AutoCad :: Make Multiple Object Flip On Themselves?
Mar 23, 2012
Is there a way to make multiple object flip on themselves? I would like to find a way to rotate multiple objects, but in actuality I want tmen to stay where they are but just rotate 180 and not based on a base point
I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.
I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.
.... so as to be able to apply a fill over the whole object??
This might sound more obvious than it actually is in this case so i'll explain. My partners artwork contains a lot of linework and unfortunately, i can't get the degree of accuracy i need with a continous path. Therefore, the problem i have is joining lots of paths (some of which have endpoints joining midway through other paths) to make a single object with the strokes preserved, so i can apply a fill to the overall object or to individual sections.
I've tried unite, join and all the other commands that i'm aware of but all give undesired effects. I've tried using a compund path but all that does is make them act as one but still doesn't do what i need with regards to filling the object.
A simplified example of what i need to achieve is this...... create a square using 4 seperate paths and then a cross through the middle using more seperate paths to create a 4 box square. I need to be able to make this one object so i can fill each individual square a different colour if need be?
I have two flips in there, one verticle, one horizontal. For some reason, whenever I tell it to flip, and then select everything in the block, it doesn't flip the other flip's arrow.
Then, when I created the second arrow, and went back to include the first flip in the second flip's Action Selection Set, it doesn't pick it up. Doesn't matter if I do "modify selection set" or "new selection set"... doesn't matter if I select everything within (blue box) or everything that touches (green box).
Yet, when I highlight the icon box, it shows everything is selected.
Can flips not flip other flips?
Additionally, I want the rotation parameter to flip on the horizontal flip (so it stays outside the block), but I can't get that into the selection either.
What am I missing with these selection parameters?
I have an object, a non-symmetrical anchor clip, that has four configurations: Left Top, Right Top, Left Bottom, Right Bottom. In the project, I can rotate the clip from the project's Top view, but when I try to rotate it from the Front, I get the message "Can't rotate element into this position." In the family (see attached), I have a Flip Control in place to flip the element right-to-left, but I can't seem to add a top-to-bottom control in an elevation view. To get the project out the door, I created a top and bottom version of the same object, but this seems redundant and makes my scheduling more difficult.
How I can either add another flip control to the family to easily flip the clip (preferably) or rotate the object in the project so that it is upside down?
Is there a way to flip face multiple times? I have lots of composite window in the external wall of my model which someone has placed the wrong way round, at the moment I’m just flipping one window at a time.
I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?
I have the words Kuhns Creations here, it is going to be the logo for my website. In the end the letters will all be the light blue color that "Kuhns" is right now, I'm just using the different colors to explain my problem. I want the pink part of the "C" to be in front of the "K", but I want the black part of the "C" to be behind the "K", giving the illusion that the "C" is passing through the "K" (this will only be visible cause of the drop shadows on both letters, since they wil both be the same color) Is there a way to do this?
I got this effect in Photoshop, but I need to do it with vectors because the size of the image that has to be uploaded to my website is so small that you lose all detail if its a bitmap (52 pixels x 103 pixels) In addition to the effect explained above I am trying to get a bevel effect. In Photoshop it works and is easy to do but in illustrator the settings are all different and anything I enter looks totally different.
The settings that I'm using in Photoshop are: Style: inner bevel, technique: smooth,depth: 1%, direction: up, size 10 px, soften 0 px, angle:,120 degrees, altitude: 30 degrees, highlight mode: screen, Opacity: 75%, shadow mode: multiply, Opacity:75%. How do I get this same effect in illustrator?
How to filter multiple object types (here, the swamp, Google, and the docs) and have come up empty handed. I have code that filters out everything except for blocks (INSERT) with a few additional parameters to exclude blocks of a certain name, but I also need to include MULTILEADERS in the selection filter.
Here is the code I have for the INSERT filter:
acTypValAr = New TypedValue() {New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT"), New TypedValue(-4, "<NOT"), _ New TypedValue(2, "BLOCKA,BLOCKB,BLOCKC,BLOCKD"), _ New TypedValue(-4, "NOT>")}
How to add MULTILEADERS to this selection filter as well?
Just wondering whether there is a way to add an object to multiple layers. For example, if I have 2 layers circles and geometries - I would like to add a circle to both these layers such that if I turned either of them on the circle would be visible.
