CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Using Simple Macro To PowerClip
Nov 26, 2012
I am just newly figuring out that I can complete repetitive tasks by recording a macro, simple right? I am trying to power clip an imported image into a shape via macro but it is not working.. I am getting Run-Time error's... Parameter Index is out of range.
I have one "shape" and 25 different car logo's I am needing to power clip the logo inside the shape with the click of the "macro" and it is just NOT WORKING! I understand that I can complete the task at hand by simply creating 25 bitmaps, one with each logo then simply importing that into my document, but I need to figure this Macro for this out because it will become more complex and time consuming as time goes on and I add more logos and different shapes in which I need to power clip them into. I simply understand that I can hit the "RECORD" button, do what needs done and then hit stop.. then of course do this again later by playing the macro.
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Nov 14, 2013
I am using X4 for use in my dye sublimation business. I have an image that was provided to me from my customer. I created a template in Coreldraw, sized the photo to fit and power clipped it into the template. I than created the text the customer wanted and placed it over the image. I than grouped everything together and printed the image. When it prints, the only thing that prints is the template border and the text. I than took the same template and text and power clipped a completely different image into it. Sent it to the printer and voila, no problem.
The image the customer sent to me is a .jpg image. I don't understand why it won't print. Is it possible there is some sort of code or something within the image that is preventing it from printing ? It sounds far fetched to me but I had to ask. If I export the completed image as seen on the screen to a Jpeg and view it on the screen, the powerclipped background is there.
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Jun 10, 2012
With X6 if I extract the contents an object still shows up as a Powerclip. How can I get X6 to stop treating it as a powerclip?
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May 4, 2011
why there are some shortcuts by some commands displayed by default but you have any shortcuts by powerclip?
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Apr 6, 2012
When you extract everything from a powerclip, the object that was the powerclip retains it's powerclip state. The biggest problem is when it no longer has any contents, that big X appears across the object to show that it's an empty powerclip. OK, I can deal with that or ignore it, but the problem is, the thing acts like it's part of the object as far as printing goes, and that I can't have. This can't be the way it was originally intended to work? Shouldn't it be just an on-screen indicator, and not a physical part of the object now? I know I can revert the object back to a "normal" object, but it seems to be just another useless step that shouldn't be needed.
What I'd like to see is an option that when a powerclip no longer has any objects inside, it automatically reverts to a normal object like in previous versions of Draw. Of course, it's too late now, that will never happen. If anything, it should be possible to have the empty powerclip X indicator be changed over to a "phantom" object that is only shown on screen and doesn't exist in any other way so that it doesn't print or otherwise effect the drawing.
Great, it shows up in PDFs too. Looks like I'll have to get used to hitting that "No Frame" button every time I hit the "Extract Contents" button. Or maybe I'll write a macro to do both and link it to a toolbar button. Reminds me of a post I made about Corel Script in version 6 (yes, six, not sixteen) where it allowed us to write our own "feature" fixes when options were removed for no good reason.
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Sep 9, 2011
Is there a way to resize a powerclip container that keeps the contents at its original size - so you can view more or less of the contents simply by changing the shape of the container?
(Rather than editing the contents or extracting the contents and then resizing the container).
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Mar 28, 2012
Is this possible to hide the ghost display which is not in x5. This is confuses me often.
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Nov 15, 2011
Problem as we have with CD X5 when trying to crop a PowerClip Object with another object?
When we try to crop a PowerClip object with a rectangle or any other shape X5 just crashes.
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Apr 27, 2012
I am creating a CMYK document. After converting a reference photo to CMYK I imported it into my DRAW file. I will use that to pick colors.
The problem: the eyedropper tools work correctly capturing CMYK colors as long as it is not in a powerclip. If I place that image in a powerclip the eyedropper tool only sees RGB.
Is there a setting somewhere that I need to make or am I stuck just working outside of the Powerclip? I have plenty of alternative ways to workaround this issue, just didn't know if this was a bug or something.
CORRECTION: It's not the Powerclip at all. It has to do with whether or not I have the layer locked. Unlocked = CMYK, locked=RGB. ?
Also, changing the Edit Across Layers setting seems to be a problem as well.
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Sep 10, 2013
Is there any solution, as powerclip is consuming much time to come out of.... and also note that it is having many objects inside the powerclip. It should not act like a normal object, consumes much memory and time
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Aug 17, 2012
I found a bug on X6 and not sure if it was there before the update. I have a Power Clip frame that contains 2 images.
The one to the right is smaller than the frame while the one on the left is much bigger and there is a blank space between them. When I export the image to a PSD file the bigger image inside the frame wraps around and a portion is displayed on the right.
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Jul 26, 2013
I'm having an issue with PowerClip I never used to have in X3 (the last version I was able to afford).Basically, some small details in a graphic keep getting irreversibly lost due to PowerClip... I'm tracing over a drawing I scanned, and placing small details inside larger objects to keep my workspace clean. What's going on is, as I get to work on, say adding blends and gradients to a different part of my graphic, the next time I zoom out I notice the details I placed inside a container I wasn't currently working on are suddenly gone; They're not in the wireframe view for either the full image or within the container, and have simply vanished from the container, as though I never even made them. I make sure outlines are always converted to objects before I put them in a container, but I can't imagine it matters..PowerClip is one of my most-used tools and it'll really limit my abilities if I can't rely on it.
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Apr 19, 2012
I just upgraded to X6 (32bit on vista). I use the powerclip feature a lot and have noticed that when I open a graphic I put together in a previous version (usually X5), if I have an object that has a powerclip and I extract the contents and delete them just to leave the original shape (that was the container). That shape that's left has an 'X' across it that I can't get rid of? I can even see it in the wireframe view. I tried the virtual segment delete tool to try to eliminate the lines but it didn't seem to do anything.
