CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Unable To Find Macro To Perform Elliptical Fills?
Aug 7, 2012
I have been unable to find a macro to perform elliptical fills, or for dynamically interactive fractal/"plasma" fills.
It would seem to me, that these could have already been written by any of the experienced macro programmers for CorelDraw. No interest, or are these sort of fills too difficult to programmatically implement through a macro?
why all-the-sudden this macro does not show up in the list of macros? I'm not sure if it is conflicting with something else and it's been happening off and on.
Is there a way by which i can create an elliptical shaped radial fill into any object in coreldraw x6? Currently coreldraw has similar fill tools like in adobe illustrator. Both support linear and radial fills, but adobe illustrator has a way by which the circular radial fill can be squeezed, and be given more of an elliptical radial fill shape.Cann we have some way by which we can squeeze the radial gradient fill into more of an elliptical shape in coreldraw? That fucntion greatly supports more natural looking radial fills into objects. Can it be possibly done without using mesh tools? i am attaching an adobe illustrator screenshot to point out what i am asking for.
X6 becomes very unstable when using fills with vector patterns. There is, for whatever reason, a lower limit for the size of the pattern (1 inch) that is way to high for most textures, so the only way to work around is to calculate the wanted size of the pattern tiles, enlarge the object accordingly, fill it, assign the size with object attribute and renormalize the size of the object. This used to work fine in prior versions, but X6.3 already crashed several times instantly or soon after the procedure at my site. This is not amusing.
Is there maybe another way to get past the silly one inch pattern size limit?
in Corel X6, some spot colors, either pantone,custom or others, after re-opening files, these colors appearas NO NAME, and the object assigned to them appear withno fills?It never happens with RGB or CMYK colors.
I am working as a graphic pre-press sublimation artist here in Australia. At the moment we are having issues with fades not looking good when we print them using the Onyx 10 program. We get magenta lines running though our fades, predominantly when we fade from royal to white. However! when we print using onyx 7 the fades work fine. It is not viable for us to use onyx 7 for all jobs as the colours lose a lot of vibrancy.
Where can I find the default full-color pattern fills in CDX6? I don't see a folder for Patterns in the Corel file in programs. I see a Patterns folder in CDX5 but it doesn't have the default pattern I need. I need to change the color. I noticed that custom made patterns go into My Documents/Core/Vector Patterns.
For some reason I am having issues converting a CDR file to PDF which contains objects/text with fountain fills.
I have looked at some previous posts detailing the same problem, have followed their remedies, i.e. "render complex fills as bitmaps" in the advanced tab in the PDF conversion pane. Despite these best efforts I am still having the problem of my black background; fixed in the "page layout" tab being corrupted, resulting in the background being the fountain fill once converted.
If it´s possible to import vector graphic with fountain fills from AI (adobe illustrator) to CorelDraw x6 for further editing.
if i export from AI to eps or ai, and import to x6 the graphic with fountain fills becomes raster, if i export to pdf, the graphic is almost okay, but not as i wish to.
I have purchased some clipart where the artist used Adobe Illustrator and it contained extensive Mesh Fills. The artist sent me the same artwork in pdf & eps but I am unable to open any of them with X5. Apparently it is a function of the mesh fills?
I have tried to use the Macro recorder to record the keystrokes as I get the dimensions from the top of the rectangle to each line of text & from the edge of the triangle to each line of text. Unfortunately the recorder could not record.
Is it possible to design a macro which can be used to get the dimensions as required ?
Is there maybe a macro for styles (either text or graphics) that
1. connects objects assigned with a style, to that style LIVE? eg, altering the style properties, automatically all objects assigned with that style will adopt those changes too,
2. offers LOT more configuration options than the current default CorelDraw styles options
Using the code from "MakeMeACircle" macro. How can I modify it to "InserCircle"? I have it working now but only if the shape is square and aligned to the bottom left of the page. If I move the square anywhere else and run the macro the "Ellipse" is created outside the square and is "squished" instead of a perfect circle.
Who knows maybe there's a macro that already exists to insert a circle inside any shape?
