AutoCad 2D :: Insert PDF - Make Sure Object Is Entered In System Registry
May 2, 2011if i try copy/paste or paste special i get this: 'failed to create object. make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
View 5 Repliesif i try copy/paste or paste special i get this: 'failed to create object. make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
View 5 RepliesI am testing using script files to automate inserting blocks for As-Built drawings. My script files run fine, but AutoCAD is placing the blocks at a location that is different than what the input on the command line shows. For instance, I am placing a block at (6,6), which is reflected in the command line, but the block is actually placed at (6,5.898). The 5.898 does not appear anywhere in my script file, and the command line even shows that (6,6) was entered for the insertion point.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy company is in the process of upgrading to AutoCAD 2013 (yes, I know 2014 is out, but IT won’t let us get the most recent because of fear of “new release bugs”). My company is small and our CAD Standards/Management is less than desirable. Over the past few years I have become the unofficial company CAD Manager and have slowly been getting us up to speed with using the latest capabilities and following best practices.
An issue that I deal with constantly is a new user not having the correct registry-saved system variables set up. This also happens a lot because our IT guy frequently reinstalls AutoCAD to fix issues. Every time AutoCAD is installed/reinstalled, all the registry-saved system variables are set to their default values. We have several that need to be set a certain way to match our current drafting standards (a few examples: .bak files turned off, plot.log files turned off, advanced attribute editor turned on, plot area relative to edge of paper, etc, etc.). Typically, I will get complaints from users about something not working correctly, and then I will troubleshoot the issue and eventually find out that they just had their AutoCAD reinstalled and their system variables are not set how they should be. Then I will get out my list and have them set all the variable s properly via the AutoCAD command line.
I have read up on creating AutoCAD Deployments (and we will be using these Deployments for this upgrade), but there does not seem to be a way to set variables when creating the Deployment.
Finally, to complicate things a little more, most of our users actually use AutoCAD LT (so no Lisp), and only a select few (like me) have full AutoCAD. So, we will be creating two separate Deployment files as it stands (which is not a big deal).
Some of my preferred criteria for the solution:
-Solution can be used for both AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT (I’m okay with there being two separate system variable “deployment” files since we will already have two different AutoCAD Deployments. I would just like the procedure for deploying both packages to be the same regardless of whether it’s for LT or full version).
- Solution would be able to be applied to each workstation without opening AutoCAD on each machine (and ideally, it would all happen when the AutoCAD Deployment installer was run!)
Is there any current best practices for accomplishing this? (maybe by changing the registry through batch files, VBscript files, etc? Or using AutoCAD script files – however, this requires the program to be open to run, which I was trying to avoid).
I want to attach a drawing (say A.dwg) and want to query some objects from it and want to draw in the current drawing. In addition to that I also want to set the coordinate system of current drawing ,same as attached drawing(A.dwg). How can I do it by using C#(Arx).
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to regroup dimensions origainally drawn with a system variable of (0) to (2) without redimensioning the object?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSometimes I get xrefs that just seem to drag the system down - also on high end systems. This especially happens if I start throwing the view-cube around. Have you got any tricks on how to make such xrefs more "easy" on the system?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a part (ipt) and I want to attach a pdf to this file. From the manage tab, Insert panel, I pick Insert Object and then browse to the pdf file. Pick the file and then OK.
Instead of it placing the pdf in my browser, I get an error "Could not Insert Object".
I made a drawing where there is is a complex part dimensioned. For this part there is also a .dxf drawing of the unfold contour.
I want to add a link to this .dxf so the person on the CNC can quickly open it. But, when I display as icon I still get a the full drawing.
Inventor 2013
I am wondering is it posible to insert object, building in surface? I draw object with box and gave it z coordinate. the goal is that it shows in profile. also, can feature line with greading be shawn in profile?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a requirement to insert PDF files via an OLE object link into a large number of .iam and .ipt files. Is there iLogic code out there that will perform this feat? The plan would be to gather all file names and associated pdfs in an excel spreadsheet and run the iLogic against that.
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
I want to Make Polyline object instead of Line object. How to change the object?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of building new machine and have a pro seat that for some reason is not showing the standard IV Icons.I have already built this machine and authorized all the softwares so I do not want to go through rebuilding to fix something so to make the system show the correct icons for all the IV file types.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to insert a word document with several pages in autocad by the OLE OBJECT function. The problem is the insert only the first page. How to follow the other pages?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen using the 'space generate' option when inserting a space, the tool automatically turns off 'object snap' and then of course it doesn't turn it back on at the end of the operation. I tend to need to switch back and forth from auto generate to polygonal insertion and having to reset object snap every time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created a leader from a block and I need to have that leader automatically insert data from an object. I have tried several attempts with a the FIELD command, but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new in the autodesk customization, I have autocad 2013 and visual studio 2010..I am interested in make a custom ribbon tab, where I can put a button.
I have found some (incomplete) samples to implement a custom ribbon tab, but I dont know how to "insert" my tab into autocad 2013, and how must I load my tab? with a command? or it can load automatically?