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Mar 14, 2012
How to create a text effect like below?
It seems like a combination of fountain fill and powerclip?
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Apr 2, 2013
When I have a raster image power clipped into a vector frame and I attempt to trim that power clipped image. Corel locks up.
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Apr 8, 2011
I have created a heart object. When I powerclip an object inside the heart, I would like the object to be faded around the edges of the heart. I might want the edges of the graphic to be unevenly faded or feathered (I hope these are the correct terms). I also want to do this with an oval I created.
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Feb 29, 2012
is there a way to centre or align some content of a power clip after it had been dropped in without extracting the whole content and putting it back in ? Like using align and distribute but that seams not to include a relationship to the clip container.
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Nov 29, 2013
So I powerclip a duplicate of a background image into a text, and would like to create a bevel effect on the text, like this..But I couldn't find out how to do it.When I choose the text with the powerclip image, the bevel tool is grey out so I can't apply the bevel effect.
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Oct 8, 2012
My power clip has stopped working, seems like it works, but never shows the finished image!
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Jul 1, 2011
I use everything keep them into the powerlclip and i have selected some of the powerclips and wanted to delete all the inside elements only. How to delete all the contents in the powerclip at once despite of going inside and deleting one after the other.
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Jul 15, 2013
I'm working on the cover and editorial pages of a large publication and used CorelDRAW X6. Converted the pages to PDF and sent to press folks who use Kodak Insite to put the publication to press. They noticed on the CMY channels a white "X" strangely going from corner to corner on the pages. They eliminated it on their end before going to press. Initially, the proofing pages had all content within the bleeds powerclipped to 8.5x11 and then the pages contents were extracted to create bleeds, which left the dreaded "X" behind. I've been in the biz for 30 years and using Corel exclusively since it's inception (10,000's of hours with DRAW) I understand this is the way X6 treats powerclips now and I can select "none" in the context menu to eliminate the "X"... but who da thunk it would show up in a press file!?
I'll go to wireframe mode and proof pages from now on..If I say I don't want a powerclip anymore, I don't want to jump through hoops (or a handful of mouse clicks) to remove it. Any word on this being altered in future updates/versions?
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Mar 19, 2011
How to scale the powerclip main object without squeezing the powerclip content ?
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Apr 10, 2011
I have tried to use the Macro recorder to record the keystrokes as I get the dimensions from the top of the rectangle to each line of text & from the edge of the triangle to each line of text. Unfortunately the recorder could not record.
Is it possible to design a macro which can be used to get the dimensions as required ?
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Jul 19, 2011
Is there maybe a macro for styles (either text or graphics) that
1. connects objects assigned with a style, to that style LIVE? eg, altering the style properties, automatically all objects assigned with that style will adopt those changes too,
2. offers LOT more configuration options than the current default CorelDraw styles options
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Jun 8, 2012
I can intersect two letters, but the top letter crosses the bottom letter twice: the first instance needs to be over, and the second instance needs to be under. Have tried everything but cannot get it the way I need it.
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Apr 19, 2010
I have been using Corel since V3. I recently started using X5 instead of V11 for my daily tasks. Overalll when it stays running all works great. But I have had multiple instances of the application just closing without warning on very simple tasks like editing text, moving text, trying to select a drop shadow and moving around toolbar. This instability scares me. One time it close unexpectely it corrupted the file too. I am used to the once in a while crash but this happened multiple times in a couple of days. When you reopen the same file and do the same tasks again no crash.
My machine 2.8ghz 4mb ram XP Pro SP3.
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May 30, 2012
i downloaded the macro at [URL] but can't run it in x6. how can i do that?
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM
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Dec 12, 2013
Is it possible to create a macro that would take an image made up of multiple objects and separate each object on a new page?
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Jul 26, 2013
Using the code from "MakeMeACircle" macro. How can I modify it to "InserCircle"? I have it working now but only if the shape is square and aligned to the bottom left of the page. If I move the square anywhere else and run the macro the "Ellipse" is created outside the square and is "squished" instead of a perfect circle.
Who knows maybe there's a macro that already exists to insert a circle inside any shape?
Sub InsertCircle()
Dim sr As New ShapeRange Dim x As Double, y As Double, w As Double, h As Double Dim dLeeway As Double ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch If ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub sr.Add ActiveSelection.Group sr(1).GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h 'adjust this property ####################################### dLeeway = 0# 'distance to sides 'adjust this property ####################################### sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(x - dLeeway, y - dLeeway, w + dLeeway * 2, h + dLeeway * 2) With sr(2): .OrderBackOne: .Fill.ApplyNoFill: End With sr.Shapes.All.Ungroup
End Sub
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Apr 6, 2012
I have been upgrading to X6 from X5. I wanted to install a CorelDRAW macro called "Function Plotter", written by Alex Vakulenko, into X6. When upgrading from X4 to X5 I just manually placed a certain file (Plotter14.gms) into the Draw GMS folder in the program directory. Then back in CorelDRAW X5 I choose Tools > Options > Customization > Commands in order to place an icon in the toolbar, making access to the macro. It worked back then. However when I try the same procedure in X6 it doesn't work. I can see the file under "Commands" and place an icon, but nothing happens when I press the button. Maybe it has something to do with 64 bit, which from what I can see in this Forum causes a lot of trouble (scanner drivers, plugins, etc)?
This macro is extremely important for me. I have tried contacting Alex, but with no success so far. In the meanwhile I need to install X5 again..
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Sep 3, 2012
Is there a macro that turns all text on a page in curves?
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