CorelDRAW X5 :: Continue To Receive Error Message When Trying To Print
Apr 20, 2012Continue to receive error message when trying to print. What is the problem? I have updated the latest Service Pack.
View 12 RepliesContinue to receive error message when trying to print. What is the problem? I have updated the latest Service Pack.
View 12 RepliesI`m trying to install Photoshop CS6.I receive an Error Message about previous version.How can i remove previous Data?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recieve an error message of 0xc000007b when i try to open Lightroom 4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI get the error message when I try and print. I do custom printing for clients. I've tried turning off my computer and re-starting it, but that didn't work. Do I need to un-install CS5, and then re-install?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting this message (/Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/Filter/ acOS/pdftopdf failed) when trying to print through the LR4 print module to my Epson 3880
I am running OSX 10.7.3 and have just downloaded and installed Epson driver v8.64.
I'm running Photoshop Elements 5.0. Everything was working fine til this mornin. I've had the program for about a year now. When I tried to open it this morning I got this error message that popped up.
It says:
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
I've tried repairing the program. That didn't work. Restarted my computer. That didn't work. Uninstalled the program and tried opening it again. That didn't work. I'm at a loss! I really need to get into my program b/c my work is there. I tried opening some of my files (they are located in my Pictures folder) and they pop up with the same message.
I am receiving error message 150:30 when I try to print a picture.
Says I must restart computer to fix problem but when I restart still get message.
This evening I switched on and tried to load PS2.
The following pop-up appeared.
'An error has been detected with a required application library and the product cannot continue. Please re install the application.'
I've deleted CS2 and re installed but with no success, just the same error.
For the last months, I haven't faced any problem to upload pictures from Lightrrom 4.3 to my Flickr account, but today I receive the following error message :
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just installed Photoshop CS2 on my new win VISTA HOME machine. There was no problems, I got a notification of a large update from ADOBE,
so I accpeted, shut down Photoshop, installed updates and then when I re-boot my machine and opened up Photoshop again, I got this error message. "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable"
I am receiving an error when I open photoshop cs5.1 [Adobe PS error]: Parameter is missing [shell:161]. I originally had Photoshop installed as a trial and just entered in the purchased license. I did not have this problem during the trail period.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs of yesterday I am unable to save templates. At first I thought it may be an error with the project that I was working on, but I've opened up old projects and tried to resave those as a new template and I receive an error.
If I create a new project and try to save it as a template, I also receive this error.
In working with slightly more complex curve shapes in CorelDraw X5, I'm discovering when using the contour option it results in an error ("Contour Offset too large"). This was not experienced in CorelDraw 9 at all. I'm experiencing this error with inside or outside contours, steps at 1, offset at 0.1. Reducing nodes eventually will allow the contour to be successful. However, it takes an extreme reduction of nodes which distorts the shape a lot.
View 15 Replies View RelatedHow to fix this error message in Windows XP service Pack 3?
It does not allow me to use my Corel 13 and causes problems in Corel 8.I've already unchecked the Install files for Asian languages, but to no avail.
I have been having some PDF problems today. Well, one has PDF problems nearly every day, but this one's different. Attempts to import/drag and drop a PDF file into CD are accompanied by this optimistic sounding non-error message:
I feel like I imported the same file yesterday no problem, but can't be sure.Â
As an attempt to fix this I have removed most other PDF related utilities, removed and reinstalled both CD and ghostscript, but no luck.
How to get the same result with this file:Â [URL] ......
I have just started getting this message when I am using X-5
The message say's CorelDraw has stopped working and then it has the following,
problem event name APPCRASH
I am using Corel Graphic Suite X3. I created one file of 330 MB. It contains text and images....
But now when i am opening this file it say "File contains Invalid Object" "IGNORE:ABORT:RETRY"..I chose every option but nothing seems to happen and corel draw gets hanged..I tried importing it..also i tried re installing it but nothing seem to work...
this file is very imp and i have to open it...Wht to do? Also any future precautions, if any?
And am i using the right version? Im mean is is because this is the lower version and i need 2 upgrade?
I came across an interesting problem. I was using PaintShop Pro to import a RAW image from my camera, then export as a TIF for use in CDGS X6. When I tried to import the file into CorelDRAW or PhotoPaint, I got an error message:
(X) Invalid compress data
I could see a thumbnail image in WIndows, and I could open the file in IrfanView. Re-saving the TIF from IrfanView allowed me to open it in CDGS.
I thought the problem was with PSP, and reported the issue to the product team, but then I tried exporting the same TIF from PhotoPaint (from the same RAW image file), and when I tried to re-open the TIF, I got the same error. So PhotoPaint could not read the TIF exported from... PhotoPaint!
Smaller files don't seem to be an issue, but my camera files are in the neighborhood of 5000x3000 pixels, and the TIF files weigh in at around 50MB.
In CorelDraw X5, I consistently at times receive an error message stating "File Copy Error. TEMP Drive or Output Drive may be full". My temp drives have all been emptied. How to overcome this error message?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy LR5 Print Module stops at "fonts" and doesn't continue to Print Job. What is wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne of the users in my office is getting the "AutoCAD cannot continue" error in AutoCAD Architecture 2012. I've read a few of the discussions concerning this issue in earlier versions.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot open my cs2 all of a sudden. I get an error message "error has been detected and activation cannot continue".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using PSE 9 and am running on a XP .
When I open the editor , I get an error message " unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. sorry but this error is unrecoverable "
MY photoshop was working fine up until a week ago. Then get gave me this error message. "Unable to continue because of hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable". The error pops up when photoshop is loading "building color convertion tables" or something to that effect. It is not the fonts becuase I have not installed any new fonts, have defraged my hardrive. I have used FontDoctor, and all my fonts are fine. The only thing that i did do is install the new directx june 2006, and the new NVIDIA drivers. I uninstalled my Nvidia drivers but problem still persists, please I am desparate for help, formating my hard drive is not an option. I have reset the prefs both via ctrl, atl and shift, and searching for the psp file and deleting it manually, same problem pops up. I installed Photoshop cs and I recieve the same error message. I can however run and use ImageReady.
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But when I try to use the Print Merge wizard, I get this error at the stage where I want to import the lost from an Excel sheet:
I have a Samsung Laser printer. THe passive USB hub went bad yesterday, and I re-installed teh printer drivers. Everything prints fine from my on-line E-mail, Microsoft Word, etc. However, when I attempt to print from Adobe Illustrator I get a "Print to file" WINDOW that comes up, I never got this before I don't want to print to file (!!!!). I want to print to the printer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSay I've drawn a few curves on a layer with the bézier tool, and I want to go back to some that I did earlier and add to them. I'm trying to do this and it won't let me; it wants to start a new line.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedIn Elements 9 I now get an error message "Cannot use Clone Stamp due to program error".
View 1 Replies View Related have encountered an error message on opening Lightroom 4Â using Windows 7 Pro 32 bit.
The message is saying - Error in reading preview cache.
I have a new box version of PantShop Photo Pro X3. Using the CD to install, I am getting a 1935 error message.
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