What is the solution of fountain fill problem. Some time we we apply fountain fill in drawing object and rotate it. When second day or after some time we reopen the file all fountain fill rotated why???
Here's the issue I get with my laser printer dialog box:
One or more fountain fills may show banding
Suggestions: The following actions can eliminate banding:
Reduce the length of the fountain fill Increase the number of fountain steps Increase the range of color in the fill Output to a higher resolution Output using a lower screen frequency Break apart the fill into two or more objects
I know there is not a way to change shape of founrain fill directly. But is there any other way for make this? Attached gif video from Adobe Illustrator Gradient Tool.
Is there a way in X6 to invert fountain fill values? I have a design that is separated into three spot colors...a black, a red, and a white. I need to take everything that's black and invert all the values. So for example....where it is 100% black , I need it to be 0% and where it is 40%, I need it to be 60. The design has several fades and I need to maintain those, but invert them.
I've tried the Invert tool....but it's not doing what I need it to do. Also note, that the white channel on this design, does not hold all the white info....as some of it is just a low percentage of black.
Here's the design I'm working with, and a screenshot of the channel I need to invert as well.
In previous versions of CorelDraw, I could set the default color palette for the fountain fill. But in X6 it doesn't seem to hold. Especially for the second color. It keeps going back to CMYK (even when color management is set to RGB) and when I click on palettes in the fountain fill box, it defaults to Pantone, so that I must click through many options to get back to my palette.
Is there a way to be able to set the position of fountain fill to more than 100? Wasn't this possible in previous versions of Corel Draw?Anyways, I want to achieve the result as shown below. The logical way would be to set position to more than 100, and than to adjust the gradient colors manually to get the look with less curved arch as in gradient on the left side. I think it is obvious why this is very important. I know that there are multiple other ways to achieve this, as you can see that I did (converting to bitmap and crop in this situation in this case), but these are all limited workarounds, and the only "clean" way to do this is as I described.is possible to adjust the gradient in toolbar to more than 100 by mouse dragging it, but it doesn't apply to the object.
Using the Fountain Fill, is there any way to include the lightest shade in the center of the darker shade so as to give a curved effect to a rectangle?
In one of my print job there is a Box with Fountain fill from blue to gray colour in conical form and also have a power clip contents.
In the first lot we had got no problem in getting correct image reproduction as per our original file thought an EPS.
But later on in second lot after some amendments to this drawing file which later exported to an EPS for CtP service bureau we had got problem in vignette / conical fountain production in grays at its peak tone. There is one conical fountain step is missing leaving the background in up front. It ruined up the whole 2nd print lot. The CtP provider didn't responded properly in this regard.
As we are assured of our testing through importing the EPS to CorelDraw, we changed the CtP service provider in the next lot to avoid any unknown RIP issues. But through CtP plates we have faced the similar problem as seen in the second lot and the job has also been printed which means we have got ruined the 3rd lot completely.
We have also supplied the JPG image preview file to facilitate the CtP service bureau, along with the EPS. They replied the problem is neither easily visible on the RIP preview nor the EPS file shown any issues.
I am able to print the document without the gradient/fountain fill. I have been trying to print an image with gradient/fountain fill and the gradient image will not print...
I'm thinking that once the perspective tool is enable the starting/ending coordinates of the fountain fill should lock relative to the shape. What ya think?
As a work around you can position the to be perspective guide shape so the starting/ending coordinates of the fountain fill at least fall close?
I am working as a graphic pre-press sublimation artist here in Australia. At the moment we are having issues with fades not looking good when we print them using the Onyx 10 program. We get magenta lines running though our fades, predominantly when we fade from royal to white. However! when we print using onyx 7 the fades work fine. It is not viable for us to use onyx 7 for all jobs as the colours lose a lot of vibrancy.
For some reason I am having issues converting a CDR file to PDF which contains objects/text with fountain fills.
I have looked at some previous posts detailing the same problem, have followed their remedies, i.e. "render complex fills as bitmaps" in the advanced tab in the PDF conversion pane. Despite these best efforts I am still having the problem of my black background; fixed in the "page layout" tab being corrupted, resulting in the background being the fountain fill once converted.
If it´s possible to import vector graphic with fountain fills from AI (adobe illustrator) to CorelDraw x6 for further editing.
if i export from AI to eps or ai, and import to x6 the graphic with fountain fills becomes raster, if i export to pdf, the graphic is almost okay, but not as i wish to.
I am a CorelDraw rookie with a deadline and I am stuck. The problem is this: I have a lot of texts and at times there are objects that should come within the text. So I put it there nicely but when I delete or add something in the text, the object does not follow the text so it all gets in a mess. Is there any way to lock an object to a certain point in the text, so when the text changes the object follows? Does it make sense?
Can I assign a hot key/combo to lock, and/or unlock objects? When you right click on an object, the LOCK command shows an underline beneath the "L" indicating that this is possible, but I cannot figure out the magic combo.
currently on trial with X5 (on jobsite)...registered user of X3...is there a way to "lock" pen weight and color with each layer? doing tech Illustration, would be useful to maintain line weights used between layers.
I am a C# developer and not very familiar with coreldraw(when using with c#). My problem is that i am programmatically importing image on a curve using the following C# code.
d.ActiveLayer.Import(imgpath);// image path is path of the cdr file
var v = d.ActiveShape; v.SizeHeight = 20.00; v.SizeWidth = 15.00; v.AddToPowerClip(s);
Now when i run this code the image gets placed into the curve bit it gets stretched vertically means the face of a student(that comes from imagepath) get stretched vertically..When i do this Manually with scaling and sizing ratio locked it gets properly inserted in curve....
Is it possible to lock a text box to prevent it from moving but still be able to input & edit text?I want to make a drawing template in CorelDraw x6 using text boxes for "non Corel friendly" people to use but need the actual text boxes to stay in the same place all the time!?
The geological community has recently standardized fill patterns that we use for geologic maps and illustrations. The U.S. Geological Survey has put out .eps files that can be used to create a swatch library in Adobe Illustrator (see Section 37 at [URL]). find a way to import these .eps patterns so that I can use them to fill objects created in CorelDRAW.
I've been trying to fill the white area inside this curve and can't figure out how to do it. I read on a different thread that maybe the nodes weren't joined but I have checked each one of them and they are joined.
What I want is to be able to select that curve by clicking on the white area (like I do with the other ones) and then fill it with colour.
By the way, this is the first curve I have created, the other curves in the design weren't made by me. I really want to modify this particular area on the design.
I just started using corel x5 and EVERY time I put an outline on an object, (always 9 points thick) the next time I re-poen the file it says I have an invalid fill id and it makes my outline hairline thin and the default stroke color.
What I'm wanting to do is be able to draw a vector object and use it as a pattern fill.
I need to be able to node edit the created pattern. I'd also like (the option) to be able to scale the destination object, and the pattern scales with it.
I figure it be much easier to use/create a fill pattern then duplicate all day long. Now (as example) there is the built-in "Star Shapes" pattern which is a black filled star.
I need to be able to change that to a a red hairline stroke, no fill pattern as example.
I am very new to Corel Draw x5 and am having difficulties using a full color patter fill for text. Everything looks good until I actually fill the text outline with a vector pattern. At that point the edges of my pattern become jagged, and as yet, I haven't been able to figure out how to smooth things out again.