CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Level Equalization Tool
Apr 15, 2013
Level Equalization was a tool that I used constantly in PhotoPaint 8. By version 10, it had disappeared for no obvious reason. It was a really vauable tool. Fortunately, I still have PhotoPaint 8 on the system, but it tends to introduce other problems, so I rarely go back to it. It would be handy to have that tool back. X3 has something called Local Equalization and another option called Histogram Equalization, neither of which seems to do anything useful.
In fact, both Histogram Equalization and Local Equalization thoroughly screw up any image that I test on them. I don't have a clue as to why they are even there, since they absolutely don't work, whereas the original Level Equalization worked really well.
I want to learn how to blend these pictures together so that the colors flow more naturally. They were all taken with the same camera within about a minute of each other, but the difference if appearance is mind blowing. I goofed around a bit with the Equalization options, but didn't achieve satisfactory results.
I like the effect of local equalization for some images. however I want just a hint of the effect and don't know how to get that.
In the dialog box, I move the twin sliders all the way right to 255, that seems to be the least effect, but I would like even less effect than that if possible. Is there another way to get that effect at a reduced amount?
I have a client, who have a CorelDraw X6 software. After a virus attack I try to reinstall and upgrade to the software. The installation went well, but the the 4th update has failed:
My tool box specifically- the bar which lists commands like print or save--- is suddenly gone--- don't know how to get it back with no commands to call it up
I have been using CorelDraw X6 for a couple of days now (Trial version) on a Windows 7 v32 machine. I noticed a bug in the transformation tool (Alt F10). Every time that I input a number or value on the transformation box and then press enter on my keyboard it does not change the size of my object. The only way to make it work is inputting the value and then press the apply key (I had have no problems in the pass inputting values and then changing by pressing enter on my keyboard in CorelDraw X5 whatsoever.
when using contour tool (to inside of object) it defaults to the max allowed according to the setting, and grays out "number of steps", how do you change to say you want ONE contour at say .015"? X3 will allow this, but NOT the trial I am using of X5.
Just checking thru all the stuff that I never got around to using and stumbled across the Interactive Connector Tool (ICT). However, when I try to use it, I can only get one end of the connection to actually latch onto an object. To fix the other end to another object, I apparently would have to make it the active object so that I could connect to - or even see - the nodes. But when I tried selecting both objects, the 2nd (connect to) object lost focus on my selecting the node of the connect from object with the ICT. Each time I end up with a line that is fixed to a point on the background as the connect to point and the connect from object on the other end.
I'm using CD X5, (I own it, not the trial download) and the Effects/Add Perspective menu choice is greyed out. ! Not selectable. I select the photo I want to change persp but the option is not available. I did reset the interface by pressing F8 upon load and it did change to default but still no perspective option.
Win 7 home Premium 64bit
I should add that this is the Home - Student version. Should that be any different? Nothing else has been ... yet anyway!
OK Where is it? It is not in any of the tools listed, I have mine down the left side of the page. Do I need to go somewhere else and add the tool to the tool box?
The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work as well. Did I select something to turn off the tool?
I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.
Turn off snap to objects.Now select a dimension tool and draw either a vertical or horizontal dimension line.Now notice the snapping to objects is re-enabled.How can I stop this from happening without having to keep turning of snapping while in dimensioning mode?This looks like a glitch in X4 because I don't see this problem in X5.
When I try to draw an ellipse (or circle) and drag it on to my sheet, nothing happens. All of my other shape tools work as they should. What has happened. It worked originally.
I work on CorelDraw X5, I have problems while printing an object with interactive transparent effect applied.I've converted the object to bitmap more times to apply different transparent effect in different direction.
Now when I print the file there are errors on the points highlighted by red circles. URL....I don't remember in the past to have had problems with CorelDraw 10 to use this effect.
I have been drawing the drafting lines and measurements manually and noticed the dimensions tool. Works great but when I shrink the layout for proofing the measurements change. Is there a setting that I can select that will keep the actual measurements of the drawing no matter how I resize it for proofing?
For years I have used the clone tool happily which has been great for touching up photo's on Photo-paint 12
A few days ago - imported a jpg into Paint as usual, went to use the clone tool and it just doesn't work any more. I can select the icon and the little circles come up but it just doesn't 'clone' anything. Its as if there is mysterious setting that has been turned on that just makes nothing happen.
I have reinstalled the software: no luck - still the same.
how does the erase tool work in Corel Graphics X5? I click on it and drag it around the areas I want to erase, and all I get is a new line showing me where i've dragged the eraser around.
My dimension tool seems to do whatever it wants. I will start with certain settings such as U.S. Architectural but then later it will default back to Fractional and any other settings will be changed back. How do I keep it at what I want?
On my tool barin transformation bar i had position - absolute (coordinates) and size of a selected object.
i changed something and now i have position like 0.00 x 0.00 (i think its relative position) and when i write something in position it moves relative to previous.
when i press alt+f7 i can change position relative and absolute but toolbar don't change. How to set toolbar to show me always absolute position?
I just got CorelDRAW X5 a few days ago. Until then, I had never drawn anything on a computer..Suppose I use the rectangle tool to create a box. How can I remove one of the edges ? That is, how do you remove a line-segment from a filled-object ?
I have a problem getting my 'What the Font' tool to work - we got a couple of new computers in our art dept a few months ago and ever since then when trying to use this tool I get a message saying 'this hotkey is being used already by this system Please choose another one' , we do have other hotkeys set up for our system but on our older computers we never got this conflict running the same hotkeys.
I just started using CorelDraw X5 (previously used version 10 or 12) and I can't find the Bezier tool. When I watch tutorials it looks like it should be under my curve tools, but it definitely isn't. Do I have a setting turned off or something... or is this a glitch?
After I put an envelope on some text and then adjust the envelope (i.e. curve it upwards), I was wondering if you can still adjust letters' kerning with shape tool.
Have a few questions about hotkeys. I want to change the hotkeys on most of the tools to match the ones I use in other Software. However, is there something like a "template file" for my hotkeys saved so that I can just add it to the corresponding file and the hotkeys to be applied at once each time I reinstall Draw? I wouldn't like to do it each time manually.
And lastly, Hand tool. I like how the hand tool works on Adobe software. Once you let the button of the Hand tool it automatically gives you the tool you previously had making it very handy to use. That doesn't happen with Draw though. Each time I use the hand tool i have to reselect again the tool I previously used!