CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cannot Find Bezier Tool
Aug 26, 2011
I just started using CorelDraw X5 (previously used version 10 or 12) and I can't find the Bezier tool. When I watch tutorials it looks like it should be under my curve tools, but it definitely isn't. Do I have a setting turned off or something... or is this a glitch?
I have an existing X6 document which has a rectangle object with a Lens attached.
I did not create the document, so what sort of lens it is and what settings the lens has. I suspect it is a transparency lens.
I cannot find any way to locate the settings for this lens - so that I can reproduce and modify the lens settings. Where i can find the settings for the lens?
Is there a good (better?) way to find a local printer? I am just starting a desktop publishing business, part time, out of my home and I would like to find a good local printer in the Calgary, Alberta area. Do I just go thru the yellow pages and try my luck?
Why does the find and replace functionality have to be so sloppy to use? I have a customer that sends me cmyk drawings and I need them to be rgb. They also have lines that need to be changed to hairline from .25pt. It's frustrating how difficult this is to accomplish due to the sloppy interface that CD has had ever since I've been using it - since v12.
How hard would it be to allow you to change the palette, line width and colors on lines and outlines in one step? Right now it's multiple steps and don't forget once to change the target color palette or you'll convert everything back to cmyk...
I used the "find and replace text" and although my spelling was correct, it dindn't "find" it... But now the box wont go away and I cannot do ANYTHING on my page!!!
I just create a few objects in the symbol manager, now I want to send those contents I createt to a friend. But I cannot find my library/symbols folder in the Corel Draw folders.
Im new to X6 from version 9 so I'm pretty clueless (and I'm self taught at that). How do I turn off the "auto edge detect" or whatever its called? For example...When I'm drawing with the Bezier or freehand tool and I am trying to go in between a tight space its constantly wanting to got to one of the edges.
I have some 20 pages file and used 2 font in it. Now when I look in Text - Text Statistics it is showing 6 different fonts other then I have used. I try to look in object manager it is showing paragraph text with only one font. How to find out the fonts that is not used by me.
I've recently upgraded to Corel Draw X6 via download, however I can't find the additional specialized fonts, templates, etc which are supposed to come with it.
I use the bezier tool A LOT to create objects... and I've noticed that when I'm going from a curved line in an object to a straight line to complete the last line of the curve, I'll often lose that last node (it'll just disappear).
What I end up needing to do is place a node between the last node and the first (completion node) to allow that straight line to work properly... then I just go back and delete the unneeded node after the object has been closed.
I have this text on a notepad and I want to make the same design in Corel Draw X6.
I have a few question. Which is the font used there? I tried looking through all the fonts in Corel and noone was the same. Sites like Whatthefont won't answer me correctly because the letters have white line inside.
My second question is this: I need to make the same design, so the white line should be in the letters. How to make that? Is this a font property or do I need to make it by hand? If it isn't a font property, how can I make it?
I cannot find the default Placeholder Text Folder.In 'My Documents, I have 2 Corel folders:In the first one, it contains: Content X6.Inside of it, it contains 5 folders:1- Bitmap Patterns, 2- Image Lists, 3- Photo Frames, 4- Templates and 5- Vector Patterns.and there's no RTF Placeholder file.In the Second Corel folder, it contains: Corel Content.Inside of it, it contains 3 folders: 1- Bitmap Pattern, 2- Trays and 3- Vector Patterns. and there's no RTF Placeholder file.
I had the free trial of X5 and it expired. So, I paid for the download of X5 but I cannot find the icon in the drop down list? I may have deleted it at some point but there is nothing in the recycle bin.
I was able to use the capture tool..and I think i can show the list in question..but I am totally new to using capture. do I include in this message anything that I "captured"?
Looking for a nice script that can search a complex design with lots of linework and find all coinciding duplicates and select them all and delete them but leave (1) good copy.
Basically when I use Outline Pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator, then bring back into corel, sometimes get a lot of redundant objects. I already set the settings in Adobe Illustrator to minimize that as much as possible.
I have been unable to find a macro to perform elliptical fills, or for dynamically interactive fractal/"plasma" fills.
It would seem to me, that these could have already been written by any of the experienced macro programmers for CorelDraw. No interest, or are these sort of fills too difficult to programmatically implement through a macro?
I know my code below wont work, just putting here to hopefully explain more exactly what im trying to do
Sub FindbyFill() Dim sh As Shape dim findColor ActiveSlection.GetColor = findColor For Each sh In ActiveLayer.Shapes If sh.FillColor = findColor Then ActiveSlection + sh End If Next sh
My tool box specifically- the bar which lists commands like print or save--- is suddenly gone--- don't know how to get it back with no commands to call it up
I have been using CorelDraw X6 for a couple of days now (Trial version) on a Windows 7 v32 machine. I noticed a bug in the transformation tool (Alt F10). Every time that I input a number or value on the transformation box and then press enter on my keyboard it does not change the size of my object. The only way to make it work is inputting the value and then press the apply key (I had have no problems in the pass inputting values and then changing by pressing enter on my keyboard in CorelDraw X5 whatsoever.
when using contour tool (to inside of object) it defaults to the max allowed according to the setting, and grays out "number of steps", how do you change to say you want ONE contour at say .015"? X3 will allow this, but NOT the trial I am using of X5.
Just checking thru all the stuff that I never got around to using and stumbled across the Interactive Connector Tool (ICT). However, when I try to use it, I can only get one end of the connection to actually latch onto an object. To fix the other end to another object, I apparently would have to make it the active object so that I could connect to - or even see - the nodes. But when I tried selecting both objects, the 2nd (connect to) object lost focus on my selecting the node of the connect from object with the ICT. Each time I end up with a line that is fixed to a point on the background as the connect to point and the connect from object on the other end.
I'm using CD X5, (I own it, not the trial download) and the Effects/Add Perspective menu choice is greyed out. ! Not selectable. I select the photo I want to change persp but the option is not available. I did reset the interface by pressing F8 upon load and it did change to default but still no perspective option.
Win 7 home Premium 64bit
I should add that this is the Home - Student version. Should that be any different? Nothing else has been ... yet anyway!
OK Where is it? It is not in any of the tools listed, I have mine down the left side of the page. Do I need to go somewhere else and add the tool to the tool box?
The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work as well. Did I select something to turn off the tool?
I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.
Turn off snap to objects.Now select a dimension tool and draw either a vertical or horizontal dimension line.Now notice the snapping to objects is re-enabled.How can I stop this from happening without having to keep turning of snapping while in dimensioning mode?This looks like a glitch in X4 because I don't see this problem in X5.
When I try to draw an ellipse (or circle) and drag it on to my sheet, nothing happens. All of my other shape tools work as they should. What has happened. It worked originally.
Level Equalization was a tool that I used constantly in PhotoPaint 8. By version 10, it had disappeared for no obvious reason. It was a really vauable tool. Fortunately, I still have PhotoPaint 8 on the system, but it tends to introduce other problems, so I rarely go back to it. It would be handy to have that tool back. X3 has something called Local Equalization and another option called Histogram Equalization, neither of which seems to do anything useful.
In fact, both Histogram Equalization and Local Equalization thoroughly screw up any image that I test on them. I don't have a clue as to why they are even there, since they absolutely don't work, whereas the original Level Equalization worked really well.