I have downloaded ARCH 2011 (Student Version) several times and the Quick Access Toolbar does not appear above the ribbon. The ribbon tabs are also incomplete.
How do I activate the Q. A. Toolbar? And why are my ribbon tabs incomplete?
Recently I installed ACA2013 on a new Windows 8 64 proffesional laptop.
Installed ACA 2013 and the SP2.
But my quick access toolbar is completly white. If I stay over the toolbar the tips show up and when I click them they function. But I cannot see what I click on!
I already tried reinstalling ACA2013, but nothing works.
I have downloaded the trial 2014 version. How i go about turning on the ribbons at the top of the screen or the quick access toolbar? I have tried going through the CUI menu but I can't seem to get it to work .
I have a problem wit Revit 2014 from BDS Premium. I don't have 3D default view icon in Quick Access Toolbar and I can not add it. I tried to right click on QAT and customize it but unfortunately 3D view is not in the list and it can't be added by righ clicking on the icon.
Have a problem seeing my quick access toolbar, there seems to be a white shading over most of it, how I can get rid of shading ? Not a display problem with my screen as only happens in Autocad ! See the attached screenshot .
I already add in the Quick Access Toolbar the "Layer Combo Control" and the "Ribbon Combo Box - Linetypes"
I would like to add also "Ribbon Combo Box - Object Color" BUT it seems impossible...
I copy it from Panels - Home - Properties and put it into Quick access Toolbar, but it never shows up and worse when I go back to CUI it has dissappeared...
The only things that works is the "color" function.
Every time I try to use the CUI: create a new ribbon panel, create a new quick access toolbar, etc ACAD LT crashes and shuts down. When I reload ACAD LT the work spaces are gone.
I have a user who's QA Toolbar is so light it is hard to see. I have tried to adjust all of his settings and it still looks washed out like it is faded back. Like it does for the inactive icons but with all of them yet lighter...
I made my first installation of Autocad 2013 on this computer. Unfortunately the quick access toolbar appears whitened as you can see in the attached picture.
I added the Layer group (On / Off Freeze Lock / Unlock and Layer name) to the Quick Access Toolbar. I only see the first part name of the layer. Is there a way to stretch this part of the group in the QAT tool bar so I can see the more of the layer name? The partial name and layer color may be a sufficient clue as to the whole layer name over time. Would be nice to see the whole name until then.
We have a problem at work with buttons disappearing from the quick access toolbar.
I already looked around and it is being said that it is a bug, wich can be fixed with a service pack. I work in a big company, and they are refusing to do the service pack.
So the next best thing I can figure is to make a macro, wich will add all the macros I want to the quick access toolbar in assembly level, part level, sketch level and drawing level.
I am trying to add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar in Inventor 2013 Professional. The button shows up, but it is always at the end of the toolbar. I want it to appear befor the Open button.
Inventor Pro 2010, XP Pro SP3, Compaq nw9440 laptop with NVIDIA FX 1500 VIDEO. why tools added to Quick Access Toolbar will disappear. they were here yesterday, gone today. I've reset them to see if I can duplicate the problem.
I've been very dissapointed with the 'new file' dialog box in inventor 2013 as it takes far too long to open and navigate. I was wondering if there is a way to add a link to a few drawing template files either to the ribbon or the quick access tool bar so i can avoid using the 'new file' dialog box.
Instance 1. I have lost the Quick Access Toolbar located above the ribbon to the of the right of the application menu button. I can no longer save a drawing and no longer undo or redo any commands that I need to edit while creating a drawing.
Instance 2. I created a drawing saved it and then later came back to it. Went to Veiw tab then clicked the Tile Vertically button. My drawing on one half of the screen and a blank one on the other half. I X out of the screen and started the drawing once again and the drawing area is now labled Drawing1.dwg with a blue square border around the drawing area. With no split screen. I would like to get back to the original drawing area without the blue border going around it titled Drawing1.dwg. I was trying to use the move command to get my drawing into the empty space next to it.
On some computers I have a problem. The down arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar doesn't show. I checked that my interface is not lock too. So to customize the quick access toolbar I have to use the CUI.
I don't know if it's related, but my customize toolbar (from my partial menu) have to be displayed manually each time I start AutoCAD but not my custom tab in the ribbon.
I have an Inventor Pro 2013 SP1 user who does not have the Material pulldown displaying in the Quck Access Toolbar. When you hit the "down arrow" button it is not shown in the list of items to display.
I want to add the Measure (Distance) command to my quick access toolbar. When I right click on the Measure button the "Add to quick access toolbar" is grayed out in 2013.
Also why can't they make it so when I add something to the quick access toolbar stays added to all file types. I have to add it to .ipt, .iam, .dwg...
I've made a failed attempt to add the RIBBONCONTROL Named Views to the main Quick Access Toolbar. The Customize User Interface dialogue box (CUI) seems to allow me to drag the Named Views RIBBONCONTROL from the command list to Quick Access Toolbar 1. I don't see the "forbidden" icon and the blue insert bar shows up when I perform the drag operation.
However, I suspect there is some compatibility issue, because the command doesn't pop up when I release the mouse button at the end of the drag operation. Using command QUICKCUI and trying to drag Named Views RIBBONCONTROL directly to the Quick Access Toolbar (on screen) seems to be allowed likewise, but doesn't work also.
Using the regular View Manager Dialogue is not the kind of solution I'm looking for, because in the View Manager it takes at least twice as much mouse clicks to change to another view.
Any way to reach the desired customization? Should it be reported as a bug to Autodesk?
I have configured a client workspace with a customised quick access toolbar and I am using acaddoc.lsp to ensure it is loaded when ACAD is fired up, the problem is, despite forcing the GUI to change wksps by:
(command "wscurrent" "Autocad classic") (princ)
(command "wscurrent" "Barclays Net 2012") (princ)
I can see the swap happening but the quick access bar is missing. If I manually select the current wksp from the switching tool it appears I don't even need to change to a different wksp and on restart it remains visible, it is only occurring on first use.
AutoCad 2011. I am having no luck when trying to drag a command from the Command List pane to the Quick Access Toolbar. I have success draging to Tool Palettes
I am able to customize my quick access toolbar in Inventor 2014; however, when I close Inventor and re-open it again the quick access toolbar has been reset to what it was before. For example I will add "open from vault" and/or "iProperties" options to the QA toolbar but when I re-open Inventor I have to add them all over again.
I can't access all of my toolbar on the lhs of the editing mode of elements 11. It stops at the crop tool and I can't see or access what is below that. I am using Windows 7 on a Notepad.
I finally installed Revit 2012. The first order of business was customizing the QAT to include everything I regularly use, and appear below the ribbon.
However, everytime I close/reopen the program, it resets and loses everything. It was not an issue in 2011.