Sub InsertCircle() Dim sr As New ShapeRange Dim x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double Dim dLeeway As Double ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch If ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub sr.Add ActiveSelection.Group sr(1).GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h 'adjust this property ####################################### dLeeway = 0# 'distance to sides 'adjust this property ####################################### sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(x - dLeeway, y - dLeeway, w + dLeeway * 2, h + dLeeway * 2) With sr(2): .OrderBackOne: .Fill.ApplyNoFill: End With sr.Shapes.All.Ungroup End Sub
I have been upgrading to X6 from X5. I wanted to install a CorelDRAW macro called "Function Plotter", written by Alex Vakulenko, into X6. When upgrading from X4 to X5 I just manually placed a certain file (Plotter14.gms) into the Draw GMS folder in the program directory. Then back in CorelDRAW X5 I choose Tools > Options > Customization > Commands in order to place an icon in the toolbar, making access to the macro. It worked back then. However when I try the same procedure in X6 it doesn't work. I can see the file under "Commands" and place an icon, but nothing happens when I press the button. Maybe it has something to do with 64 bit, which from what I can see in this Forum causes a lot of trouble (scanner drivers, plugins, etc)?
This macro is extremely important for me. I have tried contacting Alex, but with no success so far. In the meanwhile I need to install X5 again..
I'm writing a macro that will take a .cdr file, import it, and then do something with it. When I first run the macro, I would like an "open file" browser to pop-up so that the user may navigate and specify which .cdr file to import.
Most imported designs are 100%. I'd like a code that at a push of a button reduced to 10% or any other setting i can change it to. Reason being, we all use different scale modes and sometimes artwork is huge. I need to shrink it down.
Is this possible w/o manually typing in the values?
I use the supplied macro in X5 to convert CDR to EPS which works fine for me, but my only problem is sometimes fonts default since some of those CDR files are not created on the same PC I use the macro.
Is there anyway to get the Font Matching dialog box displayed, so that I subsituute to a font of my choice rather then it use other fonts?
I am just newly figuring out that I can complete repetitive tasks by recording a macro, simple right? I am trying to power clip an imported image into a shape via macro but it is not working.. I am getting Run-Time error's... Parameter Index is out of range.
I have one "shape" and 25 different car logo's I am needing to power clip the logo inside the shape with the click of the "macro" and it is just NOT WORKING! I understand that I can complete the task at hand by simply creating 25 bitmaps, one with each logo then simply importing that into my document, but I need to figure this Macro for this out because it will become more complex and time consuming as time goes on and I add more logos and different shapes in which I need to power clip them into. I simply understand that I can hit the "RECORD" button, do what needs done and then hit stop.. then of course do this again later by playing the macro.
How to reposition where this macro launches? With X5 it launches itself on the left about two thirds of the way down the screen which is fine but with X6 it launches itself almost top left and won't remember its position if it is dragged. It's not possible to edit the code.
Does the following macro works with symbols of Coreldraw X5? I mean the symbols/clone feature, where you can duplicate same objects and when you change one automatically the others changes as well. But this is not the traditional clone option of corel draw. URL.....
Any good macro for adding the date and the file name to a page? i've had a hunt on the net but haven't found anything that works with X3, even tried Oberonpalce.
a tip for solving the problem of exporting an image as a tif led to another question. One solution to export as tif was to create a macro. See that solution post here: [URL] .......
It says : Step 1Run the built in macro. (Tools > Macros > Run Macro). In CorelDRAW versions prior to X4 (Tools > Visual Basic > Play). Select ‘File Converter’ macro from the ‘Macros in’ list and click ‘Run’
However in my macros drop down there are no macros. how can I get a file converter macro?
I have a need for a macro that I am thinking would be pretty easy to create... I need a macro to cycle through all objects on a page and IF it finds an object that is LARGER than 13" wide, it will unproportionaly size each object to exactly 13" wide (leaving the height of the object alone.) and then after all of the scaling/sizing is complete then to select all objects and right align them (Like when you select all objects and hit the letter R key.
We have certain registration marks that we use on our designs before we print to vellum. How to be able to write a macro that could do the following? I've attached an example image of where we place the registration marks and am also attaching the actual registration mark CDR file. I'm assuming this would probably be rather simple...
We'd like this registration mark to be centered to the image and placed on the top and bottom of the image at .25 inches away from the image itself. So, I would think the macro would have to select the entire image on the page, then decide where .25 inches is away from the top and bottom of the image and place the registration mark, centered in that area.
And in the 157 page Macro PDF (really, did it need to be this long? How about an easy-command sheet), it says you can use the key command Ctrl+Shift+R to start recording... Well, that brings up the ruler.
I use Macros a lot in Excel (I record the commands that I want, then tweak in the editor), so I get how they are supposed to work - but I'm no programmer, and without the ability to record, I'm completely handcuffed. This really shouldn't be 1% as difficult as it has been