"Why do my icons on a toolbar display as a cloud with a question mark " I have lost my Civil 3d icons whilst playing with new custom toolbars. The acad ones are there not lost!
1 Sure but where are the Autocad icons actually hidden?
2 Why did they get lost in the first place ? The cui does some odd things at times.
3 What is the right spot to add the path changing file support paths makes no difference. (includes reboots)
Other machines here are fine don't want the same problem with theirs when we add the new toolbars.
As an extra we run new workspaces to avoid this problem but the original Civil 3D workspace is corrupt maybe.
I was messing around in PSP X4 and somehow managed to mess up my toolbars. Specifically, the STANDARD toolbar now has no images. I've uploaded a screen capture to show you what that looks like.
Screen capture showing the missing icons on the standard toolbar. noicons.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 729 times
I'm having a display bug with the menu toolbar icons in Photoshop CS4 Extended. The icons don't show when mouse hovers over them and they don't show at all for the drop down menus. Can this be fixed?
I'm on WinXP, Athlon 64 4000+, 3GB ram, GeForce 6800 GT video card [driver 181.20]. I'm not sure if this is a video driver bug or CS4 bug.
I'm having a hard time viewing the tool icons and constantly have to squint and put my face on the screen to choose a tool! I'm using a PC in case that matters.
I have adobe photoshop elements 11. I am trying to figure out how to make the options bar and tool icons larger. I am straining my neck and eyes everytime I need to change tools, or change image size/resolution or save my image.
I am currently working in Autodesktop 2006 at the moment and have somehow misplaced my Express Tools "Layers" toolbar. I don't remember touching it, but it's now gone. I've toggled it on and off with no luck.
Edit: Never mind. I just reset the profile and dealt with it that way.
I only turned my back on my daughter for a moment; but before I knew it she had rearranged everything on my computer. I don't know how she managed it; now I don't have a "Draw" toolbar on the screen anymore! I don't know where it's gone, and I haven't got a clue how to get it back. I have right-clicked on the side of the screen and selected the ACAD tab etc. and the "Draw" option is ticked.
With 2011 I have noticed my DWG icons in explorer are displaying the generic icon and not the new DWG icon.I have gone through the Folder options and File Types tab to try to reassign it but no luck.
I have downloaded ARCH 2011 (Student Version) several times and the Quick Access Toolbar does not appear above the ribbon. The ribbon tabs are also incomplete.
How do I activate the Q. A. Toolbar? And why are my ribbon tabs incomplete?
I went to use my laptop with autocad LT 2012 which I do not use that much. When I lookd all the Icons on the tool bars are missing. The tabs still work but it is hard to figure out what they do. I have not changed any settings.
in this image, I am showing the Options dialog box of AutoCAD Architecture 2013. This was a typical installation, no customization at all, but several icons are missing, showing just a question mark instead.
I am missing the icons for the "ON/OFF", "FREEZE", and "LOCK" in the Layer Properties Manager in AutoCAD 2010. Recently upgraded computer to 64-bit and had to re-install 2010. Since then, it takes forever to reload the Properties Manager. Adding new layers, trying to turn layers on/off, freeze layers, etc. causes the Manager to reload. The file I am working with is only 75 kb, tiny in comparison to files I usually work with. My co-worker has a 64-bit and 2010 as well, and her Properties Manager is working just fine. Do I have to reload 2010?
I have created a new pipe network in a drawing that contained previously created networks. When the Network Layout Toolbar came up the dropdown for pipes was empty. If select a start point a network structure is placed there but at that point it stops, it won't allow entry of a second point. Last week IT rebuilt my Windows profile.
I thought I had a grasp of the CUI routine, but apparently not. I copied the Image panel from the "Insert" Ribbon tab in Task-based Geospatial, and got it where I wanted. The commands are there, but the images are not - just the infamous cloud with "?". I can go back into Task-based Geospatial workspace and the icons are there, but I can't figure out where they are being referenced. Are they embedded here somehow? In the CUI under both the main .cuix list of ribbon panels and those for the partial workspace for TASKBASEDRIBBON, the button images are not linked to anything, just the cloud with "?" It seems that I need to be able to copy the Image panel from the right side window (when Task-based Geospatial is set to current) over to the main .
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
LT 2014 Menu Buttons missing from top of Layer Properties Manager Window (see attachment).Works fine in LT 2013. What changed between the two versions that causes this?
Have installed inventor 2014 as part of the Product Design Suite Premium 2014 & have a few issues.
1). In sketch mode when drawing a line/circle etc there is usually a green dot in the centre of the crosshair, this is not vissible at all making it difficult (if not impossible) to see where the cursor is snapping to. The same happens in the drawing mode when dimensioning. I've checked the options but can't see anything obvious.
2). The icons in the 'Navigation Bar' are invisible, I've checked the opacity levels & irrespective of the setting they are still invisible. You can hover the mouse pointer over where they should be & they work, they're just not visible.
Also, the close, minimise & restore down icons in the top right corner are also invisible. Similar to the navigation bar issue, they work, they're just invisible.
Have tried uninstall & reinstall, & have downloaded & installed the update, but this doesn't solve these issues.
I just made myself another toolpalette, and the icons/images don't show up.Well, none of the icons/images show up except for the Junction Box (J with a circle around it.)I found that the Junction Box block is the only one that is NOT Annotative. All the other ones are ANNOTATIVE (as they should be.)
In Windows Explorer, it looks like images were saved for each new block I inserted into the toolpalette, but the images are blank except for the Junction Box of course. Is there a special way you have to put your Annotative blocks into a toolpalette so the icon/image shows up??
ive had to reinstall photoshop after my pc crashed, now the problem i have is ive lost the second tool bar under the main one , the one that contains the redeye removal button (i still have the one on the left).