug-in called EZ Perspective, but that also doesn't seem to work.
At this point, I'm guessing you can't change the perspective of an image (up, down, left, right) because it's flat and not 3D, and no program knows what the other sides would look like. Is that correct, or can I do what I want and just don't know how, yet?
How to change an element from 1 image and switch it with another from the other image.
Also is it possible to change only a part of the element like the dots on the first left up border to put it on the not the black the other one? or change elements btw those 2 to mix and make a unique one?
I've wrapped my head around how to reclaim the stripped-out portion of an image that has been non-destructively cropped in CS6: click the image with the crop tool, or select Reveal All from the Image menu. Short of doing this every time I suspect that I may have cropped an image, is there anything in Photoshop's interface to tell me at a glance if the image has been non-destructively cropped? I guess I could check the document dimensions in the pop-up status display at the bottom of the window, but I'm looking for something more direct that doesn't make me search. Â 2009 iMac 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo; OS 10.8.1