I am working as a graphic pre-press sublimation artist here in Australia. At the moment we are having issues with fades not looking good when we print them using the Onyx 10 program. We get magenta lines running though our fades, predominantly when we fade from royal to white. However! when we print using onyx 7 the fades work fine. It is not viable for us to use onyx 7 for all jobs as the colours lose a lot of vibrancy.
For some reason I am having issues converting a CDR file to PDF which contains objects/text with fountain fills.
I have looked at some previous posts detailing the same problem, have followed their remedies, i.e. "render complex fills as bitmaps" in the advanced tab in the PDF conversion pane. Despite these best efforts I am still having the problem of my black background; fixed in the "page layout" tab being corrupted, resulting in the background being the fountain fill once converted.
If it´s possible to import vector graphic with fountain fills from AI (adobe illustrator) to CorelDraw x6 for further editing.
if i export from AI to eps or ai, and import to x6 the graphic with fountain fills becomes raster, if i export to pdf, the graphic is almost okay, but not as i wish to.
I know there is not a way to change shape of founrain fill directly. But is there any other way for make this? Attached gif video from Adobe Illustrator Gradient Tool.
Is there a way in X6 to invert fountain fill values? I have a design that is separated into three spot colors...a black, a red, and a white. I need to take everything that's black and invert all the values. So for example....where it is 100% black , I need it to be 0% and where it is 40%, I need it to be 60. The design has several fades and I need to maintain those, but invert them.
I've tried the Invert tool....but it's not doing what I need it to do. Also note, that the white channel on this design, does not hold all the white info....as some of it is just a low percentage of black.
Here's the design I'm working with, and a screenshot of the channel I need to invert as well.
Is there a way to be able to set the position of fountain fill to more than 100? Wasn't this possible in previous versions of Corel Draw?Anyways, I want to achieve the result as shown below. The logical way would be to set position to more than 100, and than to adjust the gradient colors manually to get the look with less curved arch as in gradient on the left side. I think it is obvious why this is very important. I know that there are multiple other ways to achieve this, as you can see that I did (converting to bitmap and crop in this situation in this case), but these are all limited workarounds, and the only "clean" way to do this is as I described.is possible to adjust the gradient in toolbar to more than 100 by mouse dragging it, but it doesn't apply to the object.
Using the Fountain Fill, is there any way to include the lightest shade in the center of the darker shade so as to give a curved effect to a rectangle?
In one of my print job there is a Box with Fountain fill from blue to gray colour in conical form and also have a power clip contents.
In the first lot we had got no problem in getting correct image reproduction as per our original file thought an EPS.
But later on in second lot after some amendments to this drawing file which later exported to an EPS for CtP service bureau we had got problem in vignette / conical fountain production in grays at its peak tone. There is one conical fountain step is missing leaving the background in up front. It ruined up the whole 2nd print lot. The CtP provider didn't responded properly in this regard.
As we are assured of our testing through importing the EPS to CorelDraw, we changed the CtP service provider in the next lot to avoid any unknown RIP issues. But through CtP plates we have faced the similar problem as seen in the second lot and the job has also been printed which means we have got ruined the 3rd lot completely.
We have also supplied the JPG image preview file to facilitate the CtP service bureau, along with the EPS. They replied the problem is neither easily visible on the RIP preview nor the EPS file shown any issues.
I'm thinking that once the perspective tool is enable the starting/ending coordinates of the fountain fill should lock relative to the shape. What ya think?
As a work around you can position the to be perspective guide shape so the starting/ending coordinates of the fountain fill at least fall close?
X6 becomes very unstable when using fills with vector patterns. There is, for whatever reason, a lower limit for the size of the pattern (1 inch) that is way to high for most textures, so the only way to work around is to calculate the wanted size of the pattern tiles, enlarge the object accordingly, fill it, assign the size with object attribute and renormalize the size of the object. This used to work fine in prior versions, but X6.3 already crashed several times instantly or soon after the procedure at my site. This is not amusing.
Is there maybe another way to get past the silly one inch pattern size limit?
in Corel X6, some spot colors, either pantone,custom or others, after re-opening files, these colors appearas NO NAME, and the object assigned to them appear withno fills?It never happens with RGB or CMYK colors.
Where can I find the default full-color pattern fills in CDX6? I don't see a folder for Patterns in the Corel file in programs. I see a Patterns folder in CDX5 but it doesn't have the default pattern I need. I need to change the color. I noticed that custom made patterns go into My Documents/Core/Vector Patterns.
I have been unable to find a macro to perform elliptical fills, or for dynamically interactive fractal/"plasma" fills.
It would seem to me, that these could have already been written by any of the experienced macro programmers for CorelDraw. No interest, or are these sort of fills too difficult to programmatically implement through a macro?
I have purchased some clipart where the artist used Adobe Illustrator and it contained extensive Mesh Fills. The artist sent me the same artwork in pdf & eps but I am unable to open any of them with X5. Apparently it is a function of the mesh fills?
I saved up for several months to buy a full version to replace my student version, however now I have the full version it seems to lack a feature that is vital to the work I am creating.
in student I can right click add node to existing line and right click add a second node to the same line then right click anywhere on the segment and right click delete.......... I can't do this in the full version as delete is grayed out.
I have to repeat step one and two and then right click on each new node and break apart THEN zoom in so I can see the node close up and click on it to delete the segment.....could this really be correct? I have saved and waited so long to get the full version and now it will take me 5 steps to do what only took 3 in the student version....I need this to be simple as this is what I do all day so I can create designs to be laser cut... I need a method to delete segments so I can join others in very very complex organic shapes.
How do you get rid of a lens effect? I've looked throughout the program and cannot find how to get rid of the stupid lens. I want the object to be solid.
I recently had to buy a new computer and re-install CorelDraw X5. I've been using the software for about 3 years now to run a laser engraver, so I'm not new to dealing with vectors. For some reason though when I draw something like a square, click "convert to curves", then right click the segment I was to delete, the delete option is grayed out and the only thing I can do is add a node. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's a setting somewhere they didn't get checked off when I installed the software.
A customer brought me some DWG plans, five files' worth. He wants pricing on cutting it out of wood. The cutting part won't take long, but fixing the file will. I could see that there were multiple lines because some lines were thicker.When I select one of the thicker lines and delete it, it's gone. So I knew there wasn't a second line below it. Then I tried Ctrl-K, to break apart the curve. Wow, some of the lines had 23 copies! So I would hold Ctrl, de-select one of the lines, then hit the Delete key to erase the other 22. This will take a lot of time to clean up like this. Do you know of an easier way to remove these excess curves?
I've playing around trying to write a macro that with the click of one button will remove all my guidelines, not hide them, delete them. I can't seem to make it work.
I use everything keep them into the powerlclip and i have selected some of the powerclips and wanted to delete all the inside elements only. How to delete all the contents in the powerclip at once despite of going inside and deleting one after the other.
With the code below, I can delete off-page objects...as long as they are assigned the Desktop layer. If there is no object on that layer, I want a warning box to pop up stating so. How can I do this? I imagine that I'll need If then statement something like 'If .....objects on layer Desktop <0 then pop up warning message box, end if.
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroupActiveDocument.MasterPage.DesktopLayer.Shapes.All.Delete ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroupEnd Sub
What is the solution of fountain fill problem. Some time we we apply fountain fill in drawing object and rotate it. When second day or after some time we reopen the file all fountain fill rotated why???