Additionally, is it possible to Group multiple layers into a single layer, for example the above 2 layers circles and geometries and into a third or fourth layer.
Trying to find out how to copy an object multiple times in a curve. I've used microstation and it does it easily and just wandering is AC has the same type funtion without going throught 6-8 steps for each copy.
Is there a way to create a 3D object such as a motor, by using 2D sections from multiple view points? For instance, I have a side view, front view, and rear view of a motor in 2D but I would like the motor in 3D. Besides cutting one of the views in half and revolving around it or push/pulling an enclosed area a certain distance for each individual feature of the motor or extruding many faces is there a QUICK and SIMPLE way to do this?
we use Civil 3D as a design tool, and sometimes in the finished (plotted) product. We use STB (named) plot styles and layer settings to control object display.
I have a situation where I have received a drawing that is populated with Civil 3D styles already. However, in the Display tab, all the object Plot Styles are set to ByBlock. That does not seem to work properly with .STB plot style management, because the individual objects (contours, points, etc.) pick up the plot styles of their parent objects. So instead of a contour on layer V-TOPO-MAJR plotting with the layer settings of V-TOPO-MAJR, it follows the layer settings of C-TOPO, which is the layer containing the parent surface.
Is there a way to programmatically step through styles for surfaces, profile views, etc. and change the "ByBlock" setting to "ByLayer" in all styles?
Mainly, I would like to find it the "Multiple Object Select Ribbon" in the CUI editor, and change its "CONTEXTUAL DISPLAY TYPE" from FULL to MERGED, if this is possible.
I've found several people that had this problem through searching, but none of the fixes worked for me. I'm unable to use the quick select feature as it does not list anything other than "multiple". I've tried different files, different selections, repaired the installation, complete reinstall, updated with SP1 and hotfix 3 to no avail. I also have Autocad 2007 with SP 1 installed, as well as Autocad Architecture 2014, if that makes a difference.
Messing around with MAP in Civil3d 2011, creating object data for sanitary sewer manholes, how do you handle object data for inverts since there could be multiple depths and directions. Whats the best way to set it up? And what kind of addtional info should there be. And when I connect to a shp file, how do you label with multiple lines, I seem to only be able to select 1 feature to label. When zoomed out would like to view structure name and when zoomed in view name, rim elevation, invert elevations.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
if its possible to have a command which does a multiple distance? at the moment im drawing a polyline, doing a list on it then deleting it, which is a bit mudane now.
If I modify a 3D solid and it is left with two seperate pieces it is still one solid piece, even though there are two parts. My question is: What if only need one of those two sides? If I explode the object and delete the one side I cannot change the remaining object into a 3D solid. It remains as surface object.
How can make an object into a 3D solid after exploding it? I belive there is a simple command like union or some other but I can't remember.
Inventor will not let me make a hole on the top of my object. The hole conformation button is grayed out no matter what the parameters are. I have tried to extrude a hole from a circle and same deal; it will not let me extrude the circle.
I'm looking for a way to make a LISP routine that will create multiple dimstyles.I'm having difficulties creating annotative dimstyles.I would like to use the variable 'dimanno'. However, 'dimanno' is 'read only'.
How should/could I go about creating a LISP routine that will create annotative dimstyles.
I have created a new drawing template, setup all border/title blocks and dimensioning styles as I would like. Save as a template and load it up from the 'new' menu, gives me this error and I am not clear on why since I set the details in it...
Not sure what the deal is but it resets my styles to default. Do I need to make copies of those default ones and set those as in my object defaults?
I am working on CAD 2010 Civil 3D. I have a block object that I would like to make wider, but not taller. How can I do that. (Right now block is 6" wide. I'd like it to be 2-feet wide, but not change with height).
I'm working on a project, and I need to make this collection of surfaces into a single solid object. I tried using sculpt, and after a few hours of trying to find the leak, I have failed. not watertight.
Also, I need to get this thing to a cnc mill, and they keep asking me for 2d drawings, dimensions, and tolerances. I assumed the 3d file would be good enough. How to make a file ready for a cnc, and how to make 2d drawings without putting 600 measurements all over the image? Every time I try to do a 2d object, the whole thing is a mess.