Running a Query that inserts a block with attributes filled with text derived from a file that has a large set of polylines with object data (text)? Is it easier just to insert this object data as text with a query. Or can I place this object data (text) into a block that inserts?
- You have land locations defined within the object data assigned to a set of closed polylines. (Large subdivision)
- Field name for object data on each closed polyline is "LAND_LOC"
- Now, I'd like to label these locations with a block that inserts to a central point within the closed polyline.
- Block Attributes with "get" the information from the polyline / object data and place this value in the block attribute.
- I have 1 drawing file that has closed polylines with object data assigned to them.
- What is the best method for this? I'd like a block with attributes to insert and pull the object data / field and place it into the block with a defined attribute, that is central to each of the closed polylines. (LAND_LOC)
I’m tying to make an Phaser system with Particle Flow.
What I would like is the following:
The particles first build up, then shoots out along a straight line even if the ship and target is moving, leaving a streak.
The phaser illuminates the scene.
Once it hits the shield (in this case), the particles spreads along this shield showing the curve in a smoke like texture.
The text that I Entered in model page, can't show in layout page. How to solve
attached file.
I would like to have the part number automatically be entered with ilogic.
Normally I know how to do this but this time I'm trying to have a couple constant letters with numbers to be filled in.
MGR is constant and the 72 will change with the width
What I thought would work but doesn't is
iProperties.Value('Project", "Part Number")="MGR" Width
As the title says, when several commands are entered very rapidly, i.e. zoom + extents (z+e), AutoCAD doesn't seem to recognise the second command. I believe there was a command that I came across a while back that adjusted the time delay between entered commands but I am unable to remember or locate it.
Any way to decrease the minimum time between entered commands?
I keep getting the following message when activating:
The serial number you entered is not valid. Try again. (Error 2)
I've been using photoshop for a while with no problems, but last night I tried and failed to cut a picture of me (snowboarding down a small slope) from photo 1, and paste this into another photo 2 (a picture of a pro jumping through the air).
After removing the professional snowboarder from the photo, using the clone tool, I pasted my picture onto the photo. Thereby making myself look like a pro. (long story about me and a competetive friend).
Alas I was massive compared to photo 2. I was bigger than the ski-slope itself. I tried to shrink myself, but my picture changed resolution, my photo wasn't cut properly, and so many other problems.
I looked through the helpfiles and found stuff about layers, but nothing about cropping, pasting, resizing.
I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.
I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.
Main question: I need the user to be able to type a command. Then use it or cancel it. Then i need them to type another lisp command. In the second command i need to know (have the string of) the previous command they typed in. How do i get that string?
What I have tried.
I have looked at "LASTPROMPT" though not extensively, and i believe it would just return "ineedhelp" if i tried that.
I have looked at "CMDNAMES" but that gives the command you're currently in.
And I have found one page on this forum titled: Command Line History Macro, but there was no answer on that post.
I could create a global variable for that string, but then I would have to put the set code in every function I create. Nope, will not.
There's a person that is going to make how-to videos on how to use some of my lisp routines.
Anyhow, I need the user to be able to type in "ineedhelp" and the lisp that runs must get the last command's string go to the shared drive and pull up the video file for that command.
I have made a lisp that opened a word file before, and if i could get the string of the previous command, i'm fairly certain that I can get the videos to work.
There will be approximately 60 lisp routine video's.
I am wanting to get a separate block to load if a third number is entered when prompted. If enter is hit or only 2 of the numbers are entered, load the other block. I couldn't even get it to do right by even equaling a specific number.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have the words Kuhns Creations here, it is going to be the logo for my website. In the end the letters will all be the light blue color that "Kuhns" is right now, I'm just using the different colors to explain my problem. I want the pink part of the "C" to be in front of the "K", but I want the black part of the "C" to be behind the "K", giving the illusion that the "C" is passing through the "K" (this will only be visible cause of the drop shadows on both letters, since they wil both be the same color) Is there a way to do this?
I got this effect in Photoshop, but I need to do it with vectors because the size of the image that has to be uploaded to my website is so small that you lose all detail if its a bitmap (52 pixels x 103 pixels) In addition to the effect explained above I am trying to get a bevel effect. In Photoshop it works and is easy to do but in illustrator the settings are all different and anything I enter looks totally different.
The settings that I'm using in Photoshop are: Style: inner bevel, technique: smooth,depth: 1%, direction: up, size 10 px, soften 0 px, angle:,120 degrees, altitude: 30 degrees, highlight mode: screen, Opacity: 75%, shadow mode: multiply, Opacity:75%. How do I get this same effect in illustrator?
Im trying to create a form in Photoshop CS2 and would like to know how to install tables (like in word) so I can format text spacing and lines.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.
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View 2 Replies View Relatedsomething weird has started happening with the text tool. When I enter text it is really small. Even at 200pt it is tiny. I have it set on the normal text tool and none of the settings are changed apart from the font size. The work area is zoomed at 100% so it is at real size.
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