GIMP :: 2.8.6 - Missing Left Toolbar And Photo Window
Aug 4, 2013
Downloaded Gimp 2.8.6 the other day, when loading it up for the first time, there where no left toolbar and photo window. Tried to find it but nothing.
I downloaded Gimp the other day, but some windows where missing when opening Gimp for the first time. Left toolbar and photo window, tried to look for i but nothing.
My layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
By default when we left click in AutoCAD and move the mouse, a selection window appears. Something went wrong in my system and now if I left click no selection window is appearing. For selection window to appear I have to drag the mouse instead of just moving it (which is the normal behavior).
When I open Illustrator CS6 on my Mac/10.7, there are two toolbars locked up top, which is fine. I want to dock my illustrator window to those like I can in InDesign. How do I do that?
ive had to reinstall photoshop after my pc crashed, now the problem i have is ive lost the second tool bar under the main one , the one that contains the redeye removal button (i still have the one on the left).
My submenus in the toolbar are missing. For example, when I click on the bandaid, I can only access the healing brush. I cannot see the spot healing tool or others.
All of a sudden when I go into sketch mode, I can no longer see a tool bar giving me the sketch tool options. The same is true for editing or creating a fill region.
"Why do my icons on a toolbar display as a cloud with a question mark " I have lost my Civil 3d icons whilst playing with new custom toolbars. The acad ones are there not lost!
1 Sure but where are the Autocad icons actually hidden?
2 Why did they get lost in the first place ? The cui does some odd things at times.
3 What is the right spot to add the path changing file support paths makes no difference. (includes reboots)
Other machines here are fine don't want the same problem with theirs when we add the new toolbars.
As an extra we run new workspaces to avoid this problem but the original Civil 3D workspace is corrupt maybe.
I am currently working in Autodesktop 2006 at the moment and have somehow misplaced my Express Tools "Layers" toolbar. I don't remember touching it, but it's now gone. I've toggled it on and off with no luck.
Edit: Never mind. I just reset the profile and dealt with it that way.
I only turned my back on my daughter for a moment; but before I knew it she had rearranged everything on my computer. I don't know how she managed it; now I don't have a "Draw" toolbar on the screen anymore! I don't know where it's gone, and I haven't got a clue how to get it back. I have right-clicked on the side of the screen and selected the ACAD tab etc. and the "Draw" option is ticked.
I just installed CS5.5 onto my mac and all of my programs work except for illustrator. Every time i open it up the toolbar on the left hand side is missing. How i can get it back so i can access those tools?
I am trying to use the crop tool but it appears to be missing from the toolbar on the left. I have Photoshop CS6 and I simply can't work out how to find the tool.
I was messing around in PSP X4 and somehow managed to mess up my toolbars. Specifically, the STANDARD toolbar now has no images. I've uploaded a screen capture to show you what that looks like.
Screen capture showing the missing icons on the standard toolbar. noicons.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 729 times
I lost the text window that is normally docked on the bottom of the AC screen. I searched and found that F2 brings it up, but I can't find how to have it permanently docked in the bottom left hand corner, where it normally resides. I'm using AutoCad 2002.
I'm running CD X5 on a windows 7 machine. I had a custom "my Toolbar" set up wit all my most used tools and now suddenly it's gone! It is turned on in the menu (checked). I have unchecked it and rechecked it to no avail. I have re-booted my machine and still nothing. why it's gone but I can't seem to get it back.
I was entitled to a free upgrade to CS4 which I have installed but I now have many problems in trying to get CS4 to run properly.
1. Sometimes CS4 will open but the toolbar with FILE, EDIT is missing
2. Mostly when I open CS4 IF I click on 'FILE' everything is greyed out apart from Import, Automate and scripts and CS4 hangs.
3. If I click on FILE to try and open a file that too is greyed out until I click on 'Clear open recent'
4. If I open a image and want to get rid of any blemishes with the spot healing brush I can select the tool, click on a spot and a nice splodge is left on the image but the tool does not clear the blemish until I click on a completely different tool. eg. Text or anything.
5. Using Unsharp mask As I move the 'Radius' Nothing happens for ages.
So I have absolutely no idea why this these things are happening.
My System is Windows Vista 4GB Ram (although CS4 only thinks I have just under 2GB
CPU Intel Dual core 2.2GHZ
Graphics card is a NVIDIA Geforce 7300 GT and last week I downloaded a new driver to
I have played with the cache and memory allocation, to no avail
I have downloaded ARCH 2011 (Student Version) several times and the Quick Access Toolbar does not appear above the ribbon. The ribbon tabs are also incomplete.
How do I activate the Q. A. Toolbar? And why are my ribbon tabs incomplete?
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
I have created a new pipe network in a drawing that contained previously created networks. When the Network Layout Toolbar came up the dropdown for pipes was empty. If select a start point a network structure is placed there but at that point it stops, it won't allow entry of a second point. Last week IT rebuilt my Windows profile.
I still want it to have its normal behavior while in a command, but when not in a command it still enters the selection mode, which does not work, but if it would enter a zoom window command, it might be a more useful command.
I have a problem wit Revit 2014 from BDS Premium. I don't have 3D default view icon in Quick Access Toolbar and I can not add it. I tried to right click on QAT and customize it but unfortunately 3D view is not in the list and it can't be added by righ clicking on the icon.
When using Lightroom 5's Adjustment Brush the toolbar under the image that contains "Edit Pins and Show Mask Overlay" is missing. I must have turned it off by mistake but how do I restore it ?.
Exporting my photo’s from iPhoto to the desk top and then importing to Photoshop Organizer 11, ALL photo’s show “Missing File” icon (?) in the top left corner when I eliminate photo’s from iPhoto. Why do I have to keep photo’s in iPhoto? Is there a workaround?
If I import iPhoto photo’s directly within Organizer I loose photo information.